

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Well ladies, Prince Harry managed to elude me (wow, makes me sound like a stalker, doesn’t it?). But by all accounts he also managed to charm everyone he came in contact with. So cool that Laura’s son actually met and spoke with him! Michele mentioned a friend who was obsessed with the royals, and my late Mother was as well. I think that’s why I pay attention to their news and comings and goings, it rubbed off on me a bit.

    Cheryl – That is such a HOOT!!! The horses are indeed identical (how cool is that?)

    Grandmallie – Good for you for treating yourself to a FitBit. You deserve a reward for your hard work on this health journey

    CityJane – Family visits (even when you like them :wink: ) can be stressful, be sure to take time for yourself along the way. Enjoy working with your dumbbells, I really do and now that the weight is going down I’m seeing some definition that I’ve not seen in quite some time

    Meg – Wow, 8000 steps is terrific! Was it walking up and down the basement stairs checking on the progress (or back and forth to the wine cooler)? My basement is unfinished, concrete floor as my home is 101 years old. Tree roots invade the pipes and we have to snake, the last time DH was on the road and I didn’t catch it until the floor was completely engulfed – yikes!! I’d have been sunk if it were a finished space like yours.

    Lucy – Yay for the quick bounce back from your Mother’s Day celebration. Sometimes it seems you CAN have your cake and eat it too! :bigsmile:

    Katla – Hope your home improvement dreams can come true. Happy birthday to DH, so glad he’s taking better care of himself and that you both have found what sounds to be such a good MS doctor - - that’s a real gift

    Jodi – You really are the cool mom! What a great idea to bring DD’s two friends along. So cool too that you two are working out together, enjoy the beautiful weather. Excellent idea too to give them the cooking lessons, wish I’d learned at that age

    Jackie – My best friend did her hair purple several years ago (at age 61), she totally loved it but it faded really fast and stained her towels (watch out , have DD use dark colored ones). Have a blast at the Phillies game

    Joyce – Happy dancing with you for busting your plateau! Nowhere to go but down, down, down!!!!!!

    Robin – You are stronger than that witch (no offense to any pagans among us)! You can only control you, don’t let her harsh your mellow! :flowerforyou:

    YannieJannie – I think your hair would absolutely be wanted as a donation, S&P gals needs wigs too! Glad you like your new ‘do’! I’m with you as far as not being too excited about tick collecting:noway:

    Carol – I too would find that photo of DGD a favorite, just adorable (and way to getting her eating healthfully from the start!)

    Amanda – So sorry to hear about your Father. Prayers for calm and strength and healing out to you both!

    M3x43 – What a workout your lawn sounds like! Be sure to log it, there’s an option in the database. Healing thoughts out to your DS

    DeeDee – I too am working on my closets today (plural because they’re small and scattered throughout the house) - - nice to get that project completed. Your garden sounds lovely, hoping the Zyrtec does the trick and nips any gardening side-effects in the bud (pun intended) :tongue:

    Lucy – Awesome news about DH and the new job! Prayers that this is a long-term gig or leads to one! Don’t forget to log your dog walking

    Sue – How wonderful that you’re caught up on the transcription! What a relief that must be for you. Hoping your shoulder feels better soon.

    Brooke from Colorado

    “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they make the best of everything.”
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I lost everyone for a while!! A lot of posts. My recovery is slower than I hoped but I keep on trying. I was able to do 15 min. On the elliptical today so that is good. The last of the bandages come off tonite so I should feel better then. I read the posts and enjoy them all.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I'm bushed today:grumble: I have only missed going to the Y 2 days now and have been going for almost 3 weeks. I started out on the recumbant bike. I was doing 6 miles and level 2 and then went to level 4 and do 5 -5 1/2 miles. I do 2 miles and stop and then stop after every mile. Today I had to stop every 1/2 mile and it was an effort to get 5 miles in and I had to take it down to level 2. I don't know if it is the outside heat or not. The Y is quite cool and I have my ice water with me. But I feel like I'm beat up. At least this helps me sleep at night!:smile:
  • colograndma
    colograndma Posts: 67
    Planting tomatoes in the first raised bed garden.. Whoo Hoo.. it is coming along!:happy:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    All that activity yesterday really paid off. I’m now 1 lb away from my overall goal. :drinker: :drinker: Although I’m now considering tacking on another 2 lbs but we’ll see. So nice to be working out with my DD. We were sore after yesterday and planting today so just did yoga together…felt so good to stretch.:smile:

    Cooking lessons start in less than an hour. I’ve got my plan for tonight and we should have enough food to feed everyone when we are done.

    Amanda – so sorry to hear about your dad – sending healing prayers your way:cry:

    Katia – congrats on needing new smaller yoga pants – love those NSV. :flowerforyou: Great suggestion about learning to use a Crockpot. I know one of my DD’s housemates has one. She can set it up before going to class and have a great meal when she gets home. Happy b-day to your DH:flowerforyou:

    Allisonlane61 – my DD has red coloring a number of her cork screw curls. So glad you and your DD will be doing a bootcamp together – should be fun!:bigsmile:

    Joyce – YEAH!!!! Plateau busted:drinker:

    CityJane – I love chicken Sag…is it hard to make? Good for you exercising today even though you were feeling low…I love how exercise can make me feel better when I’m stressed or down. Gotta love those endorphins:laugh:

    Robin – sorry to hear work is still so tough. Hang in there:grumble:

    YannieJannie – congrats on the new haircut…pictures? Safe travels picking up your DD...stay away from the ticks:laugh:

    Kathy – what is chair antics?:wink:

    Dee Dee – flowers are in. Put in some blue hydrangas – hoping they take. Also planted a variety of cherry tomatoes in my deck upside down tomato planter. I need to put some herbs on top of it yet. DH needs to finish rototilling and then I can get in the rest of the veggie garden. I love that the gardens are shaping up at last. Like you I still need to pick up some more stuff. Sorry that your allergies are acting up. My DD was sneezing up a storm too.:sick:

    Lucy – so happy about your DH getting that job:drinker:

    Brooke – sorry you missed Harry. As always I find your posts so supportive – thank you. Also, love today’s quote!:bigsmile:

    Colograndma - what kind of tomatoes? I got a variety of heirlooms I'm trying out this year.:happy:

    Well the kids should be here soon - got to go pull the veggies out and set up my cutting boards. Have a great evening. Jodios:smile::love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    evening my friends,
    well got the lawn mowed before we got a bit of rain..and being on my feet most of the day payed off,ate under my calories again.
    and I think I found a new frozen treat for the summer that is only 60 calories!!!!:bigsmile:
    Edy's or Dreyer's(depending where you are) makes a coconut water bar with either pineapple or banana in them, I bought the one with the pineapple, they are WONDERFUL.. cold and refreshing and low cal..
    Have tomorrow off and am debating on wether to take my friend out for lunch, or just kick around here, and take the dogs to the park..
    hope everyone's week is going well:heart::drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Had a nice day with my knitting buddies.Still warm,80`s.
    Have a good eve.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I've been reading all your posts and many of them make me smile and all of them make me proud of your efforts and accomplishments. The past two weeks have been difficult for me as I'm having to take strong meds for my headaches that came back. Hopefully they will end soon. I've tried to keep a normal schedule but can't seem to find the energy to exercise daily. It also makes me want to eat all day long. I'm scared to get on the scales.
    Meg - saw on TV it was 90 something in Omaha. My that is a change in a short period of time. Sorry about your flood.
    Judios - love the idea of cooking classes for your kids. I also thought of crock pot recipes. They are especially good when it's too hot to use the oven.
    Amanda - sending healing wishes for your dad. Hope his recovery is going well.
    There was a lot of discussion of Mother's Day and how you celebrated. We went to DS's new ranch and cut trees and stacked firewood. Lots of activity but no special meals. We enjoyed doing it tho.
    Have a good evening Vit F friends, I'll BBT
    Sue in TX
  • beachlover0103
    beachlover0103 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi ladies, it was a little tough to find this thread again. Although I've been at mfp for awhile I still don't understand the forums too well.
    It's been a stressful week so far, my 4 nieces and nephews are staying with us this week. Juggling all their schedules, my own work schedule, cooking meals for 8 is not easy. I haven't been able to find time to exercise much.
    Today I had to be in NYC for the day, it was very productive, found great fabrics for my clients (I'm an interior designer)but I didn't pack food and ended up eating cookies in the show rooms. Ugh!!! On the plus side I was in the building for 5 hours so I did get a lot of walking in!
    So now I'm trying to relax a bit and focus on me and try to regroup for tomorrrow before all the kids start to shower.
    I enjoy reading everyone's posts...looking forward to getting to know some of you better.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi girls! Ladies! My fitness pals! Beautiful day here; sunny, soft breeze, only mid-80s and no humidity. We got all the dryers out of the basement today so it’s much quieter here! I worked on the book and nearly finished a chapter and had a shellac manicure. It’s gorgeous. I think I’ve found my new look. It’s three different colors of glitter….pale pink near my cuticle, then bright pink, then grey on the tips. It is the coolest thing ever. I also got a nice walk in and will be way under my calorie goal, so all in all it was a very good day. I’m trying to get ready for a week of company and figuring out what to feed them!

    Lucy: you can check any garden and hardware store for a rabbit fence, but you’ll probably have to make one yourself out of chicken wire. That’s what we are doing. Or you can make circles out of chicken wire big enough to go around 1-2 plants and use that, but remember to bury part of it. Yay for hubby’s job!.

    Katla: I’d be worried more about the pants falling down and everyone seeing my droopy drawers that are way too old and too big! I want to replace our carpet with hardwood in the dining room; 2 years ago we spent a bloody fortune on top-of-the-line stainmaster carpet and NOTHING comes out of it.

    Jodios: wow you sound like your life is action packed right now! Good for you to help with the cooking lessons. I need to get DD#1 back in the kitchen while I’m home to help her but I’m not sure I can handle it again.

    Allisonlane: go Phillies!

    Joyce: doing the happy dance with you!

    Cityjane: I love curry too!

    Fobin: nice to see you and take care in the stress of work.

    Yanniejannie: you’ll have to post a pic of your new “do”

    Grandmallie: you and I like the same weather. I don’t see much of that here though!

    Dr.Katie: get some rest!

    Michele: most things from Olive Garden are OMG! No the chair doesn’t have wheels, but it’s very comfy.

    Carol: I’ll have to try the cayenne pepper trick!

    Barbie: you wrote 2 sentences and they exhausted me! I agree with whoever called you the energizer bunny!

    Amanda: so sorry to hear about dad. My thoughts and prayers and with you and him

    M3x43: mowing had to burn lots of calories!

    Kathy: water zumba sounds so interesting. Let us know about it

    DeeDee: breathing is important! I told another friend about the dryers and she thought I meant hair dryers. She said “omg those girls of yours must primp all the time!”

    Connie: I can’t wait to hear about your garden’s produce!

    Janemartin: how are you doing these days?

    BJ: redbuds are native to NE too and they are so beautiful! Ours are blooming in force right now.

    SueSD: hope your shoulder continues to get better

    Brooke: haha I think most of my steps were back and forth to the wine cooler!

    Susan: good to see you again; I forgot what kind of surgery you had?

    Suebedew: It actually was 101 yesterday; a record for the day. And boy did it feel like all 101 degrees of it too!

    Beachlover: glad you found us! When there are 500 posts on the thread, a new one starts. The link is at the last post of the old thread.

    Well I need to get going and get my grocery list and menus done. Can’t remember who said she was a great cook and everyone expects so much….that’s me too only when we have company I tend to make only kitchen disasters! Take care hugs to all, Meg from gorgeous Omaha
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Amanda, My many many thoughts and prayers to your Father, you and your family.
    DeeDee and Brooke, Thank you both for you kind words about my DGD.
    Peace~N~ Hugs
    Carol in WNY
    Leaving you with this….
    "The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books – how not to eat what you’ve just learned how to cook.” ~Andy Rooney
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    any Fitbit users who have synced their fitbit with mfp? Do you log food on mfp? Do you log exercise or is that taken care of by your fitbit? I just synced mine and it increased by calorie goal for today by about 555 calories. I am confused!!:huh:

    Deb in CNY
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I have decided a FitBit isn't for me. I have read to many things about it here that I just don't think I would understand how to use it. I'm also afraid that my low heart rate would affect how much exercise it would register.

    Joyce, in southern Indiana
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,182 Member
    any Fitbit users who have synced their fitbit with mfp? Do you log food on mfp? Do you log exercise or is that taken care of by your fitbit? I just synced mine and it increased by calorie goal for today by about 555 calories. I am confused!!:huh:

    Deb in CNY

    I sync my Fitbit with MFP. I do log my food on MFP only. I do *not* log exercise in either place and just let the Fitbit do the adjustment. My default setting on MFP is sedentary so I'm fine with just having an adjustment. The adjustments I see vary quite a bit from day to day. Today was a pretty active day for me and last time I checked my adjustment was over 600 calories. Interesting and I love to see my step totals and mileage each day but I don't eat exercise calories so I'm just pushing myself to do more because of the Fitbit.

    MEG - nope, I've never been to Tassel Ridge. I don't get out much. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: And I hope you won't think less of me but actually I don't drink at all. I stopped many years ago when my migraines were terrible. :sick:

    Wishing everyone well. Hugs.

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jake is gone overnight and I thought I’d have so much time to do so many things, but here it is bedtime and I’m just getting to the computer……I’ve walked and danced and spread a bag of bark and had lunch with line dance friends and taken care of many items on the “to do” list but there is so much more to do....the restaurant menu was a mine field of food I don't eat (fried, white bread, red meat,etc.) so I had a bowl of jalapeno corn soup and it was perfect.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, sending hugs to you and your dad.

    :flowerforyou: Cityjane, congrats on your decision to back off from being the queen of fancy cooking……one of my greatest health decisions was to stop cooking and eating for recreation….when we had house guests a few weeks ago, I roasted a chicken and served steamed vegetables and cole slaw and no bread or dessert....I asked them what they liked for breakfast, bought the food and let them fix their own.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, your flower shopping seems like making more work than my ten bags of bark……but your yard will look fabulous when you are finished.

    :flowerforyou: Connie, your yard work sounds like great full body exercise.

    :bigsmile: Lucy, congrats on your hubby’s job

    :flowerforyou: Robin, hang in there…..stay in the moment

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Carol in WNY - we had an inground pool installed last summer, now we're working on the landscaping (hence the river rock) and there is a raised patio where we are putting the pergola and then we'll get a table for underneath it.

    Boy, today has really been hectic. I'm beginning to wonder if going to mahjongg on Wednesdays is just too much. The reason we changed from Mondays to Wednesdays is because the farmers market is now going to be open on Mondays and one gal who plays works at the farmers market and she couldn't come.

    Today started out by my taking yoga, then the deep water class, went to CVS to get a prescription for Vince, was home for about an hour then went to senior bowling. After bowling went to WalMart to order the cake and the condiment tray for Friday. Came home, found out the guys didn't install the fans (electrical work) but they will tomorrow, so I hurried up and made some pumpkin spice muffins for them. Had dinner, went to mahjongg, came home, gave Loki his med, took out the garbage, got ready for tomorrow, took a shower, folded most of the clothes that I'd washed after the deep water class and before the bowling. Just now (11:00) I finished my salad and decided I'd better log on before I get too far behind. Now I see we're on page 4 so I'm glad that I did.

    Tomorrow I'll do ASAP DVD, then go to the Green Room, then go to Aldi to buy the hamburgers and hamburger buns.

    Amanda - prayers for your dad

    kathy - hope your foot isn't like grandmalle's

    Wish I had more time to post. It's almost midnight, but I'm at least going to skim them

    Lucy in DE - yea for dh!!

    It's supposed to be warm again tomorrow so we're thinking that we'll be in the pool. I know that I'm a bit OCD about this, but I can really scrub the walls. I could only get as far down as I could reach while hanging over the wall, but now I can get the bottom. I'll probably clean out the spa, too. We had to turn on the AC today.

    katla - I would have looked up Olive Garden before I had the lasagna, IF I'd known that that's what they were going to have. When we go there I usually have the chicken spiendini. It's on their lunch menu but they will make it on the dinner menu too. I should have had only 1/2 of the lasagna. Oh well....live and learn.....and die a fool. Happy birthday to your dh! How neat the doc provided dinner and a talk that was informative.

    Sue in SD - I'm one step better than you regarding gardening. My feeling is "God put it here, He'll take care of it". I'm not a gardener by any stretch of the imagination.

    jodios - you'll get to goal in no time at all. One pound away -- that's fantastic!

    Wish we had a water zumba class, I think it would be really interesting.

    Need to get to bed, past midnight now. Hope everyone has a great evening. Wish I had more time to give individual posts, but know that I read every one and you all are in my thoughts

    Michele in NC
  • greenbaum9
    greenbaum9 Posts: 121
    Hello Rebel,

    Greenie here:flowerforyou:

    Please don't go under the knife just yet. I know three people already who did, with mixed results, some OK, some not so good.

    They don't tell you 'bout the possible side effects that can happen after surgery. Be careful when choosing your health care provider.

    And as always,
    Be Well!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lucy: Congratulations to your husband! I hope it is an agreeable job and lasts a longtime.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Sounds like your stainmaster carpet is a master of holding on to every little smudge and spill. We have hardwood floors and dream of ceramic tile. Everything has its plusses and minuses. We had our oak floors refinished a few years ago and the finish is wore off in spots too quickly. :angry: We paid for three coats of finish, but I'd be surprised if we got more than two, if that.. I dread having it redone, but it looks awful. The man who refinished it died, so we never could get any warranty service. I know I sound cold hearted.:devil: Getting a wood floor redone means that every surface in your house will be covered with wood dust, no matter how you try to seal it off. It isn’t something you want to repeat.:noway: On the plus side nothing is prettier than a hardwood floor in good condition.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I haven’t wanted a fitbit, either. The practice of timing my workouts is doing the job nicely and I’m losing weight and gaining fitness. I’m sure it’s a good product, just not my thing.:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl: I can’t believe all the things you do. I couldn’t keep up, no matter how hard I tired. I do enjoy hearing about it, very much.:bigsmile:

    It has been a busy day and I’m ready for bed. I found some great gifts for DH’s birthday and we had lunch at Red Robin. I put half of mine in a box and it is in the refrigerator. It was 1126 calories before I divided it. :noway: I ate 563, which is a huge lunch for me, and the other 563 is in the refrigerator. I had to walk the dog and ride the recumbent in the garage to give myself a decent cushion today.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Hello there - the sun is trying to shine here, but it is still cold for May. We will get a few more things planted this pm. - the dahlia is still languishing in the garage. Last year it seemed to be no more than dusty paper, but I gave it the benefit of the doubt and put it in a pot and watered it, although we were both convinced it was dead. We had the most amazing huge plant, covered in red flowers! My GS learned to say 'fower! ' when he saw its magnificence.:heart:

    I'm upping the resistance and speed of my workouts a bit and now doing a bit more with my huge 5kg weights. By huge I mean huge in size. I bought cheap ones with free postage so they are not as neat as expensive ones. PLEASE plateau, please go! :sad:

    Did a huge shop for our guests yesterday with DH. I have made a start with the catering and will continue today. I like to have everything ready prepared so that I am not in the kitchen much when they are here. I really am trying to keep it simple and flexible, so that I can eat sensibly and they can just keep on stuffing themselves! !!:laugh:
    Barbie - yes, I am taking that to heart. - I do not have to be a three star restaurant! My DS and DDIL always say mine is the best bed and breakfast in Hampshire and threaten to put me on trip advisor :laugh: :laugh:
    Currently there is a No Knead Bread rising in the kitchen. It's on the internet and is DH' s favourite. Easy peasy and impressive.
    Jodios and Michele. - my DD was in the Indian army in WW 2 and I was brought up on curry. I have modified my curries so they are much less greasy, I use hardly any oil. You need a processor. I wizz up onion, garlic and fresh ginger to a puree, fry that in a tiny bit of oil for a while then add a selection of spices and fry those off for a minute or two.. If I am I the mood I grind my own, but I have had good results with a good proprietary blend or paste. Then add the chicken legs, cut in half and minus the skin. Add chicken stock. Fresh is best for sodium levels, but a good bought one will do. Then I grab a huge bundle of fresh spinach and some cilantro if I have it and stuff it in the processor and whizz it to a rough puree. You have to stuff it down a couple of times and do it in batches. Put it in the stew and cook until the chicken is tender. Keep an eye on the seasoning. It is lovely, but you might have to pour off some water when you serve it and blot the bowl! :laugh: I like it with rice and yoghourt and maybe a tomato salsa.
    Sorry if that's too much information!

    Look after yourselves folks. Off to stretch my bread!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    I am up and it will be beautiful here today.. I had a cup of tea. but will be going over to the gym in a few minutes..I think I have to step it up a notch,im eating under my cal count and still not losing,even after all that activity yesterday:grumble:
    so will try and push myself. then dont know what I will do.