Calling all Coke Zero drinkers...



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    the fake sugar in the diet soda causes headaches

    Only if you have a sensitivity to it or I highly doubt they'd sell billions of gallons of the stuff every year if EVERYONE did.

    That's like saying, 'The peanuts in kung pow chicken cause anaphylactic shock."
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Here's an under-reported side effect of artificial sweeteners: body odor. If you drink it every day, you are probably accustomed to whatever your own normal funk would be 16 hours since your last shower. But IF you experience good days and stinky days AND you consume aspartame occasionally, you may discover a causal link.

    I don't think aspartame is deadly, but it gives me a hangover AND some other unwelcome side effects. I plan to drink water, coffee, tea, or even REAL soda when I gotta have one.

    With the important caveat that the plural of anecdote is not "data" -- gather your own evidence!

  • Just citing my personal experience... your mileage may vary.

    I was interested to see if others had the same correlations as I did with aspartame.
  • hungrywhodat
    hungrywhodat Posts: 40 Member
    if you stop dinking ANY carbonated drink then you will see a BIG difference in your stomach, i used to have 2-3 cans of coke a day and was frutrated as i was losing weight but my stomach still lokked bloated. cut out all fizzy drinks (and chewing gum) and now my stomach is nice and flat with my abs starting to show.

  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    There's actual science that stands behind aspartame's safety for the vast majority of people who drink it in moderation... and mostly only hoaxes and anecdotes that link it to explosive head cancers, etc.
  • hungrypotato
    hungrypotato Posts: 1,642 Member
    I drink coke zero and Monster ultra zeros everyday..... It hasn't stalled my weight loss at all or causes me to gain any, if anything it gave me more energy for the gym so i burned more calories at the gym
  • HeaDak3
    HeaDak3 Posts: 32
    Drink water, but if you want something sweet, have some green tea sweetened with honey. All natural and healthy. Problem solved.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    tl;dr: Don't take Coke Zero as an IV drip, and the Surgeon General has determined that scientists cause cancer in laboratory rats.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Drink water, but if you want something sweet, have some green tea sweetened with honey. All natural and healthy. Problem solved.

    Someone didn't read the OP.
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    I've managed to lose quite a bit of weight while drinking Cherry Coke Zero and coffee with sweetner every day.
    You have Cherry Coke Zero?! Ohhhh I would so get that instead if I could find it at the shops I go to here. I've only found regular Coke Zero so far. Must search this out. Cherry Coke is my favorite of the naughty soda treats!
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    You have Cherry Coke Zero?! Ohhhh I would so get that instead if I could find it at the shops I go to here. I've only found regular Coke Zero so far. Must search this out. Cherry Coke is my favorite of the naughty soda treats!

    It's pretty rare in Canada, though I do see it the occasional convenience store here in Toronto. It's not predictable, though. You might be better off finding one of the places that has the big million flavor Coca-Cola fountain setups. That's a pretty decent Cherry Coke Zero.
  • fatboi79
    fatboi79 Posts: 4
    I drink about 24 x 330ml cans of Coke Zero/ Coke Zero Cherry per week and still lose weight. Losing about 2-3 lbs per week.
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    I lost 105 lbs drinking diet soda the whole time, while I don't drink it daily I find it cures my cravings instead of causing them. I think it just depends in how it affects you.
  • cthunder10
    cthunder10 Posts: 6 Member
    I drop 44 pounds and I drink Coke Zero everyday and sometime three times a day, with lunch, dinner and a snack.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Diet coke drinks with zero or 1/2 cals will not cause weight gain, nor will the sodium since the amounts are based in miligrams and far less than a 10th of a gram. Tiny!

    They do not release insulin, nor adjust blood glucose or in anyway do they increase nor decrease appetite. If they give you headaches, fine do not drink them - in the same way with any food or drink you have allergies to - don't drink it!

    Simple as that really.
  • NYAnnie33
    NYAnnie33 Posts: 61 Member
    I used to be a heavy diet soda drinker. I didn't completely kill it from my diet but I rarely have it anymore. I found a good alternative was to get lemon flavored seltzer and mix it with a splash of ice tea/lemonade. You do get some calories from the ice tea/lemonade but it's really minimal and you get that same bubbly taste. Hope that helps!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I've managed to lose quite a bit of weight while drinking Cherry Coke Zero and coffee with sweetner every day.
    You have Cherry Coke Zero?! Ohhhh I would so get that instead if I could find it at the shops I go to here. I've only found regular Coke Zero so far. Must search this out. Cherry Coke is my favorite of the naughty soda treats!

    We get cherry diet coke, cherry diet zero, cherry diet pepsi max too in the UK (Asda is great for this!).
  • leebeebumble
    leebeebumble Posts: 45 Member
    I love my Coke Zero, I drink my Coke Zero, I lost 30 pounds before finding this site while drinking Coke Zero. The End
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Well looks like a lots gone on here since iv been gone haha

    Here's an under-reported side effect of artificial sweeteners: body odor. If you drink it every day, you are probably accustomed to whatever your own normal funk would be 16 hours since your last shower. But IF you experience good days and stinky days AND you consume aspartame occasionally, you may discover a causal link.

    I don't think aspartame is deadly, but it gives me a hangover AND some other unwelcome side effects. I plan to drink water, coffee, tea, or even REAL soda when I gotta have one.

    With the important caveat that the plural of anecdote is not "data" -- gather your own evidence!

    Like i said, I realize the "sweeteners" are "bad" for you, I'm was purely asking about weight loss/ weight gain while drinking them.

    And no I don't smell bad either.

    I also don't like REAL soda, Hence the coke zero.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Ive also been drinking on avg 2-5 cans a day of coke zero, cherry coke zero and diet coke since I started over a year ago, and the only side effect I find is just being a little more bloated after drinking them, and getting some stitches if I drink it too close to working out. Ur fine... dont worry about it.
