How would you plan a 5000 calorie cheat day?



  • shaxmath
    shaxmath Posts: 37 Member
    all chocolate & ice cream & pizza :)
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I'm planning on making a burger with candied maple bacon with krispy kreme doughnuts as the buns...
  • pinktiger8
    pinktiger8 Posts: 130
    Looking at your diary you seem to binge on cereal a lot as it is, I feel you wouldn't need help getting to a 5K day. So if the point of this tread was to find out what others would choose to do on a huge binge day, this is what I'd do if I was inclined, though as I'm trying to lose weight I would actually want to do it.

    Eggs Benedict for breakfast
    Muffaletta for lunch
    10 course degustation with matched wines for dinner

    Yeah I eat a lot of cereal cause it's easily portion controlled and it's filling when you eat lots of it. However, it's getting boring and foolish when I look back at what I eat cause I could be eating more exciting things. So I'm trying to see what others would eat given this many calories to get some inspiration.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I don't think I've ever eaten that many calories in one day - even after marathons. The idea of it makes me a bit queasy actually. :sick: For someone of my size, that's not a cheat day. That's a full-on binge. I guess I would eat a crap ton of fried foods, a bunch of cake and donuts, sugary drinks, etc. I would not be looking forward to it, though. That would wreak havoc on my digestive tract for sure.
  • Rarity2013
    Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
    Plan?? I'd be starting out with a tequila brunch and would then be too drunk to follow any kind of plan.
  • LillyBoots
    LillyBoots Posts: 114 Member
    Why would you want to eat 5K.? Perhaps look at people's open diaries if you want some new idea's for foods to eat. We are all fat here from overeating, what could possibly be inspiring about finding ways to do that?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Is it remotely possible to eat healthful and consume 3-5k in a day...My gosh, to think of all of this FOWL stuff going into My Body after all of the hard work to get it out is like Blasphemy. So, I guess everyone's goal is NOT to be/eat Healthy. WOW

    who said anything about chicken!?
  • sangeyvang
    sangeyvang Posts: 182
    @JohnGlennn1973- Fogo De Chao is my favoriteeee!!! Just haven't been there for like a year, haha!
  • sangeyvang
    sangeyvang Posts: 182
    Um, for 5000 calories, I so would go to a sushi buffet or Chinese buffet! yummmmmm!
  • pinktiger8
    pinktiger8 Posts: 130
    Um, for 5000 calories, I so would go to a sushi buffet or Chinese buffet! yummmmmm!

    Nah no buffets. Been there, done that and the food is so forgettable. I could only top 3k at Asian buffets and the most calories I've ever had ever was 4.5k at Golden corral. This time I'd rather spread my calories throughout the day.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Um, for 5000 calories, I so would go to a sushi buffet or Chinese buffet! yummmmmm!

    Nah no buffets. Been there, done that and the food is so forgettable. I could only top 3k at Asian buffets and the most calories I've ever had ever was 4.5k at Golden corral. This time I'd rather spread my calories throughout the day.
    No offense but it sounds like you have a really unhealthy relationship with food. I'm not a fan of these'cheat' days but if you're going to do them surely the point should be to have something nice that you like. If your idea of a cheat day is just to shove 5000 calories in your body just because you can that is very unhealthy thinking.
  • divinenanny
    divinenanny Posts: 90 Member
    I don't know about a nice spread out day, but on my ultimate cheat day (aka, how I used to eat) I would have:

    BK for lunch:
    Big King
    Whopper with cheese
    Tender Crisp

    I don't know, some Mac & Cheese I guess

    MMMM, Queso with chips!!!

    I think that is about 5000 cals together, especially if you add something for breakfast and some bites in between.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    jar of nutella has about 2000 cals ;) nom
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    I wouldn't.
  • L33TBl0nde
    L33TBl0nde Posts: 54 Member
    If I had to binge that many calories, it would be by drinking loads of alcohol <3
  • Why???????? I dont understand why you go on a calorie controlled diet , to i assume, lose weight to then go and have a 5000kal splurge. dont understand the logic, just go out and have a really nice meal with a loved one or friend and enjoy it. I tried to have one day off a week from dieting, waste of time, i ate all the junk i didnt try during the week, and guess what..? yep Come Monday morning i'd put on a couple of pounds for simply being careless. Now i try to balance my sweet craving with exercise so if i want to eat that star bar i need to walk for at least 1 hour and at a good pace.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    No offense but it sounds like you have a really unhealthy relationship with food. I'm not a fan of these'cheat' days but if you're going to do them surely the point should be to have something nice that you like. If your idea of a cheat day is just to shove 5000 calories in your body just because you can that is very unhealthy thinking.


    OP, what is your reason for eating 5000 cals in a day? why THAT many cals?
  • confetti_blind
    confetti_blind Posts: 91 Member
    5k. this is a binge. are you gonna purge too?

    i do understand cos i spend most my time drooling about eating huge amounts of food with zero consequences but you know its not healthy for you to binge and so if you can try to resist the urge to binge you should cos its gonna make you feel so baaaaad afterwards

    plan something else to reward yourself with that wont make you feel so bad afterwards. like a nice shopping spree or a spa day or a manicure or something positive and nice. dont plan a binge because trust me i have done it and it did not make me feel gud

    calorie dense foods that wont rot you up inside include peanut butter, double cream, nuts, oily fish, avocado
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    yeahhh i just wouldnt...wayy too much food id prob want to throw it all up
  • mingecrackers
    mingecrackers Posts: 152
    Why the specific number? I don't think it's a good idea to have so many calories worth of unhealthy food, you're going to feel like crap for a few days after - may not be worth it :/ how about having a 2500 calorie cheat day instead?