I am afraid to even post this...



  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    Welcome Tom. . That first step is a doosey. So glad you did it.

  • diamier
    diamier Posts: 66 Member
    There a one very good rule at weight loss - when you try, but you don't succeed, just don't give up. Try again and again. We all come here not for a month, not for a year, but we keep this lifestyle for a lifetime. It's really nice what you've decided to do, that means you still have a feeling that things will change. They will! But like I said, people who come here usually change their thinking. At first they think that weight loss is a work and that they just don't like themselves for how they look, they don't feel right. But like I've noticed, most people some weeks or months or even days after start to think that there's no reason to hate your body. You are the one in whole universe and so you have to respect your body. Why don't we just care for it, if we want to live for a better life?

    Everything starts from your mind, then it shows in your body.

    Gradually, you will know that eating some foods makes your body sick, the main idea is to listen to your body and to yourself. Don't give up!

    And that is really not some kind of yoga bull***t, but a real story. I am not here mainly for a weight loss, but I have to tell you, that I have so severe acne all over my face, neck and back, that I can't go outside without 30minutes of puting foundations and powders on my face. It's really hard to be that one in society, but after joining mfp, I started to listen to my body... Best of luck :))))))))))))))
  • fredhack
    fredhack Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Mate...good luck on your goal..... Have a look at this for inspiration...It worked for me...This guy has done an amazing job. His name is Pu_239 look him up and invite him as a friend.

    Fred :-)) http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974665-success-stories-any-method
  • DancesWithDogz
    DancesWithDogz Posts: 107 Member
    Tom... I feel your pain. Do yourself a favour and start small. Aim for 5 lbs by July 4th (i'm from Canada so I would say July 1st...) but take baby steps...thats the way to go... the best motto to stick by.... eat less, move more. Switch up one "bad habit" (i.e. soft drinks) for one good one - "water"....
    Keep in touch and keep online - there are some awesome people here...although I am new here, I know there is a great support system to help you through... chin up... smile and think positive thoughts.... "change one habit starting today"! :--)
  • MC552cats
    MC552cats Posts: 1
    Thank you for saying what so many people feel regarding discomfort and shame about weight. But it's also about how food becomes such a source of comfort during those times of stress, loss or even happy times. LIke you, I felt I could never get the weight under control. However, I was lucky enough to join the YMCA Diabetes prevention program (I'm pre-diabetic). It's a free 16-week program where you learn what and how to eat. It's very supportive. The program is proven to be successful. It's not the least bit judgmental . Maybe NJ is offering this program? There are many aspects to the program - you're not alone, you keep a food journal, you get weighed each week but the focus is less on weight loss and more about eating for a healthier life. Yes, anyone can read about fat having 2xs the amount of calories as sugar, starch or protiens (thus by default you reduce weight by reducing fat) but it's far more important to be with people, one hour a week, attending this educational forum with you. Now I keep within 42 grams of fat per day (your daily fat intake would be 55 per day). I think of food alll the time but I'm making big progress with replacing very high fat foods with lower fat foods. There is much more to the program than what I'm describing. I do hope this helps in some small way. There is hope.
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Firstly Tom, you need a massive stinging high five for not only recognising that you need change/help/support but actively posting and asking for it - trust me, you won't regret it.

    A weight loss journey is not easy. There is no quick fix if you want to do it healthily and responsibly. What works for one person might not work for the other - it's all about finding what you can fit into your life and what you enjoy. You'll have weeks where you lose 5lbs and weeks where you gain - but this is a lifestyle overhaul, not a short, swift diet - mentality is the key.

    What I can promise you that even a 30lb loss will make you feel 5 times better than you do now. You'll have more energy, your blood pressure may drop and you'll just feel more alert - it's a very empowering feeling.

    Don't rush out to buy a bunch of low calorie, low fat products. Tweak around with your diet until you find the right combination that works for you - some people swear by high carbs, some hate them with a passion. Some people track macro's (sugar/fibre/salt/carbs/protein/fat) and some people only rely on calories. I do both, but my main principle is just to do what I WANT to do. Don't force yourself to the gym if you despise the place - find a sport or activity that you enjoy and work at it and find methods to make it more beneficial. Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day or a day where you eat "bad" food - there is no such thing as bad food - it just needs to be used in moderation.

    This took me over 10 years to figure out. I'm still overweight, but I'm working everyday at being healthy after spending the majority of my 20's being about as unhealthy as possible.

    I'll send you a friends request if you don't mind :) GOOD LUCK x
  • At my heaviest I was 301 lbs but I am only 5' 2". I have lost 115 lbs it wasn't easy but if your mind is set you can achieve all things. My fitness pal is a great way of keeping things in your power. I have been using My fitness pal since the end of December. I do water aerobics and treadmill a few ideas for you, water aerobics helps you move without the weight being a factor as much. You can do this there are many people here to raise morale, and encourage each other. Not all my loss was using My fitness pal but it helped so much more than on my own. No need to fear we all understand.
  • llmcconnell
    llmcconnell Posts: 344 Member
    Congrats on wanting to change and get healthy for yourself.. Good luck to you and I look forward to your successes :)
  • bearsfan67
    bearsfan67 Posts: 57
    Congrats on being brave and for joining.....you can do it. Feel free to add me for support and friendship!!!
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I have been overweight forever!! I got really serious after my dad died in November. I realized I was damaging my body the way he had damaged his and I didn't want to leave that legacy to my own kids.

    I am not trying to be negative when I tell you to set a more realistic goal. 160 pounds in 7 months is not realistic. That's about 20 pounds a month. You didn't get overweight overnight. You won't lose it in a healthy, sustainable way by trying to go too fast.

    The best way to start is to start. Try not to binge on anything. You need to practice self-control first and foremost! When you slip, don't think you will just start back tomorrow or next week. Start back at the next meal! And don't beat your self up! We all slip!!

    Coach Calorie is a great online mag to give some great nutrition and exercise tips. Start lifting weights. Start light and and a few pounds at each workout. New Rules of Lifting is a great resource book!

    Good Luck!! You can DOOO this!!! :bigsmile: We will all help you!!! :heart:
  • 260ToGo
    260ToGo Posts: 16 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I have been overweight forever!! I got really serious after my dad died in November. I realized I was damaging my body the way he had damaged his and I didn't want to leave that legacy to my own kids.

    I am not trying to be negative when I tell you to set a more realistic goal. 160 pounds in 7 months is not realistic. That's about 20 pounds a month. You didn't get overweight overnight. You won't lose it in a healthy, sustainable way by trying to go too fast.

    The best way to start is to start. Try not to binge on anything. You need to practice self-control first and foremost! When you slip, don't think you will just start back tomorrow or next week. Start back at the next meal! And don't beat your self up! We all slip!!

    Coach Calorie is a great online mag to give some great nutrition and exercise tips. Start lifting weights. Start light and and a few pounds at each workout. New Rules of Lifting is a great resource book!

    Good Luck!! You can DOOO this!!! :bigsmile: We will all help you!!! :heart:

    Thank you so much. And it's just a stretch goal, not really realistic more of a extreme motivater.
  • kenh14
    kenh14 Posts: 19
    Just wanted to add to the support. You can do this!!! You definitely got this!
  • Elena1259
    Elena1259 Posts: 6
    Tom- I can totally understand what you're saying. Don't give up! When I was a teen, I was the only ne in my family who WASN'T skinny. My mom would always call me fat, but never did anything to help; like change the meal items. When I recently had gallbladder surgery, I gained more weight-I didn't realize I had to change my habits then. The only good thing about it is that I have support from the 'myfitnesspal' community.

    All you can do is take one day at a time. And keep track of all you eat; I'm sure you know all that already. And, if you believe, say a prayer---I will be.

    Now let's talk cats (I have 3)--HA! HA! just kidding.

    If you ever need someone to talk to, send me a message.
  • DeniseH112
    DeniseH112 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Tom, I am so glad that you joined myfitnesspal! I just wanted you to know that I believe in you! Like another person said take it one step at a time. I just joined here too, but with anything that I do I really have to learn patience with myself. Wishing you all the best! I'll send you a friend request. :)
  • A big contrats to you for reaching out! You can do this!
  • allcaring
    allcaring Posts: 2 Member
    Good for you. I know you this is a hard step. Trying something new when other diets have failed. Everything you do will make a difference. Try cutting out just 200 calories a day. and be true to your food diary. When your really hungry drink some green tea or water.
    I am here if you need to talk.
  • lairdg
    lairdg Posts: 7 Member
    Hello Tom,

    I can totally relate to what you are going thru right now. When I started my quest to drop a few pounds I had to do it for my health. My doctor, god love her because she has such a no non sense approach to things told me, you have two options, get a gastric bypass surgery (which I did not want) or get the weight under control so that my heart rate, BP, cholesterol etc would be under control. She gave me 45 days to lower my BP, if not she was going to put me on medicine. 45 days later first goal met, no medicine needed. She then recommended me to a 'health coach'. thank god this person was not a dietician because I cant stand skinny people that like to tell me at over 400 pounds I need to eat more vegetables....geez really you think???? So my insurance offers sessions with a health coach at no cost. I would go to visit this lady every two weeks for 30 minutes. During these sessions she would review what I was eating and what my activity levels were etc. She was a fantastic resource in my life at that time. I was not on any diet per se. She would look at the meals I was eating and we would start to make small changes to it two weeks at a time. One thing was going from peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with Jiff and Smuckers jelly to natural peanut butter and natural jelly. Reason was for the reduced sugars in each. Then we looked at cheese, again a small change but when you look at the sodium between regular white American cheese and low sodium American cheese there is a difference and when you add it up over the course of a week the difference is significant. IT IS NOT EASY I KNOW. I am a creature of habit. I found foods that I could live with and salads for that matter as well and started to make small changes to my eating habits. Going back to the health coach for a moment she was a great resource and never told me I needed to eat more vegetables or needed to do this that or the other thing. She would offer suggestions to me. For instance I love yogurt and would have that and oatmeal everyday for breakfast. Rather than just have a regular yogurt that is loaded with sugar etc she asked me if I ever considered Greek yogurt. I told her no I have never tried it and that she was nuts for even suggesting I try. Then I tried it and love it. Once again a small change but I got rid of un uneeded sugar. If your Health care insurance offers a health coach you should explore that. I wish you the best of luck!

  • mdoyle28
    mdoyle28 Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome.....YOU CAN DO THIS! Friend request sent:)
  • psyche929
    psyche929 Posts: 4
    Congrats on your journey. Just know that you CAN do it! My ex was 450 at 5'8". He is now under 200 and doing well. It takes time, it takes patience. You can do it!
  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    Good luck Tom. You are in the right place.