HCG progress and updates - for people on it or thinking abou



  • Hi,

    I am very interested in learning more about HCG. Will you please send me some resources?

    Thank you,
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    Weaklink - thanks for that link. It made a lot of sense. Now, I just have to figure out what I will do since I'm doing the hhcg. Maybe I'll keep with the drops and use them as loading days - lol
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    My advice to you is to try to always use the entry for the specific brand of food you are using. As you can see, there is a HUGE difference between entries.

    Yes, I chose the wrong entry. Someone put the wrong information in the database.............

    All fixed now.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Weaklink - thanks for that link. It made a lot of sense. Now, I just have to figure out what I will do since I'm doing the hhcg. Maybe I'll keep with the drops and use them as loading days - lol

    No that doesn't sound ANYTHING like an excuse to eat...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Seriously, that might be an option, but what happens if it carries on for longer than two days? I didn't read all the details in the link that I posted, so I am asking so you will have a "plan B" if you need it.

    Lioness, Glad you got your diary straightened out.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Ok, I am on R1P2VLCD2 and I am down 2.6 pounds. Not too bad considering I didn't get all of my water in for the day. I was starving yesterday, so I must have messed up some where in my 2 1/2 load days............I am thinking I didn't eat enough fat.

    How long is it going to take for the hungries to go away??? I am dying over here. I feel good as far as energy goes, just hungry!!

    Wondering if its because I am used to eat a LOT due to eating low carb???
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    I was really just joking. My plan is to stick with the vlcd and stop taking the hhcg on the two heavy days. Since your body naturally produces hcg during the TOM, I should avoid any unpleasantness. I have not posted any weight loss for 3 days now. I am just hoping that when this is over I'm "magically" down 5 pounds.

    I am, despite drinking, retaining a lot of water. I need to try and find a good natural diuretic. I'm already doing caffine, lemon and cucumber ...
  • Ok, I am on R1P2VLCD2 and I am down 2.6 pounds. Not too bad considering I didn't get all of my water in for the day. I was starving yesterday, so I must have messed up some where in my 2 1/2 load days............I am thinking I didn't eat enough fat.

    How long is it going to take for the hungries to go away??? I am dying over here. I feel good as far as energy goes, just hungry!!

    Wondering if its because I am used to eat a LOT due to eating low carb???

    I was also very hungery on my VLCD2 but it was much better by day 3, not sure why it was i didn't do anything different. Well good luck ope today is better. :smile:
  • Slim115
    Slim115 Posts: 20
    hi, some suggestions would be, cherries an strawberries sprinkled with stevia type zero calorie sweetner (yum!) also what ever you do (im in my last week) don't cheat!!! it derails your progress! keep in contact, i would love to know your progress. aslo the protocol says only chicken breast, i have been eaten bonless thigh with great success.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Ok, I am on R1P2VLCD2 and I am down 2.6 pounds. Not too bad considering I didn't get all of my water in for the day. I was starving yesterday, so I must have messed up some where in my 2 1/2 load days............I am thinking I didn't eat enough fat.

    How long is it going to take for the hungries to go away??? I am dying over here. I feel good as far as energy goes, just hungry!!

    Wondering if its because I am used to eat a LOT due to eating low carb???

    I was also very hungery on my VLCD2 but it was much better by day 3, not sure why it was i didn't do anything different. Well good luck ope today is better. :smile:

    From researching things dealing with the low carb lifestyle I lead, I believe it is because it takes the body about 3 days to get into ketosis (fat burning mode) and once there, ketosis is a natural appetite suppresent.
  • I am doing the HCG drops as well. I went from 145lbs to 136lbs (today's morning weight) since July 20th (I started loading & HCG in the evening)... It's totally working!

    I had gone through a rough pregnancy where I was on bed rest for most of it and was unable to get up or do anything. The weight seriously was not moving anywhere and I had been doing all kinds of exercise & walking for months since I've had the baby so this is amazing to me!

    Good luck to you all!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I am doing the HCG drops as well. I went from 145lbs to 136lbs (today's morning weight) since July 20th (I started loading & HCG in the evening)... It's totally working!

    I had gone through a rough pregnancy where I was on bed rest for most of it and was unable to get up or do anything. The weight seriously was not moving anywhere and I had been doing all kinds of exercise & walking for months since I've had the baby so this is amazing to me!

    Good luck to you all!

    Yay congrats!!!

    Are you doing shots or sublingual? or Homeopathic HCG?
  • Sublingual HCG :)
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Welcome turtleshelll!! Congrats on the new addition and I am here to tell you that the weight can be gone!! I weighed 262 on August 5th when we entered the hospital to deliver our twin girls. Here I am 11 months later and 100 lbs less!!!

    Never felt so good in my whole life! I have everything!

    Including a new scale! My kids waterlogged my old trusty electronic scale last night :sad: Talk about a meltdown. I couldn't have been more upset if the house had actually burned down. So I woke up today with no way of weighing myself - so I ate 2 scrambled eggs with a sprinkle of cheese for breakfast and my coffee creamer and refused to eat anything else until I got the new scale home. I was/am terrified of the difference the new scale might make - but it said 160.6 (without clothes and before lunch) - so I will go with that weight for today. Whew - I hope it is reasonably close to the other scale (RIP).
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    I've recently heard of this phenomenon and i have a question, what happens when you come off of the drops...how do you maintain all the weight you've lost? i'm a bit confused as to how this approach works!
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    I've recently heard of this phenomenon and i have a question, what happens when you come off of the drops...how do you maintain all the weight you've lost? i'm a bit confused as to how this approach works!

    Ive been wondering the same thing...certainly living off only 500 calories isnt a lifestyle that anyone would want to maintain forever, so what happens when you come of the diet? How long is the entire program? I dont know, but it just doesnt seem healthy to me to eat so little, even if you dont feel hungry, it just seems unsafe to me....ive not done extensive research into it either so what do I know huh? I just worry for folks who come off of this and then gain a bunch of weight back.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I HIGHLY recommend reading Dr. Simeons' book 'Pounds & Inches'. He is a British MD that developed this protocol back in the 1960's. His book is the BIBLE of HCG. The book is in the public domain and the PDF is widely available on the internet. It's only 43 pages, but it's packed with nuggets of info. I'll save you the Google search:


    The Phases:

    Phase 1: Loading phase. This phase lasts 2-7 days (the duration is a personal preference). I did 3 days and personally thought I couldn't do a 4th. The main goal in P1 is to eat. Eat FATTY foods. Eat LOTS of FATTY foods.You begin to take your HCG the first day of P1 - this is paramount!!! You eat to capacity as many times as you can stand. The purpose is to load your bloodstream with food to ease into the VLCD (very low calorie diet). If you don't feel full anymore, eat again. I gained 4 pounds in these 3 days, but it's okay because I lost 3.2 the day of P2!!! Don't worry about gaining weight here because it's the WHOLE POINT. You will be so SICK of eating after P1 that P2 is a welcomed change. My wife and I ate out almost every meal and had a large chocolate milkshake with every meal. Also, P1 is when you start weighing yourself daily immediately following your first morning pee. I highly suggest investing in a good quality digital scale that shows tenths of a pound. Those tenths of a pound are crucial!

    Phase 2: The VLCD. This phase last 23 or 43 days, depending on your personal preference and the amount of weight you need to lose.This phase is difficult at first. Forget anyone that says that they aren't hungry at all during this phase. I was starving the first 2 days. It gets better with day 3 on. Be aware that the amount of loading you do in P1 has a lot to do with your your hunger the first few days of P2. I also had a headache the first day. It's your hypothalamus reacting to the hormone effects. It goes away after about a day or two. The dietary guidelines are on page 23 of the PDF and are VERY strict. My wife & I have done testing here & there to see what works and what doesn't. Let me tell you that there isn't much that isn't on that list that's okay to eat. The biggest thing that we came up with is that broccoli and cauliflower ARE considered cabbage, so they are permitted...in moderation. Diet soda DOESN'T work. 1 bottle put me into a 3 day stall. Anything with high fructose corn syrup will make you GAIN weight. I learned that one the hard way. Once a week or so, we substitute cottage cheese or the "1 whole egg + 2 egg whites" formula for one of our proteins. We don't lose as much weight those days, but we consider it a necessary evil. Neither one of us eats fish or seafood, so our protein choices are reduced to chicken, beef, or veal. That's not a whole lot of variety. You may drink coffee, water, or tea in any amounts at any time, but you shouldn't exceed 2.5 liters in a day. You start to risk hyper-hydration past that point. P2 encompasses 40 days of HCG injections + 3 days that you continue to observe the VLCD WITHOUT HCG doses. This gives your body time to eliminate the HCG from your system so you don't see adverse effects after you increase your calorie intake. Also, be aware that anything you use on your skin that contains animals fats (ie lotions, makeup, shampoo/conditioner) are off-limits during P2. There is some disparity as to some of the other personal hygiene products. Some people say to only use crystal deodorant & other all-natural hygiene products found in the "hippy aisle" at your grocery store. My personal experience is that this is BS. Those are normally the people that walk around smelling like a musty forest. Yuck! I have been using the same soap, deodorant, and hair care products I've always used and I am completely satisfied with my weight loss. Could I lose more if I changed to these other hygiene products? Maybe, but I'm not willing to switch to a product that may or may not work just to lose an extra 0.3 lbs a day. Take from that what you will.

    Phase 3: The maintenance phase. This phase lasts 21-40 days (strictly personal preference or the results you see on the scale). This is the Phase where Dr. Simeons theorizes that your "weight point" is reset, signaling a change in your metabolism through your hypothalamus. Your food choices open up some. All animal proteins are allowed, as are eggs, cheese, all vegetables, good fats, and all low-sugar fruits. NO sugars or starches are allowed, including potatoes, beans, bread, pasta, rice, or oats. You whole goal during P3 is to stay within 2 pounds of your LIW (last injection weight - the weight you were the day after your last dose of HCG). You adjust your eating style based on your morning weight. If you lost 2 pounds, eat a little more calories. If you gained 2 pounds, eat a little less. You may start integrating organic starches or sugars during your last week of P3

    If you wish to do another round of HCG doses to lose more weight, do a 40-day P3 session and then start over at P1. Yes, the load days again. Take advantage of these days to eat whatever you've been craving for the last 3-1/2 months! If you are at or near your target weight, you may move onto Phase 4 and continue losing those last few pounds using calorie-counting or exercise.

    Phase 4. The integration phase. This phase starts once you decide to stop P3. Sugars & starches are allowed IN REASONABLE AMOUNTS. You are encouraged to eat organic foods & AVOID the processed, sugary crap that made us all fat to begin with. I highly recommend you use the BMR tools on MFP to find the right BMR for your body and use that as your calorie barometer. I plan to continue to use the MFP diet tracker to count my calories. I would also suggest continuing to weigh yourself daily and adjusting your calorie intake based on your daily result, just like in P3.

    Most people choose P4 to reset their food definitions. Their cravings for HFCS, fast food, soda, candy, and other unhealthy crap have been dispelled and they are now craving healthy foods like fruit, vegetables, and water. Why go back to that other life? Choose now to eat healthy and prevent having to do this ever again! Congratulations - this is the rest of your life!!!

    I hope you got some of the answers you were looking for. If you have ANY other questions, I'm always here - and NO topic is off-limits. I spent 9 years in the US Army & I've been married collectively for 10 years, so I don't embarrass easily. To breach a few of the 'touchy' ones: condoms can only be used if they are non-lubricated. Yes, that also means that you can't use KY or any other lube. Oral contraception is the only 'medication' birth control allowed. Any BC that uses hormones (NuvaRing, Norplant, Depo) shouldn't be used. No, you don't take the HCG doses during your period. Your body naturally produces it during your heavy flows and you'll just be wasting the product. Let your body be your guide. Once you start getting hungry, you may resume the doses. Because your body produces a lower amount than your dose, be prepared to stall or even gain a little weight 3-5 days after your heavy flow days.
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    wow thanks for posting that...I’m going to have to wrap my brain around it for a little while. My thing is, is that it just seems like your setting your body up for failure. if you can't restrict yourself off of HCG why/how can you while you're on it? because of the immediate results? I guess that would be a good motivator...but how are you going to be able to restrict yourself when you get to P4? Its suggested that you eat organic and stay away from processed foods? what tools is Dr. Simeons providing you with besides instant, seemingly artificial results to help you navigate through the world of food after you are no longer feeding your body "appetite suppressants." are there any graduates here that can speak to their experience?
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    wow thanks for posting that...I’m going to have to wrap my brain around it for a little while. My thing is, is that it just seems like your setting your body up for failure. if you can't restrict yourself off of HCG why/how can you while you're on it? because of the immediate results? I guess that would be a good motivator...but how are you going to be able to restrict yourself when you get to P4? Its suggested that you eat organic and stay away from processed foods? what tools is Dr. Simeons providing you with besides instant, seemingly artificial results to help you navigate through the world of food after you are no longer feeding your body "appetite suppressants." are there any graduates here that can speak to their experience?

    Basically - Here is a little bit of the science behind it all.............

    The HCG puts your body into a fat burning mode like extremely low carb eating does............when your body starts burning fat, you go into a ketogenic state or ketosis............

    Ketosis is a natural appetite suppressant. The HCG also resets your Hypothalamus, which is kind of like a memory chip if you will that tells your body where to stay weight wise..............So, you will have a lower set point and therefore you will be able to maintain the weight loss.........

    i suggest reading, reading and re-reading the Pounds and Inches Manuscript.
  • ephay
    ephay Posts: 74
    G'afternoon Happy Forum people! Two questions for you today:

    1. Has anyone else strayed oh-so-slightly & had dill pickles? I did last night (I probabably had a very good-sized {about 6" long} pickle but it was in slice-form) and I got up this morning and TWO POUNDS popped back on my scale!!!!

    I've had pickles 2 or 3 times before (I'm on day 36) and didn't see any effect so I went ahead and had them again. Admittedly, I KNOW I ate too many but didn't think it would bugger my progress. Anyone this far along knows how frustrating it is when progress is impeded...any feedback is welcome!

    Anyone else seen this result?

    2. Is everyone waiting a full 6-weeks between round 1 and round 2? I had a girl-friend who stopped round 1 injections at 26 days, no-carbed for 2 weeks, added carbs for 1 week and then started injections again. She dropped another 10lbs in the same fashion as the first round. I'm making assuptions on the manuscript but I'm assuming that the first 3 weeks is an adjustment period for your body to get used to using food for it's intake instead of fat and then the second 3 weeks to ensure that the hypthymus is properly reset. But...it's all assumed. Anyone have any solid feedback?
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Posted a 1 lb. loss this morning. In my last post, I said I was at 9 lbs. lost, but apparently, I can't subtract very well. At that point, it was EIGHT lbs. NOW I am at nine, and on day 9 of VLCD, so that isn't bad. Beats the heck out of GAINING 9 in half the time!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I agree w/Rob's assessment of shampoo, and deodorant changes. The one thing I did do was change the product I put in my bath water to one without oil--figured why tempt fate--and the other product is something I like and have used before. I also changed to an oil free cleanser and oil-free moisturizer.

    I have been using apricots for fruit, because, even though I love strawberries, I don't want to eat them every meal, same with apples. I haven't noticed any problems. My biggest problem has been craving melba toast in the evenings!!:noway: Really a pain in the posterior!!!

    Hunger hasn't been a big problem the past few days, but I am sure getting sick of seeing food ads everywhere I turn. Today I have to grocery shop for my mom, so I wisely decided to do so right after eating. No reason to tempt fate.

    Congrats, Lioness on getting off to a good start. The hungries will pass. I suggest , coffee, green tea, water, to take the edge off.

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