The Truth About Jillian Michaels



  • leighdiane91
    leighdiane91 Posts: 225 Member
    The way he talks about her being gay automatically makes me laugh at him and not read the rest or believe any of it. She is no worse than any other trainer who endorses products that aren't the best. WE ARE ALL ADULTS! You should be doing your own research on products you put into your body!

    She got me off my *kitten*. I wouldn't ever take ANY kind of weight loss products because I know there is no magic pill. But the fact is, her videos are great, you get results.

    so *shrugs* be an adult. If she was taken steroids it is her body that will suffer. Not mine. Or yours. Do your OWN research people!
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    Everything I needed to know about her I got from this clip right here!

    I will NEVER buy anything from her.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I absolutely love her, and I don't care what some random dude has to say about her. If she actually "stole" from him, I would imagine he wouldn't have any trouble finding an attorney to help him sue her. The fact that he hasn't done so pretty much makes his claims seem totally without merit.

    Her workouts are great, and I love her podcast. In the podcast, she seems to genuinely care about the people she is helping. Whatever, it may all be an act, but I still like her.

    Her personal life is exactly that. Personal. To her.
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    You know reading through some of the comments, I don't get it. If someone comes on here saying they use shakes, diet pills, raspberry keytones, whatever, people run them through with nasty sarcastic comments. But here you have a "professional trainer" pushing a weight loss drug that is absolutely dangerous to a lot of people and she is given a pass because of who she is? Seriously??
  • mdruif
    mdruif Posts: 13 Member
    I would not even waste my time watching that crap. Jillian Michael's has helped so many and is an inspiration to me. The world has too many haters!
  • muppetfan13
    muppetfan13 Posts: 28 Member
    Part of the reason Jillian seems "masculine" to some of you is that she has PCOS, a syndrome that includes hormonal imbalance (read: higher testosterone levels in women). If you remember, there was a big kerfuffle a few years ago when people took a remark of hers out of context. She said that she wouldn't have children because she wouldn't do that to her body. People decided she was vain. In reality, she meant that she didn't want to force her body through the rigors of IVF. The higher testosterone makes her gain muscle more readily than many women.

    I have no doubt she can be a big ol' B, but that's part of the reason her videos work for me. She's no nonsense. I don't need a cheerleader; I need someone who will kick my a** into shape. I don't take her supplements, but I do like her videos. They are old-school calisthenics instead of being too dance-y, which doesn't work for this uncoordinated chick! :-) Last year, I started the Body Revolution and lost 22" in the course of a month. I sent the early videos to my sister, got sick and had to reset. Waiting for her to mail them back to me so I can start again this summer.

    Well, that was a heckuva a way to post for the first time! I am a bit of a PCOS advocate, so I felt compelled to bring that up.
  • lmorr7
    lmorr7 Posts: 11 Member
    I like some of her DVDs but never would I buy supplements endorsed/sold by a tv celebrity. There are enough true nutrition/supplement experts out there with good, solid advice. And, I'm old enough to have seen certain supplements come in and fade away, time after time.

    I agree with Muppetfan13 -- she's a solid instructor with no gimmicky moves.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    steroids, selling deadly products, plastic surgery
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Don't forget folks, this guys also wrote the original Green Lantern script.

    He gets stolen from a lot, bless his heart. Bonus health advice for George Lucas.
  • Colliex3
    Colliex3 Posts: 328 Member
    It makes you think thats for sure.. but id never buy any of that stuff anyways.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    Meh, I don't care.

    I just know her work-out videos work and are great. I've done 30 DS and had good results. That's all I care about.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    There is absolutely nothing feminine about her body shape. Nothing.

    By whose definition? This sexist rubbish....

    Sexist? I'm female too :huh:

    Ms Michaels isn't a big name here in the UK. In fact I'd never heard of her until I joined MFP where a lot of people rated 30DS so I downloaded it to try out. The exercises were ok but I really didn't like her hosting style and rather hackneyed 'motivational quips' like "No shame ladies!". Most of all, I thought to myself "I really wouldn't ever want a body like that". She's fit as a butcher's dog sure, but for me she's a straight up and down plank with no discernible feminine shape and yes...for me the defining difference between a male figure and a female one is the curves (not fat...curves.)

    To illustrate - two paparazzi photos. The first is of Jillian Michaels and the second is of Kelly Brook. My opinion is that Jillian's is scrawny (apart from her boobs which look saggy to me) and masculine and that Kelly Brook has a figure to die for - slim but curvy. If it weren't for the health issues, I'd actually prefer to remain my obese self than than have a body like Jillian Michaels.

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    There is absolutely nothing feminine about her body shape. Nothing.

    By whose definition? This sexist rubbish....

    Sexist? I'm female too :huh:

    Ms Michaels isn't a big name here in the UK. In fact I'd never heard of her until I joined MFP where a lot of people rated 30DS so I downloaded it to try out. The exercises were ok but I really didn't like her hosting style and rather hackneyed 'motivational quips' like "No shame ladies!". Most of all, I thought to myself "I really wouldn't ever want a body like that". She's fit as a butcher's dog sure, but for me she's a straight up and down plank with no discernible feminine shape and yes...for me the defining difference between a male figure and a female one is the curves (not fat...curves.)

    To illustrate - two paparazzi photos. The first is of Jillian Michaels and the second is of Kelly Brook. My opinion is that Jillian's is scrawny (apart from her boobs which look saggy to me) and masculine and that Kelly Brook has a figure to die for - slim but curvy. If it weren't for the health issues, I'd actually prefer to remain my obese self than than have a body like Jillian Michaels.


    Pssst, that's not Jillian, that's her girlfriend/wife, Heidi. ....awkward moment.

    This is Jillian (who, btw, I would happily trade bodies with):


  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Doublepost. opps
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Oh Puleeze.

    Yes, it's true - Jillian isn't really curvy - she has a "ruler" figure, very much like myself. Small hips and a not very defined waist. You don't have to use steroids to get this body type - you just have to be born with it. The only difference is that I am tall, and she is short.

    If that makes her masculine, then I'm sure I'm about to pop some chest hair myself.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I will add that I was legitimately disappointed in her when she attached her name to these gimmicky diet pills. That said, I love her workouts, and they have given me amazing results.

    Six Week Six Pack is on my list for tonight's burn.
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    Haters are gonna hate! I saw Jillian Michaels Maximaze Your Life show and she was great. She didnt act as if anything she was telling people was revolutionary. In fact she made a point to say that the secret to weight loss was no secret at all: eat less crap and move more. Like I said hater are gonna hate, sounds like someone is just jelly!!

    I cant speak for her "supplements", I really dont believe in many supplements there is not quick fix.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Oh Puleeze.

    Yes, it's true - Jillian isn't really curvy - she has a "ruler" figure, very much like myself. Small hips and a not very defined waist. You don't have to use steroids to get this body type - you just have to be born with it. The only difference is that I am tall, and she is short.

    If that makes her masculine, then I'm sure I'm about to pop some chest hair myself.

    If looking like Jillian means being masculine I'm ready to turn in my woman card, to be totally honest.

    On the upside this thread has inspired me to do some cardio kickbox.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Pssst, that's not Jillian, that's her girlfriend/wife, Heidi. ....awkward moment.

    Google brought that up photo tagged her Jillian but, as I said, she's barely known here so I'm no expert. I just suffered her video a couple of times.
    This is Jillian (who, btw, I would happily trade bodies with):

    I wouldn't. I go by what I see in her videos and I simply don't like her body shape. I've no idea why that seems to bend people's noses right out of shape (it's quite amusing really), but there you go. To me, especially in 30DS, she looks masculine.
    Yes, it's true - Jillian isn't really curvy - she has a "ruler" figure, very much like myself. Small hips and a not very defined waist. You don't have to use steroids to get this body type - you just have to be born with it. The only difference is that I am tall, and she is short.

    I've got no idea about steriods - as I've said a few times, she's barely known here....definitely not 'celebrity' status so gossip about her has totally passed me by and frankly I'd have less than no interest in knowing it. For me, she's simply a rather gung-ho trainer with an annoying accent who has a body I wouldn't aspire to and that I don't find feminine.

    Out of interest - why are people so protective of her? She's a fitness trainer, not the Dalai Lama.