People Who Log in EVERY DAY.....?



  • MrQstyle
    MrQstyle Posts: 6
    happy to.... I have been logging in for over fifty days straight, and providing I have internet, I will be logging for at least another 50
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    Over 600 days and counting (I have OCD with numbers...), reached my goal and still use the site to maintain and support friends :)
  • jimtryingtoslim
    jimtryingtoslim Posts: 31 Member
    I log in everyday mate feel free to add me.
  • reach4thestar
    reach4thestar Posts: 174 Member
    Really? OMG let me check..... Truly active and started logging in from just yesterday....
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I log in just to be frustrated by <1200 calorie threads. I love having my palm meet my face dailyeeee.
  • PriyaCharan
    PriyaCharan Posts: 40
    wow and im happy to see i have none of the side effects youve stated except for the old intolerance maybe,and thats because i live in the coldest part of the island and ANYBODY would feel cold :) My BMI says im overweight and you say im anorexic, i think il go with my BMI :)
  • PriyaCharan
    PriyaCharan Posts: 40
    Sorry I had to delete you but I can't sit by and watch people say you are doing great when you are starving your body of nutrients by eating less than a child. I know at least one of your other friends did the same when he realised you have a problem. I do wish you well of course.Take care. I try to help but I am not a professional so ... see one!
    sorry i was a lil rude when you said that, but like i said i have some issues that i prefer not to discuss with everyone. and im NOT anorexic, if thats what everyones thinking :)

    wow and im happy to see i have none of the side effects youve stated except for the cold intolerance maybe,and thats because i live in the coldest part of the island and ANYBODY would feel cold :) My BMI says im overweight and you say im anorexic, thanks but i think il go with my BMI :)
    the straight up, honest to god, scientific truth is, your eating like one. not being a hater, its just the stone cold truth.

    Let’s look at some of the uncomfortable side effects of very low calorie (below 1000) diets:

    Dry mouth
    Fatigue and weakness
    Cold intolerance
    Dry skin and nails
    Menstrual irregularities in women
    Hair loss
    Irritability and confusion
    Inability to concentrate
    Muscle breakdown
    Problems with nerve and muscle function due to an imbalance in minerals and electrolytes

    Conditions such as:
    clinical depression,
    heart problems,
    renal failure,
    and liver disease

    And, it appears the lower your calorie intake, the greater the likelihood you will experience some of these side effects.


    so yeh.... really bad. theres no wiggle room, no doubt and you are not magically different from everyone else. its very very bad for you.

    I'm not a hater, just an educator.

    wow and im happy to see i have none of the side effects youve stated except for the cold intolerance maybe,and thats because i live in the coldest part of the island and ANYBODY would feel cold :) My BMI says im overweight and you say im anorexic, i think il go with my BMI :)
  • runningbs
    runningbs Posts: 132 Member
    ..I'm not even here now...chew on that!
  • lexif14
    lexif14 Posts: 23
    Hello been on MF and loggin in faithfully for 1 year now I have lost 20 kilos and 10 more to go., I love the support and encouragement I get through the people I have added. It keeps me motivated. Add me if you want :)
  • I log daily.. I'd like to share with you :D
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Sorry I had to delete you but I can't sit by and watch people say you are doing great when you are starving your body of nutrients by eating less than a child. I know at least one of your other friends did the same when he realised you have a problem. I do wish you well of course.Take care. I try to help but I am not a professional so ... see one!
    sorry i was a lil rude when you said that, but like i said i have some issues that i prefer not to discuss with everyone. and im NOT anorexic, if thats what everyones thinking :)

    wow and im happy to see i have none of the side effects youve stated except for the cold intolerance maybe,and thats because i live in the coldest part of the island and ANYBODY would feel cold :) My BMI says im overweight and you say im anorexic, thanks but i think il go with my BMI :)
    the straight up, honest to god, scientific truth is, your eating like one. not being a hater, its just the stone cold truth.

    Let’s look at some of the uncomfortable side effects of very low calorie (below 1000) diets:

    Dry mouth
    Fatigue and weakness
    Cold intolerance
    Dry skin and nails
    Menstrual irregularities in women
    Hair loss
    Irritability and confusion
    Inability to concentrate
    Muscle breakdown
    Problems with nerve and muscle function due to an imbalance in minerals and electrolytes

    Conditions such as:
    clinical depression,
    heart problems,
    renal failure,
    and liver disease

    And, it appears the lower your calorie intake, the greater the likelihood you will experience some of these side effects.


    so yeh.... really bad. theres no wiggle room, no doubt and you are not magically different from everyone else. its very very bad for you.

    I'm not a hater, just an educator.

    wow and im happy to see i have none of the side effects youve stated except for the cold intolerance maybe,and thats because i live in the coldest part of the island and ANYBODY would feel cold :) My BMI says im overweight and you say im anorexic, i think il go with my BMI :)

    i never said you were underweight, but your caloric intake is too low. bmi is irrelevant. your intake is low enough that if you made a thread about it, say "800 calories is working out great" - it would be removed from the forum because it violates the rules, because its a VLCD (very low calorie diet), and is very unhealthy and should only be done under the supervision of a medical professional, usually because someone is morbidly obese.

    just to spell it out - this has nothing to do with your weight, and everything to do with the your future health.

    good luck.
  • beliabee
    beliabee Posts: 1
    Hi, i log in everyday for motivation and support feel free to add me.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Anorexia Does NOT neccessarily = Being underweight or Visa versa.

    Just saying.
  • Avihsfit
    Avihsfit Posts: 2
    Add me.. Just now started logging in every day :)
  • PriyaCharan
    PriyaCharan Posts: 40
    Thanks for responding guys :) keep 'em coming and people who are getting judgemental? KEEP AWAY
    you are here for your own reasons and i am here for mine. Im a person you havent known for maybe more than 40 words, and if you dont know me, dont judge me. And if judging gives you so much happiness, do it to someone who gives a sh88 :) and others whove been supporting me, thankyou so much guys :) your simple "wtg" keeps me going another 10 mins on the tread =)
  • I log in here as much as I can, which generally is every day. Anyone in this thread feel free to add me if you would like another supportive friend.
  • azjh77
    azjh77 Posts: 4
    Only day 5 for me, but I have been here everymorning/evening to fill in my exercise and food things. Determined to lose a bit of weight and tone up before I start uni in September.
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    I am pretty fanatical about logging on every day. And I don't post "mindless WTG" comments either.
  • peaceissues
    peaceissues Posts: 77 Member
    Everyday indeed
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    I'm a steady logger although for some reason MFP zeroed my count. I've logged in everyday since I've joined :smile: