
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    Dr Oz is a quack.

    Dr Oz Is my homedog.
    How dare you insult my favorite comedian

    He's a magician...he magically turns raspberry ketones and green coffee bean extract and garcinia cambogia into dollars in his pocket
  • themeaningofthemorning
    themeaningofthemorning Posts: 320 Member
    this is the funniest thread i've ever read.

    let me break it down quickly and simply for you:

    if your caloric intake is too low, you cannot give your body enough nutrients - most importantly protein. proteins (amino acids) are the building blocks of your muscles. your muscles play a large part in your body's BMR (basal metabolic rate) as they, unlike fat, are always "working". if you aren't ingesting enough protein, your body rips through your muscles in search of amino acids to complete its daily functions. in turn, you lose lean body mass. when you lose lean body mass, your BMR decreases along with the amount of food you can eat without gaining fat.

    when you try to short-cut fat loss by ingesting too few calories, you are diminishing your body's ability to lose weight. this is not starvation mode, it's just you being a dumbass. A dumbass who thinks seeing lower numbers on the scale = fat loss. sure, you're losing fat... along with all of the muscle that makes you look good and keeps your metabolism racing.

    fat loss is not linear. increase your calories, keep your protein intake at ~0.85g - 1.5g per lb of body weight, pick up some heavy weights, and do some bulk/cut cycles. i've gained 5-6 lbs and DECREASED my body fat percentage. that means my body is LESS FAT, MORE CONSISTENTLY BURNING CALORIES, and LOOKS BETTER.

    /end thread
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    People just need to reailse that you can't be in a hypocaloric state for ever. Diet breaks, maintenance and (god forbid! :tongue:) surplus are a part of a healthy long term plan.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    keep your protein intake at ~0.85g - 1.5g per lb of body fat

    Really ?
  • themeaningofthemorning
    themeaningofthemorning Posts: 320 Member
    keep your protein intake at ~0.85g - 1.5g per lb of body fat

    Really ?
    that's what my trainer/nutritionist told me, and i have only seen a+ results since.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    That still puzzles me! I've never heard of this till this year. I wonder at what point does you body start using my fat stores if I'm eating all these cals! Maybe I'm missing something idk!

    Once you have used up the calories you have consumed, your body needs to get energy from somewhere, that's when it goes into its own fat stores. Hence - eating at a deficit.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    keep your protein intake at ~0.85g - 1.5g per lb of body fat

    Really ?
    that's what my trainer/nutritionist told me, and i have only seen a+ results since.
    I've seen it expressed per lb of LBM and per lb of body weight, but not fat.
  • themeaningofthemorning
    themeaningofthemorning Posts: 320 Member
    keep your protein intake at ~0.85g - 1.5g per lb of body fat

    Really ?
    that's what my trainer/nutritionist told me, and i have only seen a+ results since.
    I've seen it expressed per lb of LBM and per lb of body weight, but not fat.
    HAHA typo! good catch
    body weight
    it's late
    i'll edit for future readers
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    keep your protein intake at ~0.85g - 1.5g per lb of body fat

    Really ?
    that's what my trainer/nutritionist told me, and i have only seen a+ results since.


    editted to say, 1.5g of protein per POUND OF BODY FAT??? lmao, could you imagione how many chickens a 350 pound person would have to eat???
  • themeaningofthemorning
    themeaningofthemorning Posts: 320 Member
    keep your protein intake at ~0.85g - 1.5g per lb of body fat

    Really ?
    that's what my trainer/nutritionist told me, and i have only seen a+ results since.

    literally just said it was a typo bye
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    keep your protein intake at ~0.85g - 1.5g per lb of body fat

    Really ?
    that's what my trainer/nutritionist told me, and i have only seen a+ results since.

    literally just said it was a typo bye

    by all means, have as many typos as you want, but remember, you are the one posting how people are dumb *kitten*...
  • themeaningofthemorning
    themeaningofthemorning Posts: 320 Member
    yes, because making a typing error while exhausted at midnight after a 6 day week and a workout = dumbass.

    there is a pretty stark difference between a tired mistake and an ignorant, illogical, unintelligent stance on a subject.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    yes, because making a typing error while exhausted at midnight after a 6 day week and a workout = dumbass.

    there is a pretty stark difference between a tired mistake and an ignorant, illogical, unintelligent stance on a subject.

    lol, ok, if you say so... your the fitness guru, if people dont do it your way, they are dumb *kitten*... <<<got it>>>***noted***
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Best information I've read on the subject:

    Def worth a read
  • themeaningofthemorning
    themeaningofthemorning Posts: 320 Member
    you can say whatever you want and be as otherwise as you like, but that's not going to change the facts i posted.

    there are some who say you don't necessarily need as much protein as i suggested, but aside from that SUGGESTION, everything else was fact. high school biology. not enough intake = likely not enough nutrients (esp protein) = not adequate for your body to function optimally. fat loss doesn't always equate to linear weight loss. that's just the way it is.
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    People say don't eat 1200 or even 1500 calories a day. They say eat more, to weigh less, but people you see on youtube eat 1200 and are losing over 80+ pounds. Can you explain that maybe it is better to eat more in the 1800s, but don't tell people that starvation will come up and get them because it's a flat out lie. Especially if your obese. Some guys did a study and that's the huge thing, that's why people think they're in starvation mode. How can you tell someone to eat more when that's what they have been doing all along, hence why they're overweight to begin with. Look at people in different countries starving, they are not going into starvation mode. No I don't think so. You need to look around you. People want you to fail in weight loss, they will make up anything to make sure you don't succeed. Why IDK. But its true weight loss and takes a long freaking time. You need to think of it in long terms, I mean like 3-5 years, it will need to be a lifestyle change. People think they are going into starvation mode because omg i hit a plateau. It happens with everyone. You're never going to get away from that. Sorry guys. JUST BECAUSE YOU HIT A PLATEAU DOES NOT MEAN YOUR IN STARVATION MODE. 1200 isn't starving yourself. What happens when you don't get enough food your body? It has to go into your fat stores, it's science people. End of story. Comments please thanks:) Oh fyi iv lost 40 pounds.

    HUH? Secondly HUH?
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    you can say whatever you want and be as otherwise as you like, but that's not going to change the facts i posted.

    there are some who say you don't necessarily need as much protein as i suggested, but aside from that SUGGESTION, everything else was fact. high school biology. not enough intake = likely not enough nutrients (esp protein) = not adequate for your body to function optimally.

    i could care less about arguing with your facts. your facts mean nothing to me. im more amused that you cant debate without resorting to 1st grade name calling tacticts, calling those who dont follow your method, dumb *kitten*, however, you quote some rediculous protein intake of 1.5g per POUND OF BODY FAT. and fyi, people can get in proper nutrients on lower cal intakes. i manage to get ATLEAST 82g of protein in daily, on 1200 cals. but god forbid me disagree with the fitness guru, right?
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    what can i say... this has been fun, but im going to bed... nite all!
  • Dargealing
    Dargealing Posts: 58 Member
    thank you for htis eye opener. I wondered when the muscle loss would take affect and one of you answered my question for me.. I am only 4ft 11 1/2 inches tall. i was worried I had shrunk as I have mild osteo, but I had my husband measure me and I am still the same heigth. I try to stay at 1200 cal. a day. sometimes I do more some days less, but I eat healthy,or try to most of the time. Ihave lost 22 lbs and it was eating right, drinking water, water, and selective supplements, and dealing with changing hormones. I am very proud of my hard work and weight loss. 22 does not seem like a lot of weight loss,. but my eating before and sitting around besides doing all my cleaning accounts, was not getting the weight off, so hard workouts and smart eating and keeping to the 1200 calories is what helped me to lose the weight. So the FAT MYTH.. starvation mode.. I don't believe it to be an issue unless as was said, you burn thru the fat reserves first.. thenit would start breaking down muscle
  • themeaningofthemorning
    themeaningofthemorning Posts: 320 Member
    you can say whatever you want and be as otherwise as you like, but that's not going to change the facts i posted.

    there are some who say you don't necessarily need as much protein as i suggested, but aside from that SUGGESTION, everything else was fact. high school biology. not enough intake = likely not enough nutrients (esp protein) = not adequate for your body to function optimally.

    i could care less about arguing with your facts. your facts mean nothing to me. im more amused that you cant debate without resorting to 1st grade name calling tacticts, calling those who dont follow your method, dumb *kitten*, however, you quote some rediculous protein intake of 1.5g per POUND OF BODY FAT. and fyi, people can get in proper nutrients on lower cal intakes. i manage to get ATLEAST 82g of protein in daily, on 1200 cals. but god forbid me disagree with the fitness guru, right?
    pretty ridiculous and cute that you're still arguing something that was waived as a typo long ago. anything else?

    please re-read my post and see where i said "likely not enough nutrients". most people are not careful enough to get 85g protein in at 1200 calories without sacrificing something else. OP herself said she eats lettuce and that is her diet.

    please forward any complaints about my jargon/lexicon/tone elsewhere because i honestly don't care.