how you got fat?



  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Beer & eating like s**t.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    Eating fast food and a sedentary lifestyle. Drinking lots of sweet crap instead of water.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I had two back surgeries...2004/2008...I used that as an excuse to pretty much not give a sh1t what I ate, or how much of it.
    I wouldn't even consider exercise..."It's too dangerous" I would tell myself. Once you start getting accustomed to eating like sh1t, exercising like sh1t, and feeling like sh1t, it all becomes pretty easy to ignore.

    I'm never going back to that place again.
  • elledeery
    elledeery Posts: 866
    I used to be in a relationship where all the boyfriend at the time wanted to do during weeknights was go to Tim Hortons for baked goods or random stores for ice cream,chips, etc. After that breakup, it went on to my friends and I spending our weekends either going out to supper which meant lots of fatty appetizers and meals or going to the bar which meant lots of sugary coolers and cocktails followed by 3am pizza or fries on the way home with a hangover day on the couch complete with lots of grease and junk food the next day!
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    It was a three-step process.

    Step 1 - stuff food into my mouth
    Step 2 - stuff more food into my mouth
    Step 3 - repeat steps one and two

    ^^^this, plus
    Step 4- sit on my fat *kitten*
    Step 5- play mind games with myself
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    I allowed the guy i was dating to take me out to yummy restaurants where i ingested waaay too many carbs and calories. And then, i got too involved with my life to work out. Nuff said.
  • kellie1055
    kellie1055 Posts: 80 Member
  • mworthen
    mworthen Posts: 11
    Pregnant three times never lost the weight in between each pregnancy. I wasn't happy with my life, lazy, depressed, stressed. The usual emotional eating. My husband never said anything or really noticed how unhappy I was. I love my family and I'm now starting to see ME again. I put me on the back burner and always put everyone first but I've realized I'm just as important. I will get there completely it just takes time and support. :)
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    Weekends full of binge drinking, eating, fornication, and various other debauchery

    ^^^^This, which I still do all in moderation....oh yeah, and a child in the tummy a few years ago was a great excuse to let weight creep on.
  • catrinaHwechanged
    catrinaHwechanged Posts: 4,907 Member
    Hmmmm......3 kids in 4.5 years, eating like crap and that damn insatiable appetite that you get when nursing. :grumble:
  • CoffeeLaceAddict157
    lived in NYC for a while where there were restaurants on EVERY CORNER. I gained like 40 lbs in 2 months lol.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    I was overweight all of my life, starting when I was 4-5 years old. There was always dessert and a full cookie jar in the house and I couldn't resist either. I hated being outside when I was young so I didn't get a lot of exercise other than working on our farm, which kept me from being obese but I was still overweight. As I got older, my poor eating habits continued and I got even less exercise and I became obese (about 75 pounds overweight at my heaviest).

    Currently I still have about 20-25 pounds to lose but at 50 year old I'm smaller than I was in high school so that's a huge victory for me!

    ^^Basically, me.
  • Tlglose
    Tlglose Posts: 49 Member
    Never really considered myself fat but the pounds crept on as I got older and having a hysterectomy didn't help:noway:
  • eggsmilkbread
    eggsmilkbread Posts: 184 Member
    By eating at a caloric surplus and not exercising. :wink:
  • stephcbms
    stephcbms Posts: 142 Member
    I got hurt, bad, physically. I couldn't run, workout or even work. So I tried to heal myself with self pity, beer and chicken wings. :cry: :drinker:
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Eating at waaaay to many buffets. Not exercising. Eating junk food. Depression. Comfort food binges. More depression.

    Biggest reason for Me? Just plain stupid when listening to the family say "All Goodell women get fat and there is nothing you can do about it". Yeah, I really did believe that for a Very Long Time. My whole family is large and I fell right into that trap.

    Now I am watching my niece gaining weight...Have pleaded with her to start controling it now while she is still young. Sadly, every time I see her there is more of her. SIGH
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Deep depression => emotional eating => self-loathing => more eating


    Also, I was really active in high school (marching band and soccer year round), so I could get away with eating crap because i was burning it all off. I was never skinny - just maintained my moderately overweight self. Blew out both of my knees my junior year of high school and was told I would never be active again. I took that as fact, got depressed, and put on over 100 pounds in 10 years. Finally woke up and here I am.
  • eevincheezburger
    eevincheezburger Posts: 163 Member
    "Living in the moment" (i.e., everyone goes out to eat)
    Peer pressure to eat a lot, and a lot of bad things
    Significant other's eating habits
    Lack of sleep
    Ignorance (not researching proper nutrition)
    Family influence (we only ate bad food growing up)
    Celebrating with food
    Driving short distances instead of walking
    Rewarding myself with laziness
    High stress/lack of time (hadn't figured out how to compensate and do meal prep/exercise)
    Cooking for taste and not for nutrition
  • Tatonka_usn
    Tatonka_usn Posts: 433 Member
    I had two back surgeries...2004/2008...I used that as an excuse to pretty much not give a sh1t what I ate, or how much of it.
    I wouldn't even consider exercise..."It's too dangerous" I would tell myself. Once you start getting accustomed to eating like sh1t, exercising like sh1t, and feeling like sh1t, it all becomes pretty easy to ignore.

    I'm never going back to that place again.

    Craig - I can COMPLETELY empathize!!!
  • taymarie8046
    taymarie8046 Posts: 27 Member
    I got to college and discovered Beer, restaurants that delivered till 3am, and more beer. Spent the past 4 years drinking every night but wednesdays, and satisfying my drunk munchies. Finally out of the "fake life" that is college. And starting to live a balanced life.