Meat eater, vegetarian or vegan?? Which are you?



  • Kanuenue
    Kanuenue Posts: 253 Member
    Though I have fallen under every category at some point in my life, I have returned to Pescetarian.
  • lnxjenn
    lnxjenn Posts: 64 Member
    Omnivore!! But I do like to enjoy some vegetarian dishes at least once a week, having a vegetarian day. I went Veggie for awhile, but I fell into that horrible junk food and high carb trap! I don't think life would be quite complete without pulled pork and brisket and BBQ!! and cajun sausage... and other yummy meat things...

    But I am more gluten-free, or at least trying to be, due to advisement from my Naturopath!
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    Vegetarian! Not really for health though, for ethical reasons :)
  • shano25
    shano25 Posts: 233 Member
    All of the above. I go for a few months eating meat, a few months not eating it.

    When I do eat meat, it's hormone/antibiotic local poultry only. I stopped eating red meat and pork when I was 16. Occasionally I'll have fish but I've never cared for it much.

    When I'm not eating meat (like right now) I'm about 80% vegan. I eat vegan at home but I don't want to limit myself when I'm out so I'll have dairy when I'm out if I feel like it (or I don't want to cause trouble where I'm eating. If there aren't any vegan options, then I'll have the dairy. Just no meat.)

    For me it's a big combination of things. Mostly I feel much better when I'm vegetarian, some ethical reasons (I need to know how my meat is raised before I eat it) plus it's expensive to eat a lot of organic, sustainable meat. But I do looooove chicken.
  • MattN1972
    MattN1972 Posts: 117
    Why do there have to be labels? Can't we all just get along?
  • brainzap
    brainzap Posts: 145 Member
    Omnivore. I eat lots of chicken & shrimp (and sometimes beef tenderloin). I love meat, it is delicious and filling.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Depends on how I feel that day. Unless its pork products I'm not too big of a meat person, not anymore.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    Omnivore. I'll eat damn near anything. Except potato soup. Potato soup's the appetizer they serve in Hell.
  • Omnivore. I love food. Meat, fish, veggies, dairy....I'll eat it all. BUT...I do try to eat grass fed/cage free and get organic meat as much as possible.
  • Kpablo
    Kpablo Posts: 355 Member
    Vegetarian. :)
  • Conniea121
    Conniea121 Posts: 9
    I am a meat eater!!! I love the protein.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    Not sure why there is a separation between people who eat meat, people who won't eat meat but will eat eggs and people who don't eat anything but plants and processed foodstuff that does its best to look like meat.
  • VeganCoco
    VeganCoco Posts: 104 Member
    Not sure why there is a separation between people who eat meat, people who won't eat meat but will eat eggs and people who don't eat anything but plants and processed foodstuff that does its best to look like meat.

    Well one is an omnivore, one is a vegetarian and one is a vegan.
    I don't get your point.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    All three. Depends on the day and what I feel like.
  • mingecrackers
    mingecrackers Posts: 152
  • kitsa77
    kitsa77 Posts: 9 Member
    I'll eat anything that people haven't cooked up in a lab :)

    We buy our meats local and free range. We have some great farms around here. We usually buy a 1/4 cow and it lasts us a loooong time. We mostly eat chicken, turkey etc.

    I try to avoid GM foods, and buy organic. We have a garden, as do my very Italian in-laws. We usually pool together and can veggies en masse for the colder months. Everything just tastes better.

    I have personal preferences against eating anything out of a box, anything with soy in it, and I avoid most wheat products.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,185 Member
    40% omnivore, 20% pescatarian, 20% ovo lacto and 20% vegan.:smile:
  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
    Pescatarian (meaning I eat seafood occasionally, but otherwise am vegetarian) since 2008. Wouldn't change a thing and don't worry, I get plenty of protein. It's naive to think meat is the only source to get your fair share of it :)
  • annadolezalova
    annadolezalova Posts: 51 Member
    I don't eat meat because it's unnatural for me.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Im a member of PETA....people eating tasty animals.
  • theMIDDLE
    theMIDDLE Posts: 64
    vegetarian, but not touching this one... people tend to get pretty defensive about their "team".
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'm an omnivore.
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    I love to eat it all..LOL
  • spetermann190
    spetermann190 Posts: 289 Member
  • John2347
    John2347 Posts: 336 Member
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    I'm not a fan of red meat for the most part. Just a taste thing on my part. And meat itself isn't healthy. What is unhealthy is eating an excess amount of processed meats as processed meats tend to be loaded with sodium-- about four times more sodium in processed meats than not.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
  • Monny287
    Monny287 Posts: 109
    I'm a meat-eater. I tried to be vegan once in my teens; I was told it would help clear up my acne. I couldn't hack it. And it didn't clear up my acne!
  • mrshoneydew
    mrshoneydew Posts: 253
    I don't eat meat because it hurts my insides, and I didn't realise how uncomfortable I was until I experimented with being a vegetarian 11 years ago and suddenly stopped feeling like crap. Maybe it's not for everyone, and I totally accept that, but it works great for me. I was an unhealthy meat eating teenager and live now as a healthy vegetarian adult.
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member

    I mostly eat organic hormone-free poultry now.

    I've reduced red meats to twice a month.