Starting 30 Day Shred today - 7/20 - anyone in?



  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    I'm just about to do my Day 6.

    Each time I turn off the DVD after completing level one I tell Jillian to f*#k off when she congratulates me for finishing.
    Is that bad?

    I did just drop 4lbs so I guess Jillian isn't all bad..
  • AMcMaster
    AMcMaster Posts: 41 Member
    Can u tell me about the 30 day shed....i want into please...what needs to be done?? PLEASE
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Jmun - I think swearing at Jillian is part and parcel to the workout!!! :laugh: You are so lucky you've lost! I have not lost ONE POUND. NOT ONE! Its really getting me down but I'm trying to just keep my eye on the end and not worry about 'right now'. I've been at or under my cals, just did day 6 of the L1 and no weight loss. Just stays right at the same place. :noway:

    AMc - We're all talking about the DVD by Jillian Michaels - The 30 Day Shred. Its a 22 minute workout that is intense from start to finish. She does 3 circuits of the following: 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, 1 min of abs. She repeats it 3 times. (plus a warm up and cool down for 2 mins each). It is no joke but since its only 22 mins you just plug through it and are done before you know it! All you need is the DVD, a place to workout (you'll need a mat if you're going to workout on a hard surface since you'll be doing ab work), and hand weights. She recommends 5lbs weights but a lot of people found that too tough to start (me being one of them!). I used two cans of soup as hand weights!! :wink:
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    don't despair flippy. I too was stuck at a weight for awhile and then I woke up this morning and was amazed.
    for the last 4 days my whole core has been burning. I knew that the exercise was working but I just wasn't seeing it on the scale. I was constantly aware of my core muscles and could feel them changing.. I'm glad I stuck with it!

    I did add an additional 20 mins of cycling to my days to bring my daily exercise up to 40 mins.
  • EmilyV80
    EmilyV80 Posts: 60 Member
    I did L1D3 last night. I hadn't done it since last Thursday (I ran Friday and Monday and took the weekend off) so I was well rested. It is still rough to get through but I'm not sore this morning! I can't do all the front fly things in the second set though. :tongue:
  • reesegirl521
    I know alot of you all are already on level too. But I'd like to join in!! I had started it but was just mixing it in with my morning routines and varying what days I did it. But I'd like to try doing it all 5 days that I hit the gym. So tonight is my evening gym time and I'll get started back on level 1 today. I hit level 2 a few weeks ago when I first started it and it was like getting my butt kicked again all over again!! So I'm definitely going to start in at level 1 and hopefully by a week I'll be ready to move back up! Good luck all!
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Okay so last night was L1D6 and I cant beleive I am saying this but I didn't feel nearly as tired and "worked out" as the past few days. I didn't do it lightly either i just think its time to go to level 2 but im scared. I will decide after tonights worlout..................I absolutly hate the last ab move, the bicycle crunch. I dont think I am doing it right, maybe im just not corrdinated enough for it...............I have lost 4 lbs since starting last monday, but I dont just workout to the 30 day shred either. I also do 25 minutes of Cardioke right after. So thats helped out alot to. Oh well, today is day 7 and I am really proud of myself for sticking with it. I think I expected myself to quite after a few days.
  • kpie11
    kpie11 Posts: 53
    I'm just about to do my Day 6.

    Each time I turn off the DVD after completing level one I tell Jillian to f*#k off when she congratulates me for finishing.
    Is that bad?

    I did just drop 4lbs so I guess Jillian isn't all bad..

    LOL this is HILARIOUS! I feel the same way. I just finished L1D4 and I can already feel the difference. I don't have anything to measure myself with but I did get on the scale yesterday and I was down 3 pounds since Friday. I guess Jillian is no joke. I still think she's evil though!!!
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    ..................I absolutly hate the last ab move, the bicycle crunch. I dont think I am doing it right, maybe im just not corrdinated enough for it...............I have lost 4 lbs since starting last monday, but I dont just workout to the 30 day shred either. I also do 25 minutes of Cardioke right after. So thats helped out alot to.

    today was D6L1 for me.

    Bicycle crunch. Like WTF? Who are those women and how can they move so fast? Today I managed to get about 5 "cycle" crunches in before tangling myself up in my own legs and cursing my general fatness and lack of coordination. So I did some regular crunches instead of just collapsing in a sweaty mess on the floor as I watched Jillian in horror & awe.

    I just started doing 20-25 mins of bicycling in the evenings for extra cardio. Shred in the morning. Bike in the evening.
  • Raynedancer
    Raynedancer Posts: 96 Member
    May I jump in, please? Today I am at L1D2 of Jillians Shred. I am 59 years old and this workout is really tough. The hardest part for me? .... jumping jacks....where did my coordination go to? And jump rope is difficult for me also. Sure, I understand the theory of have to get UP before you come down...right? Lol. :laugh: Well...I will struggle through this and I will way or another, I will get there :smile:

    ( I actually just joined this site a couple of days ago when my daughter told me about it. Again, she gave me a heads-up about this workout ;) This is a fantasitic site and I find myself checking in often. And this thread is fantastic! I do not feel alone nor discouraged after reading everyone's entries. Thanks so much and good luck to everyone :smile:
  • sarahlauren2010
    I am doing the 30DS also and i LOVE LOVE LOVE it! im on D6 L1 and i can actually get through it pretty well now!
    i was wondering if anyone is seeing any results from it?

    also i ordered her biggest loser last chance workout dvd and i was wondereing if anyone has every used it or knows anyone that has?
  • Southerngal
    I started the 30 day shred on Monday(26th). I'm on day 3 level 1. OMG....I about died the first day. The second day was a little bit easier. And I'm getting ready to do my day 3...wish me luck:smile:
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Glad to see so many new faces!!! Welcome Welcome!! :flowerforyou:

    For those of you just starting it DOES get easier. Right now my frustration is lack of weight results. My scale has not budged a bit. But from what I'm told that can be normal if you've never really worked out before - your muscles are clinging to water and nutrients for their dear little lives. :happy: All I can hope is that in 4 days when I'm done with L1 and I re-check my measurements that there's some good changes there. I feel a little different in my clothes but I wonder if that's just wishful thinking or the real deal?

    I will say that today I'm letting myself have a splurge day (hence my food diary - and it will get worse when I get home) but I just need a day to say "to hell with it" and then jump back on track tomorrow!! :drinker:

    ETA: I also just got her Power Yoga DVD - I've heard its not really true Power Yoga - more like Yoga moves set to a cardio workout. Hmmm we'll see.....:huh:
  • am_lowe
    am_lowe Posts: 113
    today was L1D4 for me! feeling a little less winded now and my legs are a lot less sore. i haven't done any real/consistant exercise in years, so i'm really impressed with how much i'm liking this. with 4 days on level 1, plus the 30min of treadmill for extra cardio on days 2-4, i've lost 4 pounds. !! i'm telling myself that's just water though... =)

    just remembered another favorite part - every time jillian says "hit the floor!" lol
    this thread is fantastic! I do not feel alone nor discouraged after reading everyone's entries.

    i'll second my iowamama! this thread has been *so* awesome! thanks for the inspiration ladies, and congrats on everyone's hard work! i have no doubt that if we keep with it, we'll see the payoff before long.
  • am_lowe
    am_lowe Posts: 113
    Right now my frustration is lack of weight results. My scale has not budged a bit.
    flippy - are you still using 1 lb. handweights? maybe if you went up to the 2 or 3 lb. weights you'd have more luck with the scale? don't be scared. you could totally do it! or consider adding a 30 min. walk to your routine?
    I feel a little different in my clothes but I wonder if that's just wishful thinking or the real deal?
    me too! i threw one of my smaller tees today and i swear it feels looser! maybe i just feel more confident and my brain is mixing that up with actually feeling thinner. :laugh:
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    Hi to all the newcomers! I'm really glad to see so many new people and how active this thread is, it's really helping me stick with it!

    & I have good news... it does get easier! Haha I did L1D5 today (+20 min on the elliptical) and I think tomorrow I'll be moving on to L2... EEK! :sad: I am very nervous about moving up especially since I was feeling so good today... but I don't wanna plateau and the whole point is to build up the levels so I guess I should just suck it up!
  • sarwood1
    sarwood1 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi to all the newcomers! I'm really glad to see so many new people and how active this thread is, it's really helping me stick with it!

    & I have good news... it does get easier! Haha I did L1D5 today (+20 min on the elliptical) and I think tomorrow I'll be moving on to L2... EEK! :sad: I am very nervous about moving up especially since I was feeling so good today... but I don't wanna plateau and the whole point is to build up the levels so I guess I should just suck it up!

    Hey, all! I am currently on D13 L2 and I have lost 9 pounds! I am so excited about this workout. Level 2 is hard, but a different kind of hard. For the most part, it is a completely different workout. Don't be scared of it... you will definitely feel the fear leaving the body, as Jillian would say. Good Luck, everybody! And stick with it!
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    I didn't start on the 20th, but I started on the 24th... I read all of these posts, and figured it would be worth a try! I am on day 4, and rocking it. STill working on workout 1, not sure when i am ready to transition to 2, but I was most sore day 3, and am feeling better now!
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    I've been debating moving up to Level 2. But I think I'll stay on Level 1 the full 10 days. I'm sure I can do a little more with the workout (I'm doing the modified pushups for instance). And, I do need to go up with the weights probably. The frustrating thing is its not that I don't feel it - I'm sore everyday - but still the scale is not moving. I'm taking today off - both foodwise and workout wise - to just reset my attitude. I hope it won't set me back too much but I need to just get my head on straight.
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Well today was day 7 and i tried level 2 and boy was it a change but I really liked it. It went by so much faster than level1. There are somethings that I had to stop and take a few second break, heck i couldnt even do the second part of my workout after doing it, but thats okay i feel good.