June = 30 Day Shred... who is with me?



  • Just finished L2, D3...felt pretty good for first two circuits....made it all the way through them with no breaks about mid way intensity between Anita and Natalie.....and then wham Circuit 3....by that time my arms and shoulders are burning so much there's no way I can make it through....ended up doing about half of each rotation and taking a breather on the last half of each....I suppose that's progress though? Still a better day doing L2 than yesterday....here's to tomorrow!
  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
    Done with L2 D9!
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    Did level 1, day 1 yesterday. It was tough but not as bad as I thought it would be. It went by pretty fast. I had trouble with the pushups (how dare you start the program with those, Jillian???) and the side lunges and arm raises (I couldn't get my form right and my arms were in pain) but everything else was challenging, yet doable. I was very sweaty afterwards and had to sit and collect myself after it was over. I'm looking forward to doing it again, today.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    Just finished L2, D3...felt pretty good for first two circuits....made it all the way through them with no breaks about mid way intensity between Anita and Natalie.....and then wham Circuit 3....by that time my arms and shoulders are burning so much there's no way I can make it through....ended up doing about half of each rotation and taking a breather on the last half of each....I suppose that's progress though? Still a better day doing L2 than yesterday....here's to tomorrow!
    When something gets too challenging (usually the exercises involving arms), I will take a quick break (a couple seconds) and then get back at it but I will keep going as long as I can after she says stop to make up for reps I "missed."
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    L1D6 done!....L2 is quickly approaching I am NOT looking forward to those oblique twists. Keep pushing everyone, I liked L3 MUCH more than L2 the first time around (so why did I start all over again halfway through L3? because I'm a freakin' NUT!) :huh:
  • sealy723
    sealy723 Posts: 9
    Walked around park for 30 minutes. Attempted Step 1, not bad and not good. Not giving up.
  • Done with L2 D9!

    Tell me it gets easier LOL
  • Just finished L2, D3...felt pretty good for first two circuits....made it all the way through them with no breaks about mid way intensity between Anita and Natalie.....and then wham Circuit 3....by that time my arms and shoulders are burning so much there's no way I can make it through....ended up doing about half of each rotation and taking a breather on the last half of each....I suppose that's progress though? Still a better day doing L2 than yesterday....here's to tomorrow!
    When something gets too challenging (usually the exercises involving arms), I will take a quick break (a couple seconds) and then get back at it but I will keep going as long as I can after she says stop to make up for reps I "missed."

    Oh I would if I could...but my circuit 3 on level 2 I just don't have any more to give. My arms and shoulders are literally on fire and jelly at the same time! I am sure it will get better though as my body gets stronger.
  • rhinosfan
    rhinosfan Posts: 29 Member
    Level 2 day 2-been at work today so forced myself to do it when I got in before tea, otherwise I would have tried to get out of it.

    My shoulders!!!!!!!!
    Oh the burning.........and my legs are like jelly.
    Really don't like the abs exercises on this level, much preferred level 1's, especially that plank with the twisty leg, just can't feel anything working my abs...... Maybe as I'm so focused on making sure I can stay holding myself up I that I then don't have the energy to hold my abs tight.

    Generally if I feel like I can't go on and need a break I find if I have a quick sip of some juice then I can keep going.
    Hope level 3 is more like 1 cos this one sucks!
  • GallwayGrl
    GallwayGrl Posts: 60
    yall are making level 2 sound super scary. I finished level 1 this morning and to catch up I was gonna do my first day of level 2 tonight. God I hope I make it through
  • VegKate
    VegKate Posts: 55 Member

    VegKate, keep it up! The pain will magically disappear like Day 4 or 5.

    You were right! The pain magically disappeared on Day 3. Does Level 1 actually get easier before you have to move onto Level 2?
  • Level 2, Day 12 complete!
    I noticed I started getting more tired than I did yesterday.
    I pretty much dislike everything about Level 2 lol...why is there so many
    variations of planks?! :indifferent:
  • Did level 1, day 1 yesterday. It was tough but not as bad as I thought it would be. It went by pretty fast. I had trouble with the pushups (how dare you start the program with those, Jillian???) and the side lunges and arm raises (I couldn't get my form right and my arms were in pain) but everything else was challenging, yet doable. I was very sweaty afterwards and had to sit and collect myself after it was over. I'm looking forward to doing it again, today.

    I finished Level 1, Day 3 today and I feel the same about the pushups and the side lunges/arm raises..... they are KILLER. I always have to take a short break. I really hope they get better... :(
  • sealy723
    sealy723 Posts: 9
    I got it!!
  • PhatDiaries
    PhatDiaries Posts: 7 Member
    im sooo late but im in !!! i just started yesterday lol but hey better late than never lets do this girl!!!
  • jaishar1985
    jaishar1985 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi is anybody still on level 1 ? I started it today so far so good also well done to everybody who has nearly completed this challenge.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    Okay....I was a little worried that I wasn't sore this morning. Usually when I do a strenuous workout for the first time I ACHE. Like...I seriously dread going to the bathroom I hurt so much (and I LOVE IT!).

    After completing my first day yesterday, the soreness seems to be gradual. It was lighter earlier but when I walked around just a minute ago I could feel the soreness in my thighs and in my arms.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    im sooo late but im in !!! i just started yesterday lol but hey better late than never lets do this girl!!!
    Hi is anybody still on level 1 ? I started it today so far so good also well done to everybody who has nearly completed this challenge.

    I started yesterday!!
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    Did level 1, day 1 yesterday. It was tough but not as bad as I thought it would be. It went by pretty fast. I had trouble with the pushups (how dare you start the program with those, Jillian???) and the side lunges and arm raises (I couldn't get my form right and my arms were in pain) but everything else was challenging, yet doable. I was very sweaty afterwards and had to sit and collect myself after it was over. I'm looking forward to doing it again, today.

    I finished Level 1, Day 3 today and I feel the same about the pushups and the side lunges/arm raises..... they are KILLER. I always have to take a short break. I really hope they get better... :(

    I read on her before that the pushups get easier. One person said they couldn't do them at the beginning but was strong enough by the end of phase 1 to do them. Hope that's me.
  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    Level 2 day 2 Was better then yesterday since i was aware of the future torture lol. i was determined not to take breaks and I almost made it until the twist planks. I'm going to start doing them independent of the video. I am proud of myself though for not doing the modifications all the way.