The Evil Skinny Cow, and other "Light" Lies and Untruths



  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    Love this. I felt like you read my mind and put it such well written form. Forbidden list..yes..I have to have one as well. Just no way around it. Thanks for the lovely read and smile :flowerforyou:
    Oh, how happy all of us "dieters" were the day Skinny Cow candy bars became available! We can have chocolate! Peanut butter! Caramel! Gooey caramel and chocolate in one little bag! And not feel guilty! Yum! I have realized I cannot have them in my house. Why? They're a sensible treat, at only 110 calories (give or take depending the delicious flavor you finally decide upon). It is the completely sabotaging comfort of "SKINNY". Oh yes, you can have one. Enjoy one! Fondle it in it's pretty wrapper and delight in the first crunch. But I cannot stop at one. That is the same eating behavior that got me to 240 pounds in the first place. If one is good, two is better. Hell, three is 3x better! And guess what, it is guilt free because it is SKINNY!

    Don't get me wrong, 110 calories is a lot better than the 245 or 300 or 500 of a regular candy bar or chocolate fix. But I get so wrapped up in "ALLOWED" because they're lower in calories, they are no longer on the forbidden list. I need my forbidden list. It keeps me safe, and hopefully thinner.

    And "light" products are doing the same damage. Light chips - heck yes! I'll have more please. In reality, I would never even think a chip is ok while I'm working so hard, but hey, they're LIGHT! Safe, OK, Allowed, please indulge. Don’t even get me started on the sodium "Light" yogurt is the worst offender, in my opinion. Yummy, creamy, dessert flavored yogurt - healthy! Sweet and almost like pudding! And yogurt is healthy right? Oh not so fast...

    Many have HFCS, which for me, makes me crave more sugar. I think nothing of snarfing down a carton of yogurt as a "healthy" snack, because it is "light", "healthy" and yummy. In reality I just ate a bunch of ingredients I can't pronounce, and I'm not really satisfied. In fact, if there is aspartame in it, I’m probably going to crave more sugar in about 8 minutes. There I am, sabotaged by “light”.

    Yes, I admit I have eating issues (most of us do or we wouldn't be in this battle) and I have a hard time saying no. But it is a whole lot easier to say no when it isn't available, and no matter the "light" label, if it looks like a (chocolate) duck and quacks like a (chocolate) duck, it's a chocolate duck.

    So I'm cleaning out my cupboards and fridge, at least for now. Out go the "light" chips, granola bars, cookies and yes, the Skinny Cows. Into the trash with the "light" yogurt and mayonnaise and salad dressing. If it isn't naturally low in fat, sugar and calories, I'm not interested. At least for now.

    Apples, baby carrots, whole wheat crackers with fewer than 25 ingredients that look like a piece of the periodic table. Salad dressing made from olive oil and vinegar. Beautiful berries and oranges when I'm really craving something sweet.

    Because I personally cannot be trusted. And I'm not going to buy into anything "Skinny" unless is a new pair of skinny jeans that finally fit.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    yeah I love skinny cow - and my ticker shows you can basically eat it everyday and still crush weight

  • skinnylynnie74
    skinnylynnie74 Posts: 154 Member
    Apples, baby carrots, whole wheat crackers with fewer than 25 ingredients that look like a piece of the periodic table.

    Alpha-Linolenic-Acid, Asparagine, D-Categin, Isoqurctrin, Hyperoside, Ferulic-Acid, Farnesene, Neoxathin, Phosphatidyl-Choline, Reynoutrin, Sinapic-Acid, Caffeic-Acid, Chlorogenic-Acid, P-Hydroxy-Benzoic-Acid, P-Coumaric-Acid, Avicularin, Lutein, Quercitin, Rutin, Ursolic-Acid, Protocatechuic-Acid, Silver, Tryptophan, Threonine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lycine, Methionine, Cystine, Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, Valine, Argenine, Histidine, Alanine, Aspartic Acid, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Proline, and Serine.

    Exactly! Over 500 identified substances in an apple, alone! Including arsenic and lead! (Naturally occurring, NOT from pesticides, etc.)

    Actually, this is a great post, OP!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    I eat three Healthy Choice Fudge Bars a day. I also eat a carefully measured "dose" of dark chocolate a day (at least 70% cacao, no added processed sugar or oils).

    I seem to be doing okay. I think it depends on who you are and how your mind works. My mind can handle limiting portions of sweets. Some folks can't, and that's okay, too. I do better when I incorporate things I want into my day instead of flat out banning a product/category or allowing "cheat days." Both of those things screw me up pretty majorly.

  • bill323
    bill323 Posts: 100
    I love me my Skinny Cow ice cream sammiches. It's just enough to fill in a calorie gap and satiate me all for a paltry 150 calories.

    Sometimes I eat two if I am hungry but even that isn't all that bad IMO.
  • squiggyflop
    squiggyflop Posts: 148 Member
    Hmmm am I the only one who prefers those 100 calorie no sugar added Klondike bars to skinny cow? I also love those 40 calorie fudgsicles. Skinny cow is expensive. I refuse to pay 6 buck for ice cream unless its filled with girl scout cookies. Sometimes when I hit 1000 calories I like to eat 5 Klondike bars for the rest of my calories. Whats wrong with eating 5? They fit my calories. As for light yogurt, yogurt is icky unless its in a smoothie. It tastes like rotten milk.