Too Old For a Bikini?



  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Whatever makes you happy.

  • hoppinglark
    hoppinglark Posts: 213 Member
    You do, what makes You happy.
    If you try to make other people happy, you never will.
  • aerynth
    aerynth Posts: 34 Member
    Age nor body type should matter. How to tell if you have a bikini body: do you have a body? Yes? Do you want to wear a bikini? Yes? You have a bikini body!

    It's nobody else's place to EVER dictate what someone should wear. If you don't like it, don't wear it yourself.
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    I think it depends on the person and how they feel about themselves. I have NEVER been a bikini person and NEVER will be no matter if I'm fat or skinny!!!

    Have to agree with this... Don't think I have ever worn one in my life and I doubt I ever will. It's just not for me.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,170 Member
    my grandma who is obese and past 60 wears a bikini. and so do a lot of old ladies in ukraine. granted, not something i wanna see but do whatever you want
  • slender20
    slender20 Posts: 33 Member
    Should women stop wearing bikinis at a certain age?

    No, if you feel good about yourself show off your figure!After all, who has the right to tell us women how to look and what to wear?
  • slender20
    slender20 Posts: 33 Member
    Age nor body type should matter. How to tell if you have a bikini body: do you have a body? Yes? Do you want to wear a bikini? Yes? You have a bikini body!

    It's nobody else's place to EVER dictate what someone should wear. If you don't like it, don't wear it yourself.

  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    Why should it matter? After all, you wear the bikini (or less) to be comfortable in the heat and get sun on your skin - which is vital to build resistance and vitamin D stores for the winter to come.

    Around here you'll see all sizes and ages of women with or without bikinis. Actually you'll be more likely to see topless women 50 and up than 30 and down, and the nude beaches (which basically means any beach where you don't lie right next to everybody else) show naked bodies of all types, genders, ages and modifications. And the ladies 70+ in the neighbourhood will happily sport their bikinis in the block's common back garden too, sunning, chatting and having drinks with their friends, on sunny warm days.

    You won't see them doing that on the street of the city though. There they will be elegant, fashionable and cool - also no matter size and age.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Its all about confidence - personally even when I was 'curvier' for want of a better word I still looked better in a bikini that a one piece - personal choice really :)
    I'm still not overly slim but I WILL rock that bikini this summer for sure :-D
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
  • I remember my grandmother back in her 60s wore a bikini and she looked good!!! I plan on wearing one for years to come and I'm 34.
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    This is a tough one for me. I know there are some 60 year olds out there with rocking bodies, but I just think it's strange. One-pieces are so cute these days that they don't have to look frumpy, but I just don't want to see their belly buttons. However, when I'm 60 I hope I can even consider wearing one, so I'm torn. I think it's more my problem than theirs, but at least I admit! haha
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    My mom rocked a bikini until she was in her early 50's!!

    I might once I get to goal but would definitely go with the higher waisted vintage/retro look. My stomach wil never recover from the years of being obese and yo-yo dieting enough for me to show in a regular bikini but I could see myself wearing one of those. I've been thinking about something like that since Sara Rue did her Jenny Craig bikini commercials, actually:

    I am that age now, and definitely planning to wear my bikini until I forget where I put it. Then I'll just not bother and wear or not wear what ever, as I won't remember being embarassed at all.
  • scc29
    scc29 Posts: 4
    i think if you feel good, or simply want a tan over most of the body, go for it. people are all too ready to decided what clothing is appropriate for certain ages etc... its how you wear something and how you feel that counts x:smile:
  • scc29
    scc29 Posts: 4
    Quote from previoius

    I hope not; I've never in my life worn a one piece bathing suit (well, unless it was just the bottoms....) and I don't intend to start any time soon

    i totally agree!
  • I think it is what ever you feel comfortable in. I plan on rocking my bikini this year and I am 45. We have a pool and I am within an hours drive to the beach, even at my heaviest I still wore mine, I did however buy a tankini, I would wear it to be a little more conservative around my sons friends when they came over, surely didn't have the need to be flaunting it around 20 something year olds that pretty much grew up in my to say it but even at my heaviest I felt like I still looked better then some of the 20 something year old girls!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I think there is a huge difference between "Should someone..." and "Does someone have the right to....."

    Just because I feel comfortable in a "Wife-Beater" tee shirt, doesn't mean that anyone wants to see my gut hanging out. So go ahead and beat me up, but there is a huge difference between Helen Mirren wearing a bikini at her age and Roseanne Barr.

    No, absolutely not. Roseanne Barr should not wear a bikini in public. At least I don't want to see it. This question isn't about Civil Rights.
  • JessFox33
    JessFox33 Posts: 66 Member
    IMO as long as you have a bikini body = no stretch marks, sagging skin, or fat rolls go for it, but I do think ppl need to be mindful of other ppl when before u leave the house take a good look in the mirror and make sure u dress for your body type bc we really don't need to see all your flaws. *Not u specifically just ppl in general. It's a common courtesy that ppl around here dnt understand. >_<
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    We are never too old to do anything we want that we are able to do! That said, it depends on the body, not the age.:happy:
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I think there is a huge difference between "Should someone..." and "Does someone have the right to....."

    Just because I feel comfortable in a "Wife-Beater" tee shirt, doesn't mean that anyone wants to see my gut hanging out. So go ahead and beat me up, but there is a huge difference between Helen Mirren wearing a bikini at her age and Roseanne Barr.

    No, absolutely not. Roseanne Barr should not wear a bikini in public. At least I don't want to see it. This question isn't about Civil Rights.

    Agreed it isn't a civil rights issue. It's not about "should wear" or "can wear." It's about what they "want to wear". If they "want to wear" then both of the above apply they "can wear" and "should wear"!

    I said it before and I'll said it again, "If you don't like it then don't look at it".