27, never married and no kids?



  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    32 and never married/no kids.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I got married for the first time at 28 and was 30 before I had kids. You sound pretty normal to me. :-)
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    31, never married (but would like to be one day!), no intention of ever having children, but I would like more cats. And dogs.
  • ShelleyGre
    ShelleyGre Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, i'm 38, no kids and gained weight by no exercise my whole life, drinking real ale and red wine and eating unhealthily! I'm not really overweight just messy and baggy...my sister had a baby last year and her stomach is flatter than mine!! So I get where you are coming from! :happy:
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    34, never married, no kids. No it's not weird, I'm quite happy living without more responsibilities than me. I don't see a reason to get married because I don't want kids.
  • Sarah_L_S
    Sarah_L_S Posts: 121
    36, never married, no kids. I don't know anyone 'in real life' who had kids under 30... No, you're not alone!
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    I'm 25 but feel like the minority as well!
  • shandi_b
    shandi_b Posts: 153 Member
    Not weird at all. I must admit that I'm married and have been for 17 years, got married just before more 21st birthday. Didn't have our first ( and only) kid until I was 32 years old. We had pets first! (after the first 3-4 years of being married).

    I put on my weight before kid from plain old not moving enough and eating too much.....plus being married I was just too comfortable!

    Feel free to add me, if you don't mind an "oldie" as a pal. (that is married with one kid)
    I need to lose weight and be healthy for my family, but for me - I don't want to be fat and forty.....and I only have a little until 2 years to achieve and maintain my goal!
  • alpenpam
    alpenpam Posts: 27
    Umm, I am 24 and got married this year, and am absolutely the first one in my circle of friends to even consider this step. They accept it and are happy for me, but marriage and children is very far off still for most of them (all being my age). So no, I do not think that you are weird lol. I don't know if it's a cultural thing (I'm from Germany) but if you are having kids before 30 here, you might get frowned at
  • nuttingh
    nuttingh Posts: 65
    I am 29, just broke off an engagement, and have no kids. I'm starting all over and focusing on myself for now. If love comes, it comes. I'm not looking for it.

    I know how you feel because it seems that all my friends are married and a truckload of them just had babies in the last couple months!!! It can get to you if you think too much on it. However, I need to remember that if and when it's right, it will be right.

    Anyone would like to add me, feel free. Always looking for fellow motivated buddies!
    Have a great day everyone!
    Heather :)
  • Embee_2311
    Embee_2311 Posts: 47
    Lol. You might feel the odd one out in your circle of friends (and maybe at work), but the truth is that there are MANY single chicks-past-the-age-of-25-years out there. Truly, it's no worse off than being part of a couple . . . . .believe me, there are not so great moments on either side of the fence! You appear to be a confident and strong woman, so just continue defining your life for yourself and you will be fine:happy:

    Congrats on the magnificent weight loss!!! You are looking good. :flowerforyou:
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I fall into this category at 32.
  • nuttingh
    nuttingh Posts: 65
    I have a cat, I'm 1/4 on my way to being an old cat lady lmao totally ok with that =)

    I;m 27, no kids, not married and I ahve 2 cats!! Justgot to start knitting I'm my old ldy status will be completed

    I have crocheted for over ten years. I think that may make me an old lady already. I'm just missing my cat. But I will probably have one soon! LOL
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I have a cat, I'm 1/4 on my way to being an old cat lady lmao totally ok with that =)

    I;m 27, no kids, not married and I ahve 2 cats!! Justgot to start knitting I'm my old ldy status will be completed

    I have crocheted for over ten years. I think that may make me an old lady already. I'm just missing my cat. But I will probably have one soon! LOL

    I'm pro cat. In fact, I can send you a couple! Seriously, I have access to massive numbers of the cute, climby, purring, clingy things.
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    Nah you're fine. I'm 30 no kids. Never married. It'll happen when it happens.

    It'll happen IF it happens. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. Now the kids are grown and gone, I'm divorced, and I've moved halfway around the world! I'm loving my single life and don't expect to ever give it up again.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I did not get married till I was 28 had first child at 33 2nd at 34. Or shall I say my wife had our two children I just stood next to her while she gave birth. And dont get me wrong I love them to death but sometimes I wonder why the heck we decided to have kids. Oh yea and one step child but Ill claim her as my own.

  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    I'm 29, never married and no kids. I call that success! I was just wondering this yesterday actually. With the cultural phenomena of adultolescence (people increasingly remaining psychologically adolescents as well as financially dependent on their baby boomer parents well into their twenties and sometimes thirties) whether this was going to be the result - i.e. a trend of people getting married and having kids 10 years later then the previous generation did?
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Hell, I was 39 when I got married (and have no interest in having kids). 27 is YOUNG!! :drinker:
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    that was me at 27 too you are young!
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    There is nothing wrong with your choices. I'm 36, never married, and have 0 interest in ever having children. Some people are supportive and respect my choices and others don't get it.

    Never do anything simply because it seems like it's what society expects of you. Live your life your way and try to enjoy it as much as you can.

    I'd rather you admit to not wanting them than to have children and not do *kitten* for them! So, good for you! I totally get it. Maybe you can teach a class to some men & women....Sorry early morning rant lol :flowerforyou: