Good beginner fish for a non-fish eater



  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Salmon has a really strong flavor and probably won't appeal to many non-fish eaters.

    Personally, I don't care for fish at all. I can choke down mild, delicate white fish if it's prepared with a stronger flavored marinade and doesn't have bones or scales on it. But, the first time I tasted salmon, I actually was so revolted I couldn't even swallow the single small mouthful! I spit it onto my parents' deck! I'm not proud to have been so vulgar, but it tasted so bad to me, that spitting seemed pretty much involuntary!

    That was probably 15-20 years ago. I still do not care for salmon and have never been able to swallow a single bite of it - no matter how it's prepared.
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    Catfish. Soak it in milk for 20 minutes (draws out the fishy taste), pat dry, sprinkle with some of Chef Paul Prudhome's Red Fish seasoning, place in shallow pan with tbsp of REAL butter. mmm delicious!
  • coastie89
    coastie89 Posts: 2 Member
    salmon or tilipia
  • SDHudgins1976
    SDHudgins1976 Posts: 140
    I like Flounder (and so do my kids!) baked with lemon pepper.
  • mgoetsch1982
    mgoetsch1982 Posts: 339 Member
    Cod is very easy to cook and has a mild flavor. It can be seasoned with basically anything. Tilapia is another good one that will pick up the flavor of what it is cooked with. Salmon is a little bit trickier but is very good if you get it fresh. My 7 year old inhaled it and ate as much as I did the last time I cooked it.
  • cobes24
    cobes24 Posts: 132 Member
    Tilapia or other white fish is where I started. I get the huge bags of individually frozen tilapia filets--WalMart carries them--they're perfect for a single serving. My fave way to make it is throw some salsa on top of the frozen filet in a covered dish, microwave for 3 minutes or so. I know it sounds gross to microwave fish, but it steams it perfectly, and I don't have to heat up the oven just for myself. It has to be frozen tho--that's the key.

    It took me a few yrs to develop a taste for salmon, but I love it now. I brush with olive oil, garlic and dill and either bake it or grill it--salmon does not appreciate being microwaved. Then I make a sauce with fat free plain greek yogurt, garlic, lemon juice, a bit of mayo and lots of dill. SO good.
  • tn_thompson
    tn_thompson Posts: 4 Member
    Salmon, quick and easy to prepare, not offensive odor-wise, unless it goes bad. I'd highly recommend looking at some baked recipes and give it a go. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
  • Tilapia is a very mild white fish. Easy to season to your tastes. Salmon is too fishy for me, I've never really been fond of it.

    I agree with this 100% I never liked seafood as a kid but as I grew into adult I really started liking shrimp and then Tilapia. I have never really taken to salmon and even though I know it's really good for you, I also can't get past the fishy taste. Scallops are also amazing!!!]
  • Bailey532
    Bailey532 Posts: 65 Member
    This. Exactly my thinking :)
    Tilapia is a very mild white fish. Easy to season to your tastes. Salmon is too fishy for me, I've never really been fond of it.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I don't like fishy fish either! My go to's are Mahi Mahi, Swordfish, Tuna Steaks, Shark, and just tried Grouper last night. Tilapia is also a milder fish. I do like salmon (which can be a bit fishy) but I make a rub out of brown sugar and Old Bay seasoning for the salmon and broil it and the rub takes away some of the "fishy" taste.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    holy Mackerel!

  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    Wow, when I started this I didn't think it would go to 4 pages. Thanks everyone for their input.

    I didn't even think about cooking method and y'all have given me several. I'll have to hit up the grocery stores to see what everyone has, prices, etc, and talk with the locavores to see if anyone has a recommendation of a fish market in the area.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Tilapia is super easy to cook and very mild. I try to get the fresh fillets though because I think the frozen aren't as good-just my opinion though. Also, if you would consider sushi, raw fish is way less "fishy" tasting than when it is cooked. Fresh tuna barely seared is amazing.
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    To the fish puker, from a former fish puker: pick one kind of fish as a gateway fish and just focus on eating that one single kind repeatedly until you get over your fish block. I too was told how revolting fish was nonstop. Now I love fish. It was a project though.
  • melsy21
    melsy21 Posts: 193 Member
    Not sure if anyone mentioned, but cook it on a BBQ on a cedar plank, you can get them at pretty much any grocery store and wow delish! It's a one time use so its only a couple bucks in the fish department
  • catneon
    catneon Posts: 911 Member
    While we're on the subject, I just bought some tuna steaks but don't really know how to season it. What do you recommend?

    I like to marinate and fish is real easy and fast to do
    Olive oil, soy sauce, garlic, dry mustard, lemon juice pepper
    Make enough to cover you tuna steak (sorry I don't often measure) put in glass bowl in fridge for about 1 hour and then cook.

    If I don't have time to marinate I always like it with a lot of cracked pepper and cayenne served with a side of mashed potatoes yum!!

    ETA: I got to say that I was never a fish eater until I started fishing...and eating my catches (yum walleye!) so for fish a key factor is the fresher the better, even the mildest fish can become fishy tasting. I find often at grocery store the "fresh fish" section isn't so fresh or is even "previously frozen" If you have access to a fish market/vendor I try to go there first
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    While we're on the subject, I just bought some tuna steaks but don't really know how to season it. What do you recommend?

    My favorite tuna steak recipe. I like it simple, it really brings out the natural flavor, which in tuna is amazing. Nothing like the canned stuff.

    I don't have a grill so I cooked these inside on grill pan/griddle thing.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    Id say Tilapia. Very mild and you can do anything with it. Very versatile and delicious. I eat it about 4 times a week. Love it
  • whodatfan
    whodatfan Posts: 2 Member
  • kaylindeschanel
    kaylindeschanel Posts: 105 Member
    salmon is the easiest to prepare.

    just wait for a it to thaw, sprinkle some garlic powder over it, pop it in the oven for 15 minutes (for 3oz) at 400 degrees.
    and you're done.

    you can even microwave it too.
    SO EASY.