

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Blue skies here in London today. My DD and I took the grandtwins to a theme park yesterday, Peppa Pig World. The weather forecast said hot and sunny. By the time we got there we were in the midst of a torrential rain storm which continued for four hours! I ended up having to buy us all waterproof jackets as the ones that we had with us were just not up to the job. We had a grand time though and by the middle of the afternoon the sun arrived. By the time we drove back home I had sunburn and a runny nose. Great!

    I cannot believe how much they charge at these places for hot drinks and food. We had taken picnic food with us but needed to get the babies something warm to eat as it was really cold during the rainstorm. Even the coffee was a silly price. What always annoys me is the lack of healthy options they provide. Unbelievable in this day and age. I managed to get by on the apples I took with me and a couple of cups of coffee. Very jittery by the time I got home.

    Still trying to sort things out with my dad. He's doing remarkably well since the strokes - I'm extremely proud of him. I wish I could say the same about my brother and sister ... hmm, I wonder what would happen to my dad if I wasn't around.

    Anyway my friends. I have a super busy weekend of work so I must press on.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • cindi0856
    cindi0856 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm new, jumping in.. what a wonderful group!

    Goals for June -

    Eat more veggies
    Log food everyday
    More exercise

    - looking for a place to track steps.. got a pedometer yesterday! Anyone know?

    Cindy in NH
    Bump for later but want to join in
  • grandmagege
    grandmagege Posts: 42 Member
    This sounds like a good motivation support message board I need!! I want to lose some weight before I go on my trip in Sept. I have one ? I see a lot of people Bump what is that?
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Good morning everyone! Funny to think some of you are still asleep across the pond.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda - we had the same thunderstorms yesterday only earlier. Not forecast at all. DH' s cricket was postponed, much to his frustration, but I was so happy at not having to water the garden! :laugh:

    Tried to do a cut and paste on this tablet yesterday, but no go. Will have to stick to the laptop for that.

    An update on the shiritaki noodles. I enjoy them and don't mind the rubbery texture, especially in Asian food, but it is amazing how hungry you feel a couple of hours after you have eaten them. Your body is not fooled and knows they are low calorie. However I don't mind as I still have enough calories left for a tasty and filling snack in the afternoon. The other thing I might use them for is when I am ravenous with an hour or so to go for dinner as they do fill you up temporarily.

    Reading of some of you - drkatiebug etc - craving sugary things I realise how lucky I am to have been born without a sweet tooth. I like sweet, especially caramel flavours, but I don't crave them. My cravings and fantasies much more centre around salty, spicy, sour. Hot Indian pickle, Asian chilli soup, CHEESE, - oh yum, I am going to have to stop because my mouth is watering! :sad: :laugh: But I know there are many people that would KILL for a doughnut that would leave me cold. I do like carbs as well. Basmati rice, good artisan bread, jersey potatoes and I adore home made mayonnaise and it's even better with garlic! :laugh:
    Oh and hollandaise sauce with almost anything! :sick:
    But at least I haven't got a sweet tooth! !!!!!!:bigsmile:

    I could share with you a drink I make for no calories. It's a sort of tea made with hibiscus flowers which I first came across in Egypt. They call it Kakadi. They have it hot or chilled and sweeten it with sugar. I like sour flavours so I love it as it comes, chilled, or I put a bit of fizzy water in it. I get the dried flowers from Amazon, but they are also in health stores and every so often I boil up a large handful in a large saucepan and leave it to steep. I then strain it into a plastic jug that has a pourer that seals and keep it in the fridge.
    I have it with lunch most days and adore it. You could use Truvia to sweeten it if it's too sour.

    Didn't do my strength exercises yesterday, so must make sure I do them today. I think my body is getting ready to drop another half pound so I am holding my breath! !!:noway:

    Heather from gloriously sunny Hampshire UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to every one new, come in and chat often!!!

    Amanda:smile: Glad your dad is doing better:flowerforyou: ! Sounds like a fun time with the grand twins! Hope you`re not getting a cold from being in the rain!!!

    Grandmallie:smile: Hope you`ll be able to get a nap in this afternoon:yawn: !!!

    Grandmagege:smile: Bump means...bring up my post... go to the community page and look under "My Topics" and it will show all the threads you`ve posted on, click on the one you want to go back to! Hope that helped!

    We are having a torrential down pour at the moment:grumble: :sad: ! I am so tired of all this rain, I think it`s rained every day this week:angry: ! Yesterday late afternoon the sun finally came out for just a bit. My lawn is looking like a field:noway: , it`s been to wet for the lawn guy to mow, and the grass is getting so high Noel refuses to walk in it:tongue: , which means she`s using my driveway :noway: :angry: , better than the house though! The weather guy is saying as soon as this rain ends, it should dry out for a bit, until this afternoon when we could have storms:frown: !

    Hope every one is having a good day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    Grumpy DeeDee in wet soggy NC:sad:
  • kathymc54
    kathymc54 Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you! Need this! Will give goals some thought. I'll be back.

    (Body in Jersey;heart in Philly)
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Phoo – Any idea how many calories in “crow”???? :laugh: You have made a great plan for dealing with the treat table.

    Cyndi – You’re so right that what is important is being active and changing your ways to healthier options.

    Joan in Ontario – Knowledge is power! I’ve gotten very diligent about checking restaurant websites in advance and plotting out what I’ll be ordering based on the calorie counts given. It has helped me tremendously in making better, more informed choices and/or adjusting my exercise to “earn” my choices (cheddar bay biscuits included!).

    Kathy in IL – Sending you virtual hugs as you deal with your loss :brokenheart:

    Tere – What a great NSV at the seafood place! :laugh: re: the tatas sitting where they’re supposed to!

    Sue in SD – So happy to hear you’re finally on the way to proper diagnosis and treatment.

    Joyce – Like you I didn’t take measurements at the beginning. But after today’s scale success I took them for the first time since March and I’ve lost 1.5” on my waist too so that felt like a second victory!

    Donna – Welcome! You’ve found a great group of gals here, read/post often for laughs, support and words of wisdom

    Meg – Your day sounds just perfect! So glad to hear that you’re getting some “down time” after the hectic schedule you suffer through in May. Hope the R&R continues :happy:

    Sheri – Welcome!!! Your weight loss success is inspiring, I hope you post often and share insights into what worked on your health journey

    Brooke from Colorado

    “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” - - C.S. Lewis
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Taking the kids back to their parents ranch as soon as they wake up. I've scanned some of the posts but don't have time to respond. Hoping everyone has a wonderful and stress free weekend. I'll come back when it's not so busy here
    Sue in TX
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member

    Storm and I managed to get out at 6:30 am for our 45 minute walk when it was misting. Love my rain gear! Now it is pouring buckets again. Anyway I guess its a good day to do housework! Itsn't it grand that MFP will count it as exercise?:wink:

    Phoo – My SO is a very fit 65 year old Marine. My response to his comments regarding my eating habits is a long slow roll of the eyes and a mental “@#$@#%^%^&!!!!” :grumble: Overall though it does make me conscious of how much nibbling I’m doing and slows my roll a little bit.

    Joyce - I got attached to “my bike”, “my treadmill” and “my routine” at the gym too. Then the Marine SO encouraged me to get a trainer! The trainer took me out of my comfort zone by putting me on the elliptical for 30 minutes at the first session. She wanted “to test my endurance” to find out how much I could take. :sad: Since I am a rather competitive sort I stayed on that elliptical for the 30 minutes although I felt like I was going to pass out. Boy was I sweating and soaking wet after the 30 minutes but proud of myself. When I put in exercise at MFP I found that 30 minutes on the elliptical was equal to almost 60 minutes on the treadmill. I haven’t been on the treadmill since. The biggest challenge is making sure you are working on the right incline and level. Trying new things at the gym is worthwhile.

    Kathy – Love your quote! “You’ve got three choices in life: give up, give in, or give it all you’ve got.” – Unknown” I am making it a part of my daily mantra. :smile:

    Michelle In NC – We have a ½+ acre fenced back yard that Storm loves. I went and got a rain poncho and off we went for our walk! It was great for me. I don’t think Storm liked the rain in his face – he kept stopping so I could wipe his face. :bigsmile: I am going to Pet Smart to see if I can find some rain gear for him.

    Liz – Points to you for acknowledging that the candy bar didn’t even taste good. :noway: Once I couldn’t come home without a Snickers bar or two on hand. I finally decided to confront my stress inducing events head on and decide what I could do about them or acknowledge that there wasn’t anything I could do about it but say a prayer for divine intervention and resolution.

    Amanda X - There always seems to be one child that ends up taking the weight for everything going on with elderly parents. :frown: I am one of those children. I don’t wonder what would happen if I wasn’t around. I just ask myself if I did the best I could do at the end of the day because when I have to give an accounting for my life I don't want to have any regrets. Sometimes its hard to fit mates, children, grandchildren, and parent needs into a day but I do what I can.

    Have a great Saturday!


    PS - Love this group!
  • inthedistrict
    inthedistrict Posts: 83 Member
    Enjoying my smoothie for breakfast, anyone have any thoughts on greens+? Been using it for a few weeks now, love the taste.
    Cool, dull morning here, my garden is loving all this rain, especially the greens which I hope to start picking this week. So awesome when you can walk out in the yard and bring in groceries! Still logging even the bad stuff. My gf called yesterday, newly diagnosed with diabetes x6 months, she's doing really well with Joel Furhman and the plant-based diet and got off insulin and half of her pills. What an inspiration, I'm going to visit her today to hear all about it. First pushing myself out the door for my walk.
    Hope you all have a lovely Saturday, welcome to the new ladies,
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Good morning! It is a lovely Saturday morning here in Georgia. DH and I went for our walk. He will go again. I'm trying to decide whether to go with him, cut the grass instead, or do both. I really need to spend some time organizing all the paperwork I have accumulated with bringing things home from the office for the summer as well as the clutter associated with getting a new computer last week and rearranging the home office. I'm supposed to go to the Methodist Annual Conference next week and a math conference out of town the following week, so I need to get the house taken care of; One day will also be taken up with the funeral of the young man I mentioned in my last post. My ideal would be to do the walk and the housework and let DH cut the grass, but it is my turn! My 4 days off in a row are almost gone and, as usual, the housework has yet to be done.
  • bass2be1
    bass2be1 Posts: 17 Member
    I am still trying to get the hang of this post thingey..... :flowerforyou:
    I hit a slump when I began to reach some of my goals.
    So I have to set some new ones. The old ones was: car tires, divorce completed, dentistry work done, and acheive balance.
    So June is the month of completion and I was down in the dumps until I set some new goals.
    The first one is to make an appt to check my numbers of cholelstrol and other stuff. Trying to get fit from the inside out.
    will check in and post on the progress.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I was born without a sweet tooth, or with an underactive one, but I CRAVE salt and fat, (Potato chips, corn curls, etc.) :grumble: I’ve been doing a much better job with that since starting this adventure and I have no idea which is worse, sweet or salt.:huh:

    Brooke: We could probably use the recipe function to enter a crow recipe. Will that be fried crow, baked in a pie crow or…:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I hope things are going well for you.:flowerforyou:

    Tere: I love your comments about caring for elderly parents, and I agree with your “no regrets” philosophy. It is something I try for but don’t always reach. Both of my parents have been gone a long time, and I still wish I’d done this or that better, but I know I did the best I could at the time.:heart:

    Bonita: Getting fit from the inside out is a great idea. :flowerforyou:

    Today I am going to a class on women’s health at the Oriental College of Medicine in Portland. DH’s acupuncture doctor is the presenter and invited me to attend. I’m so glad she did. She is a fabulous woman. I’m really looking forward to this presentation and hoping to avoid Rose Festival traffic so I’ll be leaving early.

    Have a great day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Ok, I finished reading all the posts and wanted to answer before I get out into the garden, and I need to finish my tea.

    Liz- I used to do that a lot, until I read Sherri Shepards book Plan D, now I ask myself, do I need this? Or do I just want this? What do I want more? Why do I want this? And you know what, that doesn't really take that long, and I have stopped myself every time since I started back eating right, to control my blood sugars. But it should work for anyone. I think we are so used to the grabbing that candy bar, soda, pizza, oh heck, put in whatever food is your grab food, that we don't stop to think. And we do it for comfort, but we end up not feeling comforted, we end up being mad at ourselves.

    Slimming room- only you can say when you feel comfortable.

    Jmkmomm- the exercise tab at the top, it doesn't do steps, but it will do walking at different speeds. Your cat picture looks like my cat Samuri(she who fights the invisible warriors).

    Grandmallie- I do that all the time and when I worked I would be upset because I couldn't get back to sleep, now that I'm retired, I just do something until I'm sleepy again.

    Amanda- I always take snacks now, because I don't want to be caught hungry and eat things I shouldn't. Glad your Dad is doing better.

    Drkatiebug- I would eat more fruit, that curbs my sweet crave.

    Bonita- as we used to say, just keep on truckin'. Don't let it slow you down.

    Well, the sun is out and I need to check the garden, everyone have a great day.

    Tigress in GA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    Is there anyway on the exercise page we can record our steps so we can track it on the reports??

    :brokenheart: MFP doesn't have a place to keep track of steps and make reports :brokenheart:

    :bigsmile: My Omron pedometer came with software so I can track my steps on my computer......thus I know how many steps I've walked hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly since I got it in 2010...when Jake bought it for me, I thought it was a waste of money and now I love having the information

    :bigsmile: Barbie from Sunny NW Washington
  • healthywtb
    healthywtb Posts: 80 Member
    My June Goals-
    Figure out how to get off of my plateau weight that I have been on for months!

    Do strength training as much as I do cardio.

    Increase the minutes of HIIT in my cardio workouts.

    Cut out all added sugar/honey.

    Meditate for at least 5 minutes 5 days a week.

    Jean, San Francisco Bay Area
  • thisisitfinally
    thisisitfinally Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone - been reading through all the inspiration on this message board and would like to be part of the awesomeness!

    Goals for June :
    1. stick to keto
    2. spend minimum 10 hours per week towards getting certified in Revit

    These seem realistic for me right now :)

    I'm posting from Cape Town so there are a lot of references I don't "get" and the measurements I have to convert (we are metric) but what's great is that MFP has members all over the world and in general everyone is very supportive.

    A little background - have tried every diet and its derivatives and finally realized I'm insulin resistant.
    Facing my 49th birthday next week and a month ago decided that it's now or never.
    I will probably have to follow a very low/no carb, high fat, medium protein eating plan for life - and the conclusion is that if it saves my life, what are treats and going full strength Diabetic II in comparison?

    So far, so good - I feel satisfied with what I'm allowed to eat and been logging food every day which is a first for me!

    Wishing you all well on this path of self improvement and also self realization - its super meeting you all!
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning- This is kind of a bad day for me. I am headachey, but I think it is a sinus infection brewing. I did pack my foods for last evening and did stay under the calorie count, so I do not have to eat that nasty crow this morning. However, because I am feeling nasty, I am not going up to the shop for today's session and I did not get over to the pool. If I feel better later, I might hit the pool then. Send healing vibes, please.

    Tere- The irony of my SO "moooing" at me is that he is 100+ more than me. However, he is not a grazer, he will just eat all of his many calories at meals.

    Bonita- Wow, those were some pretty deep goals that you set! I am lucky to set food goals; I don't know about setting life goals, .... too scarey. I have great respect for you.

    Thisisitfinally- Welcome. Cape Town, it sounds so exotic, I picture you on a veranda in a flowing white linen dress, sipping something w/ a white flower in the drink. Right? Ok-so I have an overactive imagination. I really wanted to ask you what "keto" is. That's a term I haven't heard before.

    Take care, everyone and have a great, healthy day!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.Our church is having a block party this afternoon,should be nice.
    Have a good one.