Twilight Saga ECLIPSE Challenge



  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    So who else is counting down the hours?:bigsmile:
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Hi everyone! :smile: I've been out of town and am happy to be back! Aaaand I'm flying back to the states thursday so should be able to see eclipse this weekend, so excited!! :happy: thanks for the review on the book KCSpears! I think the book is still available online?
    Usmc good luck with all the packing and moving! And this is a stressful time with all that, so I think it's great you're maintaining, focus on the move now and eating moderately healthy, and when u get settled, then you can hop back into it :flowerforyou:
    I've been doing great with lifting (can finally do three chin-ups unassisted, whoohoo! My goal is 5 pull-ups by the end of working on the chin-ups first...why are pullups so hard??:tongue: ), but with trying to put on muscle, I haven't been doing much I think my goal is to just maintain until eclipse! :smile:
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    acureese- I had the strangest dream last night. Since I'v never met you, you were just a box with your picture and acureese was spelled in block letters above the box. The box had legs, but they were like Mickey Mouse legs, not human legs. More cartoonish. And every now and again, you were a black man. You took my ketchup and wouldn't replace it. :devil: It was very frustrating because I couldn't talk to you unless I could find the box and you kept hiding. :huh: What in the world would put you in my dream, I do not know. I do admit I had 5 beers yesterday and several other very odd dreams. Anyways, keep your hands off my ketchup :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    What?! No eclipse chatter??? Is everyone still sleeping in??:glasses:
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I'm going to see it tonight. Looking forward to it!!!!!
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    LOVED it. My 13 year old said it was "THE BEST MOVIE EVER." Of course, the fact that Jacob hardly ever has his shirt on may have influenced her opinion. (plus she loves Jasper too.) Wore my "team cougar" shirt. lol. I actually liked Edward more in this one too.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Wow! They must've had some serious acting lessons! That movie was GOOD! It wasn't uncomfortable, Edward wasn't all twitchy, and Bella wasn't as annoying. I really liked it and I plan to see it again. Eclipse was always my fave. Thank God the movie was just as good. Honeslty, the best movie by a million miles!
  • JesseD
    JesseD Posts: 18
    It WAS GOOD! I want to go see it again...but will make myself wait for the DVD. And yep, I agree it is the better of the tree movies. They messed up on of my favorite scenes, but other than that ok.
    I did not meet my goal....but I'm ok with it. Did good on fat loss.
    Someone please let me know when a new topic's started for Breaking Dawn!
    Thanks bunches!
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Hi everyone!!:smile: Sorry I've been MIA, I was visiting back in the states for a bit and traveling for a wedding. Wannabeacullen, that's HILARIOUS!! :laugh: hahahahaha! If it makes you feel better, in real life I don't really like ketchup, so I promise not to steal yours. :wink: And I always share, I'd never hog it! :flowerforyou:
    I loved Eclipse, waaaay better than the other two! I actually took my mom (who didn't like the first two) and my best friend (who never read the books or saw the first two...she was very anti-twilight, but I explained to her everything she missed so she'd get the movie), and they both liked it! There were a couple really funny scenes where we all laughed! I':glasses: I'm kinda bummed they changed the ending though, ...I think they needed the whole deals off let's not get married and just do it now part, too, because what motivated her long speech? And instead of her saying how complete she felt with him and his family, she made it sound like she wanted to be like him b/c she didn't fit in and wanted the cool powers and stuff and he wasn't the main reason? Okay sorry done complaining, overall loved it though, and can't wait for Breaking Dawn! :drinker:
    KCSPEARS Posts: 123
    when does eclipse come out on dvd?