June = 30 Day Shred... who is with me?



  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    yeah you guys are my motivation I was considering skipping today seeing as its so late, but then I was like, I cant let everyone daow, so day 6 has been completed.
    however, I gotta make a trip out of town tomorrow, and may legitimately not be able to do this tomorrow, please forgive me everyone if I miss day 7
    also If I miss it, do I count Monday as day 7 or day 8?
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    yeah you guys are my motivation I was considering skipping today seeing as its so late, but then I was like, I cant let everyone daow, so day 6 has been completed.
    however, I gotta make a trip out of town tomorrow, and may legitimately not be able to do this tomorrow, please forgive me everyone if I miss day 7
    also If I miss it, do I count Monday as day 7 or day 8?

    When I skipped my two days, I started right back off where I left off. So in your case, I'd say Monday would be day 7. Hope day 6 went well and that if you don't get it in today, hope your rest day is at least enjoyable.
  • Level 2, Day 16 complete!
    I feel like everyone isnt checking in like they used to :(

    My knees are really starting to hurt, I want to take a day rest but I don't
    like resting and it's only 20+ minutes so I'll deal.
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Day 22 - done. Wish I could say that it was noticeably easier today, but I'd be spouting falsehoods. Maybe tomorrow... :P

    *edit: I also find that my elbows are getting rubbed raw from some of the exercises. And I'm only day 2 for this level! Anybody else have this issue?*

    And yes, it seems like very few people have been posting recently... =/
  • Superchick123
    Superchick123 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey all,
    I just started the 30 day shred program yesterday , and today I feel so sore. I have done the exercise with an 8 lbs dumbbells and I'm guessing thats why. What dumbbells do you use?
  • Thanks for continuing this!!!!

    yea thanks. For 2 days I had nowhere to share my progress. either way level 2 day 2 DONE
  • arania15
    arania15 Posts: 31
    Hey all,
    I just started the 30 day shred program yesterday , and today I feel so sore. I have done the exercise with an 8 lbs dumbbells and I'm guessing thats why. What dumbbells do you use?

    I use 5 lbs. [With ~my~ wimpy upper-body strength, I cannot imagine using 8 lbs!] You will always work your butt off, but the super-soreness will probably subside after a few days. By day 4, most of my soreness was gone.
  • I started 30 Day Shred May 20 and will finish in June. I take a rest day on Sundays. So, I will be doing Day 24 Level 3 tomorrow. I use only 2 and 1/2 pound weights. I find that I bulk up too much if use 5 pound weights. I have lost 4 pounds and about 6 inches so far, especially in my waist and hips. My arms and shoulders are much more toned. Keep going everyone. I still cannot do all of the Natalie moves for Level 3. I don't have enough arm strength for all of that. I do about half of hers and half of Anita's. I don't have to pause at all any more though. I really hope that I can see the difference in my after pictures. I feel much better and people in Zumba have noticed. :)
  • My elbows and bony forearms were hurting also to do the plank exercises on the forearms, so I moved an extra rug under my arms to add more cushioning. I used to do them on our wooden floor with just a thin rug underneath. This helps a lot.
  • Doing shred for 2nd time this year, done day 6 of level one, trying to run every 2-3 days too, have signed up for 10 next sat! shred was easier today, still hate side lunge with arm raise though!!!
    Will be strait onto Ripped in 30 after 30 DS!

    :smile: Is this like Insanity???
  • pkbryant28
    pkbryant28 Posts: 146 Member
    Level 2, Day 16 complete!
    I feel like everyone isnt checking in like they used to :(

    My knees are really starting to hurt, I want to take a day rest but I don't
    like resting and it'hingss only 20+ minutes so I'll deal.

    Level 2 is bothering my knees as well (I have bad knees), it has not stopped me, but I have to do the rotating lunge things very gently. I have completed day 9 of level 2, 1 more day and I am on to level 3. :smile:
  • hottopicfitness
    hottopicfitness Posts: 32 Member
    I start tomorrow
  • mookybargirl
    mookybargirl Posts: 165 Member
    After reading part 1 last week, I decided to start day 1 today for the first time ever. Boy, it was hard. I stopped loads but got to the end, before sitting down in a wobbly heap! lol

    Thanks for motivating me to get started...... I sure hope it'll get a little easier :flowerforyou:

    PS - I can't do bicycle crunches as I honestly just can't hold my legs off the ground. Oh, the shame, tee hee.
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    Well after not doing 3 days of 30DS, it kicked my *kitten*! I felt like I was starting all over. :sad:
    Hopefully it will be better tomorrow.
  • VegKate
    VegKate Posts: 55 Member
    I was supposed to do L1 Day 6 yesterday and I didn't because I accidentally walked 10 miles at the park. That's a decent excuse, right? Did it this morning, STILL can't do a real pushup and the pushups from the knee are brutal. When do pushups get easier?
  • SJLS2013
    SJLS2013 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm starting on Thursday. More nervous about that then the 10k run I'm doing on Wednesday!
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    L1D7...I absolutely cannot wake up early to exercise (I know I CAN but I don't like it) so I am dreading doing this workout late tonight because I have to work late. Argh! The great thing about this program is the accountability- I know as much I don't want to, I WILL do it tonight. I haven't missed any days (nor do I plan to) so I am proud of myself. I did it Sunday morning and it felt great to get it out of the way.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    Hey all,
    I just started the 30 day shred program yesterday , and today I feel so sore. I have done the exercise with an 8 lbs dumbbells and I'm guessing thats why. What dumbbells do you use?

    I use 5 lbs. [With ~my~ wimpy upper-body strength, I cannot imagine using 8 lbs!] You will always work your butt off, but the super-soreness will probably subside after a few days. By day 4, most of my soreness was gone.
    I use 5lbs as well and I am kicking myself for not getting the 2 1/2 lb ones. But I am better off using 5lb weights.
  • divaprincess86
    divaprincess86 Posts: 10 Member
    im also really struggling with the push ups.. to the point where im now doing them against the wall, and making sure all the weight is on my arms.. you can really feel it and it works for me.

    I made the error of watching level 2, now im worried as its all press ups..

    i better get practising.
  • VegKate
    VegKate Posts: 55 Member
    Hey all,
    I just started the 30 day shred program yesterday , and today I feel so sore. I have done the exercise with an 8 lbs dumbbells and I'm guessing thats why. What dumbbells do you use?

    I use 3 lb dumbells. It sounds low compared to everyone else, but it still burns!