Short 5 feet ladies... what is your goal weight?



  • xjckemx
    xjckemx Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 5 2. Cw is 112, which I think I'm Gonna stick with. Gw was 110 but I don't think it's achievable for me. I like to have a decent amount to eat. I can't live on 1200 a day!! Good luck !!
  • back2athlete
    5'0 currently 138. goal of 110
  • marybowldseddington
    marybowldseddington Posts: 71 Member
    5ft nothing. My goal is 130. I weigh 153 right now and really need to watch diet better. I just started working out regularly March of this year. I love going to classes at the Y and lifting weights but my diet sucks.
    I was probably healthiest at 112-115 but that was a long time ago. I am 40 and as much as I want to loose weight, I also do not to have a sunken in look to my face..not everyone does when they loose weight but many members of my family did when they lost alot of weight in their 40's and I do not want to look like that.
    My plan is to hit 130 and then decide.
  • Britterboo22
    Britterboo22 Posts: 300 Member
    5'2 and half here
    My goal weight is 145-140
    Started MFP weighing a whopping 200 lbs.
    Current weight 187. still got a ways to go but im pushing
  • florulent
    florulent Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" and I would like to get down to 120lbs eventually, but my first goal is 130. I'm 140 right now. I do have quite a bit of muscle from playing soccer for years as a child, so I might be satisfied at 130, but we'll see when I get there. :)
  • SouthernGuns
    I'm 5'2 Gw is 130 I'm 195 now.
  • kglading
    kglading Posts: 80 Member
    I'm 5'2, sitting at 145 lbs and shooting for 120ish lbs. When I get there, I'll reassess and decide whether I want to just start building muscle, or lose another 5-10 lbs and THEN start building muscle
  • Morenna
    Morenna Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 5'2 and reached my goal weight, 110 lbs. But I'm still doing my workouts :)
  • beba12363
    beba12363 Posts: 3
    I am 5'0 and currently 120 poundss. my goal is to go to 105 pounds. The lowest I've been was 108 but I will work on my goal and good luck with yours!!!! ^_^
  • calmcoolsierra
    I'm 5 foot 3 and my tentative goal weight is 150. The thing is, I'm 25 and have been overweight since 2nd or 3rd grade. I don't know how 150 will look on me. So I'm saying 150 right now but to be honest I might keep going to 130 since I do have a small frame (though you'd never know it looking at me!). It really depends not only on the size of your frame but also on muscle. I might get to 130 with little to no muscle OR i could be 150 with the same amount of body fat but 20lbs more muscle....focusing on cardio to lose enough fat so i can even see my muscles/lack of muscles that way i know which areas i want to focus my strength training on and I'll actually be able to see the change. LOL right now its all chub ;-)
  • beachez2013
    I am five feet 111 pound goal weight 106
  • leina257
    leina257 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5' 2" and I weigh 131 now, so I want to get to at least 125 before my school semester starts up again in the beginning of August!!
  • leina257
    leina257 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5'2 and reached my goal weight, 110 lbs. But I'm still doing my workouts :)

    Keep up the good work! Hopefully one day I will get to be that small!
  • leina257
    leina257 Posts: 18 Member
    Im 5'2 and my goal is 125

    Same for me!!
  • aguifra14
    aguifra14 Posts: 2
    I'm about 5'2 and I have a medium frame. I weigh about 158 right now. My first goal is 135 and then I will figure out if I want to lose more. I'm concentrating more on inches now because I've realized that has more to do with wearing clothes than how much I weigh. I'm more motivated than ever before and I've been trying to watch what I eat and weight train to accomplish that.
  • 123tryingtobefree
    5'3'' and my dream weight is 110 pounds. I currently am 136
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    5'5" & I want to be 160 for my first big goal & then go from there.
  • Mataleee
    Mataleee Posts: 4
    I'm 5'1ft with a small frame and my goal weight is 115 lbs. If I got back to my original weight of 125 lbs I'd be very proud, but 115 is the size I've always wanted to be. I'm currently 195 lbs.
  • siems56
    siems56 Posts: 28
    I am 5'1 goal weight is 119, started out 143lbs now down to 121, almost there but having trouble
  • MariaLoveMyself16
    I'm 5'4 and my goal weight is to be about 145 lbs
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