You know you're fat when...



  • IMSkitt3nX
    IMSkitt3nX Posts: 3
    When your six year old tells you he is going to show you how to not be fat anymore. :frown:
  • dessertlover27
    dessertlover27 Posts: 385 Member
    When you can never find anything to wear. All the clothes look good on display but horrible on you.
    When you always sit with something covering your stomach. This, especially, this (I still do this :sad: )
    When you pull and pull your shirt to try to cover your muffin top.
    When you can never find any jeans to wear because you're either too short for the size that fits or most probably you can't find any that fits.
    When your thighs are ready to start a fire when you so much as walk for half and hour.
    When you're too embarrassed to workout at gyms because everyone there are all skinny and fit.
    When you sit down in the car you do it slowly so that the car doesn't shake and people start pointing.
    When you have never allow anyone to get close or dated because of your size.
    When your friend said that your other friend is the pretty one and you're the smart one. That hurts quite a lot although it's an insult to both of us. :cry:
    When you're so afraid to wear high heels because you are scared you will break the heels.
    When you are afraid to order your favourite thing in the restaurant because you're are afraid that they will judge you and say that that must be why you're fat.

    Like the other posters said, I can go on and on. The list is endless. I still find myself doing a lot of these things even though some of them are unnecessary now.
  • theedge56
    theedge56 Posts: 64 Member
    I was doing my morning walking in the neighborhood alone because my wife was recovering from heart surgery. I had on grey sweats as it was a little cold. A random child probably about 4 yrs old saw me and said to his mother "Look mom Humpty Dumpty!"
  • Fab30s
    Fab30s Posts: 157 Member
    OUCH!! my little cousin told me am fat coz I eat a lot of fats.... really not true:frown: darn kids with their innocence!!
  • Viola14
    Viola14 Posts: 9 Member
    same here!!!
  • Fab30s
    Fab30s Posts: 157 Member
    your jeans get worn between the thighs before anything, and you throw them away when holes develop to avoid chaffing of your inner thighs
  • sangeyvang
    sangeyvang Posts: 182
    When a random man in the street yells at you "hey fat girl" what a motherf@ker lol that made me cry!

    really!!?? what a jerk!!!
  • Fab30s
    Fab30s Posts: 157 Member
    When you wear a shirt and shorts to the pool and then after its time to get out you hesitate because of how your big stomach looks under that soaking wet black shirt.

    and then a little kid at the pool loudly asks their mom why that woman is not wearing a swim suit, and everyone looks at you
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    When all of your pictures are of your face and taken from a higher angle
  • Fab30s
    Fab30s Posts: 157 Member
    When a random man in the street yells at you "hey fat girl" what a motherf@ker lol that made me cry!

    a random man yelled at me "what's up big size" . I've gotten immune to such losers
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    When your pajama pants (the only thing that is always bought in a bigger size for comfort) become too small. This is when I started losing weight.
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    chafing of inner thighs.

    That was my wake up call. When I went for a walk in jean shorts and my inner thighs were bright red and even kind of scabbed afterwards.
  • Fab30s
    Fab30s Posts: 157 Member
    When your legs spill over whatever chair you're sitting in and/or you dread the coach section of an airplane for having to smash yourself into the wall of the airplane so as to give the middle seat person room.

    so true.... coach section of airplanes are a nightmare when you're constantly worried about how much of your neighbor's seat you're taking up.
  • sangeyvang
    sangeyvang Posts: 182
    when you go shopping and the saleswoman says to you 'are you buying it for you? if so, it won't fit. but it will on someone else.' JERKKKK.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    When you're called a whale.
    But that was all the way back in 8th grade when I had a muffin top but other then that I wasn't fat but it hurt and made me very self conscious of my weight.
  • stacw1987
    stacw1987 Posts: 206 Member
    This post is so true! For me it used to be:

    1. I would walk and feel my belly and thighs wobble
    2. I would constantly wear leggings! Jeans were a no go area!
    3. People used to say "wow, you look really well" when you know they mean "wow, you look really fat"
    4. Crying because I could no longer shop in the area that I wanted!
    5. The moment I could eat a whole large dominos pizza!!

    Starting weight: 154lbs
    Current weight: 120lbs
    Goal weight: 115lbs
    Height: 5,2
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    When you go shopping for a brand of jeans you used to wear and the sales lady says "Oh Hon, they don't make those in your size!"

    One time I went on a secret shop to Hollister back in college--I was supposed to pick any pair of jeans and ask for them in a size 12. I thought "what a coincidence, I AM a size 12--hey I might even end up buying them!"

    So I went in, found a pair, and asked the girl for a size 12. She immediately looked confused and said "ummm, they don't *sell* them in that size....I mean, I guess you could try the online catalog, but, I don't know...."

    I went home and cried hysterically. Didn't lose any weight...pretty sure I gained.
  • You sweat gravy
    Bleed butter
    poop Twinkies "or Dreamies"
    and your arms look like the chicken wings you eat everyday at KFC
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Leggings. Just leggings. I wore leggings for MONTHS because I didn't have to admit I was higher than a size 20.
  • You hope the seat next to you on the plane is vacant