I couldn't believe my breakfast entry!



  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Who'd a thunk, cheese, eggs and fried potatoes would be kinda calorie dense

    "Let the big flavor of the SuperSONIC® Breakfast Burrito get you out of bed. A medley of savory sausage, fluffy scrambled eggs, melty cheddar cheese, golden tots, diced onions, ripe tomatoes and spicy jalapeños all wrapped up in a warm flour tortilla"

    Right? I'm actually surprised it wasn't higher cal. Without even looking at the ingredients, the name "SuperSONIC" tells me it's probably the highest calorie breakfast burrito on their menu. A few tomatoes and onions aren't going to magically make the tots, cheese and tortilla have fewer calories. The tots probably have 150 cals, sausage at least 100, tortilla is at least 100, eggs are at least 100, cheese is at least 100.

    Regardless, eat normally the rest of the day, cut out a treat or eat a smaller portion if you're really upset about it, and move on. It's really not a big deal.
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    yeah I learnt my lesson early on when I found MFP, it was shocking what was in what seemed like the healthiest option at restaurants. We went out last night to my DHs favourite go to since it has a gluten free menu for me. I now know what to order to keep in my macros. Going over is just never worth it. If I am going to consume that kind of calories and sugar it better have whipped cream and a cherry on it!
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Actually the grocery I will stop at that has pre-made 'healthy' meals got me last night. And then they have no nutrition information to boot. The girl was very helpful and knew all the ingredients and was able to help me make a healthy choice.
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    "No sausage, no cheese. Can I get extra veggies instead? Thanks."

  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I eat about 550 calories for breakfast every day. I don't think what happened was such a big deal in the bigger picture. Let it go.

    I've been surprised by the calories in loads of things. Breakfast foods have gotten me many times. But I've still lost weight anyway... 31 pounds in 24 weeks.

    And I don't think that the answer is to always prelog all the time. I think one of the skills that we need to learn is how to make good choices without having to check every morsel on the internet first.

    I just went on a 2-week trip. I didn't prelog anything. I lost a pound. That makes me more confident that I'll be able to do maintenance when the time comes.
  • callandert
    callandert Posts: 26 Member
    Live and learn from it...and dont' worry about it...tomorrow's another day! We have all been there...I have learned to go online before I visit a restaurant so I am not ordering on the fly! For example, I went to Tony Roma's and ordered the pulled pork sandwich I wanted (no sides) for 570 calories. I would otherwise have ordered the salad with chicken (which was over 1000 calories with the dressing!)

    Salad might have been the healthier food choice...but you pick your battles. I did not come back disappointed that I ate 500 more calories than I thought! And I enjoyed my pulled pork sandwich!

    Happy Eating! :)
  • rgrin
    rgrin Posts: 67 Member
    Yes, it sucks when it happens. But, as weird as it sounds, I kind of like it when that happens. Then I can see in black and white exactly WHY and HOW I got to be this big. Those are wonderful reminder moments. Learn and move on.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm actually fairly angry with myself for it. .......

    580. 580!?! I almost cried.

    This is not a healthy reaction to overeating by 200 Calories.

    this is not overeating.

    Took the words right out of my mouth....

    Also, news flash...fast food and restaurant food in general tends to be calorie dense...there...now you won't be surprised anymore.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I loved going to chipotle and I would always order a burrito bowl and chips and guacamole. The burrito bowl has about 900 calories and the chips and guacamole had 1200 calories in it. This was a super big eye opener. The amount of calories I ate in 1 meal was what I am now eating in 1 full day and working out. Don't let it get you too upset use it as a learning tool and move on. Make sure you drink plenty of water today to rid the body of the extra sodium.

    Pro tip - it depends entirely on what you put in your burrito bowl. The beans, rice, dairy, salad dressing, and tortilla (and/or chips) are the worst offenders for cranking up the calories. Learn to love the lettuce, meat, and salsas, and be choosy about the other toppings and you can keep that number more reasonable (you can also ask for less of most of the toppings, including rice). It also helps to remember that it's a meal in a bowl, so don't reach for the bag of chips and the fountain drink.

    According to Chipotle fan ( http://chipotlefan.com/index.php?id=nutrition_calculator ), my typical bowl comes in around 500 calories, which is in par for my meals. Bowl with half-serving of white rice, steak, tomato salsa, sour cream, cheese, and lettuce (goes down to about 435 if I do the "salad" variety, without rice or salad dressing).

    It's still high in the sodium department, but for calories, and especially for fast food, it's not terrible.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    No big deal...its not that bad, and you have the rest of the day to eat things you want to fit your macros and calories.

    you will be fine.:smile:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    580 Calories for breakfast? That leaves me with 1420 for lunch and dinner.

    I can live with that.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I might add that Sonic is one of the worst fast food restaurants. Every company is catering to different people. Sonic is more geared toward men and men usually are more concerned about taste than calories.

    McDonald's and Wendy's are more family oriented, and therefore, attempt to create product offerings that both men and women like.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I've learned my lesson! No more leaving the house without my iPad.

    I guess the end of it is this:

    Anything like this happen to anyone else?

    Once I left my house without my phone. My wife was upset that she kept calling and calling but I wouldn't answer. To make matters worse I stopped by McDonalds and couldn't decide between the salad or the Double Quarter Pounder with extra cheese. I know exactly what you're saying. It's nice to be able to look up the calorie count before you eat something.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    This happened to me once; got an egg and bacon biscuit and then found out that sucker was 600 calories. I sighed, then decided it was delicious and worth it. I cut out my Greek yogurt with dark chocolate chunks that I'd planned for my post breakfast snack and kept it moving.

    Would eat again. One less snack a day (200-300 calories) will never stress me out.
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    I was a bit surprised by the 3000 mg of sodium estimated in my pho on the weekend, but you know what? It's pho, and sometimes you just have to.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    1200 calories?

    You mean breakfast?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,366 Member
    I don't even have an iPad. Or a phone with internet access. I eat out all the time, and I'm still the same weight.

    I must be doing it wrong. :ohwell:

    The good thing is that you probably won't be hungry again for six or seven hours.

    You'll be fine.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I'm actually fairly angry with myself for it. .......

    580. 580!?! I almost cried.

    This is not a healthy reaction to overeating by 200 Calories.

    Why not? Being angry and frustrated when you find you've overeaten through misjudgement is not necessarily unhealthy.

    200 calories isn't really the end of the world. A surprise? Yeah, but 200 calories is pretty easy to make up. Just go for a walk. Even a leisurely one can burn off more than that. Having a breakdown over 200 calories suggests to me that you might want to take a break from tracking for a while (I've been down that road, not fun).

    I went to O'Charley's once and got their honey glazed chicken. I knew it'd be on the high end, due to the breading and cooking method, but it turns out that the chicken alone is something like 1200 calories, and that's not even including the sides! Given that a chicken breast is all of about 300 calories for the amount provided, that means they managed to cram 900 calories in on top of that! Talk about a shocker!

    Of course 200 calories isn't the end of the world. Being angry at yourself is not the end of the world either.

    But 200 calories isn't even really worth getting angry about, though, especially at breakfast, when you have the rest of the day to adjust the rest of your meals or go for a walk. Hell, if your goal is to lose a pound a week, you could eat over your calorie limit by 200 calories every single day and still lose a little over half a pound.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Who'd a thunk, cheese, eggs and fried potatoes would be kinda calorie dense

    "Let the big flavor of the SuperSONIC® Breakfast Burrito get you out of bed. A medley of savory sausage, fluffy scrambled eggs, melty cheddar cheese, golden tots, diced onions, ripe tomatoes and spicy jalapeños all wrapped up in a warm flour tortilla"
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    I've already planned out 600 calorie breakfasts that I cook myself at home.

    I just think you can't expect to go to any fast food chain and expect what you order to be low in anything, especially calories.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I hate when that happens, the first time it was at Pei Wei, someone told me that the Vietnamese Chicken Salad Rolls were only 150 calories, so I got those everytime I went, but when I checked the website, it was actually 510 calories. Yikes! Then again at a new favorite restuarant close to work, this salad that I love turned out to have twice as much calories as I estimated. Can only assume it is the dressing.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I've never eaten at this place (or heard of it), but considering what is in it, I'm surprised that the calories are that LOW. If I'm going out for breakfast, I expect to eat at least that much, even if I'm choosing healthier options. And if it puts you over by 200 calories, just go for an extra walk or spend an extra 20 minutes on the elliptical later or tomorrow...Not a big deal.
  • tigerlily886
    tigerlily886 Posts: 74 Member
    wendys grilled chicken bacon flatbread w/ all veggies looks good i said well bacon is like 90 calories for 2 pieces. that mo fo was almost 600 calories! never again. lesson learned

    The smoky honey mustard is 370 calories. I was sad when I looked at the bacon one.
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    In the grand scheme of things, the calorie count was actually pretty low considerig most fast food meals can push 1000cal or more.

    My big rule of thumb, forget the fast food joints. If you are trying to lose weight, the last thing you need is to be eating fast food or really any preprepped foods.

    Yes theire are diet menus etc, but if you want to know what you are really eating and get the most for your calories, cook your own food, even if you have to cook or prep the night before.
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    Being shocked by the calories in something after I'm done eating has happened to me, but there's no use crying over spilled milk (or eaten food). Just don't order it again next time, now that you know better. And maybe try to check nutritional stats ahead of time, whenever you can.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Who'd a thunk, cheese, eggs and fried potatoes would be kinda calorie dense

    "Let the big flavor of the SuperSONIC® Breakfast Burrito get you out of bed. A medley of savory sausage, fluffy scrambled eggs, melty cheddar cheese, golden tots, diced onions, ripe tomatoes and spicy jalapeños all wrapped up in a warm flour tortilla"

    MTE. I really am having a hard time digesting that grown people are having this discussion. :huh: :indifferent:

    200 calories is nothing, that's within normal margin of error for calorie counting anyways. You've likely eaten that many more calories in a given meal before while feeling confident you thought you knew what was in it. I think the bigger issue here is that it drove you to, almost, tears.
  • buzzcockgirl
    buzzcockgirl Posts: 260 Member
    This shouldn't be shocking, but I took my son to Krispy Kreme the other day -- they give out free donuts for every A or 'Excellent' on your report card! Up to 6 max! So I went to get him a donut (or 3- to share with his sister!) ... mind you-- this is my 8 year old who has the waist of a 5 year old! haha!

    Anyhow- as usual, I felt guilty for coming JUST for the free stuff, so I look for a drink for myself. I used to LOVE blended coffee drinks (think Frappucino or McDonalds Frappe) and I asked if they had anything like that- a treat for myself for the day. I know that the <ocha Frappe at McDonalds with no whipped cream or drizzle was about 300 cals (if I recall, it's been almost a year!)
    So they had one, a mocha chiller something or other, and I got the small- 12oz. NO whip cream, just the blended chocolaty coffeish heaven. Drank it, came home, went to log it later- HOLY *kitten*! They only show it on their site as it comes, w/whipped cream - But... it was almost 600 calories!!! For a tiny little drink!! I mean - tiny!!

    I shoulda known... and I will never get one again. Because that is about what I eat in a whole day before 5pm/dinner. And it wasn't worth it!! But it was tasty.... :tongue: Like I said - not surprising form a place that sells DONUTS. But still... 600 calories?!
  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
    pretty much anything from Subway... then I realized the motto was FRESH... not HEALTHY!
  • chrischinchilla
    chrischinchilla Posts: 109 Member
    I sympathize! It's so hard to find a healthy option at a fast food restaurant. They're deceptively tricky about their salads and such!
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Live, learn, move on. That's really the best we can do. Getting yourself down doesn't accomplish anything really.