5'5 & 5'6 women what is your goal weight?



  • Katy8967
    Katy8967 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm 5'6 and I'm aiming for 140. I'm 171 at the min (lovely baby weight). When I get there I can reevaluate and decide if I'm happy to maintain or i if i want to scrape a little more off. xx
  • AmberleyAngel
    AmberleyAngel Posts: 160 Member
    My goal is 187 lb. Considering I started out at 425 lb, I think it's a good goal. I have 99 lb to go to get there. Once there I hope to rest and maintain for a bit, and then re-evaluate to see if I want to go lower.
  • Montarosa456
    Montarosa456 Posts: 133
    I'm just under 5'7 (I got measured about 5'6 and 3 quarters so I can round up or down =) ) I'm currently 142 with a body fat of 22% but I'd really like to get to 135 as this really suits my athletic frame..
  • MizPassion
    MizPassion Posts: 245 Member
    I weighed 199 lbs in January. I currently weigh 188 lbs. My current goal is 160ish. I have always looked much lighter than the number on the scale. I'll lose more if I feel the need. My main goal is to look fit and athletic with more muscle definition.
    body shape: hourglass
    height: 5'5.5" Yes, the 1/2 is important
  • MizPassion
    MizPassion Posts: 245 Member
    I'm 5'6 and my goal is 160 (currently 170) and ultimate goal is 155. Im very curvy so going any lower for me would have me start to lose my lady lumps which I mos def want to keep
    I can relate :smile:
  • trytbfit
    trytbfit Posts: 14 Member
    I think it depends on your age.. 125 is a good weight for 5'6... in my 20's i was 126 and I remember I looked good. Once you hit your 40'd then you get happy with 140 range...
  • 666izzy
    666izzy Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 5'5", and 50 years old, and have just got down to 139lb (my target is 140lb) and I have to say, it feels good :-) Plus, I've still got curves in all the right places. Now I just need to maintain it.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    150lbs ideally. I actually like a bit of cushion for the pushin'
  • kirsty1301
    kirsty1301 Posts: 3
    Hi I am 27, 5'6 and my goal weight is 125. All depends on the frame of the person too :) good luck on your journey! :)
  • I'm 5'5 and feel that my goal is 154! As I don't want to be too skinny I may lower it a little when I get there though, Im currently 175! :(
  • Ivanhoemum
    Ivanhoemum Posts: 6
    My CW 135. height is 5'2" . I'm shorter than you guys so my
    GW is 127-129.Age is late 40's .my body fat is 26.8 per cent
    which is too high for my frame
    - although it's just over recommended range for my height
    I have' fat 'on abdomen/thighs and not muscle.
    I was 113 at age 20 but I had little muscle.
    My goal is higher than 113 not bec I'm older / had 3 kids
    but Iknow muscle weighs more. Visually I have a thick waist
    - need to add weight training to cardio to reduce this.
  • impatientingrid
    impatientingrid Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'6 and my goal weight is 135 or less. I currently weigh 161. I'm 29 and want to meet this goal before I turn 30 in 4 months! This is the largest I've ever been besides when i was pregnant in 2011. I still have 20 extra lbs I gained from pregnancy on me, so now it's time to really lose the rest! I think I'm normally a small to medium frame since in high school I only weighed 105lbs. Throughout my 20s I weighed anywhere from 120-140.
  • purple4sure05
    purple4sure05 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm 5'6". I started out at 142 pounds with a goal weight of 122. I'm currently down to 115 and hoping to level out somewhere around 120 :)
  • kindabored
    kindabored Posts: 7 Member
    im 5'6 and my goal is 130
  • _blizzard_
    _blizzard_ Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 5'5.5" and 28. I'm currently pregnant with my third child, but afterwards I'd like to be 120 by the time I turn 30. I'll be having this baby a month or less before my 29th b-day so that gives me a year to lose all the baby weight, plus 20 to get to that goal. :) Oh and I also want to be a size 4 again :)

    Also I'd like to add i have a small bone frame, if that matters. Lol!
  • loveanyway
    loveanyway Posts: 13
    I'm 5'6" & mine is 128, which is the weight I was last I fit into my size 3 jeans :)
  • maghenwarren
    maghenwarren Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 5'5 and my goal weight is 145
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    5'5 and my GW is 125.. I'm 130 now so only 5 more lbs!!
  • AngelicxAnnihilation
    AngelicxAnnihilation Posts: 336 Member
    5'6, 19 years, 125 pound goal weight.
  • AJoyfulLife
    AJoyfulLife Posts: 9 Member
    5'5.5" My goal weight is 120-127 range.