Odd facts about you!



  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    I am 5'10"...never got made fun of for that.
    •I'm married to a black man
    •I love to eat raw lemons
    •I will turn the dryer back on if I don't feel like getting the clothes out right away
    •I worked for NASA (and it was boring)
    •Sometimes my right leg shakes and I have to make a conscience effort to stop it

    WOW! I thought I was the only one that did that with the dryer!
  • elledeery
    elledeery Posts: 866

    - In high school I was made fun of for being 5'8, to this day I still feel like a butch and not feminine because of it.

    You were made fun of for being 5'8?! Did you go to a freakishly short school or something? I'm 5'10 and wasn't made fun of for it (maybe I went to a freakishly tall school ..?) At any rate, you certainly shouldn't feel butch about it. Tall girls have long legs .... and those are very nice things to have.

    Not a school full of freakishly short people, just a school that was 90% jocks and if you weren't 5'5 and shorter or a cheerleader then you were an ugly nobody to those people and were visciously bullied, it was a small town, even the teachers favored jocks over other students and if you didn't talk hockey or rugby you weren't spoken to at all. Thankfully I have nothing to do with any of these people anymore, I haven't even bumped into them since I graduated 8 years ago and I have a wonderful group of friends who aren't stuck up their own behinds and who are all different shapes and sizes so it's all good :)
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I am the only left handed person in my entire, extended family.

    I have an irrational fear of going over bridges if I can see the water below

    I am afraid of platforms or any place where I can fall off -- along with a fear that someone will come up and push me from behind.

    I have amblyopia -- which means my left eye does not work when both eyes are open. I have had monovision all my life, making it hard to parallel park or do anything that requires depth perception.

    I hit the bullseyes in darts often because, due to my eye issue, I barely register the right side of the board when I see it, but can aim well for the center mark.

    I sense earthquakes and have a high accuracy rate of the big ones -- where they will hit and how strong they will be.

    My most interesting fact:

    I have synesthesia. I see and think colors when I hear music. If the colors are in my desired color range, I will enjoy them. If they aren't, I will never, ever, learn to like them. I also get taste sensations from certain songs. Crosby, Stills and Nash's "Change Partners" is always a soft, fuzzy shade of pink and tastes like bubble gum or cotton candy. Nasally country music tastes like metal and comes in as puky, greenish, yellow mustard. Always. The 3/4 time signature (think waltz) is my favorite, favorite time signature because it always puts me in instant relaxation mode.
  • NoelleS85
    NoelleS85 Posts: 89

    My most interesting fact:

    I have synesthesia. I see and think colors when I hear music. If the colors are in my desired color range, I will enjoy them. If they aren't, I will never, ever, learn to like them. I also get taste sensations from certain songs. Crosby, Stills and Nash's "Change Partners" is always a soft, fuzzy shade of pink and tastes like bubble gum or cotton candy. Nasally country music tastes like metal and comes in as puky, greenish, yellow mustard. Always. The 3/4 time signature (think waltz) is my favorite, favorite time signature because it always puts me in instant relaxation mode.

    This is SO cool (and quite funny also)!! I have never heard of this before, so interesting!

    These types of facts are the reason I started this thread, thanks for sharing! :)
  • rich347
    rich347 Posts: 508 Member
    I have a big behind, I wear baggy pants at the gym and I stand against the wall every chance I get to conceal it
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I like big butts and I can not lie... No seriously though.... I love Sardines....... LOVE THEM......
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    - Without a car in my garage to work on, I feel empty inside. I have no idea how else to describe it other than something is seriously missing and if I go to long without one, I go into a depressive state

    - Regardless of where I am and how many times I've been there, the first thing I do is find all exits and make a mental note of how long it would take me to escape from each of them, if need be

    - I have a fear of huge rooms

    - Eating ketchup makes my hair feel weird. Don't ask 'cause I can't explain it nor will I try, haha
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    I can shoot a recurve, I used to brew my own beer, I like to line all my clothing and fabric by color.

    Nice! I shoot a compound.

    Awesome to both of you!

    I've had the opportunity to use both years ago.

    Now I just shoot squirrels :happy:
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member

    My most interesting fact:

    I have synesthesia. I see and think colors when I hear music. If the colors are in my desired color range, I will enjoy them. If they aren't, I will never, ever, learn to like them. I also get taste sensations from certain songs. Crosby, Stills and Nash's "Change Partners" is always a soft, fuzzy shade of pink and tastes like bubble gum or cotton candy. Nasally country music tastes like metal and comes in as puky, greenish, yellow mustard. Always. The 3/4 time signature (think waltz) is my favorite, favorite time signature because it always puts me in instant relaxation mode.

    This is SO cool (and quite funny also)!! I have never heard of this before, so interesting!

    These types of facts are the reason I started this thread, thanks for sharing! :)

    Thanks! I discovered this entirely by accident one day while teaching poetry. I had asked my students to choose a color of construction paper that matched the "moods" of their poetry they were writing. After 2 minutes of blank stares, I asked "Hold on a sec, doesn't anybody else put moods and colors together like I do?" "Uh, noooooo. Then, as I was playing music for them, I kept saying "this song is soooo purple!". Again, blank stares.

    I did a little research and discovered I have sound to color synesthesia. I have actual colors attached to the keys on a piano. Middle C is forest green. It goes up from forest green to red to orange to yellow to white, with varying shades of all in between. Down the scale it goes forest green to blue to purple to maroon to brown to black, again with various shades in between. I have a kaleidoscope of colors swirling around whenever I hear music.

    Songs that are in the purple to orange/yellow range are good ones, anything outside of those ranges will either irritate me or hurt my ears. There are also color shades that work and don't work. The country music is a muddled mess of yellows, tans, browns and greens. Together the color shade is a disgusting mess. I also register colors with the vocals. If the singer has a clear, melodic voice (think Steve Perry of Journey), then his color comes in as red to orange all the way to tips of white, depending on the song. The singer in the band Yes or Rush comes in as bright, bright yellowish white and sends ice picks through my brain. I cringe when I hear them. I don't like Steely Dan, because some of their music is so convoluted and has so many things going on at once with it, that I just see this cacophonous mix of colors assaulting my brain.

    I also have two siblings with other forms of synesthesia. One of my sisters assigns numbers to letters of the alphabet that are NOT the actual number. For example, L is 8 to her, not the actual number in the sequence. She sees L as 8. One of my brothers has the ability to cook anything he wants, out of "thin air", because the recipes come to him in 3D triangles, with each ingredient filed neatly into its own place and structure. He just sees the ingredient hanging there in thin air and goes and gets it and mixes it in to whatever pot he has grabbed.
  • BrittBrat1787
    BrittBrat1787 Posts: 136 Member
    -I can lick my elbow. I heard that it was impossible so of course I had to try!

    - I tend to think in pictures. I'm always that annoying person with a camera trying to document life.

    - When I was little I told my mom that I didn't like to eat raisins because they made my teeth tickle - still do! But oatmeal raisin is one of my favs.

    - I like to go to 'my' stores ( like MY Trader Joe's and MY Ralphs) and I seriously dislike to deviate from that and go to the same store in a different location.

    - I could eat strawberries all day everyday.
  • trailtripper
    1. I am an extremely visual person. I assign pictures to everything.

    2. I am an Informational Technology professional (Software) being a visual person comes in handy here.

    3. I am handy capped and have little to no feeling in my lower limbs (jump accident courtesy of Uncle Sam) but walk with little to no problem. Drives the Doctors nutz :-).

    4. I am a total gamer and have been playing EQ since 2003

    Oh, I Iike to fish...a lot...no really A LOT!!!
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    If I step on a crack on the sidewalk, I have to step on the other one with my other foot so I'll feel more balanced.

    I am always late to something. No matter how early I get up to get ready for an event, I am always late. I'm hard-of-hearing and half black, so I'm always on "Deaf Standard Time" or "Black People Time" lol

    I have an irrational fear of standing in front of the microwave when I'm microwaving something cuz of radiation screwing with my body.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    I've never seen an odd fax about me.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,983 Member
    I cannot even come close to doing the splits, but I can get my foot behind my head.

    If I step on a crack on the sidewalk, I have to step on the other one with my other foot so I'll feel more balanced.
    I do this too.
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    I can only drink from a straw, I have straws stashed everywhere (in my car, at home, at work, etc).
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    I can sing with my mouth closed.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    a clown at a circus once grabbed my arm, and despite my resistance, pulled me as hard as he could into the ring. I was then a part of the show and had to go behind a privacy screen and pretend to be changing, but really they were just throwing a giant dress on me.
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    I have about 5-10 dreams every night.
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    When I eat french fries with salt I constantly move my fingers to get the salt off. I've been made fun of for that since High School still do it.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    I can't have my back to a doorway or a window at my feet in a bedroom. I also have an illogical fear of red doors.

    When I eat a burger or sandwich, I have to eat all the way around the edges first. I eat pizza crust first (literally peel the cheese off) and the cheese last, with a fork. And I eat all of one type of food at a time before eating another (I don't care if they touch), but it's always veggie, then carbs, then meat, then dairy... and each subtype is eaten separately, so if there's two types of veggies, I eat them one at a time.

    I hate excess salt, and will rub salt off pretzels. I refuse to eat potato chips, but some tortilla chips are okay.

    I hang my shirts up in order of sleeve length in my closet.

    I turn my clothes in the proper orientation before throwing them in the laundry basket (my mother was strict, and if a shirt was right side out in my laundry hamper and was supposed to be washed inside out, she refused to wash it. Balled up socks were not permitted either)