


  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    oX_Vanessa_Xo Posts: 478
    Just now for breakfast I had 2 slices of bodywise whole wheat toast..... with marshmallows spread on it.
  • semarsh12
    semarsh12 Posts: 77 Member
    I just ate two peppermint patties with breakfast. Get the sensation.
  • Mo11yT
    Mo11yT Posts: 12
    Worst and most horrible. I have not been tracking food this week, which includes 2 bags of Mary Janes, at least a gallon of Healthy choice ice cream and an 18 count box of WW fudge cicles. but last nite, I even forgot my insulin shot and today left my other diabetes meds at home and can't go home to get them. Grrrrr.
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    OK OK I admit it! I ate a piece of cornbread before bed last night, and I DIDN'T LOG IT! :-((((((( *crying at the computer....
  • saraknotts
    saraknotts Posts: 37 Member
    I ate good all day, was set to meet my calorie goal. Then the kids and hubby wanted to go to CiCi's (which I don't eve like). I may or may not have eaten countless pieces of pizza, breadsticks, all dipped in ranch, followed by the warm gooey cinnamon roll thingies. Wow, that felt good to get off my chest :-)
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    Hmm- Last night I burned over 600 calories and came hone to eat a bowl of strawberries, greek yogurt, and melted semi sweet chocolate chips. I stayed under my calorie goal, but feel guilty about the chocolate at bed time. I think I might have not logged a snack size almond joy about a week and a half ago. But I try to log everything even if it's bad.
  • silverinc13
    silverinc13 Posts: 216 Member
    Everyday I sneak a few mini robins eggs or mini cadbury chocolate eggs and don't log them ... it's only about 40 calories but they are so sneaky goooood. :)
  • mfleeg
    mfleeg Posts: 137 Member
    I just finished insanity and this isn't a food related confession, but....

    I will confess that I am always the "big girl" among my friends. Always! Not sure how that happens, but I feel like one of the friends I have made at work that I always joke around with and is a great cubicle buddy is inadvertently making me feel bad about myself. She tells me it is just as hard for her to gain weight as it is for me to lose weight! she can eat and eat and eat and will still stay a size 1. It's frustrating, because I just don't think the two should be compared. I am struggling to try to lose weight and tone up!

    It's mot just that though. there are other moments, too... like I have my degree in finance and have been getting interviews to advance within my field and she will make comments about how I am "lucky" because she won't get interviews, not that I actually have qualifications. (I have a degree and five years experience.... and she has about four years experience).

    I don't think she means it, but sometimes it makes me feel bad about myself.
  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member
    I've eaten ice cream cones every day for the past several days... and they were delicious! I also ate chocolate birthday cake tonight and Mcdonalds a few days ago... and I regret nothing!
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    Oh man.... forgive me food gawds for i have sinned...


    While not a confession regarding something I specifically indulged in (and feel 'guilty' about ;) ), I nonetheless do hereby confess to the following food-related realities which, were they to be admitted to any random stranger -- versus the understanding folks here on MFP -- I might be deemed in need of 'some help'... ;)

    1) any time I see those adorable twisty-wrappered pieces of 'torturous beckoning' otherwise known as Tootsie Rolls (and specifically, the 'mini' version thereof), the interior dialogue that spontaneously commences, in which the proverbial 'devil on one shoulder' ("oh, they're so tiny, they must be harmless... take as many as you'd like..."), and 'angel' on the other ("you know what the ingredient list is... how appetizing does that sound?"), begin their twisted 'debate', and keeps me temporarily distracted, until I summon the will to 'move on'... and then quickly feel a sense of Wonder Woman -like 'power' and a desire to 'high five myself', as I walk out of whatever place of business it happens to be... and I continue on my way, with head held high, and some 'badass' in my step, wishing that "Eye of the Tiger" were accompanying my 'victory', while I make my way to the car, feeling as though I just 'slayed a dragon', ... ;)

    2) now change the 'locale' to: driving past a McDonald's, and McDonald's french fries being the 'dragon' -- that's akin to the 'Tootsie Roll kryptonite' issue multiplied by an incalculable number... a non-numeric 'quantification' that ends up being somewhere in the vicinity of 'Tootsie Roll dilemma on crack'... and instead of an angel and a devil having a 'debate', my mind seems to turn to a 'silent radio' broadcast of sorts, with various 'nutrient' profile facts being thrust to the forefront, and doing its best to 'battle' the seemingly 'hallucinated' fry 'taste' that my tastebuds begin torturing themselves with... continuing past the relevant McDonald's then feels like having just slamdunked a basketball so hard that the backboard breaks (well, that is, if I knew what it actually felt like to do such a thing ;) )...

    3) any time I allow myself a 'we interrupt this carefully managed game plan to bring you this message... you're about to eat some Little Caesar's pizza... and get your pepperoni fix taken care of...' moment, I buy one of their Pepperoni and Cheese pizzas (the cheapest version only selectable in size = Large), sit in my car, and after I carefully extract one lone piece (albeit whatever qualifies as 'the largest' ;) ), and then eat it as slowly as I can, while relishing every freakin' molecule of it that makes contact with a tastebud, I then... immediately drive to a friend's house, to drop off the remainder of the pizza (so that I don't eat it), and while they celebrate their 'lotto'-like food 'win' ;), I immediately exit the premises, feeling 'torn' about my 'custody arrangement' (lol), and as I make my way down the steps of their porch, I feel as though I should then be stepping behind a podium of some kind, to address a small crowd, and then taking a few questions from reporters (lol), regarding my 'monumental' accomplishment... ;)

    I'm so glad that 'thought bubbles', ala cartoons and comics, don't actually exist -- the embarrassment that would result from anyone 'seeing' what goes through one's mind when 'resisting temptation' is something I'd rather not think about... lol ;)
  • pamla77
    pamla77 Posts: 36 Member
    .. i stop logging on my free day as soon as i hit my cal goal for the day, which is usually wayyyy before dinner. : /

    I dream constantly about eating potato chips and wake up feeling guilty... and bloated. lol

    I get angry when my kids eat things that i want but can't have in front of me, and make them take it to another room.

    obviously a hot topic! haha good post OP
  • juliana0813
    juliana0813 Posts: 49
    I might've made an entire batch of brownies and at them all the other night..
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    That is so funny. I did not realize that people I would consider a relatively normal weight could eat so much. I thought only big people like me had these kinds of problems.

    I've been doing really good for the past month and a half since I started. Not all of what I eat is healthy, but if it is under my calories I don't really worry about it. Today I had Taco Bell and about a week ago I had Pizza Hut. I like dark chocolate too. I justify that by telling myself that it is good for me.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    wow .so w hat are u doing on here?????????????
    u should come back whennu are serious about losing weight
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I might've made an entire batch of brownies and at them all the other night..

    I have done that but I did not even eat the cooked brownies just the batter. One of my favorite desserts is chocolate cookies with peanut butter chips. I can eat a whole batch of those. I have not had those in a long time.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    dont have confessions
    im here to lose weight and thats what im doing i dont cheat and i stay under caleries and exercise thats what im here for
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    wait Mcdonalds has chocolate chip cookies???? Why am I just hearing about this now?

  • wow .so w hat are u doing on here?????????????
    u should come back whennu are serious about losing weight

    Just because you ate a BUTT LOAD of stuff in one day, does not mean you are
    not serious about losing weight. Everyone has those types of days! Just saying.

    AAAAAND, I was tempted into the chinese buffet tonight and had 3 pieces of
    chicken on a stick, some coconut shrimp, two little sponge cake roll things, one
    and a half pieces of this small cake that was AMAZING, a small piece of what
    they called "marinated steak" but it was NOT steak, a cheese wonton, a roll with
    honey butter on it, peaches, half a kiwi and sweet tea.

    Chinese is my downfall. AND I am only human!
  • JuliesZenpuppy7400
    JuliesZenpuppy7400 Posts: 127 Member
    So far I've been good and logged all of my food but feeling sad and lonely because of some personal family stuff and seriously considering being bad BUT with weigh in day looming tomorrow maybe just going to bed early...who knows!!!

    Don't get too down on yourself!! Everybody needs a cheat day and tomorrow is a new day with a clean slate!!!!
  • redrose129
    redrose129 Posts: 57 Member
    I may or may not have consumed:

    2 almond granola bars
    2 glasses of wine
    2 1/4in. slices of pound cake
    1 bagel w/ 4 tbsp cream cheese, 2 oz. lox, and lettuce & tomato
    1 large black coffee
    1 service of dark chocolate almonds
    1 chobani frozen greek yogurt pop

    tomorrow.....a better day......