What causes obesity?



  • swimmer_chick
    swimmer_chick Posts: 137 Member
    Too much food, not enough movement.

    And laziness. Lots of laziness.

    Exactly, I thought it was obvious! Maybe I'm wrong..
  • baja572
    baja572 Posts: 94
  • bcamlin
    bcamlin Posts: 2
    May 14, 2013 17:29QUOTE:

    Too much food, not enough movement.

    And laziness. Lots of laziness.

    If you want the cause, you need to look in the mirror. Blaming someone or something else is a cop out.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    So therefore it needs to be handled with a different approach? I see that some feel stigmatization and demoralizing are a great answer. I dont know my own answer just take it one day at a time.

    OP asked what we "think" the most common reasons are for obesity. People gave their "opinions". No one is "demoralizing" anyone, no one came to you and said "You lazy, overeating" anything.

    If you read my other post you'll see that I recognize it is a generalization and most likely an over-estimation of a much more complex issue. No one here is going to solve it.

    I didnt say you where demoralizing. I've read a few other posts I found demoralizing, and I would think that they would not say that to another persons face. I realize you were generalizing, and of course no one will solve it because it's a complex situation. Which was my original argument and therefore I am now crowned MFP weiner!
  • bcamlin
    bcamlin Posts: 2
    May 14, 2013 17:29QUOTE:

    Too much food, not enough movement.

    And laziness. Lots of laziness.

    If you want the cause, you need to look in the mirror. Blaming someone or something else is a cop out.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member

    Obesity is being at least 30 percent over the ideal body weight for your height. This condition is defined as excessive amount of body fat, in relation to the lean muscle in your body. While consuming more calories then the body needs causes obesity, there are also internal mechanisms that can have an effect, including your appetite, metabolism and satiety from food. While many believe obesity stems from behavioral issues, hormonal and genetic problems can create deficiencies in internal body functions, causing obesity as well.

    Main Causes

    The two main causes of obesity in America are fast food and lack of exercise. Fast food contains extremely high levels of fat, calories and carbohydrates that your body doesn't need. As portion sizes at these establishments have risen, so has the caloric intake for those who eat there regularly.

    Another major cause for obesity in America is lack of exercise. As work, school, television and video games have started taking up more time in the day, exercise and spending time outdoors as been squeezed out. Schools have taken physical education courses out of the required curriculum. Exercise is not a priority for many American adults.

    Other Reasons

    Getting too little sleep can increase your body weight. As Americans are sleeping less, obesity is rising. Hormonal changes are caused by lack of sleep, which can increase your appetite causing you to eat more than your body needs.

    Doctors continue prescribing more prescription drugs to Americans, including steroid hormones, diabetes drugs, contraceptives and antidepressants. Many of these drugs cause changes in the body, which can lead to overeating and weight gain.

    For many Americans, obesity tends to run in families. While family members share genetic links, other reasons include similar dietary, attitude, lifestyle, and physical exercise habits, which are all causes of obesity.

    Read more: 5 Causes of Obesity in America | eHow http://www.ehow.com/how-does_5558417_causes-obesity-america.html#ixzz2TJTZ6Blm
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    nobody knows, it could be bacteria or viruses messing with you genes, or binge and starve done by poor people.
  • GrannyGwen1
    GrannyGwen1 Posts: 213 Member
    What causes obesity?
    130# of ob fat bump
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    Too much food, not enough movement.

    And laziness. Lots of laziness.

    I understand the laziness aspect, but playing devil`s advocate, a lot of people lead busy lives working or looking after the children..so how do they find the time to move?

    There is always ways and time to move... you may need to plan ahead and be proactive, but having children or being busy isn't an excuse. If we don't want this obesity problem to continue we should probably teach those children how to prevent it.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Using apostrophes to pluralise words.
  • scookiemonster
    scookiemonster Posts: 175 Member
    I can't speak for anybody but myself, but I would say the following are some of the causes behind my struggle with my weight:

    1. Growing up in an environment where I was led to believe that some people are "meant" to be athletic and others just aren't. I was basically fed a line that people in my family just aren't sports people, and that therefore I "can't" be athletic. Turns out anybody can be athletic, it's just a matter of finding the right athletic endeavor for you. I kind of wish my dad hadn't spent so much time telling me about how it's just the way things are for my family.

    2. Fast food, take-out, and other junk food. Particularly the ease of online ordering these days. Makes my life easier in some ways and much, much less healthy in other ways.

    3. Stress. I used food as a way to cope with stress and emotional upset. When I got my first full-time job, I was so exhausted and stressed out that I would stop off at fast food drive thrus on the way home just to keep myself awake for the drive home. I gained 20 lbs in just a few months.

    4. Laziness, and a difficulty pushing myself. These days, this is my biggest problem. I let myself sleep in instead of getting up to work out. I let myself sack out on the couch in front of the tv after work instead of working out. I let myself order takeout or go out to eat instead of cooking a healthy dinner because I come home from work and I can't be bothered.

    Ultimately, I am responsible. I am responsible because I bought into the idea that I couldn't be athletic. I am responsible because I give in to my own fatigue and let myself indulge in takeout and junk. I'm still fighting against a lot of those influences, but I'm making progress.
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    MSG - (google it, "MSG & Fat Lab Rats")

    Super sized sodas, candy, fast food, and too much bad food.
    Not enough exercise.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Is it that we are creatures of habit and get carried along on food routine but take it a little too far?

    Do you think we just feel hungry all the time and over compensate with what we eat?

    Maybe, it is eating socially and we just get carried away with the food that we choose from the menu?

    Is it because we think we should fill up with food because we are so busy that it could be some time before we get to eat again?

    Have you just exercised and think you can now reward yourself with food?

    What is the reason for obesity in your opinion?

    Mine is bad habits. I have had problems with overeating, almost at the verge of obesity for over 20 years of my life. I think relationships have a lot to do with it too. The more people are around you and supporting you, just living life with people you love and doing things together, the easier it is to be healthy. I am very bad at forming relationships and I've gotten in the bad habit of not doing much for my reasons, but I could still be more active. I was a thin, healthy girl before I went to school, but after I started gaining weight. Then when my family moved far away from my grandma, grandpa, cousins, uncle, and aunt I started gaining more weight and not being as active. It's gotten worse since I got married and had my child, not sure why, just bad habits at this point I think.
  • rwhyte12
    rwhyte12 Posts: 203 Member
    The cue for hunger is the same for needing a drink. Our bodies are most likely dehydrated (which is more common) and we eat something instead.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Too much food, not enough movement.

    And laziness. Lots of laziness.

    I understand the laziness aspect, but playing devil`s advocate, a lot of people lead busy lives working or looking after the children..so how do they find the time to move?

    I know lots of people with kids and they make time to move..either get up at four am in the morning and go the gym, run, etc..or have a home gym and work out from home..work out on lunch break at work ..etc etc..if you want to find an excuse to not move then you easily can ..

    Working out at the gym is not the only activity you can get. I think we need to get back to more lifestyle activity and doing fun activities with people we love. I don't do that much.
  • NotRailMeat
    NotRailMeat Posts: 509 Member
    Too much food, not enough movement.

    And laziness. Lots of laziness.
    More specifically, the ever increasing portion sizes combined with modern conveniences.

    1) Look at the plates that our grandparents ate off of compared to those we use today. Theirs were, on average, about 10" in diameter and ours are 12-14". This may not sound like a large change, but a 14" plate holds 2X the food a 10" plate does.
    2) Add to this all of the automation we have today like elevators & escillators instead of stairs, moving sidewalks instead of walking, and cars instead of walking, running or biking. Plus all of the wireless devices like cordless phones and remote controls which allow us to never have to leave our seats. Then when we do decide to do something, the tasks have been made easier so there is less exertion.

    This has all resulted in a society that is preconditioned to eat too much and then not work it off.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Food..... plenty of tastey and frankly very morish *if i dont eat it i will die*

    I love all the bad things, Steak (ribeye) Roast Duck, Pork crackling, Black Pudding, Bacon, Roast lamb..

    I love them all in portions that defy my stomachs capacity level.

    Man vs food aint got nothing on how much steak i can tuck away into my 5'4 frame.

    Ribs, chicken wings, Cheesburgers.....

    Sadly though, 14yrs of having what i want when i want has landed me her 82lb's over weight

    Dont get me wrong, i love all the 'healthy foods' too, i love salads and fruit.... but if my choice was to loose weight eating the top selection or the latter..... im gonna opt for the frickin ribeye!

    But, its not my choice.... i have to eat healthy!

    *as a side note, would happily murder a person of choosing for a love fat ribeye right now

    ^ this is your answer...zero control ..

    Steak is not bad for you if you eat it in moderation...
  • linalovekitty
    linalovekitty Posts: 187
    I truly think some of it has to do with the wrong people eating the wrong foods. for example, my husband is paleo inspired and drops weight like there's no tomorrow on it. His father and sister do too. they feel amazing, energized, even, etc. But if I do paleo, and trust me, ive done it with a certified crossfit/paleo trainer supervising me whilst reading every paleo book on the planet, and the bottom line is, it does nothing for my weight loss and I feel awful on it.

    I truly think that different bodies require different diets. and that there is no one size fits all diet. I cant explain it, but my body really doesnt seem to be affected by starches- white bread, cake, candy, as long as I dont over eat I will lose eating starches. I have to be careful with sodium if anything. But if my inlaws eat starch, they literally blow up.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    So many sweeping generalisations, so little time.

    The reasons for the obesity epidemic are complex and the fixes for it are going to be a long time coming.

    Recent research into hunger hormones, genetics and even the role of viruses indicate there is more to the story than people simply being lazy, not to mention the socioeconomics of obesity.

    Moralising about gluttony and blaming individuals shuts down inquiry and curiosity into a multi-factorial, complex problem with no easy answers.

    I don't see what is so complicated about over eating and zero exercise..

    do you know any obese people that under eat?
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Too much food, not enough movement.

    And laziness. Lots of laziness.

    I understand the laziness aspect, but playing devil`s advocate, a lot of people lead busy lives working or looking after the children..so how do they find the time to move?

    I know lots of people with kids and they make time to move..either get up at four am in the morning and go the gym, run, etc..or have a home gym and work out from home..work out on lunch break at work ..etc etc..if you want to find an excuse to not move then you easily can ..

    Working out at the gym is not the only activity you can get. I think we need to get back to more lifestyle activity and doing fun activities with people we love. I don't do that much.

    This^^^^ Anyone who doesn't think chasing after a toddler is not very tiring (but rewarding) work should try it some time. I babysit my granddaughter on Tuesdays and even though she is a total delight, I am much more exhausted at the end of a day with her than I am after an hour of intense aerobic exercise in the pool. I'm not sure which is more fun. :wink: