Best/Worst Thing People Said on your Weight Loss Journey?



  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    at work today, after complimenting me on my cute shirt, someone says something about how small my waist is (i'm wearing a belt over my shirt). this is part of the conversation that followed.

    them: "i hate it when skinny people say they are fat!"

    me: "i never said that i was fat. i lost all the weight i hoped to lose and now i am working on strengthening and lowering my body fat percentage. that's why i've been lifting weights."

    them: "whatever, all you have left is skin anyways. there's no fat on you. oh but you haven't had kids yet, just wait. that always totally ruins your body."

    me, thinking: "yeah, cuz you almost know what my body looks like under these clothes. and i'm glad you're making yourself feel better by insinuating that everyone is just automatically permanently overweight after they have kids. THANKS."

    them: "when are you having kids, anyways?"
  • colapopmusic
    Worst thing ever said to me....."Your thighs are are round and my stomach"
    Best thing ever said to me was just last week by my soon to be husband......"What? You are most certainly not fat! You look amazing!"
    I just t love him! BTW...The worst thing ever said to me is actually the one thing that really kicked me losing weight in gear. So maybe it was actually the best thing aid to me Sometimes honesty can hurt but be helpful at the same time :/
  • Codename_Duchess
    Codename_Duchess Posts: 2,042 Member
    Worst: "No wonder people lose weight counting calories, that's a lot of work!" Well yes, auntie, it is. It's being lazy & having no control that got me here in the first place!

    Best: "I'm so proud of you for sticking to it!" Makes a body feel good that people believe you can do something you never thought you could do yourself.

    I'm only 11lbs down, but I have no intention of letting the scale go back upward.
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    Best: Neighbor told me recently after I had lost 40 pounds that she thought someone new had moved in...I looked so fabulous and fit she did not recognize me at first....she congratulated me on my weightloss.

    Worst: Was told that I looked worse now that I was loosing weight and I should stop.
  • mrsbishop2010
    Best - "I'm so proud of you!"
    "You're such an inspiration."
    "What an amazing accomplishment."
    "You look phenomenal."

    Worst - "You look anorexic."
    "You're too obsessed w/ your weight."
    "You're starting to look sick."
    "Did you eat today?"
  • mphillip6
    mphillip6 Posts: 28 Member
    My best was when my Mom told me she could really see the difference and that she was proud of me.

    My worst was when I was taking a rest day from exercising (I work out 4-5 times a week), and my dad tells me "All you're doing is taking one step forward and two steps back when you don't exercise".

    Let's just say I've started listening more to my Mom than to my Dad, and I feel a lot better about what I've accomplished!
  • crenner07
    crenner07 Posts: 36
    Best and yet worse at the same time: "If you'd looked like that when we dated I wouldn't have broken up with you."
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    Best: "Marissa, you did it. you look amazing" --and I cried right then and there. this was from my gynecologist to me after seeing me a year post-op after gastric bypass surgery. She's the one that referred me to a bariatric surgeon originally after an annual exam with her showed crazy high blood pressure, high glucose, and I had major amenorrhea and I was just very extremely overweight. So, coming from her, this just meant so much.

    Worst: "I don't believe in weight loss surgery. people need to learn to control themselves" ---said to me after losing 166lbs a year after weight loss surgery. This one stung me badly because up until the point I said I had surgery this person was very impressed and inquisitive about weight loss. Whatever.
  • MizPassion
    MizPassion Posts: 245 Member
    Worst: Did you lose weight. Are you okay? (suggesting I'm ill). <
    we need less like him lol
    Best: You lost weight! Great! Keep at it! You're doing a good job.<----we need more like her
  • SusanHeinous
    Best: Lovely hubby overheard on phone to eldest daughter "you know your Mother has lots of determination" (I do? Thank you :flowerforyou:)

    Worst: The woman who is married to my Father "My God Susan, when did you get so FAT?" :explode:
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
  • amandaanderson2786
    amandaanderson2786 Posts: 95 Member
    best... wow your really slimmin down amanda keep it up i can see a change:flowerforyou: . worst... why dont you guys come on in we are all at the mcdonalds grandma is buying lunch!:noway:
  • sarahmom2
    sarahmom2 Posts: 5 Member
    My MIL "You look like you're stalled out, guess it's not working anymore. You sure you're working out?" Why yes, I am, and I lost 7 lbs since the last time you saw me *eye roll*
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    Best: "I couldn't have done it without you. You really are such an angel"
    :heart: That was said by my mom, who is losing weight with me, and every time I say "You can't eat that Mom!" she laughs, and says I'm her free personal trainer :tongue: So proud of her.

    Worst: "Your thighs still look weird in that."
    Ironically enough, said by my mom. But I knew how she meant it; she meant that it's not loose for my thighs, and she doesn't take to the idea of the skinny jean trend, and doesn't suggest that I wear these 'tight trousers'. Haha, but this was good for me, because it motivates me more, to trim that area a bit (I have quite a ways to go in my weight loss journey still!). Though I can see how it would be taken negatively, so I included it under Worst.
  • bluejeansbaby03
    Best: " look like a model!" "Are you an actress?" - random strangers
    "You are so gorgeous. It took me a month to ask you out?" - guy I went on a date with

    Worst: "That's great! How much more do you wanna lose?" - friend who is overweight
    "Wow, you look so thin. Did you have cancer or something?" - acquaintence
    "Be careful, you don't wanna get too thin." - mother

    I am really grateful I saw this discussion. I can relate to what so many people have said in this thread...It is really hard to imagine why so many people who are supposed to love us and support us would be such jerks about our success! Thank you everyone :-)
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    Best: you're my inspiration!

    Worst: you don't LOOK like you've lost weight,
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Best: You are looking thinner!
    Worst: You still need to lose the pooch..

    Sure, WAY easier said than done.
  • charovnitza
    charovnitza Posts: 689
    Best things:
    You're definitely the winner of the "person I know who's lost the most weight without bariatric surgery." (therapist)
    You've lost more than I weigh! (my husband weighs about 128 pounds.)
    You've lost like a teenager!
    I want to lose what you've lost - will you freind me? (MFP'ers)
    OMG - where'd you go? You look so great!!

    Worst things:
    Doesn't Spanx make something that can help you with that? (loose skin/fat around the belly area from losing so much weight) my mother

    You're as fat as a pig! - my daughter
    Why are you so fat? - other kids
    Let's be realistic...You can't lose the weight without surgery, otherwise you would have done it by now. - an allergist I once went to
    I can't believe your doctor wants you to lose 90 pounds before he'll put in a lap-band! You should go to a different doctor because you need it now. - my mother

    Kids are supposed to outlive the parents, and we're so afraid you'er going to die. - my mother
    I don't want your kids to grow up without their mother. - my mother
    I'll pay you $10/pound to lose weight. - my grandfather
    Nice boys don't like fat girls. - my mother

    Doctor to Nurse: Last time I saw stretchmarks like these were on a pregnant woman! - a jerk of an OB/GYN my mother took me to, only to find out she asked him to say something to me about my weight.

    Going to a doctor appointment one morning, a nurse went to check me in, and said, "You've lost a lot of weight - you must've had surgery...."

    You are so fat. If you lost weight you might actually be pretty - all my friends think so. - said my brother and sister

    I REALLY don't like it when I go out to eat with others, and when looking at the menu we start asking each other what we're going to get, and people start saying, "I'm getting whatever Beth's getting..." --- HEY people - don't make me responsible for your choices!!

    Tub-o-LARD - said my brother


    Any possibility you could divorce your family? OMG they're awful!
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member