You burned how much?!



  • hellokittymaui
    hellokittymaui Posts: 226 Member
    I currently weigh 135lbs. When I do 30 mins on a Precor Elliptical Crosstrainer (moderately, not pushing *hardcore*, I can still carry on a conversation somewhat) I burn about 250 calories as per my Polar FT4 HRM. Which is a total bummer because the calories burned display on the Precor says I burned 600 calories. Ugh. Depressing.
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    THIS IS THE BEST POST EVER!!! Long overdue. It's amazing to me when people say they burned hundreds of calories cleaning, shopping, etc....really????? I must have the dirtiest house in the world cuz I'm still overweight.
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    I'm going to do all of you a favor. Read this.

    Here is the critical part
    Most riders burn 600 to 900 calories an hour

    Let that sink it. Tour de france riders are exercising at an intensity that 2-10x more than EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.

    So when you claim that your 6mph jog burned 1000calories, or your 4mph walk burned 700, or whatever the hell other BS amount you claim, you're basically saying that somehow you're burning more than elite athletes who are able to hit intensities that you can only dream about.

    It's pure fiction. None on this board is able to out output and out calorie burn a tour de france rider except for maybe a handful of exceptions who are very large and very trained males. So stop getting so butthurt when you are called out on it and realize that you are just in total exercise denial about what you're actually doing for exercise activity...

    They're in peak physical condition though. An overweight or obese person who is unfit will burn a whole lot more than them for that fact alone.

    no... they do not.. they burn much the same at 4mph as anyone else of similar weight does at 4mph...
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    First of all , why would you care? I'm not being mean but even is someone is 'lying' about their calorie burn, and I'm not sure why they would, they are only hurting themselves.

    It's very possible to burn that much in an hour, you would too if your doubled your half hour of exercise, so I don't get your point.

    A few times this past week I've burned 1,200-1300 cals just by gardening a few hours, using a HRM. Pick up a shovel, use it, run a tiller, hoe the garden and pull weeds for a few hours and you'll burn the same.

    I can also run for an hour up and down hills and burn about 700-800. But, I weigh around 150lbs and my heart rate is faster than normal when I work out, so I burn more. Oddly, my resting HR is 52 or so, so I pretty much burn nothing while sitting.

    Every person is different, we all work out in different ways, we all weigh different, are different sizes all around.. Hell, every work out of mine is different. If it's hotter out, I burn another 100-300 more cals per session.

    Good luck and just focus on yourself, keep working out!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I'm going to do all of you a favor. Read this.

    Here is the critical part
    Most riders burn 600 to 900 calories an hour

    Let that sink it. Tour de france riders are exercising at an intensity that 2-10x more than EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.

    So when you claim that your 6mph jog burned 1000calories, or your 4mph walk burned 700, or whatever the hell other BS amount you claim, you're basically saying that somehow you're burning more than elite athletes who are able to hit intensities that you can only dream about.

    It's pure fiction. None on this board is able to out output and out calorie burn a tour de france rider except for maybe a handful of exceptions who are very large and very trained males. So stop getting so butthurt when you are called out on it and realize that you are just in total exercise denial about what you're actually doing for exercise activity...

    They're in peak physical condition though. An overweight or obese person who is unfit will burn a whole lot more than them for that fact alone.

    no... they do not.. they burn much the same at 4mph as anyone else of similar weight does at 4mph...
    No they don't. I know from experience that when I was FAT, I burned a LOT more calories then when I became FIT. It's a hell of a lot harder to run or bike up a hill when you're 40lbs heavier, with less muscle. Common sense tells you that!!!
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    I'm going to do all of you a favor. Read this.

    Here is the critical part
    Most riders burn 600 to 900 calories an hour

    Let that sink it. Tour de france riders are exercising at an intensity that 2-10x more than EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.

    So when you claim that your 6mph jog burned 1000calories, or your 4mph walk burned 700, or whatever the hell other BS amount you claim, you're basically saying that somehow you're burning more than elite athletes who are able to hit intensities that you can only dream about.

    It's pure fiction. None on this board is able to out output and out calorie burn a tour de france rider except for maybe a handful of exceptions who are very large and very trained males. So stop getting so butthurt when you are called out on it and realize that you are just in total exercise denial about what you're actually doing for exercise activity...

    They're in peak physical condition though. An overweight or obese person who is unfit will burn a whole lot more than them for that fact alone.

    no... they do not.. they burn much the same at 4mph as anyone else of similar weight does at 4mph...
    No they don't. I know from experience that when I was FAT, I burned a LOT more calories then when I became FIT. It's a hell of a lot harder to run or bike up a hill when you're 40lbs heavier, with less muscle. Common sense tells you that!!!
    no... they do not.. they burn much the same at 4mph as anyone else of similar weight does at 4mph...

    edit: HRM right? you do know that HRM's don't actually measure calorie burn right? They measure heartrate. And they then use that heartrate with a formula that uses OXYGEN PER BEAT to determine calorie burn.

    Guess what, as you get more fit, your heart is able to output more oxygen per beat, so similar work is done with less heartbeats. Even though calorieburn wise, it's the SAME. But because your HRM can only estimate oxygen per beat, it's inaccurate. Or to be more precise. Your HRM became more accurate as you got into better shape and wasn't always overestimating your calorie burn.

    Also, I made the modifier that weight matters. l2read.
  • Buddhabellybabe
    Buddhabellybabe Posts: 26 Member
    I have not read all of the posts. Here is what I do know though.

    I have lost 31 lbs.

    I wear a heart rate monitor when I work out.

    When I worked out six months ago at 31 lbs more, I would burn 700 calories easily in an hour of either spinning, running, or step aerobics.

    Now that I have lost weight, I burn about 475 calories for that same hour.

    So the thinner one gets, the fewer calories you burn because your body is more effective. That's the whole point behind it all, isn't it?
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I'm going to do all of you a favor. Read this.

    Here is the critical part
    Most riders burn 600 to 900 calories an hour

    Let that sink it. Tour de france riders are exercising at an intensity that 2-10x more than EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.

    So when you claim that your 6mph jog burned 1000calories, or your 4mph walk burned 700, or whatever the hell other BS amount you claim, you're basically saying that somehow you're burning more than elite athletes who are able to hit intensities that you can only dream about.

    It's pure fiction. None on this board is able to out output and out calorie burn a tour de france rider except for maybe a handful of exceptions who are very large and very trained males. So stop getting so butthurt when you are called out on it and realize that you are just in total exercise denial about what you're actually doing for exercise activity...

    They're in peak physical condition though. An overweight or obese person who is unfit will burn a whole lot more than them for that fact alone.

    no... they do not.. they burn much the same at 4mph as anyone else of similar weight does at 4mph...
    No they don't. I know from experience that when I was FAT, I burned a LOT more calories then when I became FIT. It's a hell of a lot harder to run or bike up a hill when you're 40lbs heavier, with less muscle. Common sense tells you that!!!
    no... they do not.. they burn much the same at 4mph as anyone else of similar weight does at 4mph...

    edit: HRM right? you do know that HRM's don't actually measure calorie burn right? They measure heartrate. And they then use that heartrate with a formula that uses OXYGEN PER BEAT to determine calorie burn.

    Guess what, as you get more fit, your heart is able to output more oxygen per beat, so similar work is done with less heartbeats. Even though calorieburn wise, it's the SAME. But because your HRM can only estimate oxygen per beat, it's inaccurate. Or to be more precise. Your HRM became more accurate as you got into better shape and wasn't always overestimating your calorie burn.

    Also, I made the modifier that weight matters. l2read.
    not sure why your arguing as you're now backtracking. Originally you said no one. Now your starting no one of these same weight. So you have finally realised that people of different weights burn different amounts. So be grown up and admit your original statement was wrong and keep those toys in your pram
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I'm going to do all of you a favor. Read this.

    Here is the critical part
    Most riders burn 600 to 900 calories an hour

    Let that sink it. Tour de france riders are exercising at an intensity that 2-10x more than EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.

    So when you claim that your 6mph jog burned 1000calories, or your 4mph walk burned 700, or whatever the hell other BS amount you claim, you're basically saying that somehow you're burning more than elite athletes who are able to hit intensities that you can only dream about.

    It's pure fiction. None on this board is able to out output and out calorie burn a tour de france rider except for maybe a handful of exceptions who are very large and very trained males. So stop getting so butthurt when you are called out on it and realize that you are just in total exercise denial about what you're actually doing for exercise activity...
    A Tour de France cyclist is at a much higher level of fitness than 99.99% of the people on MFP. Of course they are goinv to burn less than the average MFP user for a similar activity.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I burned 431 calories in an hour of tittering. I hope no one is upset by that.
  • Shawty_Ro
    Shawty_Ro Posts: 135
    I burned abt 600 Calories for 1hour 20 min wearing my HRM
    I burn around 650 doing tae bo for an hour also wearing my HRM
  • SlinkyAndHerAmazingBunsOfSteel
    The highest amount I can burn in an hour (on the elliptical), is 550 cals according to my HRM. Hi Roby! :wink:
  • Shawty_Ro
    Shawty_Ro Posts: 135
    The highest amount I can burn in an hour (on the elliptical), is 550 cals according to my HRM. Hi Roby! :wink:

    Hi slinks x
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    My two Penneth.

    No calorie counting device is 100% accurate. Even heart rate monitors are a best guess, usually based on a short fitness test to see what max rate is.

    No calorie guide is 100% accurate, because not all foods are identical.

    Mfp, gym equipment and heart rate monitors all list different calories for the same exercise.

    So what to do?
    I wear a HRM for any 'exercise'. But not for daily things like cleaning and stuff. Certainly I burn calories doing these things but for me the don't count in my calories expended goal. That's because they are part of my daily life and not something that I 'choose' to do.

    One time I wore my HRM to work and burned crazy cals, then I thought I've had this on for 5/6 hours. Some of that burn should have been included in my BMR right? So how many extra cals did I actually burn ?

    Then I thought as long as I'm burning more than I'm eating and I'm happy with the direction things are going I really don't care if it is accurate or not.

    Results are what tell me in doing it right

    I do believe mfp over estimates calories burned, and some times I look at people's burn and think no way! BUT if that motivates them to do more, then kudos to them right?
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I workout for 1.5 hours minimum at the moment. I do my walk at home.....roughly 600 cals. Then I walk wherever I'm walking to.... that can give me about another 300-500 depending on the walk.

    If I run..... thats about 600 for 50 mins. If I Zumba thats about the same for 40 mins. When I clean.... I get about 300 for the time...about an hour....I clean like a mofo & dance the entire time. Hanging washing.... that's a whole other ball game...... about 300 for that cause I put the wash basket as far as possible away from the line...I'm talking a good 300 mtrs or so away and then walk with ONE item in my hand up to the line, then back with nothing, back to the line with one.... we are talking ONE sock, not a pair, ONE tshirt....ect...... then that will continue for a good 40 mins..... at high speed.

    SO if I log that exercise...and that's exactly what it is...... then that's MY choice..... and unless YOU know how I do it then .....butt out. I didn't lose all my weight by listening to negativity.
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    In this thread: skinny people mad because they can't burn as many calories.
  • kazlee66
    kazlee66 Posts: 25
    Medicines have alot to do with it too. I take beta blockers and it drops my heart rate and makes it hard to impossible to get the heart rate high and keep it there. I dont count my cals burned anyway but use it as a guide.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Depends on their weight, too. When I was over 300 pounds, I burned around 600 calories on the elliptical in 30 minutes. Now, I burn just under 300 calories in 30 minutes.

    ^^^ this, it makes a big difference to calorie burns

    calorie burn during exercise is very difficult to calculate accurately, MFP is frequently inaccurate, but then so are the calorie burn things on treadmills etc, and online calorie burn calculators. This is why I, personally, prefer the TDEE -x% method, as you only have 1 number to deal with, and if you over or underestimate your activity factor, you can adjust that one number based on real world results, rather than messing around with calories percentages and over/underestimates for every workout or other physical activity.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    In this thread: skinny people mad because they can't burn as many calories.

    Wait what? Hello but I'm skinny....I bet I burn more calories in one day than most people would. Skinny or fat.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I exercise for about 50 minutes, and I burn between 500 and 600 calories. I put the incline up to 18, and fast walk at about 3.7-3.9 mph. You can really start to feel it in that time, and I was surprised that by bumping the incline up ALL the way, it burns pretty much the same as I would if I was jogging the whole time.

    (I'm 4"11, 118 lbs. )

    Hope that helps!
    you just proved the OP's point. sorry to break it to you, but you burned about half that...

    The numbers are off, but probably not by as much as you stated and mainly due to handrail support. It's the equivalent of running 8.0 mph for the entire 50 minutes--that's a challenging effort, but not unthinkable.