Large Framed Women



  • ChshireKat
    ChshireKat Posts: 117
  • ktaqt3399
    ktaqt3399 Posts: 141 Member
    id love to join this group Add me
    sw 330
    goal weight 250 ( for now)
    id love to talk to people with the same struggles
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    I'm 5'5", SW 237, CW 223, GW 170. I eel ya, ladies! I love love love my curves, even this big, my *kitten* is to die for ;) I just happen to want them a little smaller and feel healthier. I weighed 170 about three years ago and the freshmen fifteen hit me like a freshmen 50. I just wanna get back to my sexy size, not be itty bitty.
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    You're a size 10 at 197lbs!!!!!!!!!!! I am jealous!
  • lbaileyjohannsen
    lbaileyjohannsen Posts: 133 Member
    I also have a large frame. 5'7, started around 300 pounds size 22, and I have no idea what I am actually shooting for. My body has a very even distribution of fat, I don't have any extra large parts. I would really like to be added as well!
  • BeccaLHenderson
    BeccaLHenderson Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'7 and a size 11/12. People guess that I'm about 25 pounds less than I actually weigh (which is a good thing, don't get me wrong!) But I've always felt fat because I wasn't a size 6 or 8.
    I used to work in retail and I brought a woman a size 11 skirt to see if she liked the style, because it was what I was used to grabbing. She looked at me horrified and said "That's a FAT size!!" She then looked me up and down and realized she'd just insulted me loudly. It was SO embarrassing. I had just lost 45 pounds, and I thought I looked pretty good up until her stupid remark.
    I gained 70 pounds when I was pregnant with my son and have recently lost it all :) But now I feel like it isn't enough because my BMI is a point or two off from what I'm told it's supposed to be. Not to mention my size is considered 'Plus size"
    Sometimes I don't know if I actually look good or if my husband is just being a sweetheart!
    I think it really sucks that we get thrown into categories of what we should weigh, when we are all so very different.
  • kalyn_QT
    kalyn_QT Posts: 273 Member
    i definitely have broad shoulders. i think i would look nice around 160-175. i can't remember being that weight but i cant wait to get there. invite to group?
  • SlvrStarr
    SlvrStarr Posts: 47
    I'm 5'5" and large framed. My GW is 175. We'll see when I get someone near my GW but I don't think I would look or be healthy below that weight. I'd love an invite to the group. I will be great to find friends that have similar goals.
  • Twomirrors
    Twomirrors Posts: 47 Member
    Oh wow. Thank you all for being here. I'm 5'8", and I was once 150 and looked like an anorexic ghost. I'm about 163 now, and would like to lose another 5lbs so I can see my six pack! But there is no way my curvy hips and wide shoulders are ever going to be anywhere near 140, which is what I "should" weigh according to many charts.

    I have a good girlfriend who's my height and 125, and is always complaining she's fat. It makes me feel awful.

    So thank you all for being here and sharing, and count me in for the large-framed gals' group!
  • Just as a comparison, my fiancee is 5'4" and weighs 60 pounds less than me, but has a TINY frame - she looks big because she carries it all differently. I'm definitely bigger, but she and I appear similarly overweight due to the difference in our body's natural ideal healthy weights!
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    we have the same goal weight
    having a large frame is not a good enough excuse for me to have more body fat than is healthy/than i'd like. my goal weight is 140-145 which would put me at 18-20% body fat. i'll probably end up being a size 6 or maybe a 4 at that weight

    I see the op didn't start a group so I started one for us called large framed women here on mfp. come on over and join
  • cheachea2
    cheachea2 Posts: 20 Member
    I want to join but I am 5'9" and 304lbs. What is the group going to be called?
  • hellokittyykat
    hellokittyykat Posts: 66 Member
    I am 5'4 but my goal weight has always been 170-175... It doesn't seem like a bad idea to me!
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    My fiance always says "There is no such thing as a fat skeleton".. jerk.
    I'm 5'8.5. Starting weight was 286, current weight 269. Goal weight 170. WHEN i get there, I'll reevaluate. I've been told thats still high, but I love curves, and honestly, any less and I think I may be skin and bones.

    I'm one of the lucky Hour glass figures, and love it, just want to trim it down to a smaller hour-glass. I gain weight proportionatly, so I'm hoping I lose it proportionally.

    This is me to a T! I gain so evenly it sucks. haha I often don't notice I have put on weight until I have gained about 15 lbs. I am very busty at a staggering 36 FF cup. I currently wear a size 12--and weigh 210 lbs. When I tell people my weight they are shocked! (maybe they're being nice) haha. I lost 50 lbs on herbal magic two years ago and was at at very healthy 172 lbs. I looked fantastic. And was in a 28 waist or size 8! But herbal magic was VERY expensive. and I didn't learn too much from it about eating what made me feel good and what I liked! Very restrictive. If you start this 'big framed' group i want in!
  • Hi,
    I'm a large framed gal, and would like to join a group of similar women. I'm athletic, and continue and will always (Goddess willing) continue to play sports. Everyone guesses my weight much lower than what my doctor measures my weight at. Its frustrating and has always been a constant battle over the exact number on the scale. In my mid 30s this seems to be a battle I feel like I might be starting to lose. I'd be glad to 'friend' other women with similar dieting goals on this thread. Especially if your in TX. I hope to get down to around 175lbs in the next year.

    Glad to have stumbled across this thread...
  • amoxy214
    amoxy214 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey ladies!
    I'm 5'7" and currently weigh 251. My ultimate goal weight is somewhere between 185 and 165. I'll re-evaluate when I get to 200. I've always been full figured. My wrists are quite large and my hips and shoulders have always been broad. Can I join the group? Is it invitation only or can I just join it?
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I have a large frame. When I weighed 145 when I met my husband, I wore a size 6. I wore a size 8 on my ring finger and I have size 11 feet. I am 5'5.5" tall. When I was down to 170 after I had my dd, everyone thought I was SOOO thin.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    dammit where's the pictures? I love large framed women...:flowerforyou:
  • Hi, I am 36 and been heavy most of my life, I love food, esp. Chocolate and fried foods. I became pre diabetic last December 2012 so I have to lose the weight. last Fall I weighed 293 lbs, my heaviest, since January 2013 I have been serious about eating right and moving around every evening, currently I weigh 258lbs. I just discovered this App yesterday!, I hope to make new friends to help keep each other motivated.
  • NicolleLindgren
    NicolleLindgren Posts: 64 Member
    I'm a large framed girl too! I'm 24, 5'9" and currently 259 (down from 270 a few weeks ago) and my goal weight is around 180-190. I might come down on that, but I've always been curvy, so I want to try to keep that. When I was growing up, I was all skin and bones because I have such a large bone structure. The smallest ring size I've ever worn is around an 8 or 9. I've never been able to fit most of those pre-sized (bangle style) bracelets over my wrist, even when I was tiny. My head looked huge compared to my neck/body, and since I've always had a larger chest, I looked pretty disproportionate. I liked how I looked junior prom at 170ish and senior pictures a little heavier than that.

    Editing to add pictures.

    Senior year sometime. I'm on the far right.

    Senior Picture. Ideal size.