Do you need to lose 60 pounds too?



  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Woo hoo, I lost 2 pounds this week! I did the happy dance then proceded to eat all day long. My husband was home today too so we hung out and ate. Those grand plans to do yard work or clean the house went out the window the longer we sat in front of the tv and computer. Tomorrow will be a better day.

    Becca, exercise is the only thing that works for me too. I know how to eat right but that alone doesn't do the trick. Where are you on the shred? I am 2 days into level 2 but I hate it. I think I liked (choking on my words here) level 1 better. I guess I hated level one when I was doing it too though.
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    EboniA - Congrats on your weight loss. That's so exciting. I hit a milestone this week too!! I lost 20 pounds last month. I know I just started, and I will always lose more initially... but I am so dang excited about it. I am doing shred, and I am on day #14 (for tomorrow). I am also on level two, but I like it more than level one. The plank jacks are fun, and I can do the walking push ups better than the regular push ups. I haven't missed a day yet, and that momentum for me is key. I have an extremist personality. I can't ever just do anything part way. Which is why I work 120% of full time, and feel like I am going mach 27 all the time.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Congrats on the losses girls. 20 lbs in a month! I would be dancing on the ceiling. Even if it slows down a little, you still have a great start which motivates and keeps that lost number high :)
    Personally, I gained 5 lbs since Sunday... Ok, my weigh in isn't actually till tomorrow, so we will see, it might be 6 lbs. Not sure what I have done wrong, and it sure doesn't seem normal. If its not a fluke, I think I will see a doctor, cause I know I haven't eaten over maintenance, much less enough to gain 5 pounds in six days...
    The most frustrating part is how close I am to the first digit at 2...
    I did quit the shred for the time being, going back to my variety on Netflix. I liked the walking push ups too! They are part of my pilates workout too though, so that's cool. Even on day 10 of level 2, I couldn't work both legs on the plank jacks, totally modified~
    Of course, I plan to start shredding again, but gonna add it into the cardio I'm already doing. Last time I did a replacement thing, and so I got bored with just Jillian.
    Well, my kids and my man are all gone so I can do what I need to. So, I guess I better get to doing it~ (homework) I don't even understand half of it, think I'm just gonna go through some study plans and take the test and cross my fingers.
    I hope you ladies have a wonderful day and/or weekend. Oh, and specifically~ Rhaeven, I hope you are healing well!
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    After the 30 day shred (I am on day 15), I want to try something new. I got the biggest loser for the Wii, and it has programs for 4, 8, or 12 weeks. Have any of you done this system? I have done the 30 day challenge on Wii Active twice, but I lose my interest after too much longer. What kinds of workouts do you like?

    Right now, I am shredding each morning, then walking the dogs. Then, I do whatever for the day and sometimes get swimming, or biking or something else fun. I am just desperate to get a routine in place before school starts again and I have no more free time!!
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Hi all...Its Monday, I gained like 4lbs, 209 to 213 since last week. I'm PRAYING its mostly water and junk from surgery. I'm doing my level best not to freak out over the small gain and know that today I'm back on track and going to slowly start my exercising again. I didn't eat badly and definitely not 4lbs worth of bad, so I'm hoping it will drop off as quick as it came. Just the same, it was kind of depressing this morning to hop on the scale and watch that number go up. PFFTTT.... :grumble:

    This was also an incredibly stressful weekend, which maybe why my weight is all f-ed up anyway. My brother has been staying with me for the last several months, and he is a major alcoholic. Last week I made him sign a contract stating that he could no longer drink if he was to stay here with my niece and that if he drank and was asked to leave, my niece was to stay here where she is safe, and has all her belongings. He is abusive toward her when he is drunk and I was/am trying to protect her. Well long story short...he of course has been drinking and getting drunk behind my back (easy to do, when I'm recovering from surgery). Saturday night I told him he had to leave, and per our agreement, my niece was to stay with me. Yesterday morning he grabbed his stuff and my niece and took off. Needless today I'm terrified for the safety of my niece and today will be spending a portion of my day on the phone with Child Protective Services trying to see what I can do to help her out. She is only 7yrs old and this past year has been a nightmare for her. The whole situation is tearing me apart.

    Stress and healing don't really go together, so I'm hoping that things will settle down here real soon, for the sake of my niece and my scale.

    Thanks ladies for all the good thoughts!! I really appreciate it. Its nice to know that people are thinking about me. Everyone seems to be doing a great job staying on the up and up.

    @mamadaisy--I sure hope you figure out why you have gained. Is it TOM? I'm always gaining like 5lbs from that (Hmmm...makes me wonder if thats where part of my 4lbs came from, started 2days before my surgery) . Keep us posted!

    Good luck to everyone this week!!!!
  • HaydonS19
    HaydonS19 Posts: 27 Member
    I'll join you, I've got about 60 or more to lose. And I'm 28
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Welcome babygirl. Glad you decided to join us.

    I lost another pound. How? Who knows. TOM and no exercise are not the magic combination but I know if I don't start working out again, it will be a fluke.
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Happy Friday the 13th Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Welcome Babygirl. Excited to have yet another one to encourage, push and be a part of that journey! LOVE this place, and we have some very awesome ladies in our little group here.

    @Eboni Good job on the 1lb down!! Keep it up!

    After gaining some weight from surgery, I weighed myself to day and am down the extra pounds plus a little bit. I'm very, very glad of that. Mostly water I'm sure, but its still a huge relief to see that number go back down. So proud of myself that I am not just giving up cuz the scale doesn't like me once in a while. Guess thats the difference between lifestyle change and diet. LOL

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
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