

  • mookiemoomoo
    mookiemoomoo Posts: 53 Member
    Chiclet glad its getting sorted with your mom the story was so sad . .love the idea of getting clothes altered im going to do that for a couple things that i love to wear that are now to big .

    ihave been on the wii again today for 1 hr and enjoyed it going for a swim tues to .
    cant wait to get under 11st going away in sept would love to get there for that . so i need to up the exersise from now till then see how i go .

    loves mookie
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Well, Our Good & Wonderful God has finally given Granny rest. She passed away Saturday afternoon around 4.

    I went in to get her up Friday morning and she had had a bought of diarrhea & vomiting. We got her all cleaned up. She went downhill from there. She died here peacefully with all of us with her.

    I've taken care of her for 15 1/2 years so I am at loose ends.

    I know things will be okay, this will just take some getting used to.

  • mimi7grands
    Good morning everyone (or whatever time of day it is for you). I feel wonderful this morning. Good eating day yesterday; lots of veggies, which made my heart sing; got in a lovely walk through beautiful countryside; and got a good night’s sleep. Life feels good today.

    My DD, her son, and 3 grandkids are off to the water park today so it will be quiet around here. Gives me time to catch up with all of you and the friends and family I need to call. Mmmm. I love it!

    Susan, I hear you on the strength exercises. I feel so good when I move and yet it’s so hard to get going. I was doing Strong Women Stay Young exercises for a few weeks and felt great. My resistance reminds me exactly of the way I felt about eating healthily. I’m keeping that in mind and gradually working in more exercise (cardio first of all then strength). We humans surely do have to struggle with “two minds.” We should make a pact to get in a certain amount of strength training. Sometimes partnerships help.

    My sympathies about not being with your son on his birthday. Kids! You’re smart to keep busy with something else fun (and totally engrossing and tiring to boot!) Good luck with the house.

    Linda, I’m glad you had a wonderful time with your daughter. Sounds delightful. And new dress and shoes too. You can’t beat that! Thanks for your kind words. It’s much easier for me to communicate in writing than in person. I’m learning a lot from all the encouraging women on this thread. It helps me be more positive and outgoing in person!

    Barb, your sense of humor is so fun – obviously in person as well as in writing!

    Amanda, good for you for staying strong while you have company. I love your determination – and that you insisted on your gym time. Way to go!

    Viv, I AM proud of you!!! Woo hoo! I like my veggies best when they’re still hot from the oven. I usually munch on raw veggies for snacks. I had a big platter full of roasted mini-peppers, red onion, fingerling potatoes, and asparagus last night. They were delicious and I feel wonderful this morning. I’m amazed at how my mood correlates so closely to what I’ve been eating. I don’t think it’s just because I’m happy with myself but more that there’s a physical effect. (That’s my scientific opinion (based on a study sample of one!))

    Yesterday was the first time I’ve eaten a bunch of veggies in days. The asparagus is my favorite as long as it’s not overdone. Overdone it gets stringy. 9 or 10 minutes at 450 or 475 (232-246 Celsius) does it. I admit to liking the spray butter on some things, like the potatoes. I don’t like the ingredients but I haven’t found a substitute yet.

    I’m planning to make a big plate full of roasted summer squash, crookneck, and zucchini along with some green beans this afternoon. I’m not a big zucchini fan, so that will be the smallest portion! But the summer squash, crookneck squash, and green beans will be yummy. I like how spritzing them with olive oil and roasting (baking) them in a hot oven browns them (more like golden!) and gives them slightly crispy outsides.

    Your uncle is lucky to have you and your family nearby. You clearly care about him a lot. A close family is a blessing – whether we’re born into them or create our own.

    Barbara, your post made me laugh so much. I’m glad we got the benefit of your insomnia! I actually got a good night’s sleep. I made sure I drank my 8 cups of water early and had to get up only once in the middle of the night. That beats that 2-hour schedule I was on…just like getting up to feed a baby. No thanks!!!

    I get the European style (milder) plain yogurt then stir in some Stevia and vanilla. It’s tasty with fruit – and saves all those calories!

    I haven’t found the secret yet to making exercise fun – maybe it’s just to get started! I almost skipped it yesterday but drove to the bike trail instead and got a good, brisk walk in, getting back right at dusk. It’s a beautiful trail and takes you over a pretty wonderful gorge (the bridge used to be a train trestle). The people you meet always have a friendly hello for you. I do think I need a little dog to keep me company, don’t you?!

    BC1, hope you’re healing well.

    Randy, Elizabeth, and Mary, I know you’ve got a lot on your plates but wanted to let you know I’m missing you. Each of you, in your own unique way, is a lovely woman and a good friend.

    Shiddleson, welcome to a wonderful, supportive bunch of women. You are starting out close to where I was last January. You’ve done an amazing job so far and are doing it younger than I did. You’ll have lots less jiggy skin! eGood for you! I know about those old habits sneaking up on you. I look at them as good practice for the rest of my life. They don’t do much harm as long as we stay conscious, keep logging, and get right back on track.

    Terri, good to hear from you. I’m glad to see you’re doing well. Good going!

    Jackie, you’re 7 pounds down and hanging tough. That’s worth shouting about!

    Mookie, sounds like you’re doing well too. Congrats!

    Cindy, my heart goes out to you. I’m glad your granny’s at rest and glad the burden is lifted for you. But I know there was joy in that burden too. You were wonderful to take such good care of her. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Just back from our trip and marking for later :smile:

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    So sorry to hear of "Granny's" passing. I know she had a long a good life, especially the last years under your loving care. I am glad you could all be together at the end. Take care of yourself, and take some time to reflect on how you can productively spend the extra time you now have at your disposal. I will be thinking of you.

    No time for a long post today. Didn't get up very early as Mai Li didn't want to go to sleep last night. I figured out her back was bothering her, so I gave her a pain pill, but until it kicked in, she was not a very quiet, or willing sleeping companion. This morning she has been very quiet, just stirred to drink some water and now back to "snoozeland."

    I am regretting agreeing to go to the fair with my friends, but I guess it is too late to back out of it now.:ohwell:

  • mynyddisamrs
    Cindy ....

    So sorry Grannie has passed away. She was so lucky to have such a wonderful carer as you. Take care of yourself now too and fill the time left by her passing with great things.
    My thoughts are with you and your family.

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Cindy, just popped in and read the latest posts. My sympathy to you and family for the passing of your dear granny. Experience has taught me that no matter how old they are when it happens, you still miss your loved ones when they are gone.
  • houselm
    houselm Posts: 5
    I have been out of town since the middle of July, Plan to start over with my workouts at the Y tomorrow, :smile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    Barb (weaklink) - that is so wonderful of you to help chicklet! Warms my heart.

    chicklet - my heart, too, broke when I read this. I thought of my father who lived alone. There wasn't anyone to help him, either. I'm trying to remember what we did. I know towards the end we hired a lady (she was an absolute angel) to live with him, she cooked, etc. I was 1-1/2 hrs away, I can just imagine what you are going thru!

    I seem to have maybe pulled one of my quad muscles. Guess I'll just rest it for a little. Well, tomorrow I'm going to go to two seminars about exercising/weight control for the elderly. I enjoyed working with the elderly people before we moved here, so I think I'll find this very interesting. Actually, there is one other but by the time I'd get home it would probably be around 6:30. To have gone from 8:30 to 6:30 is just a long day. If only that seminar were given right after these two.

    Then tomorrow night I'm going to go to the movies with some of the gals from our Newcomers group. Going to see "Letters to Juliet". It's at this place that costs $2. We went there once, and I'd just feel bad taking my own food. So I probably won't have anything. Since the admission is so cheap, I'm sure they make their money on the concessions.

    Anyway, I packed a lunch for myself for tomorrow. Am taking 1/2 a turkey sandwich, babybel cheese, grapes, crookneck squash, cauliflower, and carrots with me in a lunchbox. I'll put a freezy-thing in it before I go since I'll probably have to leave around 7:30.

    Bryan is making a pissaladiere right now for us to take to the social tonight. There's a French theme. Vince made up a sign that you lift for the translation. It says "French kisses...ohh la la" and on a dish he's going to put Hershey kisses.....lol

    Well, we went to the social. It was very nice. Whenever I go to these things, I take just a smidgen of this and a smidgen of that. However, I did take extra ratatoule (or however it's spelled). It's really just veges. We really should have made two of the pissaladieres. I just didn't know how people would like anchovies. Well, as they say "live and learn and die a fool...."

    Then this a.m. (Sun) I went to 2 fitness seminars. Really, I'm finding more and more that my interest is not so much in fitness as it is in nutrition. Then, tonight some gals and I are going to see the movie.

    mimi - your picnic sounds wonderful! I BET you had a great time, I can tell it in your post. The only problem with buying the broccoli and cauliflower is that I will need to buy more soon. Well, I'm going to the store tomorrow anyway, so I'll just pick it up then.

    chicklet - thanks so much for keeping us updated. this story never ceases to amaze me! Going on VACATION!!!!

    Glad to have you shiddleson

    Cindy - prayers for you and your family. Know that right now God has another angel.

    Well, going to get dinner ready for Vince and myself, then off to the movies.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Just finished making a huge bowl of C*** of the Walk style slaw to take to my nephew's 30th birthday supper/fish fry. Actually all contains is cabbage, sweet onions, black pepper and a sweet sour slaw dressing. Soooo good! Shhhh! Don't tell anyone I use Splenda when I make dressing. :laugh: Had to laugh when I saw MFP deleted part of the restaurant's name. Its a 4 letter term for a rooster. LOL! My plan is to fill at least half my plate with slaw and other veggies, only eat one piece of FRIED catfish and pass on the birthday cake.

    I still have Sophie. I've had several calls on my lost dog ad but so far they were all looking for a dog very different from her. I still think she was dumped out instead of lost. When hubby finally gives me the green light, I'll post a picture of her. He has her sitting and shaking his hand now. I'm trying not to push.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Cindy - you are in my thoughts. It is never easy to lose a loved one. You were truly a blessing to her as well. I wish you and your family the best.

    chiclet - I am glad things are being taken care of for your mother. It is so hard to be long distant I will continue to send good thoughts your way.

    mimi - sounds like you had a great day. I love the feeling of "life is good". I wish you many many more days like that.

    I am starting to ramp up my focus for the coming week. I really want to get down to 145 by Saturday. I can do this. it is only .8 of a pound. I have set out my daily menus and I aimed for 1250 again. I am sure it will be a good week. DH still really want to take Bodi with us. I am not sure which way we will go now. I don't really want to. I just want to relax with very little responsibilty for anyone else. And I think Bodi would be better at the kennel with Keira.

    I hope you all have an absolutely great rest of the weekend.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Cindy--I'm sorry to hear of your granny's passing. She had a good life with you and I know you'll miss her.

    Chiclet--Be sure to follow through onyour mom's care. Her welfare and health is so much more important thatn your brother possibly getting into trouble! She's his mom, too, though, and I am sure she loves him, even if she doesn't love the way he's acting toward her.

    Linda (tcac)--it sounds like you had a great time with your daughter! I am happy for you.

    shiddleson--Welcome! You've found the BEST group around!

    Everyone--I'm sorry I'm not answering everyone individually. Not enough time today. (Mimi--roasted veggies on the menu tonight!)

    Take care, all.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Just got back from camping vacation. Ate a lot, walked a lot, swam a lot, toured a lot of wneries. Great time. To my great surprise I am only up 2 pounds.

    This is a large group. Only Aug. 8 and so many posts already.
    I am always sorry to learn about someone losing a loved one on this site. I guess it is our age. Everyone we know and love is getting older.

    My father died last Apri and I sometimes forget he is gone. So I understand and express my sympathy to everyone who lost someone this past year.

    But that is no excuse for my weight gain over the past year. Time to get back to living healthy. God bless everyone this evening.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good evening, All,

    Just a quick hello...I tried to catch up with all posts but still in MT so have little time to myself. Did another VERY beautiful hike today...4 hours with a pack...so I hope to sleep well tonight! Still eating more than usual but am now logging in and with the exercise I am ok, it seems.

    Cindy: I am so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful thing you have been doing for 15+ Years! I am sure it will take quite a bit to get used to not being the caregiver you have been. Take care of yourself now, please.

    Question to all of you who live in and around Victoria, BC (or have vacationed there): DH and I are trying to plan a road trip to that area from Montana in Sept when I am back out here. We have never been and really want to see it. We also would like to go to Lake Louise etc. What do you recommend? What should we absolutely NOT miss? I am reading a bit but there is SO much country between us and there that we want to see that I am overwhelmed! I appreciate any advice you may have.

    Sorry not to respond to more of my dear MFP friends...I am thinking of all of you and appreciate you "being here". Take care and have a good week! Kackie:heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :flowerforyou: :sad: Cindy, I am so sorry to hear about your dear Granny's passing.....you provided her with such a blessed life....I know you will miss her

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet, I'm sorry to hear about all your mother's problems and heartened to hear that some solutions are coming together...I was blessed to be living near my mother during her last years...it must be so hard to be so far away and feel so powerless.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, you continue to amaze me with the extent of your knowledge and arsenal of solutions from elder care to socks for chilly friends.....I'll look for those socks at Costco the next time I go.

    :flowerforyou: This has been a cool, rainy, very little exercise weekend, Yesterday I went to a tea party in honor of a friend's birthday.....about 25 women all wearing hats, some wearing gloves, many wearing dresses.......the hostess had tables with lace table cloths, china cups and saucers, fruit, cherry tomatoes, little sandwiches, and about a dozen rich desserts.......I had herb tea, cherry tomatoes, grapes, and one small egg salad sandwich. the dress I wore was the one that I bought last year for a wedding.....it was a little looser this year but still looked great.....I bought a hat at Goodwill that looked great with it.

    :flowerforyou: Today I went to an all day meeting and took my own lunch with me so I didn't have to deal with the served Mexican food.....the good fortune was that the women on both sides of me had also brought their own lunches.......Jake went to the Seattle Mariners game with his friend and ate a pretzel with cheese on the ferry and a hot dog and an ice cream sandwich at the ball park but he got his 10,000 steps and we did yoga in the morning so he feels like he came out even.......and the Mariners won the game.

    :flowerforyou: Terri, I'm so glad to hear from you again and glad to hear that you're back on abstinence and have a sponsor
    those will be just what you need for continued success on the weight loss path....

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, there are so many wonderful things to see in the Pacific Northwest
    if you get far enough west to get to Victoria then you should take the Coho ferry from Victoria to Port Angeles and see the beautiful Olympic Peninsula where I live :bigsmile: Last summer we vacationed in Trail and Rossland, BC and thought that was one of the most beautiful places in the world.

    :flowerforyou: Once again I read the posts while doing exercises with my three pound hand weights.unfortunately, lifting weights and typing don't go well together :laugh: Thank you all for your support and enthusiasm and all the joy you bring to my life. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    Wonderful warm day. Eevening thunderstorms arrived just as I was re-painting the faded garden globe... that will teach me to procrastinate!:ohwell:

    Shiddelson :flowerforyou: welcome to the warmest funniest caringest group of women you'll ever meet.

    Terri :flowerforyou: welcome back and congrats on your sponsor.

    Cindy :heart: 15-1/2 years what a gift you gave! :heart: Usually it's the caregivers who miss their charges the most. :brokenheart: When mama lost papa after 17 years caring for him in a wheelchair, she slept for the better part of 3 months... part exhaustion, part as a way of handling the loss.

    Mimi, :love: thanks for the tip on the asparagus, will try it tomorrow night. As for spray butter alternatives, have you tried avocado oil in a pump sprayer? It's the most buttery tasting of the mufa oils to my taste... Then again, me I'd probably just melt a little real butter and have at it... :laugh: Neither am I a zucchini:sick: (nor any kind of squash) fan but you make it sound so appealing I may have to try to change my tastes!:noway:
    Your trail sounds lovely and YES you do need a little dog :heart: (or two:heart::heart: ) to keep you company. http://www.petfinder.com/index.html will help you find just the right one that needs a forever home. That's how we got the General. :heart: :heart: :heart: You can search on gender, size, age, geographic range and breed-in-the-mix. It will be one lucky pooch for sure!:love:

    Think of you with gratitude every time I remember "There's nothing as good as the first bite. Savor it."

    Michele, was going to look up pissaldiere:bigsmile: ... until you implied it contained anchovies...:sick: :noway: :sick:

    SuzyQ your slaw sounds yummy, :love: share the dressing recipe? Sounds like DH is bonding or Sophie is charming him... couldn't be happier for you all!:happy:

    Robin have you told DH how you feel about taking Bodi on this camping trip? This is a vacation for you both. Young dogs need careful monitoring out in the wilds. That might not be relaxing for anyone. :noway:

    :sad: We had a tragedy in our neighborhood last month. Cody, a friendly, sturdy, 10 yr old Bichon was attacked and killed in his front yard by a coyote. The whole neighborhood is shocked and grieving. :brokenheart: He was about the same size as the General (Robby). Joe and I are now checking the back yard before letting our dogs out in the dark. We're only 3 blocks from sagebrush foothills and frequently see deer, foxes, skunks and raccoons, but the coyotes are usually too shy of people to come in.:sad: :sad: :sad:

    Hope the DH will give you the relaxing gift of letting Bodi stay with Keira.:flowerforyou:

    Kathy every time I see your QUIT SMOKING signature I get a big silly grin. :happy: Well done!

    smwert toured a lot of wineries and only up 2 pounds? :noway: WOW! You must have walked and swum MILES!

    Kackie Hiking 4 hrs with a pack? Are you sure you're not Robin?:laugh:

    Gutt'n'butt 7th try day 7. Still can't get shoulders off floor for crunches:noway: , but could that plank be getting a little straighter?

    :yawn: And now to sleep:yawn:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    It may be considered the "touristy" thing to do, but if you are going to Victoria, afternoon tea at the Empress, is a unique experience. I will defer to Rebel, who lives there, in case it has changed, but it was memorable when I was there several years ago. Also, if you are going to be in mainland BC, the Capilano Suspension Bridge in North Vancouver, is worth a stop. They also have the Stanley Park Zoo, in Vancouver.

    I am sure there are others who have been there more recently, or who live closer that can give you some good choices, but these are some that come to mind for me.

    Well, I survived my trip to the county fair today. Would you believe I found HEALTHY food at the fair??:noway: :noway: :drinker: :drinker: I did, in the form of a Greek salad, which I ordered with dressing on the side. My friend had a lamb gyros. Unfortunately, I did succumb to one temptation. A church group that makes legendary homemade pies was there again this year, and everyone knows that food prepared by church folk is low in calories (-NOT!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:) So I had a piece of sugar free peach that was excellent--and we won't talk about the a la mode part:blushing: :blushing: . I am sure I will pay for it tomorrow, but the fair only comes once a year, and I am 32 lbs. lighter than when I attended the fair last year, so I am going to enjoy the memory of that pie without guilt or regret and get back to business tomorrow.:happy:

    The doggies were glad to see me when I returned home, so we went for a walk, and now I am being told it is dinner time, by you know who--all three of them, so I guess it is time to end my post.


  • Erica_q
    Erica_q Posts: 41
    Good Evening, Everyone,

    I was going to try to catch up on the posts, but I only made it to page 4! I had vacation bible school at church this past week, with today being the big family celebration after service. I was paired up with a 5-year-old autistic boy who was fun to be around, but it was draining having to keep my eye on him for 3 hours. I came home exhausted every day, which is why I've been MIA. I will try to catch up with the rest of the posts tomorrow.

    I have a doctor's appointment first thing in the morning, so I'll be up and out early. It's the exam I dislike more than the mammo. Oh, well, we do what we must to make sure we stay healthy.

    I talked to my supervisor Monday and was reminded that the hours I had last year weren't my hours. I had forgotten, so I won't complain about that anymore. I talked to a friend at church today who is going to keep her ears open for an office job. She said they might be looking for someone in her office in a few months, and she would keep me in mind. It would mean leaving the school district, but it would be full time and year round, so we wouldn't be struggling too much during the summer. I'm not holding my breath, however. Counting chickens and all that, you know.

    Obviously, I didn't meet my goal of logging on every day, but now that VBS is over, I have high hopes that I can accomplish that goal for the remainder of the month. Tomorrow is weigh-in day, so wish me luck. It's been really hard, because we haven't been able to afford many groceries, so there aren't too many healthy choices right now. I'm hanging in there, though, and doing the best I can. I haven't gained, so that's good.

    bkrbabe57 - Welcome! I know you will enjoy this group of ladies. I turned 53 on the 3rd. Happy Birthday on your special day. :smile: BTW your goals are very doable. Just keep telling yourself you can do it.

    McMadame - Happy Birthday to you, too! :smile:

    Tiarapants - Congrats on the 80 lbs lost! :happy: I'm sure you will be able to get the rest off in due time.

    Well, as usual, I have dishes to do, and I want to get to bed soon, so I can exercise before going to my appointment. I will try to catch up on the rest of the posts tomorrow.

    Goodnight all!

  • ainslieglen
    Hey, everyone:smile:

    It's Sunday evening and I'm sitting reading posts and feeling really grateful to have found this group. I don't post as regularly as some of you, but I do follow your lives in your posts and feel very close to you. :heart:

    Cindy...so very sorry to hear about your loss. You were a devoted caregiver for so long, I can see where you might feel a void. I bet "Granny" would hope that, gradually, you use the time to be good to yourself.:flowerforyou:

    Kackie.....I retired to Victoria 12 years ago, and I love it here. It's pretty and Vancouver Island has lots to offer. However, as a transplanted Calgarian, for sheer, spectacular and breathtaking places to visit, I'd have to handsdown suggest Banff and Lake Louise. The first time I drove into Banff, it literally made me dizzy. You can take a gondola ride up to the top of Sulphur Mountain, and look into the faces of angels in the spectacle surrounding you. It' all pretty amazing!:flowerforyou: I loved Calgary, but couldn't manage the challenging winters any longer. I go there to visit my son and grandson in more user-friendly seasons

    I'd like to respond to individual posts, but I can't keep up with you guys. However, I do have something special to share with all of you. Friday was my daughter-in-law's 35th birthday, and Saturday was my son's 37th birthday. They called me on skype yesterday, and my son was holding up a positive home pregnancy test stick attached to a card that read Happy Birthday Daddy.
    Jenn had gotten a "real" test at the Dr's in the morning, and they're having their second child:bigsmile: They're the ones who live in Cabo San Lucas, and their first little one is Mason, who is in my profile pictures. He's two now, and they're coming up to BC next month to visit and I'm sooo anxious to hold him. Anyway, happy news to share with you:heart:

    You must know that you are a big chunk of my life, even if I'm not a good poster. I visit you every day here, and I care about what happens to you all.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :flowerforyou: Sending hugs to Cindy in the loss of her Granny. What a storehouse of memories you must have! I was never privileged to know any of my grandparents as my parents were old enough to BE my grandparents. I've always wondered what it would be like... Be kind to yourself and allow some down time to rest and regoup. After years of insomnia and only sleeping with Ambien, I slept for days and days after we buried Moma. It was like i could finally relax. Between kids and parents I had been the caregiver for over 30 years so to me the hardest part was not having anyone who needed me to take care of them anymore and finding something else constructive to fill that void.

    THIS is the week we had planned to be visiting my son and his wife. So since my heart is there, I have volunteered to work VBS in an effort to stay focused on life the way it is instead of the way I wish it could be.

    Time to get outdoors and get some mowing done before it gets too hot.