

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla, just read that article, sounds interesting and promising. A little bit about my MS. Since I have only one lesion and it has been like that since diagnosed in 1997 my neurologist is beginning to wonder if it is MS. I have had two exacerbations since my diagnosis, the first one was 2 years after and then two years ago I had optic neuritis. But my lumbar puncture and other tests all show it is MS, just one lesion.
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Good Evening Ladies, such a busy group we have here, hard to believe anyone here has a weight problem with all the activity!!
    Well I was doing so good all week uping my steps on my pedometer and really getting into it, then today
    happened, went to do groceries and errands,only to realize while I was out that my pedometer was missing
    So sadly drove home, wondering just where it could be, got home DH met me at the door with a little black box
    We had to bury my pedometer seems I dropped it in the driveway when I left and drove over it with the truck.
    Tommorow my first stop will be to replace it,sure hope the next one makes it!

    Thoughts and prayers to all who need them and congrats to all who are doing so well

    Juanita in sudbury
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Bump pg 16
    I feel so bad, haven't had time for reading the posts on MFP and I am not even gonna try to read the last 15 pages. I so miss chatting with you girls. Lots of changes in my life all of which are robbers of my time. Please know I think about you all and maybe if things ever settle down I'll be back a little more often, but for now I'll try to manage to log my foods.
    Peace ~N~ hugs
    Carol in WNY
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Ann from SC, PatLemire (great goals), ElaineRN (we're like jello, there's always room for more), Barbara in CA, Cyndi (have a wonderful vacation), MWekony (keep doing what you're doing, it'll happen), UJ in MO (I'm still amazed at the things I learn here) and anyone else I may have missed - welcome

    sheril (good for you walking!) - welcome back

    Mary in TN - I do believe your dh. Hope and pray things work out for you

    Vicki - my heart goes out to you. I (and I'm sure lots of others on here) know how very hard it is. Good that you're getting a new roof, siding, window frames and gutters and that the insurance co. is paying for it

    brooke - I always look forward to your quotes. Thanks for posting them. I don't routinely park further away from the store to get extra steps in. See, a few years ago I had to pay something like $2,000 to get all the dings and scratches out of my car. I know they're from shopping carts, car doors, etc. So now I park far away so that I hopefully won't get as many as before.

    jmkmomm - I like when stores sell small containers of ice cream, really small containers of just about anything that I don't want in the house. They're great for a small treat. But then you don't have to constantly look at them. Even IF they do cost more. Great walking

    Did 1-1/4 hr Jillian Michael's Killer Buns and Thighs DVD today. I don't know, I'm not into doing plyometrics (prefer low impact), so did I get the workout that I was supposed to get? I don't feel like I worked up a big sweat. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some HIIT.

    Alice - whenever I go to OG, I get the chicken spiendini (hope I spelled that right). It's on the lunch menu, but I found out that they'll make it at dinnertime, too. I like your acronym for a BLT (bites, licks and tastes)

    katla - it's so good to know that I can come here when I get in a "down" mood about ds and post. I know that it bothers Vince and he really doesn't want to talk too much about it, at least not yet. On the other hand, I'm one of those people who has to talk. On another topic -- Denise called yesterday. Seems her electricity has been turned off. I'm not exactly sure why she called us. Vince did mention to her yesterday that "didn't you go down to Wildwood for the Memorial Day weekend? You probably burned a lot in gas, that money could have been put towards your electricity bill. Sometimes we have to make choices, going to the shore or paying our bills." Seems right now she's living with Pete's uncle and aunt, I sure hope she has the cat with her (but I somehow doubt it, since they have a dog, she probably couldn't bring the dog <which she's never really told us about> or the cat). Now I remembered that his mother's second husband threw Pete out of the house when we were living in PA. I'm sure that's why she cosigned for the apt -- just to get him out of the house. How can a mother put her second husband above her child? Who was there first, the second husband or the child? I do hope the med works for your dh

    Joy - fantastic inches lost!!! You rock girl. Interesting about the dogs and flying.

    Vicki - I know this isn't a comfort to you, but when we had to put our cat, Sadie, down, I could swear that he looked at me (I was feeling so bad right about then) as if to say "it's ok, don't be sad, thank you for taking me out of my misery"

    Heather - woohoo on the walking. Doesn't it make you feel great knowing that you can do it and how far you've come

    DeeDee - yes, we've been having real crazy weather. Makes putting down the river rock quite challenging, that's for sure. I can't wait until that's done. Even just now Vince commented "very strange weather, I just drove thru a heavy storm, sunshine, cloudy weather". It's so weird. We're under a flash flood watch!

    Since we can't work on the river rock today, Vince is going to build the "screen" for sifting the dirt out of the river rock. He needs my help getting the lumber, etc. out of the car. I said to him "why don't we do it now that it's not raining".

    grandmalle - have a great lunch with dh

    Kathy - hoping you get that call.

    Going to pay rummykub (they call it rumy-o, doesn't matter, same game). Really don't have any desire to go to the restaurant that the Newcomers is going to for lunch today, so I'll skip that. Good thing that I had these shrimp tarts in the freezer to take with me. They really are good to have in the freezer when you need them to take somewhere.

    katla - love the name boomerangs. Just love it. People who live in NC and moved from FL are referred to as "halfbacks". You know, retirees who moved to FL, got tired of all the hurricans but didn't want to deal with snow, etc. so they moved "halfway back".

    Lucy in DE - good for you getting your mammo. Mine will be due in a few months, I think in august or maybe it's July. I don't think I ever had a flat tummy! I used to get the shirataki noodles at Harris Teeter, I can get them at Lowe's Foods, but I know you don't have those stores up there. Maybe Genuardi's? they're usually with the tofu. Just read the update. Good for those parents! That may sound harsh, but too many parents (I feel) want to be "friends" and not parents. Thank G** most of the money will be returned. The parents sound like upstanding people, it wouldn't surprise me if they added something on their own.

    Sue in SD - glad to hear you're gettinhg that MRI

    jane - I think we all have nights with binging. The key is not to let it happen all the time. I know that lately I've been depressed about ds and haven't been eating as healthily as I should and I'm sure that's why I feel so sluggish at times. It'll get better. Good for you getting your walk in! I just entered everything in my diary and I'm over by 100 plus calories. But I was falling into the trap of not logging everything. This time I logged everything -- even the not-so-good things. I feel better now that I've logged it, even if I am over.

    kevrit - maybe you should consider moving :)

    phoo - I don't think your wanting to go to a water park is silly at all, not one bit. But you're right, you may have to rent/borrow someone's grandkids....lol

    Juanita - RIP the pedometer.

    Michele in NC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Got my steps in and exercised before the DGKs woke up. After that it was game on and been going ever since. Saw my dr this moring and he was very pleased as all my blood work was perfect as well as my blood pressure. He did say that the key to a long and healthy life is to move. He said some people think sitting in a chair knitting is exercise but you actually have to move your body.
    Lucy - I had a hysterectomy when I was 36 and was put on Preminan. (sp) Stayed on it for over 30 years and decided to wean myself off. I think it had a beneficial affect on my bones and so far no bad results.
    Sorry no time to write responses due to being so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. Wanted to fulfill my goal of posting so this is it for tonight
    Sue in TX
  • AlicesNirvanaHealthWellness
    well, nice day,,,walked in the morning (it was drizzling) for about an hour, and then again in the sunny afternoon for a little over a half hour,,,back to work tomorrow, a meeting/prep for teaching summer. (I teach 6th grade ESL students) Summer school is only 17 days,,,so there will still be a little of summer left afterwards. Had a nice grilled chicken (marinated sort of asian style),,,so a good day all in all,,,got to spend some time with my two teenage daughters too,,,

    bb55shawn,,,,good job with the new pedometer,,,keep walking

    joan from ontario,,,it is so nice walking with the dog,,,and woohoo on the summer capris fitting again,,

    liz from idaho,,,hope the evening cools down a bit for you,,we have still had cooler spring like weather here

    running cats...i love ending the night reading the posts as well...the alcohol usually always puts me over my days allotment,,,i have really been laying off (not that I drink that much) but I just still rather eat more of my calories lol

    jmkmomm,,,,hope you found your bed remote,,,a good night sleep is number one priority for me

    joy,,,nice job with the inches gone,,,it makes it easier to keep staying healthy,,,and i think your dogs have traveled more than me

    heather,,,nice walk,,,i really enjoy my walks,,i either bring my ipod, or wait til when my girlfriend can call and we chat for the whole hour,,i have a wire to talk hands free

    ann from S.C....good goals,,,daily logging has really helped me stay on track

    tammy in va beach,,,i hope you fair well with the storm,,,stay safe

    grandmallie,,,nice job at the gym, and how nice to have a walking trail around where you worked

    lorrain in maine,,,i just treated myself to new gym shoes for walking last month,,and today i went to the store and got 12 lb hand weights to replace my 8 lb weights,,,i can't do the gym thing either so we have made the adjustments we need here at home

    drkatiebug,,,thanks for the infor on noosa honey yogurt,,,will have to give that one a try

    patlemire...welcome back,,,good goals for the month

    tere,,,i love it when i get my walk done in the morning,,,just starts the day off nice

    brooke...hope that plateau breaks soon...it is so frustrating,,,i was stuck a few weeks ago for about a week and a half,,,thought i was going to pull my hair out,,,i know that wasn't too long of a period of time, but it seemed like it at the time,,,finally broke through and staying on track,,,good luck

    kathy in illinois...yes i must agree, some of the topics are a bit wacky,,,and people sometime complain or argue,,i really don't understand,,,i too, feel lucky to have found this thread

    lpop50,,,hope you managed to stay away from too many cookies,,,and nice goals for the month

    katla in nw oregon...good goals,,,log it all BLT (bites, licks and tastes)

    heather in hot hampshire uk...i too just got some new shoes from a running shoe store,,,i am so glad that i did,,,but they are really nice and great for stablility

    lucy in de,,,i still certainly hope they find out what happened at church,,,it is a sad state of affairs,,,good job on the circuit routine,,,

    joy,,hope you enjoy the weekend

    elaineRN100..welcome,,,i'm fairly new too but enjoying every minute

    lucy i am so glad to read your next post,,,i'm so glad this worked out for your church,,,it must have been so terrible for his parents

    connie,,,i'm not too techie either,,,i can't even get the smiley faces crying or blinking,,,dont know where those come from

    barbara from CA..welcome to you as well

    eileen near san diego...hope you have time to enjoy some of summer,,,i'm thinking about that bra fitting as well,,,but might wait just a little longer

    cyndi from texas,,,i too am glad to have found this group,,,i try not to eat back my exercise calories, unless i have had a day where i really did a lot,,and just am really hungry,,,i figure otherwise it helps me lose a bit more weight

    sue in sd,,,hope the mri goes well,,sorry you had to go through so much to get it taken care of

    joyce,,,sorry about the problems with the nursing home,,,good job on the rowing today,,,hard work there will pay off

    suzy in de,,,i have been off the "hooch" (alcohol) for awhile,,,would rather eat my calories than drink them

    jane,,,glad you were able to meet with knitting group and get a walk in as well,,

    UJ in missouri...welcome,,i'm fairly new as well, but really am enjoying it ,,,great goals

    kevrit,,,good job meeting your goals,,,

    phooe513...fun getting to the pool,,,great job,,,nice treat going to a water park,,,i don't think it is too silly,,it is important to do new and fun things,,

    juanita,,,you made me laugh when you spoke of the weight problem with all the activity,,,go figure,,,bummer about the pedometer

    carol in wny,, i agree it is tough to keep up with all of this,,but tonight a free night and i am enjoying every minute

    michele in nc,,,a friend told me about the "lunch portions" at OG too,,,i didn't realize that,,,will have to go that way next time,,,(hopefully not too soon)

    hope every one stays safe and healthy,,,
    alice in illinois (nosoda0)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    We went to JC Pennys tonight after we saw MIL. She wants a pink purse to go along with her pretty pink dress I got from Blairs and the heels. her 83rd b''day is coming up soon and she wants to look special. So here in southern Indiana she will be wearing her fur coat we bought her, well she bought, dress with jacket, hose, pearls, and heels. All of these came from Blair. She is wh/ch bound, wears diapers and I'm not sure what she wants to do all fancied up but if it makes her feel special then all power to her. So we needed to get a pink purse and knee hi hose. Since we need to spend down $1000 we picked Pennys for both. There was a $90 purse but it just did not work with a lady who is going to be sitting in a wheel chair and have no where to put her purse. So I ended up paying $20 for a small clutch that will just fit by her side. But I did pay $8 for the knee his instead of going to Walmart and buying some cheap Leggs. She loves her jewelry and we found a ring that would have taken all the money the business office wanted us to spend down but that kind of ring is just to much of a liability in a nursing home. MIL is paronoid schizophrenic and I know what that would do to her. So the pretty ring went back in the display case. she has been at the nursing home for about 10 years and is real picky about room mates. She is on Medicaid so she doesn't really have a lot of room to be picky. But I guess God is with her because they gave her a private room last year! But then they told us that they needed to redo the wing and moved everyone out for '3 months'. That was 4 months ago and they haven't even started on it. But they have let her have a semi private room by herself, it's jsut that we can't use the rest of the room. So we are trying to make her as comfortable as we can and grant all her wishes. Even though she has many mental issues that are pretty well controlled by meds, she is my MIL and the only parent I have left now. She has four children and her daughter doesn't even acknowledge her existence right now. I hope she will see her on her birthday since I think MIL is expecting something wonderful.

    Well sorry for loading all of this on you all tonight. It's just that since she is my only parent left it is very dear to my heart. Nursing homes don't always keep good track of records and I think that is why they all of a sudden needed us to spend $1000 today. Families don't always treat their parents the way they should. Some day my DIL will be old and her kids may treat her the same way and she may be crying for loneliness for her only daughter. Maybe I am missing my own nursing career also

    On a funny note, when we went to Pennys I told DH that I wanted him to park out in the boonies of the parking lot. So he said sure but went about 1/2 way in and started to park. I told him I wanted him to park way out! So we went out there and walked!!!! It was nice weather and why not. So I got my 'over 6000 steps' in.

    Joyce, sad for my MIL in Indiana
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi gang. It’s already after 10 so this will have to be short. I got over 6000 steps today but didn’t get any real “exercise” today. I did count my grocery shopping since it takes about 2 hours. Beautiful weather here today, in the 70s. We played a card game called 3-13 for game night. I can’t remember if I told you all this or not, but the xray got changed to a portable one and they were sending it to the orthopedic doctor. He just needs to see if it’s healing or not; he’s not a surgical candidate, so the doc may not even need to see him. DH was there today and found dad sitting up in a wheelchair with one eye open (his usual response!) and able to talk, although he mumbled a great deal and DH couldn’t understand much of it. They cut his pain meds in half which is what I think the problem was.

    I did feel better after my “anger walk”. Thank you all for your support, emails, and kindness. I don’t lose it too often but when I do, it’ a doozy!

    I read all the posts, but don’t have time to respond to all. For those of you who are happy….here’s a big WOO HOO!!!! It seems like some of us are frustrated or struggling….(((hugs))) to you. We can get through all of this! Take care, you all mean the world to me! , meg from beautiful Omaha.

    , PS I saw my first rose-breasted grosbeak today on our feeder. He was beautiful!!!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Made it thru the night with few bugs if any. Today was a park day so lots of fresh air.

    @Sunshine I love that to let the flies out. :happy:

    @Dee did get some sleep after it cooled down.

    @Meg I hope with everything you were able to walk a bit of the stress away.

    I have manage to be staying under goal but for sure not the healthiest. I do think its stress on the 13th we leave for our family reunion in.Illinois. It is going to be fun. But some reason I am nursing a lot of old wounds by wanting to eat and eat self destruct all of my hard work.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    :flowerforyou: I love the sharing on this thread…..there are so many different approaches to this weight loss/fitness/health journey that we are all on and by sharing ideas each of us is able to find what works best for her….for some daily weighing is a tool for others it is a curse---for some abstaining from certain foods is the key to success for others only moderation will work---for some having a weight loss goal is motivating and for others such a goal is intimidating and a recipe for failure and despair…..some succeed by eating the same foods all the time and others require variety….I always eat back my exercise calories and others never do……the formulas are endless….keep sharing, I need to hear from all of you.

    :flowerforyou: I am fortunate that I wear jeans all the time and I have a pedometer that goes in my pocket, cutting down the possibilities of losing it which is a good thing because it was expensive.

    :flowerforyou: today was another super day starting with dog walking....morning line dance class.....more dog walking.....lunch prepared by Jake......led the line dance practice with the performance group.....more dog walking.....short nap:bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from sunny NW Washington

    June Resolutions
    *dig out the rest of the back yard flower bed that’s full of rocks and terrible dirt
    *be agreeable---say “OK”
    *strength training once a week
    *act the way I want to feel

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    Still haven't caught up with everyone - sorry!

    Blew the calories out of the water last night - went on a night out with the "girly's" saw a couple of friends I haven't seen in a long time, it was great to catch up with all the gossip :bigsmile: Tried to find something healthy to eat, but failed miserably. Hey Ho it was a great night and I don't get out often, so I'm not too bothered. I'll get back on track today.

    Well need to get a move on - I didn't get chance to exercise yesterday, so must get some done today or I'll get lazy and not bother!

    Have a good day,

    Viv York UK (where the sun is shining yay!) :heart: :heart:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    Morning Ladies
    well it will be rainy today and tomorrow, and have to work tomorrow morning,oh well..well I made the mistake of using the treadmill yesterday at the gym and now my heel is really sore, and I will be on my feet today at work:grumble:
    no gym today..
    went over to the DH work was over there for about 20 minutes didn't walk the trail there but sat at a picnic table with him and a guy he works with.
    Neon is in fashion this year so I had a yellow neon t-shirt, with black capri's and black nylon jacket and neon sneaker's.
    I didn't hear the end of it from DH and his buddy lol..they asked me to turn off the shoes:laugh:
    boneheads ....
    will be careful about what I ingest today. im back down near my ticker weight and want the scale going down....
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    OK, so I’m practising using the Word cut and paste as I want to do a long post for Tuesday 11th as it will be ONE YEAR since I started my diet. That’s how I thought of it when I started, but everything changed when I discovered MFP in August and now think of it as a health and fitness plan.:heart::love:

    DH was meant to go to cricket today, but it started pouring with rain so it will be later today. He has his sandwiches all made and packed. I am secretly rejoicing as I won’t have to water the veg and the water butts will fill up!:wink:

    I felt really great after my walk yesterday so really went for it on the machines this morning, doing some HIIT. Now my knee has started clicking ! :cry: Pride cometh before a fall. It doesn’t hurt so I hope it will just go away as it usually does.

    With regard to my heavier dumb bells - I am watching myself carefully as I have lymphodema in one arm from the cancer surgery and when I first went to the clinic I was given a leaflet that said not to lift heavy weights! My massage therapist said small weights would help, so I have just kept upping them with no ill effects so far. In fact good effects as my arm is much improved. I just have to be careful. I always wear an elastic sleeve, which does not look so good with sleeveless tops, but I can take it off for a few hours for special occasions.

    Granmallie - WTG on the neon!!!!!! :flowerforyou: I think that’s brilliant. DH and co are only jealous! I haven’t got quite that courage, but I am looking to cutting a dash with my new TIGHT top. :blushing: It’s got a built in shelf bra that I quite like.

    Right, I am going to paste this and see if it works.

    Heather in rainy Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    Heather it worked :wink:
    good for you with the tight top!!!! my girls are to big for a shelf bra,but my t-shirt was on the tight side and with a good bra i get alot of compliment's.. the few people that I saw at the DH's work didn't recognize me ,lol of course I had big sunglasses on,and have had my haircut and not coloring it since I saw them.i have to get my butt in gear and try and get another 10 lbs off soon, I have hit a plateau and need to bust it:noway:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Lucy:smile: So glad they found the guy that took the money! So very sad for his parents, will keep all in my prayers!

    Grandmallie:smile: Yay for you wearing neon, and tight too!!!! Hope your foot feels better!

    Heather:smile: When I have time to do a long post, I always use word doc, and copy and paste, over the year I`ve been here I`ve lost lots of posts to the computer gremlins:grumble: . I remember a time when a shelf bra was all I needed, it`s been a long time ago:sad: , my girls just laugh at them now:laugh: :blushing: . I know you`ll look smashing!!!

    Barbie:smile: How in the world did you manage a short nap with all you do:huh: ??? You continue to amaze me:flowerforyou: , one day I`d like to be like you and 20,000 steps will be no big deal...someday......

    Welcome to every one new:flowerforyou: !!! One of these days hopefully I`ll have time to chat a bit longer!

    I`ve read all the post but have no more time this morning:sad: !

    Have a wonderful Friday ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in still cloudy and rainy NC:sad:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    :flowerforyou: Dogs have been walked once, breakfast is being eaten then I’m off for the two hour walk before tea with Jake, shower, and off to teach the morning line dance class.

    :flowerforyou: One major reason that I can walk so many steps each day is that I don’t have a desk job….also I’m a very casual housekeeper and I am always looking for a reason to walk (I meet friends for walks not for meals).

    :heart: Barbie from sunny NW Washington

    June Resolutions(with week one updates)
    *dig out the rest of the back yard flower bed that’s full of rocks and terrible dirt (not started)
    *be agreeable---say “OK” (excellent, so far)
    *strength training once a week (nothing yet)
    *act the way I want to feel (excellent, so far)

  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Morning Ladies :flowerforyou:
    Having had two minutes to myself for two days!Got many things done which is great.The strength training is going very well and my muscles are finally not fighting back-spams cramps etc.Today I begin my physical therapy yay!!:bigsmile:

    Will be back later on
    Good luck to all and have a wonderful day!:flowerforyou:

    Molly in West Virginia
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Rain, rain go away!!! Got drenched going out to feed my birds this am. Have a closet partially cleared out in case of really bad weather........hopefully won't need to go in. Stress eating has kicked it--Magnum bar last night.

    Scanned posts; no time for real reading..........

    Lucy: so wonderful your church got some (most?) of the money back..........my heart breaks for those parents, though..how awful for them

    Meg: glad things are a bit better .

    Vicki: Very sorry for your loss. I'm with Michele; it's a horrible decision to put an animal down but as you hold them and they slip away so gently and peacefully, it's been my definate experience that you are being thanked and forgiven for taking what is a kind and necessary step.

    China cabinet delivery now set for Sunday.

    East coast women---stay dry and safe!!!
    yanniejannie--mid Atlantic
  • TheNewLorrain
    TheNewLorrain Posts: 138 Member
    It's a lovely
    Friday morning here in Maine. Getting in my first liter of water making calls doing errands without even leaving the house ha. Got my tunes jamming time to move and groove. I am excited my son comes home from Boston today. Busy weekend. A family gathering
    High School Graduation Talent Show and Middle School Graduation...I am tired just reading this!. Halfway done my first liter of water( that is huge for me I guess it's a NSV huh?) I hope everyone has a fabulous day and weekend!

    Lorrain in Maine
    Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    It’s raining in Richmond VA this morning. I don’t have rain gear, so no walk. I don’t know who was more disappointed, me or Storm (the Doberman). :sad: So I decided to do some crunches instead. That did not satisfy me so, I guess I’ll stop and buy some rain gear this evening as it’s supposed to rain through the middle of next week. My weekly weigh-in is tomorrow morning and I really wanted to get more exercise in today, so I’ll figure something out for this evening. Had a NSV last evening :smile: ….We went to one of the local seafood restaurants...their specialty is a fish boat (2 pieces of fried whiting fish with a special green pepper and onion topping, a big block of sweetened corn bread, and a huge lump of wonderfully delicious fried potatoes). I ordered the fish boat, asked for steamed cabbage instead of the potatoes, and gave my SO the cornbread. I was amazingly proud of myself! Tonight we are supposed to go to the movies so I am eating smart today to make way for popcorn!

    Tigress – I am an addicted nibbler. I don’t particularly care for big meals either. The problem with me is what I am nibbling. So now I make sure I have plenty of low fat, low calorie, fresh fruit and veggies around so that I can nibble without infringing on my goal of lowering weight.

    Edrapper70 - Words cannot express my joy at going for a bra fitting. :happy: The first time I went I was wearing a size 42DDD when I went in the store. I was wearing a size 40HH when I came out of the store. What a difference the smaller band and larger cup made. Having the right bra size changed the way my clothes fit me and helped me show that I had a figure versus looking like a dumpling. I am going for my third fitting next month as the last set of bras is too big. It is kind of nice not having my Tatas sitting on my stomach. Enjoy!

    Jmkmomm – I applaud your efforts with your MIL. :flowerforyou: It is really a terrible how people in nursing homes become forgotten by family members. For the purely selfish reason that I didn’t want to be forgotten if I become a nursing home patient, I worked really hard at instilling a better value in my children. All of them value each senior member of the families and are always available to assist or just spend some time with them.

    Have a great weekend everybody!
