

  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Does anyone else struggle to take those posts with poor spelling seriously?

    Thats not fair to attack her is it

    I didn't attack a particular post? No one was quoted.

    Its obviously aimed at her though isant it .. internet forums bring out the inner bully in some people i think, so what if she cant spell neither can i and to be honest i actually don't give a crap :) people are being so harsh Don't like it don't comment
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    Its obviously aimed at her though isant it .. internet forums bring out the inner bully in some people i think, so what if she cant spell neither can i and to be honest i actually don't give a crap :) people are being so harsh Don't like it don't comment

    No, you're wrong. I sat here and read through numerous replies and the ones that appear to be the least credible just so happen to be the ones where people can't be bothered to type. Most people who find it difficult to spell do say they don't care, it just doesn't make the argument being posted very convincing. I don't think people are being harsh. The beauty of the internet is the ability to post at will.

    **Apologies to the OP for the above being irrelevant to your post**
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Its obviously aimed at her though isant it .. internet forums bring out the inner bully in some people i think, so what if she cant spell neither can i and to be honest i actually don't give a crap :) people are being so harsh Don't like it don't comment

    No, you're wrong. I sat here and read through numerous replies and the ones that appear to be the least credible just so happen to be the ones where people can't be bothered to type. Most people who find it difficult to spell do say they don't care, it just doesn't make the argument being posted very convincing. I don't think people are being harsh. The beauty of the internet is the ability to post at will.

    I agree but why are people so botherd if they cant be bothered to type properly or not, there not writing an essay! like you said its the i ternet people can type an say what they want, just think its a bit mean thats all no matter whoo its aimed at your not perfect so why pick out other peoples flaws,this isant just to you its to everybody who thinks there superior because there more educated than others my education in science is out of this world but english and maths HA you would be lucky to get 5 answers out of me but im an amazing mother and wife and a hard worker i am amazing at my job ( buisness admin) and i cant spell to save my life but im good at my job really good .. Think before you speak because it really does affect alot of people even if ut is said by a complete stranger
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I guess Layne Norton and his metabolic damage videos and studies showing that damage is occurring on very low calorie diets, is wrong?

    I guess because "you" (certain people here) have lost a few pounds here and there (which you will regain as soon as you start eating again) it is the 'way to go'.

    Enjoy old age ladies. Watch those hips and bones. Any shock that the ladies around the 1940-60s are all having hip replacements? Times of rationing etc?

    Nah, can't be true.

  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I guess Layne Norton and his metabolic damage videos and studies showing that damage is occurring on very low calorie diets, is wrong?

    I guess because "you" (certain people here) have lost a few pounds here and there (which you will regain as soon as you start eating again) it is the 'way to go'.

    Enjoy old age ladies. Watch those hips and bones. Any shock that the ladies around the 1940-60s are all having hip replacements? Times of rationing etc?

    Nah, can't be true.


    Look at the picture <<<<<< they know what there talking about
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    For those that can spell, it's not about being bothered or not, they just... do. If you would write properly for an essay, it obviously means you can? I don't see why people type two different ways.

    I'm entitled to my opinion, and I stand by it. The replies on this post who seem less credible happen to have the most spelling mistakes. That's my only point. I'm not directly attacking anyone, and I'm certainly not abusing or bullying anyone. I think you're flying off the handle a little over one comment - at no point have I mentioned education, background, lifestyle, if you can do a job or not, whether or not your soul will burn in hell for all eternity for using 'there' when it's meant to be 'their'. Please don't presume to have a separate conversation with me other than the words I have typed.
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member

    ^righr here.

    But even so with all thats been said. If youre not a Dr... And you don't know everything about a persons diet, medical conditions or state of mind you shouldnt be encouraging eating extreamly low diets. You could cause them serious harm.

    Fact is if you want to debate weather or not someone is eating the correct amount .. Youve already lost the debate as 1. Youre not a professional. 2 you dont know everything about every person ie medical conditions ect and the list goes on. Debating it is pointless.

    If youre serious about weightloss you wouldnt come here and eat what some randoms telling you to eat. You'd do the smart thing and see a proffesional who can monitor you and your health weather you go on an extrealy low diet or not.

    Not having a go at anyone here just saying do the smart thing and save yourself the pain, and waste of time. Just go see a proffesional if your serious about weightloss. Your health and safty is worth it.

    This is the best answer so far.
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Well, ideally, individuals should eat more 'good' food to weigh less, and work their butt off to get to their goal. However, starvation does work, but I don't recommend it. When people starve their selves, it is more likely that they'll gain back the weight when they start eating healthy again....or go back to their unhealthy eating habits.

    The whole idea to lose weight is to change your lifestyle - start eating better and getting physical.

    However, my sister went from a size 12 to 0 within a few short months because she did starve herself as a teenager. (She'd probably kill me if she knew I was telling you this...) But, it worked! She was almost admitted to a hospital (at least my mom kept threatening her) b/c she was eating a mere bread roll or a soft pretzel or one bowl of cereal...per day!!!

    Years later, she's still skinny, but once she lost her weight, she actually paid attention to herself; she began to eat correctly and work out. Also, a MAJOR thing is that she may have consumed 5 glasses of pop in the last 10-12 years (since she pulled this stunt). Pop is a huge deal and is pretty bad for people.

    So, yes, starving yourself definitely works, but I would not recommend it. It's hard on your organs too.

    However, I don't think 1200 calories/day constitutes starvation. It's said (by my dr) that for people to reach their ideal weight, women should consume 1500-1800 calories a day and men 1800-2100 per day. People should also exercise 30 minutes each day, 5 days per week.
  • gmove
    gmove Posts: 81 Member
  • gmove
    gmove Posts: 81 Member
    point! lol
  • alicevanderhorst
    I hear you bro, I'm so sick of people talking about starvation mode. It's all a load of B.S in my opinion, or the whole "Your body will start burning muscle instead of fat" LIESSSSS, your fat is there for when your body needs it, that's the whole point of fat people. Your body will only start breaking down your muscle tissue once it's fat reserves are gone.

    I, for one, can attest this isn't true. I was working out about 5 days a week, eating really good, about 6 times a day, prbly on a 1200-1300 calorie diet. I had ALOT of wgt to lose, we are talking prbly 150 lbs, of which I had lost about 60. So, I hit a "wall", didn't lose anything for a few weeks.

    So I go to my coach, we checked my muscle mass against when we checked it about 6 weeks prior. I had actually lost muscle mass, about 5-7lbs (I can't rmbr now). I was disgusted. I thought, how in the world? I was eating, I thought, like a crazy person, all the time. My coach said I either needed to stop working out so much/as hard, or eat more. What, that is CRAZY talk, eat MORE, while I'm trying to lose wgt? Well, I did, I just added bigger portions of veggies and tadah! I started losing again. SO, to say you won't lose muscle till your fat stores are gone ... in my case ... was wrong.

    It still baffles me ... but it is what it is.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I hear you bro, I'm so sick of people talking about starvation mode. It's all a load of B.S in my opinion, or the whole "Your body will start burning muscle instead of fat" LIESSSSS, your fat is there for when your body needs it, that's the whole point of fat people. Your body will only start breaking down your muscle tissue once it's fat reserves are gone.

    Your body will burn muscle when it see's that its not being used to support its daily needs - eg moving around/stresses placed on it. Muscle is calorie intense compared to other energy systems in the body and in times of dietary stress will feed off the areas it see's as least needed (in a very basic sense).

    HOWEVER you are more likely to lose lean body mass than is optimal by having suboptimal amounts of calories. There is no getting around this fact.

    Its not lies. Its simply not black and white like many people make out, many shades of grey.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    It's said (by my dr) that for people to reach their ideal weight, women should consume 1500-1800 calories a day and men 1800-2100 per day. People should also exercise 30 minutes each day, 5 days per week.

    Cannot believe a Dr would say something so simplistic.

    Everyone has different input/outputs during their day. One needs to look at the energy they expend (Harris Benedict is useful for a guide) and work from there.

    A 20 year old woman, will have very different needs to a 50 year old woman, even if the other stats remain constant. Everyone needs to monitor and adjust their intake, there isn't a 'set' amount we should eat.
  • alicevanderhorst
    6 weeks :blushing:
  • JudieJudes
    JudieJudes Posts: 174 Member
    Some guys did a study


    Hehehehehehe :) jj x
  • JudieJudes
    JudieJudes Posts: 174 Member
    Let's try to clear something up. Starvation mode is when your body attempts to keep and/or store fat because it is not receiving the amount of calories or nutrients it needs. That does not mean you will not lose weight because weight doesn't just come from fat, but from muscle and water retention. If you are working out long term at high intensities, 1200 calories will not be enough to maintain the muscle and as a result, you will lose muscle and weight. This will not take place right away, but over time. You do not necessarily gain weight in starvation mode, but may gain body fat. 1200 and 1500 is the lowest recommended intake for women and men respectively, but remember, if you're looking to get fit, get strong and be healthy in the long run, it will not suffice.

    When it says to 'eat more' it doesn't mean just eat more calories, but eat more healthy food. Eat more protein, more fruits & vegetables especially. I've been up and down several times and it took me until now to finally 'get' the deal with food and nutrition. I eat close to 2000 calories at a 40/40/20 ration of Carbs/Protein/Fat. I'm doing P90X - Classic. This is the first time I've taken what I eat straight out of the nutrition guide and in 30 days, I was down 16 lbs. The weight loss is great and I've NEVER lost that amount, that quickly, but that's not what you should aim for long term, but rather look at body fat percentage! That's the true indicator of your health and fitness level. In those same 30 days, I was down about 4.5% body fat and now, after 6 weeks, I'm down 6% - 4 inches off my waist!

    To lose weight you must create a calorie deficit, yes, but you must also get enough calories to keep your body functioning at a high level in order to perform it's tasks. You must find that balance of calories and nutrient ratios that fit your activity level. This is also key to losing FAT while maintaining the muscle you have. If you do not, you WILL lose lean muscle. Remember that muscle burns fat! Initially, 1200-1500 may work well, but after some time has past, you will need more calories of HEALTHY foods to maintain high performance. Food is FUEL for your body and that's the way you have to see it in order to understand why it's so important to eat right. Performance athletes eat ridiculous amounts of calories daily during training: Michael Phelps 10,000 to 12,000 a day! There's a extreme example, but a point well made. Consider actors who prepare for roles where they must look the part: Henry Cavill (new Superman movie [Man of Steel]) 3500 to 5000 calories a day depending on what the goal was. My point is, if you FUEL your body with the best foods, you will not only perform better, but look and feel better because you are getting enough of all the vitamins and nutrients you need. You will not get that at 1200 calories a day and that's a fact. I'm not saying you need to eat like the examples I gave you, but understand that it's about QUALITY, then quantity and for most people, it's over 1500 calories and something closer to 1800 to 2000 long term.

    "Starvation Mode" is not a 'myth,' but rather it's a misunderstood and often misinterpreted term. I hope this helps.

    Explained well - thank you !

    JJ x
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Beware of the trolls!

    Starvation mode is a real thing, although, it seems to be misunderstood and/or way overblown in this "community." In fact, starvation mode, or whatever you want to call it, is one of the reasons humans were such good survivors back in the days before civilization and modern technology. So, the point is the environment has to be considered. Most of us on here are most likely fortunate enough to never have to worry about where our next meal is coming from. In fact, a lot of us have more food at our disposal than know what to do with. So, as a side effect, some of us became overweight or obese. People who are very overweight and obese most likely don't have to worry about starvation mode any time soon. In fact, if you are obese and are serious about losing weight, I suggest seeing a trained professional such as a medical doctor in the field or a dietician. Don't listen to people in the internet like me! ;)

    For those of us that are trying to lose "the last 5-10 lbs," starvation mode COULD come into play. And I know people are going to be screaming at me about citing specific studies or scientific papers. However, let's just forget the science and think practically. I think most of us (who are not obese) want to be able to enjoy eating as much food as possible while still being about to lose or maintain weight. I like to call it the sweet spot. So, for me at least, the whole starvation mode argument is a moot point. I'm not looking to become a fitness model overnight. I just want to be healthy and feel good, and maybe get a six pack one day. So, I like to set my calories to my maintenance. That way I know the approximate point where I will start to gain weight.

    That's just my philosophy. Take it or leave it.
  • HappyElizabeth
    HappyElizabeth Posts: 231 Member
    Beware of the trolls!

    Starvation mode is a real thing, although, it seems to be misunderstood and/or way overblown in this "community." In fact, starvation mode, or whatever you want to call it, is one of the reasons humans were such good survivors back in the days before civilization and modern technology. So, the point is the environment has to be considered. Most of us on here are most likely fortunate enough to never have to worry about where our next meal is coming from. In fact, a lot of us have more food at our disposal than know what to do with. So, as a side effect, some of us became overweight or obese. People who are very overweight and obese most likely don't have to worry about starvation mode any time soon. In fact, if you are obese and are serious about losing weight, I suggest seeing a trained professional such as a medical doctor in the field or a dietician. Don't listen to people in the internet like me! ;)

    For those of us that are trying to lose "the last 5-10 lbs," starvation mode COULD come into play. And I know people are going to be screaming at me about citing specific studies or scientific papers. However, let's just forget the science and think practically. I think most of us (who are not obese) want to be able to enjoy eating as much food as possible while still being about to lose or maintain weight. I like to call it the sweet spot. So, for me at least, the whole starvation mode argument is a moot point. I'm not looking to become a fitness model overnight. I just want to be healthy and feel good, and maybe get a six pack one day. So, I like to set my calories to my maintenance. That way I know the approximate point where I will start to gain weight.

    That just my philosophy. Take it or leave it.

    Stop being so reasonable and making sense ;-)
  • JudieJudes
    JudieJudes Posts: 174 Member
    During times of severe caloric restriction, yes, you'll lose weight. However, a good portion of that lost weight is muscle. Muscle is metabolically active tissue, meaning that it burns a lot of calories at rest. When you lose muscle, your metabolism will slow down.

    What does that mean practically? If I lose weight at a slow and steady pace, reaching say, 125 pounds on a 1650 calorie diet and if someone else loses the weight quickly, getting down to 125 pounds on a 1200 calorie diet, I will be able to eat many more calories than the person on the lower calorie diet and maintain the same weight.
    i'd like to point out that the calorie intake in both these cases wont be significantly different
    Given that
    I pound of fat burns 3 cals/day
    1 pound of muscle burns 6 cals/day
    Lets say both of them lost 30 lbs!
    So even if the person on a 1200 cal diet lost 30 lbs of muscle mass(impossible!!) compared to the 1650 cal dieter who lost 30 lbs of fat and no muscle loss whatsoever(again unlikely!)
    the difference in their cal intake would be a mere 90 calories(30 x 6 - 30 x 3)

    Crumbs ... all this number crunching is hurting my brain :tongue:
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    For those of us that are trying to lose "the last 5-10 lbs," starvation mode COULD come into play.

    If you are planning to lose to down below 10% BF, then yes, it could.