
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I found this formula in another Insanity thred. Accourding to it I need to consume 2023 calories making it through Insanity with some breaks/modifications and 2268 calories if I'm killing it. That's a lot of calories......

    The Insanity formula for Females is as follows:

    655 + (4.35 x weight) + (4.7 x height (inches)) - (4.7 x age) = Base Calories

    Multiply that by either 1.55 (making it through Insanity with some breaks/modifications) or 1.7 (killing it).

    Then take ~500 off that number to target 1 lb per week weight loss.

    Great formula!! Thanks for sharing!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I am currently on day 3 of week 2! It is INSANE, but I love it! I lost 8 pounds the first week!

    That is awesome!! Way to keep at it! Have any tips or feedback for the newbies who just started or getting ready to? I'll be doing Cardio Recovery today. How do you like that one? Doesn't seem like very much recovery, huh? lol

    Also, kudos to losing 8 lbs in ONE WEEK!! Way to kill it, girl! Keep it up! Great inspiration for others here.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    i randomly tried plyo max cardio and i loved it :D the only ones i couldnt do were the switch kicks when youre on your back if that makes sense. also took a couple breaks but overall was proud of myself seeing as i had never done anything insanity related before.

    Sounds like maybe you found your soul mate workout! So, are you following the program now?
  • Reese316
    Reese316 Posts: 1
    I started the Insanity challenge last Monday May 6. Although I'm losing inches, I'm not losing any weight. Starting to get discouraged.
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I started the Insanity challenge last Monday May 6. Although I'm losing inches, I'm not losing any weight. Starting to get discouraged.

    Reese316, read what I first initially posted. You will lose, gain, stay the same with this program. And by stay the same I'm taking about building muscle and losing inches. Don't get discouraged and keep at it! It's only been a week. You will see results, I promise. You just need to follow the program and make sure you're fueling your body with right foods. We're all in this together, so, stay positive and dig deep!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member

    I just restarted on Monday so I finished Day 3 today. Holy $|-|!+! I forgot how sore I get. lol I love it though.

    I started the week at 194 and a small-ish size 14 (as in, I may be out of my 14s soon! YAYY!)

    I haven't taken pics yet but I should probably do that. I definitely want my free Insanity shirt so planning on sending my before & afters into Beachbody when I'm done! I did Insanity almost exactly a year ago but got 2 weeks to the end and quit. (Stupid I know) I screwed up my nutrition because my birthday was smack in the middle of the program and I didn't see many physical results so I didn't see the need to finish it. I plan on finishing STRONG this time and seeing amazing results. I am working on my nutrition. I just need to bust my damn sweet tooth!

    I have an old elbow injury so I don't know how many regular push ups I can do... when push ups are required, I do girly ones so as not to be putting too much pressure on my elbow or I won't be able to do anything with it for weeks (sucks).
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215

    I just restarted on Monday so I finished Day 3 today. Holy $|-|!+! I forgot how sore I get. lol I love it though.

    I started the week at 194 and a small-ish size 14 (as in, I may be out of my 14s soon! YAYY!)

    I haven't taken pics yet but I should probably do that. I definitely want my free Insanity shirt so planning on sending my before & afters into Beachbody when I'm done! I did Insanity almost exactly a year ago but got 2 weeks to the end and quit. (Stupid I know) I screwed up my nutrition because my birthday was smack in the middle of the program and I didn't see many physical results so I didn't see the need to finish it. I plan on finishing STRONG this time and seeing amazing results. I am working on my nutrition. I just need to bust my damn sweet tooth!

    I have an old elbow injury so I don't know how many regular push ups I can do... when push ups are required, I do girly ones so as not to be putting too much pressure on my elbow or I won't be able to do anything with it for weeks (sucks).

    I am so glad you're here and committed!! Dropping dress sizes is such an awesome feeling, isn't it? I know you can do it. You sound like you are ready and determined to reach your fitness goal!! Let's get to end of this INSANITY journey together and say "I EARNED IT"
    I'm reaching for that same goal of getting that t-shirt!! :)
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    4 days until the 20th!!! Are you ready?

    I'm on Day 5 today, pure cardio!! Wowzers. Yesterday I did cardio recovery and I thought for sure I'd be sore from all those squats, but maybe I don't feel it because everywhere else is sore is from the intense days. haha
    Looking forward to my workout this evening!!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    This is a great tool to show you how much water you should be drinking daily. According to this, I should be consuming just over 7 glasses/cups a day. What does your break down say you should consume?

  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Monday is the day!!

    What you need to do -

    1. Take your measurements. If anything, at least bust, hip, and waist. I am a little obsessive and do various other parts (biceps, thighs, etc) but do it! This will be key, because in this program you will lose inches more so than lbs on the scale. Why is this? It is because muscle is denser than fat. This means for the same weight of muscle and fat, muscle takes up less space. This translates into your clothes fitting better, but potentially your lbs going up on the scale.

    2. Take a before picture! When you are 30,45,60 days down the road you are gonna want to see how your body had changed. You don't need to publicize your picture, but take a few. I suggest full body straight on, side, and back. When you get discouraged, you can look at your picture and see the progress you have made.

    3. Get a pen and paper ready to record your fit test results

    4. Decide WHEN and WHERE you will be doing your fit test. Pick a time ( lets say 9 am ) and a place (living room) and stick to it! You will be more likely to not skip work outs if you have a set time you complete insanity each day, and know where you will complete it.

    5. Make sure you've calculated your caloric goal via the nutrition guide or the nutrition tool on the website. With this goal, you can break down your caloric goals for each meal. What I want you guys doing is to try to eat breakfast or lunch as your biggest meal, and eat progressively less during the day. Dinner should be one of your smaller meals.

    6. Start your grocery shopping! If you have the nutrition guide, pick out your meals and get to the shopping! If you don't have the guide, post what you plan to eat and we can tweak it.

    7. Get ready =] Get excited about it. Tell some friends, google some topics you are interested in.

    On the 20th, this is what I would like to see -
    -A little background about you and your goals =] I want to get to know you guys.
    -What your fit test results were
    -What your general feelings are about the insanity challenge
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Remember this the first couple weeks you're getting through INSANITY!! You've got this!! Dig Deep!!

  • I am gaining! And you are right, it can be discouraging, but I am tossing the scale through this journey!
  • I entered in the link for the FB group, and it says "NO BUENO"...well, not really, but it doesnt pop up. I am entering in:
  • eschifrin
    eschifrin Posts: 10 Member
    I’m in- I am on my rest day for week 2- I am at work now so I don’t have my exact measurements but I lost about 1/12 inches off my abs/hip/waist area. I want to join what’s the FB link?
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I entered in the link for the FB group, and it says "NO BUENO"...well, not really, but it doesnt pop up. I am entering in:

    Hey, kstorrs1 !!! Keep going! Toss out that scale and DO NOT get discourage. You are also building muscle. I'm so glad to hear you aren't giving up! Try this link...

    So, glad you are aboard the crazy train with us!! If that doesn't work, look up in the search box for "Insane in the Membrane" and the group should come up. I have it set to private, but you should be able to ask to join. We'll get it worked out!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Okay all! Sorry about the first link. I'm not sure what happened. Try this link to the fb group!!

    If that doesn't work then in the search box, look for "insane in the membrane INSANITY GROUP" and it should come up. Let me know if there are any other issues!! I want this settled and ready to go for you!!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I’m in- I am on my rest day for week 2- I am at work now so I don’t have my exact measurements but I lost about 1/12 inches off my abs/hip/waist area. I want to join what’s the FB link?

    Hi, eschifrin!! So glad you are joining us! Awesome results already with just 2 weeks in! You are diggin' deep! Gives us some motivation and inspiration here to look forward to! So, thanks for sharing.

    The link is listed above this post, which is
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Also, if any of you want to friend me during this journey, please do!! I want to see you succeed!! That way if you have any personal questions that you don't want mentioned here you can privately ask or speak with me. Have a wonderful Friday!! Are you prepared for Monday??? :)