confronted girl-mcdonalds-ceo we-dont-sell-junk-food



  • Vladimirs
    Vladimirs Posts: 5 Member
    That mother is literally using her daughter like a tool to further her own agenda, that's really the only interesting thing I read in that article. Using a child as some sort of weapon (because people notice if it is a child instead of some random woman) for things she likely doesn't fully understand, she can only repeat what her mother has told her to.
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    That mother is literally using her daughter like a tool to further her own agenda, that's really the only interesting thing I read in that article. Using a child as some sort of weapon (because people notice if it is a child instead of some random woman) for things she likely doesn't fully understand, she can only repeat what her mother has told her to.

    Absolutely agree. And if someone's nutty enough to use their kid for something like this, they're in no position to complain about a burger joint giving little toys with a happy meal.
  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    The whole "Can you stop tricking kids into eating your food?" made me want to punch a wall. It was uppity, and quite frankly, parents can choose not to bring their kids to McDonald's. Those sounded like words that her mother made her say.

    I think it'd be fine to add some more healthy items to the menu, though.

    I agree with this thought. There is some truth to the girl/mother's statement, but that is not McDonald's fault. If people did not buy it then McD would not be able to sell it. Personally I get real tired of people like this trying to dictate to others how to live.

    I eat at McDs a couple times a week, I really enjoy the Southwest Salad and parfaits. It is not the restaurant that is bad, but instead the person who overindulges who is responsible for the consequences of their own diet.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,659 Member
    And by the way, I am not lazy... I workout five to six days a week... I know one thing I can go through an hour Zumba or cardiodance workout better than most of you...
    Most men maybe.....................because most men don't do Zumba. Bet my kickboxing class is way harder than your Zumba. Ever climb a rope or do burpees for 1 minute straight non stop? Bring it!!!!

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ApocalypticFae
    ApocalypticFae Posts: 217 Member
    That story was annoying. :noway:

    McDonald's "happy meals" brings back some fun memories from childhood. Loved it then and love it now. (smoothies, mini parfaits, fries, iced coffees, soft serve, mmmm...) Honestly, I would choose McD's over a variety of other restaurants and fast food joints, for both taste AND health reasons. Anything I could say about the mother and daughter has already been said.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member

    Disclaimer: I didn't watch the video. I can't hear and I didn't bother checking to see if it was captioned because most Internet videos aren't. I got the gist from reading all of your comments.

    I could care less that mom has her kid doing the video. I don't buy that it is forced. My kids beg to make videos. They like doing digital stuff. Did she ask and coach? Probably. Did she force her? I doubt it. It was probably a fun project for the kid. As for the mom pushing her beliefs on the kid, we all do that as parents. That's our job actually.

    As for removing the toy, while I understand the reason behind the suggestion of removing the toy, I would be sad to see it go. Other than parks, many towns don't have many kid friendly options for entertainment while parents relax. This, in my opinion, is a bigger draw to McD's for me than the toy.

    I don't know that I have really strong feelings one way or another at this point but I laughed at the CEO's comment that it is not junk food. Yes, they are trying to offer some healthier options, but let's get real--it is junk food.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member

    I agree. We all know cigarettes are bad for us and wouldn't give them to children. Mac D's and all it's counterparts are high in fat, sugar and salt, it's highly processed garbage. Excessive consumption will lead to diabetes, stroke and heart attacks. It should have a health warning on the box.

    I don't know where you're from, but over here in the UK, Macdonalds bugers have the ingredients of beef and salt/pepper. That in my eyes is not 'highly processed garbage', its the same as what I put in my burgers at home. I generally dont eat macdonalds, because I prefer to cook my own burgers, but it certainly is NOTHING like giving a child cigarettes. Thats the silliest thing Ive heard all day.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I can understand that a parent wants to be an advocate of "healthy"eating to their children, but personally I think a 9 year old is too young to be blasting the CEO of McDonalds. Especially when she has to be coached by the mother... It's almost like the mother is allowing her daughter to learn at an early age how to bully people into believe that her ways are the BEST ways.
    My thoughts exactly. Teaching your kid to be a jerk is no better than teaching her to eat unhealthy food.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Let's say the absolute truth... If eating anything over a long period of time is guaranteed to almost kill you, guess what -- it's junk food...
    If you drink to much water it could kill you. by your defintion water is "junk food"

    If you drink too much water all at once. But over a long period of time, water will not kill you. McD's will.
    in moderation mcd will not kill you over time.
    I think we are forgeting about a certain individual. "Don Gorske"

    Well we are not talking about moderation. Read the above posts again if you need clarity.
    Didn't you just reject binging on water? Stick to your argument.
  • gallerygirl21
    gallerygirl21 Posts: 36 Member

    I agree. We all know cigarettes are bad for us and wouldn't give them to children. Mac D's and all it's counterparts are high in fat, sugar and salt, it's highly processed garbage. Excessive consumption will lead to diabetes, stroke and heart attacks. It should have a health warning on the box.

    I don't know where you're from, but over here in the UK, Macdonalds bugers have the ingredients of beef and salt/pepper. That in my eyes is not 'highly processed garbage', its the same as what I put in my burgers at home. I generally dont eat macdonalds, because I prefer to cook my own burgers, but it certainly is NOTHING like giving a child cigarettes. Thats the silliest thing Ive heard all day.

    International McDonald's and U.S. McD's are quite different. If you look at the ingredients in Kraft Mac & Cheese here vs. there you would be shocked. The UK does not allow for most of the artificial dyes/coloring and preservatives that is in everything here. I can't C/P on my phone, but just the ingredient list for a McD bun is over 25 ingredients when in reality it only takes 3 ingredients to make bread. Your govt won't allow distribution of that kind of food, so the companies change to continue to sell there. Unfortunately, they won't just "do the right thing" for everyone. If they can make it cheaper, and last longer, they will.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    To be fair, McDonald's in USA is actually one of the few fast food chains putting their calorie count right next to the menu item. Now they also have healthier alternatives in their menu (like apples instead of fries for kids). I stop by them almost every day to buy their fruit & maple oatmeal. That's not junk.

    McDonald's make their business selling comfort fast food, which the majority of our couch-potato citizens would not buy if it tastes like diet food.

    Ask yourself this question: how come there's no fast food chain selling low-calorie and minimally processed food exclusively? Because they'd go out of business. There are many of us with dedication to healthy eating, but unfortunately there aren't enough of us to sustain such restaurant.

    It's not McDonald's fault that they choose to emphasize taste more than nutritional value, it's our society's. If the ingredients in their food are actually toxins that are bad for your health, then the government should have banned them.
  • faely
    faely Posts: 144 Member
    If the ingredients in their food are actually toxins that are bad for your health, then the government should have banned them.

    There are many food ingredients that are bad for us but they are still allowed by our US government. Why is it the UK can regulate those ingredients (and in fact, most countries do) but the US cannot? Because we Americans are all about our rights to put whatever we want into our bodies without the government telling us what we can and can't have, or what is good for us, thus creating the business. And it's a flourishing one. Those minimally-processed foods still sell just fine in other countries.

    As said multiple times here, its about moderation and being in control, for yourself and your children. Bottom line - if they don't like the ingredients and products sold by a specific place then don't eat there. I think that's common sense.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member

    I agree. We all know cigarettes are bad for us and wouldn't give them to children. Mac D's and all it's counterparts are high in fat, sugar and salt, it's highly processed garbage. Excessive consumption will lead to diabetes, stroke and heart attacks. It should have a health warning on the box.

    I don't know where you're from, but over here in the UK, Macdonalds bugers have the ingredients of beef and salt/pepper. That in my eyes is not 'highly processed garbage', its the same as what I put in my burgers at home. I generally dont eat macdonalds, because I prefer to cook my own burgers, but it certainly is NOTHING like giving a child cigarettes. Thats the silliest thing Ive heard all day.

    International McDonald's and U.S. McD's are quite different. If you look at the ingredients in Kraft Mac & Cheese here vs. there you would be shocked. The UK does not allow for most of the artificial dyes/coloring and preservatives that is in everything here. I can't C/P on my phone, but just the ingredient list for a McD bun is over 25 ingredients when in reality it only takes 3 ingredients to make bread. Your govt won't allow distribution of that kind of food, so the companies change to continue to sell there. Unfortunately, they won't just "do the right thing" for everyone. If they can make it cheaper, and last longer, they will.

    That's fair enough, the US is a lot more lax than the UK (your chocolate for instance tastes like chemicals)