Significant other's thoughts on your weight loss



  • jacksonsoxfan
    jacksonsoxfan Posts: 8 Member
    Man I wish my husband was happy with my weight. Almost daily he comments on my weight. I no longer eat in front of him. The last time I did, I had a piece of toast with almond butter on it for breakfast and he says to me, Boy you sure like to eat! He wants me to lose weight and I'm trying but he just isn't supportive. I worked out 3 times today for crying out loud. I'm 15 pounds overweight because I had surgery this winter and well, that's no excuse, but that's what happened.
  • SinomenJen
    SinomenJen Posts: 262 Member
    Mine is the wonderful man in the ticker who lost about 80lbs and never said anything about me losing weight,,,until I was he is my biggest fan and roots me on!
  • colapopmusic
    Lets just say that I hope I can lose all this baby weight before we end up having another LOL ;)
  • crazebeck
    crazebeck Posts: 70 Member
    I honestly don't like to discuss it with my husband. He is naturally thin, can eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound. He doesn't understand how difficult the process can be because he's never had to go through it. So discussing my weight loss and the process with him, the ups and downs, can sometimes be frustrating. However, he completely supports my efforts, and always congratulates my successes, and that's really all I need from him.

    Sounds just like my hubby!
  • UrnAsh
    UrnAsh Posts: 207 Member
    I think he's happy with it. We married when I was at my heaviest so I'd say he loves me hehe.
  • AprilSchulte10
    AprilSchulte10 Posts: 95 Member
    "Dont lose too much weight, you know I love chubby girls"
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    However, he's a bit upset that the "girls" are a little smaller now too. He'll get over it :tongue:

    Too funny. My husband says the same thing!!!!!

    My gf's happy because she kinda likes smaller boobs. Lol! I'm the one who's unhappy that the girls are a little smaller ~
  • red8424
    red8424 Posts: 160 Member
    Mine seems to want me to lose weight and get in shape yet he hates it when I'm logging and doesn't want me to leave to go to the gym. :noway: But he has been very complimentary of the changes in my body so far so I guess I can't really complain.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    When I was with my ex, I was at my peak of being in shape. I was 110 pounds, gym 6 days a week and just really had my **** together, including my confidence.

    The entire time we dated he told me to stop going to the gym and complained about how much hotter I would be if I weren't so skinny.

    And I thought he was wonderful WHY...?
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    My hubs is awesomely supportive, makes my protein smoothies every morning, never tries to police what I eat, and tells Me he loves Me no matter what :) This is the first time in our 20 year relationship I have weighed less then him :) If h packs my lunch or dinner he puts a sticky note on it with measurements :)
  • Lachesis
    Lachesis Posts: 36 Member
    I wish mine was. He likes me thick (I guess). I am doing this to feel better. Not so much to lose weight. I asked him to pick me up something 2 days in a row (he has my van) and did he? Nope. So I will do it today (he worked late last night). It would be nice for some support.
  • phyllisgehrke
    phyllisgehrke Posts: 238 Member
    My husband is totally supportive.

    He comments how much better I look in my clothes now.
    I would like to lose another 10 pounds, but he said not too thin.

    I have some nice clothes and want to fit comfortably in them.
    He doesn't want me losing too much weight, He might have to buy me a whole new wardrobe. Ha
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    I wish he noticed...
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Let's just say I'm lucky I have my tubes tied :bigsmile:
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Man I wish my husband was happy with my weight. Almost daily he comments on my weight. I no longer eat in front of him. The last time I did, I had a piece of toast with almond butter on it for breakfast and he says to me, Boy you sure like to eat! He wants me to lose weight and I'm trying but he just isn't supportive. I worked out 3 times today for crying out loud. I'm 15 pounds overweight because I had surgery this winter and well, that's no excuse, but that's what happened.

    What a *kitten*! And 15 lbs. is not very much! Why do you put up with that?
  • felicia_s
    felicia_s Posts: 47
    My boyfriend is very supportive of my efforts. He is a little TOO involved at makes comments about eating certain foods or asking me if I've worked out etc. (I just gently remind him that I'm doing this for me and not him.) But, he knows I want it as much as he does. He doesn't want me to lose very much...he just wants me to work on toning up my muscles. When he knows I've had a good week/month, he compliments me and says he really notices how tight my legs or bum is getting...or says I look really good in an outfit. It encourages me. I'm hoping to lose about 17 to 27 pounds (want to get between 140 to 130).
  • wendimlee
    wendimlee Posts: 34 Member
    I lost 50 pounds over the past few years, and that basically broke up my marriage. My ex-husband was extremely threatened by the fact that I was thinner and had more self-confidence. I am now eight months into a relationship with my new boyfriend, who is thrilled by how I look but doesn't quite understand why I need to work so hard to maintain it by running, working out, and tracking calories. He also has binging tendencies (though is pretty fit himself), and I'm constantly telling him why it's a BAD idea to get a cake and eat with him in one day.
  • dazydawn
    dazydawn Posts: 55 Member
    Man I wish my husband was happy with my weight. Almost daily he comments on my weight. I no longer eat in front of him. The last time I did, I had a piece of toast with almond butter on it for breakfast and he says to me, Boy you sure like to eat! He wants me to lose weight and I'm trying but he just isn't supportive. I worked out 3 times today for crying out loud. I'm 15 pounds overweight because I had surgery this winter and well, that's no excuse, but that's what happened.

    What a *kitten*! And 15 lbs. is not very much! Why do you put up with that?

    Ditto on the *kitten*. That's quite sad really and I'm sorry for you.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    As long as I'm happy, he's happy. Because when I'm happy, I'm naked more often.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    My husband was the one who got me started with working out at a gym.

    He IS a little worried seeing my constant likes on Facebook of bodybuilding pages and women I admire for entering the bodybuilding contests, but I don't think I have the commitment or dedication needed to get a body like that.

    And if I did and he didn't like it, he can kiss my muscle-butt. =B