
  • stalyon
    stalyon Posts: 1
    Greetings everyone! I'm in the middle of week 7! WOO HOO! I'm loving it! I was out of town over the weekend so I missed one day but I'm getting back on track now. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!
  • I'm a sad ball of sweat right now. Just did the cardio power and resistance for the first time. DEAR GOD.

    Keep going buddy!
  • Becky_Smith72
    Becky_Smith72 Posts: 161 Member
    I'd love to join. I am on day 4 of my FOURTH time completing INSANITY (not counting 30 days of Asylum). For me this workout is like going home and is my perfect fit.. LOVE IT!
  • amouser
    amouser Posts: 19 Member
    Hello all!
    Looks like im a little late to the party, but your posts are encouraging! I would like to join! I am only on my third day of insanity. I need to go do cardio power and resistance!!

    Also, I am so sore!!
  • LisaD1025
    LisaD1025 Posts: 74 Member
    Completed week two today!! (I started on a Sunday so that Saturdays would be my rest days.) I am still loving it, but feeling like I'm losing momentum, maybe? I don't know, I am still doing the workouts of course, and giving them my all, it just seems like my "all" is less than it was the first week. Does that make any sense? I guess I find myself taking short breaks to catch my breath more frequently than I did last week, and I'm not as "fired up" if you will.

    Anyhow, has anyone else experienced this? I'm hoping that if I see some improvement on the fit test on Sunday it will be the motivation I need to get my butt back where it needs to be!! I don't have my stats from my first fit test with me, but once I complete the second one I will post the numbers from both.
  • kjbrown114
    kjbrown114 Posts: 12
    Completed week two today!! (I started on a Sunday so that Saturdays would be my rest days.) I am still loving it, but feeling like I'm losing momentum, maybe? I don't know, I am still doing the workouts of course, and giving them my all, it just seems like my "all" is less than it was the first week. Does that make any sense? I guess I find myself taking short breaks to catch my breath more frequently than I did last week, and I'm not as "fired up" if you will.

    Anyhow, has anyone else experienced this? I'm hoping that if I see some improvement on the fit test on Sunday it will be the motivation I need to get my butt back where it needs to be!! I don't have my stats from my first fit test with me, but once I complete the second one I will post the numbers from both.

    Those short breaks just mean you are doing what you are suppose to be doing. Stick with it!
    I just finished week 7 and have had the same experience in the second month.
    I think when your body starts to get use to the work out it may just feel like you are slacking...

    You will see a difference in body and ability...
  • kjbrown114
    kjbrown114 Posts: 12
    Greetings everyone! I'm in the middle of week 7! WOO HOO! I'm loving it! I was out of town over the weekend so I missed one day but I'm getting back on track now. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!

    Go week 7! I just finished with the 7th... Good job and good luck...
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Greetings everyone! I'm in the middle of week 7! WOO HOO! I'm loving it! I was out of town over the weekend so I missed one day but I'm getting back on track now. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!

    Hi, Staylon! Great job making it through week seven!! YOU ARE ALMOST DONE!! How do you like your results so far? Thanks for the encouragement!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    I'd love to join. I am on day 4 of my FOURTH time completing INSANITY (not counting 30 days of Asylum). For me this workout is like going home and is my perfect fit.. LOVE IT!

    Hey, Becky!! You must really love this workout if this is your 4th time through it! That is awesome to hear. How have your results been since keeping with the program for so long? This must be as I like to say your "soul mate workout". :)

    If you want to join our group on fb, we'd love to have a reoccurring graduate from Insanity on there! I'm sure you have lots of tips and motivation to bring to the table. If you want to join, please go to:

    And keep diggin' deep!!! You're a beast!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Hello all!
    Looks like im a little late to the party, but your posts are encouraging! I would like to join! I am only on my third day of insanity. I need to go do cardio power and resistance!!

    Also, I am so sore!!

    I've got Cardio Power and Resistance today as well. Anyone can join here at any point, so, welcome aboard!! I encourage you to go to our fb group as well. We usually post a bit more in there and tends to be more active. If interested go to:

    Keep up the determination and you'll do great!
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Completed week two today!! (I started on a Sunday so that Saturdays would be my rest days.) I am still loving it, but feeling like I'm losing momentum, maybe? I don't know, I am still doing the workouts of course, and giving them my all, it just seems like my "all" is less than it was the first week. Does that make any sense? I guess I find myself taking short breaks to catch my breath more frequently than I did last week, and I'm not as "fired up" if you will.

    Anyhow, has anyone else experienced this? I'm hoping that if I see some improvement on the fit test on Sunday it will be the motivation I need to get my butt back where it needs to be!! I don't have my stats from my first fit test with me, but once I complete the second one I will post the numbers from both.

    Hang in there Lisa. This program does that to people sometimes. It almost feels like boot camp, rather than fun. However, so many continue to do it because it does deliver results!! So, keep telling your self to continue on and push through. It's a natural response to be fired up the first week start a new program and then dwindle. We so badly want to see big time results so soon that it kind of drives our motivation out the window. Although, realistically, results become more obvious over a longer period of time. Just remember that you are gaining more endurance and strength from doing these workouts and it will start building up your confidence as well. You'll start getting the exercises longer w/o taking breaks, you'll be able to jump higher, you'll be able to do more push-ups than you ever thought and your core will get tighter. So, hang in there. It's a work in progress, but no one ever achieves their fitness goals by quitting. It's tough, but I have faith in you! You can do anything you put your mind to do.
  • ancutz
    ancutz Posts: 26
    Hi all,

    I am in my 2nd week of Insanity and I would love to join this group. I did P90X from Feb to April and now Insanity which is thougher than P90X in my opinion. Since starting to exercise regularly, P90X and now Insanity, I noticed that I am always hungry. I eat every 2 1/2 - 3 hours but I am still hungry. It is hard to keep my calorie intake in my range when always hungry. I put weight with P90X because I was eating my exercise calories back and much more and I am trying to be better with Insanity because each time I do a workout I think: "Why am I doing this to myself??"... Good luck to all if you!
  • LisaD1025
    LisaD1025 Posts: 74 Member
    Completed week two today!! (I started on a Sunday so that Saturdays would be my rest days.) I am still loving it, but feeling like I'm losing momentum, maybe? I don't know, I am still doing the workouts of course, and giving them my all, it just seems like my "all" is less than it was the first week. Does that make any sense? I guess I find myself taking short breaks to catch my breath more frequently than I did last week, and I'm not as "fired up" if you will.

    Anyhow, has anyone else experienced this? I'm hoping that if I see some improvement on the fit test on Sunday it will be the motivation I need to get my butt back where it needs to be!! I don't have my stats from my first fit test with me, but once I complete the second one I will post the numbers from both.

    Those short breaks just mean you are doing what you are suppose to be doing. Stick with it!
    I just finished week 7 and have had the same experience in the second month.
    I think when your body starts to get use to the work out it may just feel like you are slacking...

    You will see a difference in body and ability...

    KJ & OBrien --

    thank you SO much for the support!! Just to be clear, I have NO intention of quitting -- between what I paid for the program and adjusting to getting up at 4am for the last two weeks to get the workouts in, I am hellbent on seeing it through!! I really appreciate your motivation. I have seen great results so far, I lost an inch off my waist and 3 inches total in the first week! I haven't lost an ounce or a fraction of an inch this week, but my eating was also not great, so I'm focusing on that and can already feel the difference again. Anyhow, I know I'm building endurance, and one of you mentioned that and it reminded me that this morning during the warmup, it occurred to me that I was able to keep going longer without a break than I did at the beginning of the week when I did Pure Cardio, so that was definitely motiviating too. I guess the best way to describe what I was feeling (moreso today than any other day this week), was kind of like my legs felt like lead; the switchkicks were a joke, and even at one point I was struggling just to lift my legs to jog in place! It was awful!!

    I'm sure that a rest day tomorrow will be just what I need and I'll get back at it on Sunday, with new friends, support, and motivation behind me, thanks to you guys and this group!

    Anyhow, thank you again for the supportive words, and for reminding me that Rome was not built in a day (neither was this deteriorating temple that I call my "body"), and that struggles are normal and to be expected. I feel better, clearer already.

    THANKS!! :)
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Hi all,

    I am in my 2nd week of Insanity and I would love to join this group. I did P90X from Feb to April and now Insanity which is thougher than P90X in my opinion. Since starting to exercise regularly, P90X and now Insanity, I noticed that I am always hungry. I eat every 2 1/2 - 3 hours but I am still hungry. It is hard to keep my calorie intake in my range when always hungry. I put weight with P90X because I was eating my exercise calories back and much more and I am trying to be better with Insanity because each time I do a workout I think: "Why am I doing this to myself??"... Good luck to all if you!

    We'd be happy if you joined our group! Make sure you are eating enough calories while doing these programs. MFP isn't set up to adjust to a program you're doing. that's why I always say to go on to the BB site, get a FREE acct and get it figured out as what program you are doing. I'm suppose to take in 300 calories more than what mfp tells me, just because of the program I'm doing. So, I listen to BB site, not mfp. And I always eat back some of my exercise calories. I know some say you should and others say not to and honestly I'm not sure who is right, but I do and it doesn't seem to hurt my results. Maybe I'll research that and see what I can find out. I also did P90X and loved it. I saw great results with that to and you're right it was an easier program. Insanity is definitely a more intense program. Although, P90X isn't anything to snuff at either. They both get results!
  • ancutz
    ancutz Posts: 26
    Hi all,

    I am in my 2nd week of Insanity and I would love to join this group. I did P90X from Feb to April and now Insanity which is thougher than P90X in my opinion. Since starting to exercise regularly, P90X and now Insanity, I noticed that I am always hungry. I eat every 2 1/2 - 3 hours but I am still hungry. It is hard to keep my calorie intake in my range when always hungry. I put weight with P90X because I was eating my exercise calories back and much more and I am trying to be better with Insanity because each time I do a workout I think: "Why am I doing this to myself??"... Good luck to all if you!

    We'd be happy if you joined our group! Make sure you are eating enough calories while doing these programs. MFP isn't set up to adjust to a program you're doing. that's why I always say to go on to the BB site, get a FREE acct and get it figured out as what program you are doing. I'm suppose to take in 300 calories more than what mfp tells me, just because of the program I'm doing. So, I listen to BB site, not mfp. And I always eat back some of my exercise calories. I know some say you should and others say not to and honestly I'm not sure who is right, but I do and it doesn't seem to hurt my results. Maybe I'll research that and see what I can find out. I also did P90X and loved it. I saw great results with that to and you're right it was an easier program. Insanity is definitely a more intense program. Although, P90X isn't anything to snuff at either. They both get results!

    Thanks, obrien!! What is BB (blackberry??)?
  • obrien821
    obrien821 Posts: 215
    Ancutz, beachbody site. Insanity is a program through beachbody so I use their site to determine my calorie intake.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    You all ROCK. Keep it up.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Hi everyone! My husband and I just started week 2 and it is nice to so a group of people really pumped about the program. We've been doing it in the morning since we thought it would be best to get it out of the way. But then we did it in the evening Saturday night and felt like we could push harder. We went back to mornings today but found we were seriously sucking wind. I think we are going to start trying it in the evenings permanently . Do you guys have a preferred time?
  • kjbrown114
    kjbrown114 Posts: 12
    Hey all you Insane people out there...

    Day 50 on Saturday was encouraging for me. I wanted to post my fit test #4, my previous fit tests were much less.

    SK - 108
    PJ - 58
    PK - 80
    PJp - 31
    GJ - 10
    SJ - 16
    PuJ - 35
    LPO - 53

    Day 51 today, max cardio conditioning & insane abs...

    Just as a note, there are two substitute exercises in month two.
    If you do not have them, they can be found on the Internet in their entirety...

    Keep pushing and Dig Deeper!
    You guys are great..