SWaT Team Challenge-Month 3

pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay, I'm going to start this off for anyone who wants to join in.

The month will run from today (August 11) until September 9th.

The idea of the challenge is to try and walk as much as you can within the month, either by using Leslie Sansone DVD's (our original inspiration) or by walking outdoors or on the treadmill or wherever you like.

We will set ourselves a target or goal for the month.

I'm thinking of 50 miles and mixing in some other workouts.

Who's with me?


  • teethib
    teethib Posts: 15
    I'm up for the challenge, my goal will be 60 miles
  • Hi,

    I'm up for a challenge. I haven't been on here in quite a while so I need it! I love Leslie's DVD's so looks like it may work out for me. (No pun intended, ;0)) How do I keep up with others on this challenge? How do I record my miles? Also, what is the SWaT Team? Do I need to join a certain group? Thanks for the CHALLENGE.

    Take Care,

    FluffehMama :glasses:
  • Hey Pmjsmom,

    How do I add the little walker challenge ticker so that I can keep up with my goal, too? Thanks for your help.

    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I'm here, but gonna do less than last month
    gonna start slim in 6 today-Start it Up about 25 min
    and crunches did 100 :noway: (yep, was only able to do 50 last month)

    :flowerforyou: welcome to all new commers:flowerforyou:
    the ticker can be found at tickerfactory- free
    happy walking:wink:
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    I'm in again, with hopes of reaching my goal this time!!!!!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    :smile: I"m in! Get back later with my goals. Gotta go work off the bagel I had for breakfast! :sad:
  • Count me in too!

    Need some help with the ticker: Which Ticker Factory code do you use? I tried two of them. When I pasted the html into my signature, MFP told me I could have only 500 characters and 10 lines. I don't have a very long signature line.

    :drinker: Here's to a healthy August!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Count me in too!

    Need some help with the ticker: Which Ticker Factory code do you use? I tried two of them. When I pasted the html into my signature, MFP told me I could have only 500 characters and 10 lines. I don't have a very long signature line.

    :drinker: Here's to a healthy August!

    Welcome to the SWaT Team Mimi! Use the code in the first box that says bbcode from the ticker factory. Remove any blank lines from your signature to give you more space.

    I got my ticker updated for month 3 - I'm lowering my goal this month so I can do some other stuff too.
    I did the WATP - 3 mile walk your belly flat and I completed day one of the Slim in 6 start it up! I probably won't be able to move tomorrow! I even managed the modified push-ups. I'm curious to see if I can ever work up to a real push-up. Don't know if I'll be able to with my wrists but I'm gonna try.
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    I'm in again. Guess I'm a glutton for punishment! LOL I'm going to try 25 miles this month. Did 1 mile already today. It's a small start but I'll take it.
  • So, I guess I need to set a goal, right? LOL.....I'm going to shoot for 30 miles for the 30 day period. Let hope I hit the target! Thanks for the group. :0)
  • artamuso
    artamuso Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in!

    I'm new to MFP so I'm going to set an ambitious goal of 100 miles, and see how it goes. Thanks for setting up this challenge.
  • artamuso
    artamuso Posts: 7 Member
    Trying again to see if I can get the ticker working.
  • Thanks for the help, Sandara. It worked! I have a start. You get a gold star for all the exercise you did. Wow!!!!
  • Modified Push Ups -As I read your blog post, I couldn’t help but think of the Push Up Bench as the most effective way for people who struggle with push ups , to be able to do them correctly (with full range of motion). Most modified push ups make them easier but only allow one or two variations. The Push Up Bench has 11 different levels to work through on the way to a full push up.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hey everyone! Internet problems have kept me off the last day and a half! Frustrating, but--we think (hope and pray, too!) that they are solved now. Only time will tell.
    I'll be back later as I am in the midst of fixing dinner right now. I'll try to get caught up then.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    so all day long I've been saying "oooo, ow, umph, ugh, ow"- my abs hurt!
    and my legs, and my tush, and my arms...

    I'll stop whining now :wink:

    so only one mile today- yep gonna finish the day with start it up slim in 6!

    happy walking everone!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    so all day long I've been saying "oooo, ow, umph, ugh, ow"- my abs hurt!
    and my legs, and my tush, and my arms...

    I'll stop whining now :wink:

    so only one mile today- yep gonna finish the day with start it up slim in 6!

    happy walking everone!

    You an Plummy are stronger than me! I'm still whining and didn't do any exercise yesterday. Maybe this afternoon I'll give it another try to get some of this soreness out. lol Are you sure Slim in 6 isn't Slain in 6?
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Modified Push Ups -As I read your blog post, I couldn’t help but think of the Push Up Bench as the most effective way for people who struggle with push ups , to be able to do them correctly (with full range of motion). Most modified push ups make them easier but only allow one or two variations. The Push Up Bench has 11 different levels to work through on the way to a full push up.

    Thanks! I'll have to look it up tonight as I'm not sure what a Push Up Bench is. But I'll check it out. :smile:

    I googled it! It looks like the perfect thing for me, just not in my budget any time soon! :cry:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi all. I'm back and it's been a BAD past few days. I am afraid to get on the scale--but I will. I did't walk hardly at all and I got SO frustrated with our internet problems thhat I wasn't very smart about my food choices. Oh well, a new day, a new start, right? Right!

    FluffehMama--SWat is for the Sansone Walk Team (I think--it's been a while!) and you have joined just by posting here! Welcome!

    There are a few exeercise tickers out there. Some use the Ticker Factory (tickerfactry.com) but I kind of like the little walking man on my ticker. You can find him here:
    You need to redo it every time you update but its not a huge problem. Then just copy and paste the code into your signature here at MFP.
    Another ticker can be found here:

    Okay, some have already answered about the tickers. Now you have a choice, though! LOL!

    Hi Mimi! We had roasted veggies for dinner last night again. Turns out my whole family loves them!

    I am ordering some new workout videos later today. I'm getting a new walking one (not sure which yet) and a couple of Richard Simmons dvds. Don't laugh--I really like his videos and the way he makes me want to move--like Leslie does!

    See you all later! Have a good Friday.
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    so all day long I've been saying "oooo, ow, umph, ugh, ow"- my abs hurt!
    and my legs, and my tush, and my arms...

    I'll stop whining now :wink:

    so only one mile today- yep gonna finish the day with start it up slim in 6!

    happy walking everone!

    You an Plummy are stronger than me! I'm still whining and didn't do any exercise yesterday. Maybe this afternoon I'll give it another try to get some of this soreness out. lol Are you sure Slim in 6 isn't Slain in 6?

    hi Sandy and Plum,

    What is slim in 6? You've made me curious! By the way, you two really help my motivation. All my MFP friends are great! I did Leslie's 4 mile super challenge today. I didn't want to, but I thought of all the work you guys are doing and I jumped in and did it. Thanks to all my friends for support.

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