Getting too carried away with the weight loss?



  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Well done on the weight loss and you look fine - you can even see muscle in one pic. You also seem to have a healthy relationship with food and fitness.

    I think there are two reasons why people comment. A You have lost a lot quite quickly and people are still getting used to the new you and B others are jealous that you have succeeded where they have failed.

    Haha muscle! I don't have the dedication to build it up :(, I enjoy cycling and more cardio I just get bored trying to do weights. Plus I have a manual job and have to log 16kg crates about all day, that is the closest thing to weight training I will do :P

    My hubby has similar build as yours as you except he is twice as old as you…;0) l prefer thin muscular man. I learned as a 40 yo that too much cardio caused me several knee surgeries and different body composition and 15 years of cardio queen did not get me too far. My husband hates weight training and keeps his routine simple, 15 minutes of any variations of 4-5 exercises, 3 reps of bench presses, push-ups, and ab work and you are done. Little suggestion if you like. Your calorie intake, exercise routine and your body composition looks great to me! I joined this site for 10 lbs. I gained over 2yos and after a year I finally have the last 5. I certainly learn to monitor your diet closely and once your maintained for a while weight yourself one a week to avoid 5 pesky pounds!

    Cheers to you!
  • BlueJayLaw
    BlueJayLaw Posts: 51 Member
    I think you look fabulous!!!
    I would be more worried for you if there were ribs protruding or your arms being all bone! But I see nothing that says "anorexic" or "too far"!
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    Only a qualified medical professional can diagnose an eating disorder. Go on how you look and feel. If you're feeling good and energetic than stay where you're at. People get jealous of others that have determination to improve themselves and sometimes this comes out in offhanded remarks. When I tell people that my goal weight is 188 pounds and I'm 6'4" they think I'm crazy. The trouble is, we've gotten used to looking at bigger people and it's skewed our concept some. I'm not hugely muscular. My muscle concentration is in my core and quads. Relative to my height, I have long but rather narrow arms.
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    I think you look just fine in all of the photos =)
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I am staying at my current weight, I think I look fine but keep getting loads of ***** comments in work and from "friends" calling me anorexic or that I have body dysmorphia. It is really starting to get me down as I was so proud of what I lost and am so much happier in myself and much more confident, but even my girlfriend has gone from being supportive to now start saying i have lost too much and she preferred me when I was obese so I am starting to think maybe I have gone too far :\

    people don't always adjust well to change. Give it time, they'll get over it.
  • tl_dr
    tl_dr Posts: 96
    They're all just jealous of your fantastic cheekbones.
  • estey89
    estey89 Posts: 104 Member
    try maybe 'bulking up' not too much just weights to help you look leaner and less 'anerexic' as your friends would say
  • lakeau
    lakeau Posts: 13
    Stay with it. You look like a healthy weight. You are still young and your body goes through more changes. Stay heslthy, strong and positive... Nothing can touch that!
  • brainzap
    brainzap Posts: 145 Member
    You look amazing! and I love your towel
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Congrats on your loss! You look great, so much better than when you were overweight! To heck with those comments. Thank people for sharing their opinions and then change the subject.
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    You are fine the way you are if your happy with your reflection that is all that matters. People will say what they want. Don't listen to their opinons and care more about what others think. You are your own best expert. If your fine ignore them and be happy with what you earned. You have done amazing. Congrats on your loss. :smile:
  • Quix82
    Quix82 Posts: 99 Member
    Like everyone else said - try to ignore them. I lost 18 pounds in a little over 3 months not too long ago. That might not seem like a lot to most people... but I'm only 5'8 and wasn't very overweight to begin with. So now I deal with most of my friends saying "you're too skinny"(referring to my face) I even had 2 aunts I hadn't seen in a long time give me the whole concerned talk. Knowing them, they probably thought "Brian's a drugger!" Aaaaanyways, just remember how you physically feel now compared to how you felt before... as I'm sure you've noticed a huge difference too.
  • faely
    faely Posts: 144 Member
    1. ignore them - they don't have any room to talk in their current conditions. They obviously have no clue what healthy looks or feels like.
    2. Enjoy the new you cuz you are smokin'!!
    3. ignore them! Your 'friends' (if they really are your friends, gf included) should be seeing you as an inspiration.

    Congrats on your amazing success!! :drinker:
  • Inesesfitnesspal
    Inesesfitnesspal Posts: 27 Member
    Opinions will differ, because people have different taste!
    For my taste- I think You are a bit too skinny :) But please don`t take it as offence! With the right girl- also slim and tender- by Your side You`ll look exactly as You should. :) Keep it healthy :)
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Just ignore them, You look great!!!!!!!!
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    I think you look just fine. Your friends are maybe noticing the dramatic weight loss now, perhaps? Just maintain, eat healthy and be healthy. I think your friends will come around. Keep up the good work!
  • In your post weight loss photos you have colour in your skin and great muscle tone. I would say if your now just maintaining your weight your eating clean, sleeping well and have plenty energy your probably doing just fine. You can always go and visit your doctor for a general check up and physical if you have any lingering worries.

    Congratulations on your weight loss success, I think your a great role model for other young men. well done!
  • The question is how tall are you? You do look very slender in the face. Having said that, don't lose anymore weight! Take care.

  • groovy_dhruvy
    groovy_dhruvy Posts: 35 Member
    Ignore them, my experience of people who rain on others' parades is that they are either jealous, in denial about their own situations, or both!
  • mookybargirl
    mookybargirl Posts: 165 Member
    You look totally fine (love the towel, lol).

    It does take people time to adjust to the "new you". I'm sure they'll get used to it with a little more time...... well done on your weight loss :)
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