The Evil Skinny Cow, and other "Light" Lies and Untruths



  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    This is nothing new. Snackwells introduced their FAT FREE cookies in 1992. People then thought sweet!!! We can eat as much as we want. THEY AINT GOT NO FAT! Woooohooooooo. Dont have to use any cards when I deal myself a meal.

    Also, check out the rise in Autism rates from 1992 til now. Now Im not saying one is the cause of the other......but just sayin that the rise in rates seems to be in line with when the food industry began modifying its foods. Keep eating foods that are 3 molecules away from being considered plastic and see what happens next.

    I blame Clark W. Griswold
  • MartinaNYC
    MartinaNYC Posts: 190 Member
    I'm deeply in love with the Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich- not because of the skinny part but because I really really like it! Is it good for you? Not really. Do I eat it every day? Nope- 3 times per week AT MOST. Do I eat more than one in one sit? One is more than enough for me. Moderation is the key and that's why I'm on MFP- If I met all my goals for the day in terms of nutrients and I have 200cal extra why not? Of course I'm not gonna skip dinner to stuff my face with three ice cream sandwiches! Moderation+intelligence= happiness!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Did someone say Skinny cow??

    Brb heading over to the freezer.
    As you will see in my diary I have an Ice cream sandwich almost every single night.

    Edit: Good thing I'm not on a diet.

    I go through phases - right now it is before-bed peanut butter apples, but I eat ice cream a lot and LOVE my skinny cow sandiches. I buy them by the case at Costco!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    What is boils down to with ANY company is how they ENTICE their consumers to come spend money with them. With men, it always seems that ads directed toward them have hot girls around the promoted product.
    With females lots of food commercials show only thin females eating them.
    For the life of me I can't see how the average female wants to $300 or more on a handbag, but for some the $300 hand bag was advertised as a win for consumers.

    My opinion on how light foods help/harm would entirely depend on the person who's buying them. I've had clients who used them and lost and some who didn't.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • SaraC1977
    SaraC1977 Posts: 51
    I love Skinny Cow and can have just one. I might have one every other day or a couple a week. I think the issue is more if you are a sweets/chocolate person or a salty/crunchy type. I believe the reason why some people can't just have 1 skinny cow dessert is because they crave sweets and chocolate. I do like those, on occasion, but don't crave them.

    However, put pita chips, mixed nuts, popcorn etc in front of me and I just can't have the allotted portion size. I could easily eat the whole bag. Watching someone eat bbq chips or tortilla chips with guacamole in front of me is torture. I know in moderation it would be fine to indulge, but for me I just can't stop & willpower goes out the window.

    Just lately I realized that. So I've stopped buying those salty &/or crunchy things and recently bought a box of skinny cow ice cream sandwhiches. It has been a week and I've only had one.

    Good luck and kudos on the well written observation!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I don't have a "forbidden list"....Not while losing 60lbs and not now.....

    I've not been on here for long,but so agree with you.Trying to stick with real food,eating as healthy as I can.
  • simplyeater
    simplyeater Posts: 270 Member
    You don't tell alcoholics to just have one drink and you don't tell over eaters to have just one ice cream sandwich (whether it's full-fat or skinny).

    If you don't have an overeating problem good for you, go forth and practice your moderation.

    For those with a problem, go ahead and keep that crap on a forbidden list just like alcoholics do. If that's what you have to do to succeed don't let anyone tell you it's wrong.
  • crissyniko
    crissyniko Posts: 47 Member
  • alphal0b0
    alphal0b0 Posts: 125 Member
    So who's fault is it for YOUR lack of restrain? Skinny Cow's? Sounds legit.

    I was about to say exactly the same. The diet and light foods are there to help people trying to lose weight, have a bit of a treat. Just because they're low fat or low sugar etc.. doesn't mean you can eat the whole packet. I like a skinny cow frozen yogurt but it doesn't mean I eat double because it's 'allowed'.

    Having a banned or forbidden list is doing yourself a disservice. The moment I say something is banned I crave it. I allow myself to have treats and don't beat myself up if I pig out a little. The key really is moderation. I'm only just starting out on my weightloss journey but I'm not in the habit of blaming other people for my emotional over eating and lets be honest, greediness, that has made me over weight.

    she gets 'it' and she is just starting on her weightloss journey.
  • whatascene
    whatascene Posts: 119 Member
    I completely agree with this thread. But don't get me started with the other billion things that are killing us too. Hardwood floors- the finishing actually seeps through your feet and administers chemicals that way. Plastic bottles are giving you chemicals too. The air is giving you chemicals. It's scarey. I took a human behavioral endocrinology class and pretty much girls start their periods earlier now and more women have PCOS and such because of this exposure to chemicals that don't even have to be in foods to get into your body. Just touching crap that was finished or coated with chemicals is bad.
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    I enjoy Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches too. I find it easier to have 1 sandwich than to measure out ice cream out of the container since I would probably eat a bit more to fill up the bowl. It's easy, convenient and tasty - and one satisfies me so why not.

    As for the OP, I understand... if you can't stop at just one, then get them out of the house. In theory I could eat a limited number of Reeses Pieces candy and fit it in my calorie quota but realistically I'm going to eat the whole box. So I don't typically keep that in my house either! :)
  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
    I agree the skinny cow candies get me evertime
  • ashliejones13
    Just quit eating things that are bad for you. Once you stop making any kind of sugary foods a habit, you won't even crave them anymore. Unhealthy foods are like drugs. Just have some self control. Skip the real ice cream and the fake ice cream. It's not that difficult to read a label and say "that's not good for me so I won't eat it". I hate the "I have an over eating disorder" excuse. Yeah, I used to over eat as well. I used to be fat. Then I woke up one day and realized I had nobody to blame but myself. Quit making excuses, quit wanting it, and jus be it.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    The Skinny Cow stuff is ok.. but lately I've been addicted to the Atkins Peanut Butter cups. I actually like them better than the Recees Cups (Yes.. I went there.. Wanna fight about it?!?! :explode: ). Put them in the freezer for a couple hours and they are just heaven!!!
  • ashliejones13
    There are some great low calorie and extremely healthy made from all natural fruits and chocolate recipes online. You jus have to look and be willing to take 20 minutes t make them.
  • Morgaine_on_the_move
    Morgaine_on_the_move Posts: 228 Member
    I don't think the OP's point was that she needs to have a forbidden foods list...what I got from it was that certain diet foods are set up so that we naturally want more, if not by the fact that they are labeled "light", then by the additives, chemicals and fake sugars which make our bodies crave more.

    A little bit of the real thing made with real ingredients goes a long way towards satisfying us.

    I don't eat the Skinny Cow ice cream stuff not because I can't stop at one, but because it messes with my digestive system in a way that regular ice cream doesn't. So no thanks.
  • CalynZeigs
    CalynZeigs Posts: 34
    You don't tell alcoholics to just have one drink and you don't tell over eaters to have just one ice cream sandwich (whether it's full-fat or skinny).

    If you don't have an overeating problem good for you, go forth and practice your moderation.

    For those with a problem, go ahead and keep that crap on a forbidden list just like alcoholics do. If that's what you have to do to succeed don't let anyone tell you it's wrong.

    Personally I fall in with the ones saying they have no forbidden list. I've never dieted before to loose weight, just exercise, eat decent.This time after a prolonged period of medical condition enforced limited movement I'm thinking of dieting too to shed more weight faster, but doubt I'll have forbidden, just limiting calories. So I get where they are coming from. However, completely agree with this. My way is my way, the ops way is hers. I think your alcoholic comment is a good way to explain it.
  • AprilMae1975
    AprilMae1975 Posts: 726
    I like the Skinny Cow cream cheese spreads and that's about it. I tried the ice cream sandwiches and found they had a funny aftertaste. I can totally see how one of anything delicious can lead to 2 or 3 or!! Good luck :)
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    I used to do the light foods and found that I just didn't like them (particularly light mayo, light cheese and such). Having these as a staple in my "diet" makes me less likely to stick to said diet . . . so, I am eating "normal" foods, just less of them and in better combinations. Guess what? This is what people with no weight problems do!! The entire premise of how I am proceeding with my weight loss journey is to eat like a person with a regular BMI. Rocket science, eh?
  • worldsbestauntie
    worldsbestauntie Posts: 280 Member
    I think the reason I can limit myself to one skinny cow treat, is because I can only find the bars sold individually. I haven't seen them in a package. I looked at the ice cream, but the price tag for such a teny tiny little thing of ice cream made me leave it right there. (The 90 calorie strawberry yogurt bars from Chapmans [that were on sale] did though fall into my cart though and if they fall into my cart I have to pay for them. Lets just say those didn't last long!)

    My treat are the Thinsations. I love those! I limit myself by only packing one in my lunch bag and stare at them at home and tell myself they are for work and I can't have them at home.