Results with 1200 Calories



  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    Let me tell you my story...

    I started dieting after my son was born in 2003, I figured diet was simply "stop eating so much" and 1000 calories sounded like a good reasonable number to go by. I lost all of my baby weight, became weight fixated, and lost more weight. I went from the 1000 calories to anorexia (this doesn't happen to everyone, but let's face it eating 1200 calories is border line anorexia. :D After all 1000 calories is only 200 less!) I was super skinny, I had never been so skinny, 5'8" 115lbs. Eventually I ate normal again, because you know life is a good feeling, being alive and all that jazz.

    Same and I lost all the muscle I built previously
    2008 I started working out, still not eating enough but better 1400 calories with a good work out. I lost the weight pretty fast still, but always felt hungry! (I wonder why? I was burning all of my calories with daily calorie useage, and then I was working out and burning even more.) I eventually made my goal weight, and body fat, and I was very fit!

    Me too except this was step 1 for me. I started on more calories and over exercising then dropped them and kept dropping them more and more until I had no energy to work out.
    MY SUGGESTION? FEED YOUR BODY. WORK HARD. Or you can ruin your metabolism, and eat 1200 calories the rest of your life, or do it the other way. Oh yes, and lift heavy things up and down, you will not get bulky and your body will thank you for it.

  • SabrinaLC
    SabrinaLC Posts: 133 Member
    First off, let me just say that I don't really care what other people say. It is 100% possible to eat 1200 calories a day, lose weight and be healthy. It depends on YOU!
    There is no such thing as starvation mode so don't let people "warn" you about it.
    I eat between 1000 and 1200 calories a day, healthy foods and I am not anorexic, I am healthy.
    When I eat over that I will actually gain weight and no amount of working out will change it.

    Some people CAN eat low calories and be fine.
  • sstrong57
    sstrong57 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been on 1200 calories per day for about 18 months. I walk 2 hours or more per week. I started out at 195 and as of today have lost 55 pounds which was my original goal! I did this by completing changing my diet and eating smaller portions. There have been very few days when I have been hungry or craved food. Spend more time in the produce aisle, eat more fish and chicken. You can do it, too!
  • mtruexjr
    mtruexjr Posts: 3
    I have been doing the Jillian Michael's program which is about 1200 or less a day. You work out 6 days a week and let me tell you the results I achieved. I am down 4 sizes, 40+ lbs and over 8 inches total on my body!! That was a little over 12 weeks due to my vacation time. I am STILL eating the same now I am moving on to her new one the 30 day shred!! I hope this helps.

  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    *sigh...I don't even know why I bother.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    UUURRRGG here we go...'you're starving at 1200'. What a load of cr**. I have tons of energy, I'm losing weight, my periods haven't stopped, I've not suddenly gained weight and you know what, I enjoy not eating f*** loads of food.

    I'll see you at the finish line (I'll be there before you)!
    I actually didn't say you were going to lose your period, and you obviously have a bad relationship with food if you thinking eating what your body NEEDS to simply maintain it's functioning level is "loads of food." Also it is starving yourself, the average body needs at least 1700 calories to function every day, anything less than that is starving it.

    Do you expect your car to run without gas? Do you use your cell phone without charging it? Stop thinking of your body as a number on a scale, and start thinking of it as a machine that needs energy to function. The bottom line is losing weight at 1200 calories is not healthy because a) you aren't feeding it properly b) it's not ideal to live on 1200 calories for the rest of your life. The damage it does to your metabolism, and yes the potential harm it can do if your body goes into starvation mode and starts to consume it's own muscle. (Also your period doesn't need to stop for your body to be doing this, I was anorexic and my period never stopped not even when I was 115lbs :D so that's a mute point.) Also talking about muscle and starvation, guess what's a muscle in your body? YOUR HEART :D

    you... i like you...
  • :)
  • pulls up a chair and popcorn

    I hope you've logged that popcorn!!
  • vixen0babs
    vixen0babs Posts: 25 Member
    I do 1200 calories NET and I think it works...for's why:

    First, let me point out that I am only 5'0 and I have a desk job (I do workout daily so that is why I said NET calories)

    Several years ago, I started weight watchers. While they don't calorie count or restrict what you can eat, the program does teach you portion control and to encourages making healthy food choices (an apple =0 points whilest a candy bar = 6...and I could have 21 points per day Anyway, if I were to calculate my calories for what I ate back then, I would imagine it would have been around 1200-1400. Without regular exercise, I was still able to lose around .5 - 1 pound per week. When I started a rigourous workout routine, I used WW as a guideline, but I stopped counting points because I was always hungry.

    After I lost 30 pounds, life changed and I quit my rigorous routine. I still managed to lose 10 pounds just on diet alone (no tracking, no calorie counting), then I plateaued.

    Eventually I found MFP and it recommended 1200 calories to lose 1 pound per week. I started losing weight again and as long as I made healthy choices I never felt hungry.

    I am back to working out daily, eat 1200 NET calories now (generally I am consuming an average of 1500-1600 calories daily when I work out), and have seen my body fat melt away while still gaining muscle. While my weight has only dropped about another 5 pounds in 3 months, I'm down a pant size and I look lean (not flabby skinny). So...YES...1200 calories can work and you can be healthy if you are eating the right foods!!! :)
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    Depends on where you started. It was a healthy place for me at 5'3" and 129.5 lbs. Lost 15 pounds in four months. Took careful daily planning to space those calorie where I wasn't hungry, but it's what I needed to do until I started to build muscle, was able to exercise more through conditioning, and ate back those calories.
  • tuggers1986
    tuggers1986 Posts: 5 Member
    Great post! Especially the last paragraph
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    *sigh...I don't even know why I bother.

    For the lurkers, of course.
  • UUURRRGG here we go...'you're starving at 1200'. What a load of cr**. I have tons of energy, I'm losing weight, my periods haven't stopped, I've not suddenly gained weight and you know what, I enjoy not eating f*** loads of food.

    I'll see you at the finish line (I'll be there before you)!
    I actually didn't say you were going to lose your period, and you obviously have a bad relationship with food if you thinking eating what your body NEEDS to simply maintain it's functioning level is "loads of food." Also it is starving yourself, the average body needs at least 1700 calories to function every day, anything less than that is starving it.

    Do you expect your car to run without gas? Do you use your cell phone without charging it? Stop thinking of your body as a number on a scale, and start thinking of it as a machine that needs energy to function. The bottom line is losing weight at 1200 calories is not healthy because a) you aren't feeding it properly b) it's not ideal to live on 1200 calories for the rest of your life. The damage it does to your metabolism, and yes the potential harm it can do if your body goes into starvation mode and starts to consume it's own muscle. (Also your period doesn't need to stop for your body to be doing this, I was anorexic and my period never stopped not even when I was 115lbs :D so that's a mute point.) Also talking about muscle and starvation, guess what's a muscle in your body? YOUR HEART :D

    You my dear are really making me rethink how I've been going about my weight loss plan. I've gained and lost the same 20 pounds numerous times. I even hired a personal trainer (last summer) who said it was okay to eat 1000 calories if you weren't hungry. However I'm on day 5 of 1200 calories (AGAIN) and last night I fought with everything in me to not eat everything in the house. Maybe it's time to visit a nutritionist. It would be great if my loss/regain issue was only due to going about it all wrong. Thanks for your posts!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    *sigh...I don't even know why I bother.

    For the lurkers, of course.

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    I stick as close to the 1200 calories. But .... last December I started a Heavy Metal cleanse... (diagnosed by a professional) . My diet plan was made for me. Nothing white! To make a long story short.... 3 months on the cleanse...logged all my food with MFP. Lost 25 lbs... I eat "clean" food... very rarely eat packaged foods.

    No my diet is not boring....vegetables ( I can have potatoes now), protein, fruits that are not too high in sugar.

    I exercise, and I try to eat my exercise calories back, mainly because I get nauseous if I go to far into a calorie deficit.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    UUURRRGG here we go...'you're starving at 1200'. What a load of cr**. I have tons of energy, I'm losing weight, my periods haven't stopped, I've not suddenly gained weight and you know what, I enjoy not eating f*** loads of food.

    I'll see you at the finish line (I'll be there before you)!
    I actually didn't say you were going to lose your period, and you obviously have a bad relationship with food if you thinking eating what your body NEEDS to simply maintain it's functioning level is "loads of food." Also it is starving yourself, the average body needs at least 1700 calories to function every day, anything less than that is starving it.

    Do you expect your car to run without gas? Do you use your cell phone without charging it? Stop thinking of your body as a number on a scale, and start thinking of it as a machine that needs energy to function. The bottom line is losing weight at 1200 calories is not healthy because a) you aren't feeding it properly b) it's not ideal to live on 1200 calories for the rest of your life. The damage it does to your metabolism, and yes the potential harm it can do if your body goes into starvation mode and starts to consume it's own muscle. (Also your period doesn't need to stop for your body to be doing this, I was anorexic and my period never stopped not even when I was 115lbs :D so that's a mute point.) Also talking about muscle and starvation, guess what's a muscle in your body? YOUR HEART :D

    You my dear are really making me rethink how I've been going about my weight loss plan. I've gained and lost the same 20 pounds numerous times. I even hired a personal trainer (last summer) who said it was okay to eat 1000 calories if you weren't hungry. However I'm on day 5 of 1200 calories (AGAIN) and last night I fought with everything in me to not eat everything in the house. Maybe it's time to visit a nutritionist. It would be great if my loss/regain issue was only due to going about it all wrong. Thanks for your posts!

    Try a "Naturopath" . Iridology - they read your eyes - you could have food intolerances that are preventing you from losing weight.
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    I think it is all in the quality of food you eat. And get rid of the "bad food" in your house - then when you want to eat everything in the house - it is good food filling snacks.... my favourite is almonds - measured and in a bowl.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Let me tell you my story...

    I started dieting after my son was born in 2003, I figured diet was simply "stop eating so much" and 1000 calories sounded like a good reasonable number to go by. I lost all of my baby weight, became weight fixated, and lost more weight. I went from the 1000 calories to anorexia (this doesn't happen to everyone, but let's face it eating 1200 calories is border line anorexia. :D After all 1000 calories is only 200 less!) I was super skinny, I had never been so skinny, 5'8" 115lbs. Eventually I ate normal again, because you know life is a good feeling, being alive and all that jazz.

    2006 I decided at 5'8" 150lbs I needed to get my eating habits under control. I set my goal at 1200, and lost to 129lbs in a few months. I was constantly crabby, I had no energy, I was so ravenous that if I didn't get to eat my scheduled meal I would start biting heads off. I was a real peach to be around. However, I was super skinny!!! YAY! Guess what? Eventually I got sick of starving and ate normal again, and balooned to 150lbs in about a month.

    2008 I started working out, still not eating enough but better 1400 calories with a good work out. I lost the weight pretty fast still, but always felt hungry! (I wonder why? I was burning all of my calories with daily calorie useage, and then I was working out and burning even more.) I eventually made my goal weight, and body fat, and I was very fit! However again, STARVING, again I ATE NORMAL again I GOT BACK TO 150lbs without blinking an eye.

    This time? I am eating normal, feeding my metabolism, making smarter choices, working out like a champion. I would reach my "goal weight" in a few months with 1200 calories, have the worst attitude ever, and be starving 24/7. This time? I am eating 1700 to 2200 calories, the weight is coming off slow, my muscles are beautiful. I am not a complete *kitten* to be around, and am enjoying my work outs. I can eat whatever I want and not have my butt go up three sizes.

    MY SUGGESTION? FEED YOUR BODY. WORK HARD. Or you can ruin your metabolism, and eat 1200 calories the rest of your life, or do it the other way. Oh yes, and lift heavy things up and down, you will not get bulky and your body will thank you for it.

    THIS 100%!!!
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