Looking for other 40-50 age group w/ motivation to be fit.



  • Count me in 50 yrs old and going strong...trying to get fit again and knock off 20 - 30 lbs and keep it off...I work out 1 hr. 4 - 5 days a week. I am 184 now and would like to get as close to 160...anything past that I don't believe I look healthy.
  • barbara4599
    barbara4599 Posts: 114 Member
    And me! 43 and struggling with the weight and general feeling of blah that accompanies it. Working to eat better and exercise!
  • tlrushia
    tlrushia Posts: 4 Member
    45 here. Have been struggling all my adult life with my weight, but sure has been a lot worse since I hit that wonderful age of 40.. Would love to talk with others in the same boat..
  • fitbugfreak
    fitbugfreak Posts: 86 Member
    I just added you :)
  • KellyJoDay
    KellyJoDay Posts: 14
    Add Me if you like I will be 49 June 5
  • taxevazion
    taxevazion Posts: 6
    Count me in...
    I'm 47.... Currently I have lost 65 lbs...
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    I'm in - about to be 56 and losing the same 5-8 pounds for past two years :)
  • Recently hit the big 40....anyone wanting to add me please do so. I could also use the support.
  • cicigavgab3
    cicigavgab3 Posts: 13 Member
    You can add me as a friend and count me into group
    ....I am feeling the same struggles....I had lost 28 pounds easily 3 yrs ago and then last year with the stress of my first , and oldest child going off to college put 18 of it back on...this time around it has been slow but mfp has been a big help!
  • ghayes1954
    ghayes1954 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 58! Doing 1200 and doing Zumba and strength training. 11 lbs. gone and 45 to go!
  • ekmanning50
    ekmanning50 Posts: 21 Member
    Count me in! I will be 50 next month. I can sure relate to hormone changes and hot flashes, too!!! Exercise does seem to help decrease them, though.
  • TammyS327
    TammyS327 Posts: 134 Member
    Count me in. 46 and fighting the hormones. 46? How the hell did that happen?
  • jholston13
    jholston13 Posts: 1
    51 and everyday is a struggle to get this weight off. It comes on so easy, but is so hard to get off. I'm in. I could use all the support I can get.
  • Another soldier battling the hormones and adipose here!

    I am 45, getting the cortisol spikes, hot flashes.

    I started last year with some RL buddies, slacked off, gained six pounds, and came back without my buddies to learn how to fit into my clothes again! Is there a group, or do we collect the "feel free to add me!" members? In any case, feel free to add me. :smile:
  • oceanturquesa
    oceanturquesa Posts: 5 Member
    Same age.....fighting to loose weight....count me in
  • Junebugsc
    Junebugsc Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all! Count me in! Anyone is welcome to add me. I am 45!
  • Debra6430
    Debra6430 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to this but would love to be included. I'm a minute shy of fifty and have been gaining steady for the past 3 years, time to reverse that trend.
  • Fish_Fuzz
    Fish_Fuzz Posts: 90 Member
    This whole topic is full of age discrimination! And discriminating is wrong!
  • Almost 46, let myself go. Now trying to regain my youth, and want to live long enough to see the Cubs go to the World Series.
  • lilhank44
    lilhank44 Posts: 1
    Love this idea! I'm 45 and realize that it's easy to have the pound creep up on you! I think journaling will help to see the weight change, the food going in and exercise or lack of! Seeing it in black and white should help and having friend see it might hold me more accountable. So please include me in this group, I'm new, just started Monday. A couple years ago I realized how much weight had snuck on (35lbs) and I worked really hard to take it off and now fighting to maintain!