Clueless people in the gym



  • DojoMaster888
    DojoMaster888 Posts: 61 Member
    And THAT's why I don't go to the torture


    Rude and unnecessary.

    Some gyms have some very judgmental members- that's who I would call ignorant. Who are they to judge someone else's level of fitness or knowledge. If they have a problem with it, help them out or keep their mouths shut. It can be rather intimidating for newbies and particularly women in the free weights section when those kind of people are nearby and leering.

    Having said that, to the original commenter: you have every right to be there as anyone else. And it's not a torture chamber- it will be what you make of it. Get in there, make the best of it, and don't be afraid to ask questions to the staff- that's what they're there for.

    ETA: Not everyone in the gym is like that. I'm particularly friendly/receptive and attempt to be helpful to other members.

    Think you misunderstood. Its ignorant for her to throw this post as an excuse to not put in the effort to go to the gym and learn. I am guessing that by her torture chamber comment that it wouldn't matter if the gym was full of understanding and helpful people, it wouldn't alter her opinion. I dont believe my comment was rude or unnecessary, just stating how it comes off. Besides I can safely say I do my part to help and make my gym a more comfortable place for all skill levels.

    BTW: I have the absolute most respect for women who lift with free weights because they dont listen to the stupidity about becoming the Hulk after lifting.
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    I am not sure why you feel you have the right to judge people on a public forum or period for that matter. My trainer had me do the smith machine just last week. Why don't you encourage people at the gym instead of putting them down. At least they are there!! Good for you for being the God of the gym. How other people workout at the gym is really none of your business...unless you have something to learn from them.
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    See, this is why I avoid the weight area--I'm scared of people realizing I have no clue what I'm doing...I work nights, so I don't go during staffed hours.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Just... wow.
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    Son, I am disappoint
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    When people are recovering between sets they may only stare angrily at the weights! No texting!!
  • hungrywhodat
    hungrywhodat Posts: 40 Member
    Machines, including Smith, cannot be considered a 1 to 1 substitute for a free lift. A squat with a barbell is not the same as a squat with a smith, and a dumbbell fly is not the same as using the deck.

    But anyone who says that machines should always be avoided as a matter of principle or that Smith machines are worthless does not know what they are doing. Some of the biggest and strongest people in the world use machines as part of their workouts. Doing the same lift over and over for years and expecting results is far, far dumber than anything you saw anyone do in the gym that day. Including your avatar. Hell, at least he's trying something new.*

    The OP is self-contradictory.

    *I do not actually recommend that technique.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    I think each and every one of us were clueless at one point.

    I know I sure was! I think we all have pet peeves about the gym. Maybe you could offer them assistance if you happen to notice. I know you said trainers should do it, but in reality they arent always willing to.

    Just my $.02
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Dorian Yates used the smith machine as part of his regular routine.

    He wasn't successful at all.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    Ah, another thread that reminds me why I workout at home.
  • just_fur_luck
    just_fur_luck Posts: 141 Member
    I noticed the other day as I was working out that of the 10 or so people I saw lifting weights, only eight of them (myself included, of course) appeared to have any idea as to what they were doing. By this I mean using proper form, avoiding machines, etc. Seems to me like my gym could be doing their members a favor by just stationing a trainer over there whose job is to show people how to do things correctly in order to avoid injuries and loss of motivation because they aren't getting the results they expect.

    I've done a lot over the years to try to educate myself on how to do things right in terms of form, and I think that is why I've only been injured twice in 20 years of gym time. Seeing people get all fired up about squating their body weight and then doing about 1/4th of the squat motion and calling it a set can be kind of annoying after a while.

    Also, every Smith machine should be taken outside and put out of its misery.

    And don't even get me started on people who text between sets in a gym that has only two squat racks.

    OK, rant over.

    HOLD THE PHONE! You're complaining that 80% of gym goers know what they're doing?

    I guess when you become an elite level pro mega lifter like yourself your standards get a little higher than us mere mortals.
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    Instead of getting frustrated, why don't you see if they need help? I've had members (both male and female) offer help and I was glad to learn from them.

    Texting though, that drives me insane.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    And THAT's why I don't go to the torture


    Rude and unnecessary.

    Some gyms have some very judgmental members- that's who I would call ignorant. Who are they to judge someone else's level of fitness or knowledge. If they have a problem with it, help them out or keep their mouths shut. It can be rather intimidating for newbies and particularly women in the free weights section when those kind of people are nearby and leering.

    Having said that, to the original commenter: you have every right to be there as anyone else. And it's not a torture chamber- it will be what you make of it. Get in there, make the best of it, and don't be afraid to ask questions to the staff- that's what they're there for.

    ETA: Not everyone in the gym is like that. I'm particularly friendly/receptive and attempt to be helpful to other members.

    Think you misunderstood. Its ignorant for her to throw this post as an excuse to not put in the effort to go to the gym and learn. I am guessing that by her torture chamber comment that it wouldn't matter if the gym was full of understanding and helpful people, it wouldn't alter her opinion. I dont believe my comment was rude or unnecessary, just stating how it comes off. Besides I can safely say I do my part to help and make my gym a more comfortable place for all skill levels.

    BTW: I have the absolute most respect for women who lift with free weights because they dont listen to the stupidity about becoming the Hulk after lifting.

    I am the beastly man-hulk- hear me rawwwwr! :laugh:

    I interpreted her post to mean that the dissidents intimidate her and that's why she referred to the gym as a torture chamber. I remember thinking before that I needed to get in shape so I could go work out! haha Catch 22 eh? :-) I certainly don't think it's a valid excuse (hence the last section of my post) and hope that she decides to venture in/changes her perspective, but it's not likely to happen based on an internet post. :-)
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    Many people are intimidated at the gym and afraid to admit that they don't know what they are doing.

    It's unlikely that you'll find a gym with trainers stationed around the gym offering free advice to people working out. It's expensive, and people don't like being put on the spot.

    A better approach would be for the gym to offer free classes on how to use its equipment once a month.

    and members who think they know it all, and look down their noses at those of us that are just starting out. You are the reason more people don't go to the gym. I go, I work out and could care less what you think of me or how I work out. MYOB
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    I am not sure why you feel you have the right to judge people on a public forum or period for that matter. My trainer had me do the smith machine just last week. Why don't you encourage people at the gym instead of putting them down. At least they are there!! Good for you for being the God of the gym. How other people workout at the gym is really none of your business...unless you have something to learn from them.

    I agree that we should just let people do their thing in the gym - I mean, hey at least they're out there and making an effort to better themselves. People will learn things on their own.

    That said, for you to pay a trainer to put you in the Smith machine is a disservice to you. Your trainer should know better, it is is their profession.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Also- I am on my phone in the gym. I use it to record weights/reps/failures when I forget my notebook. JUDGE MEEEEEEE DOOOOOO ITTTTTTT.

    What I find particularly comical? The people taking pictures in the gym. :-) Doesn't bother me... I consider it a brief interlude of entertainment.
  • lindsyrox
    lindsyrox Posts: 257 Member
    I'd love it if someone offered to show me how to do things correctly...
    On the same note I get what you're saying. I feel the same way, its more of a feeling of concern for those who aren't doing things right not a feeling of superiority or looking down on them for doing it wrong.

    and texting at the gym, really? I can see maybe every so often for legit reasons (checkin in on your kid or letting your spouse know you have one set left and then you'll be home) but maintaining a conversation between sets is pretty obnoxious.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Hmmm, I wonder how many people I piss off when I change my music, enter my sets, reset my timer, double check my next round of weights to add, answer a text, etc etc, on my phone all during my 3 (sometimes 4) minute recovery time between sets.

    Oh, yeah, I just remembered....IDGAF.

  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    What seems to be your big issue with Smith Racks?? I happen to use one, ( I own one) so I can do squats, as I work out alone most of the time, and don't really feel like having 350+lbs on top of me should some unforeseen thing happen .........

    Why don't you go and try giving some of your expertise to these people that bother you so much. ..... I know I sure don't belittle people in the gym. I try and help anybody that wants help.