Just wondering how often everybody weighs themselves??



  • eagertoloseweight1
    I weigh myself several times a day!
  • eddierichardson73
    eddierichardson73 Posts: 41 Member
    Generally once a week, but sometimes check it in the middle of that cycle just to see if I am on track.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    I weigh myself every morning but only count it usually on Friday's...That is generally my weigh in day.
  • mjl54
    mjl54 Posts: 127 Member
    i'm a twice a day person. only record once a week.

    its like a drug
  • itzehoe
    itzehoe Posts: 614 Member
    Saturday morning once a week
  • NSMustanggirl
    NSMustanggirl Posts: 70 Member
    Once a week. I try to set my weigh-in day after my rest day to reduce water retention in my muscles.

    SO THAT may be why I tend to weigh more the morning after I work out!!!! I couldn't figure it out - why I'd weigh more than I did a few days before! Great tip!
  • teddy1234567
    teddy1234567 Posts: 32 Member
    I do it every day, it's a sick habit and I try to only do it once a week but I usually fail and cave to see what it tells me

    i know what you mean! im every morning when i wake up, i cant help it. :smile:
  • janinepeel
    janinepeel Posts: 1
    I am trying to get out of the habit of daily .... it can demoralise you and knock you off track
  • prozac5489
    prozac5489 Posts: 33
    I weigh every morning, then on Saturday I take the average of those weights and record it as my weekly weight. To track actual weight loss/gain, I compare the average weekly weights.
  • kindabored
    kindabored Posts: 7 Member
    Never do lol, the tightness of my clothes is an accurate enough measurement for me
  • chesq77
    chesq77 Posts: 270 Member
    once every two weeks, on the same day, in the morning, and on an empty stomache
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. It keeps me honest; however, I do not obsess about the inevitable fluctuations due to exercise, sodium, etc. I'm just looking for the trend to be down.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    I weighed daily first thing in the morning while on a strict diet. It kept me focused. I know weight fluctuates daily, but if it does, I don't want to miss the low by weighing just once a week! What if that's my high for the week? LOL I like to see how salt and eating out affects my weight in. Eating out a night (rarely) actually seems to cause my weight to go down a pound or two temporarily for some reason. Perhaps I don't work out on those days, I'm not sure.

    Someone on the boards, Haybaler, I think, reminded me that you should adjust machines back up to your mid-day, clothed weight to get a more accurate calorie burn on exercise eqmt and HR monitors. You are moving more weight. Great point!
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    no more than once a week. and monthly measurements

  • RangerB0b
    RangerB0b Posts: 4
    Once a day out of habit now that I found the scale and made it a convenient part of my morning get up routine in the bathroom -- with the understanding and acceptance that there will be fluctuations. As an engineer I know how to draw a smooth line through the data and hopefully see the right trend over time... -)
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    No kidding, when I feel... skinnier. Haha. I can't explain. I mean, most of us have been fat here, and you just feel heavy. But you begin to lose weight and it's like walking is easier suddenly, less weight to carry. So yeah, I weigh on those days. Haha.

    But honestly, it's all in my head because the scale rarely agrees. XD;

    As for when I weigh I always weigh in the morning before eating and after bathroom. ( • u • ) d
  • annab1684
    annab1684 Posts: 36 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. I've only been doing it for a month and I'm finding it really interesting. I track it on my phone on the Withings app so I have a pretty little graph charting my progress. I always used to think weighing yourself everyday was ridiculous but now I'm doing it I'm finding it quite interesting. The more I do it, the more I think it's a good idea. If I didn't weigh everyday, I would have been quite discouraged once or twice by now by the numbers I would have seen only once a week. I also find it kind of fascinating how my body does/ doesn't react to certain things. Plus, I just really like my pretty graph to be honest.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Every two weeks on Friday after work at the health clinic. I don't even keep a scale at home. I don't want to get caught up in " scale fever "....:o). I am a member for 32 days now and have lost as of last week 8.8 pounds......
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    When I started, four times a day (to see my normal fluctuations so I didn't panic every time the scale went up a pound). After I got a good handle on that, Once a day (early morning). After about 30 pounds, once a week...and now, monthly
  • Gianna44
    Gianna44 Posts: 124
    I'm usually a daily person but only record one weight a week (same day each time).
    That being said, I refused to stop on today after chinese for lunch yesterday and ham for dinner - I know it's just a number, but I couldn't face the scales after a day with that much sodium :)