August ShredHeads! - 30 Day Shred 8/1 - 8/30



  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Today was full of bad news and I can't really bring myself to do the Shred so I'm taking my second day off. I guess it'll just have to be the 32 day shred. Keep up the good work everyone, I'll see you all tomorrow!
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    I have failed completely. I was doingso well until about L2 D5 then life got in the way. Having a tough time at the moment and I haven't been able to keep up with the shred. But I do intend to start again tomorrow and carry on after you guys have finished. I still read this thread everyday and it is fantastic to see how everyone else is doing. I will start shredding again, I promise!
  • JessikaJ
    JessikaJ Posts: 43
    Today will be day 23 straight of the shred... we are 2 days (tonight will make 3 days) into level 3 and it is kickn our *kitten*!! I LOVE most of the moves in level 3. HATE the jumping lunge though. But i realized I am now able to do regular pushups.... i had been doing modified versions up until this point.. and then in level 3 was doing them and didnt even notice! Very proud of myself for that one!! Also- my flexiblity has increased tons!! I am absolutely in love with the 30 day shred!!
  • But i realized I am now able to do regular pushups.... i had been doing modified versions up until this point.. and then in level 3 was doing them and didnt even notice! Very proud of myself for that one!!

    That is so great! That is one of my big goals!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    L2D8 done. it was SO hard for me to go do my workout today. I've found that when I skip a day of exercise, it becomes so easy for me to skip another and then another. I found myself considering stopping the Shred all together, just because I didn't want to do it today. I'm glad I did though, I feel great now. I'm getting at that point where I'm kind of bored with level 2, though. I'm looking forward to starting level 3. I hope everyone's doing well!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    this board's been a little dead - I hope everyone's alright!
    Finished L2D9 this morning because I didn't have all my workout clothes with me last night (forgot a bra!). I'm going to try to do D10 today so I can still move on to level 3 tomorrow.
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    L2D8 done. it was SO hard for me to go do my workout today. I've found that when I skip a day of exercise, it becomes so easy for me to skip another and then another. I found myself considering stopping the Shred all together, just because I didn't want to do it today. I'm glad I did though, I feel great now. I'm getting at that point where I'm kind of bored with level 2, though. I'm looking forward to starting level 3. I hope everyone's doing well!

    I know EXACTLY what you mean about skipping just one day of workouts! Sometimes I get in these moods where I just do not want to do this anymore. I don't feel like logging calories, and I certainly don't feel like working out. But then I check this thread and chat with some people on other community threads, and I realize that I am exactly where I need to be. I can do this. I will do this!

    D9 L2 completed. I start school this week (tomorrow), so I think it's going to be a little harder for me to motivate myself to work out. I'll have to get up before school to do it. After L3 I am going to cut down my workouts to 4 or 5 days a week. I'd love to hear how everyone else is doing. Keep coming back!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Finished L2D10. I'm really proud of myself for sticking to my two Shred goal for the day, and also surprised that I wasn't all that tired doing it the second time around. Can't wait to start level 3 tomorrow! Has anyone done it yet? What's it like? I think I'll watch it first tonight or tomorrow so I won't be as surprised and confused as I was with level 2.
    Keep shredding everyone!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I just wanted to let everyone know that I am back. I have been working hard, but not doing the shred since I only had level 1 from exercisetv. Well I finally bought my copy of the dvd, and it was the last one on the shelf. I will start on level 2 tomorrow. I am excited since I have been on a shred hiatus. Maybe I am past the boredom now and since I haven't heard Jillian's annoying voice in over a week, maybe I won't mind it as bad. I have been reading through the posts and everyone is such an inspiration for sticking it out. Moving forward, I am still going to try to do it three days a week...m, tu, th. I have zumba on w, sun and I usually play basketball on f, sat.
    Anyway, I look forward to writing in the morning to let you know how it went.

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I survived level 2! I had to follow Anita and do the modified version of almost every move. But I didn't take any breaks. thanks for the heads up on the squat thrusts, those were hard. My shoulders were on fire by the time we did the second set of squats and v raises. I had to set my weights down. Good thing I did because I really like the plank oblique twists. I probably never would have been able to finish them if I didn't drop the hand weights. Jillian's laugh is annoying and furthermore, we still have to hear about how she's not very
    Looking forward to doing it again tomorrow.
  • Is level 3 even harder than level 2 on the knees? I am hesitating finishing level 2. I have done it twice, and my knees are not loving it at all. I don't want to quit though!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    eastcoaster, my knee was a little sore this morning after day 1 of level 2. It was a stiff, but its okay now. I think I may need to ice it after I workout even though I felt fine afterwards.

    sngnyrslp, how was level 3?

    So its strange how I felt disconnected from the site because I didn't have levels 2 and 3. So I went out and bought the dvd so I can reconnect and now it seems like a lot of you are getting bored or busy or just plain sick of Jillian! :) Let's atleast end the month strong. Ultimately, I am doing this for myself, but its nice to have others along for the ride throughout the process. So come back to the site. did it move again? Sometimes I post on the wrong thread while everyone else is chatting somewhere else.

    I'm doing level 2 again today after my kiddo gets on the bus for school. Hope you'll join me.

  • Hi Leela,

    I frequent this board, and also
    The other board started later than this one did. I am always checking out both of them.
    I rested from shred Sunday and yesterday. I did some extra cardio yesterday instead of the shred because I am nervous about my knees. My Mom had a knee replacement and I fear that I have her bad knees! We will see what today brings.
    Jump over to the other board and introduce yourself. It is fun to follow two!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I did level 3 day 1 late last night, and it was nuts! Just like with level 2, I didn't watch it beforehand because I couldn't get it to play on my computer. Because of that, I spent the first ten seconds or so of every move watching to figure out how to do it. That means I really didn't give L3D1 100%. But now that I have more of a handle on it, I think today will be pretty interesting. I really like Level 3. It's not as hard as level 2 but it is more challenging, and I love how everything incorporates abs. I'll be checking in again late tonight to update on Day 2, which will hopefully leave me exhausted!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    So I finished d2L2 and it was pretty intense. My knee is bothering me a bit from yesterday. I just iced it afterwards, it should be fine.
    I had to modified most of the moves like the plank jacks and squat thrusts. Alternating one leg reminds me of a move called mountain climbers. I can't wait for next week because I am going to give it 150% and try to avoid most of the modifications. I won't do it again until Thursday. Tomorrow I do Zumba in the morning and that's more than enough!
    Just curious, how long did everyone stay on level 2 before it got easier? It seems like I didn't have to do any modifications on level 1 from day 1. Maybe its just because I'm out of touch with it, but level 2 is more intense than I thought.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    So I finished d2L2 and it was pretty intense. My knee is bothering me a bit from yesterday. I just iced it afterwards, it should be fine.
    I had to modified most of the moves like the plank jacks and squat thrusts. Alternating one leg reminds me of a move called mountain climbers. I can't wait for next week because I am going to give it 150% and try to avoid most of the modifications. I won't do it again until Thursday. Tomorrow I do Zumba in the morning and that's more than enough!
    Just curious, how long did everyone stay on level 2 before it got easier? It seems like I didn't have to do any modifications on level 1 from day 1. Maybe its just because I'm out of touch with it, but level 2 is more intense than I thought.

    Funny you mention mountain climbers - they're in level three! As far as level 2 goes, I don't know if it ever got easier haha. By the end of the ten days, I was taking very few breaks (maybe only one or two), but it still kicked my butt every day. Level 2 seemed SO much harder than level one.
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    leela! great job! it is hard I always modify the knee stuff... it's just too hard on mine from old sports injuries... so I wouldn't push it too much with those!

    Sngnyrisp .... level 3 great job... I'm nervous!!!

    shoot! I didn't start level 3 today... I haven't missed a week day in 3 weeks... got home late... but feeling guilty... was going to do it now, but I'm afraid I'll be up all night... oh well tomorrow is another day... :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :noway: :indifferent: :embarassed: :frown: :cry: :sad: :huh: :yawn:
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    L3D2 done, I took 3 breaks (maybe four?) but stuck with it pretty well. those jumping lunges are a killer. I'm going through a family crisis right now, but I'm glad I made time to work out, it calmed me down a bit and helped me de-stress. Tomorrow I move back to school and will probably Shred after carrying heavy things to my dorm room; that will be interesting.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    sngnyrslp, I hope things get better on the homefront. After moving into the dorm, if you are tired or sore, maybe you should take a day off from shredding. your body with thank you. Sometimes the one day off is just what you need to rebuild your muscles. It seems like I can only do it at 75% (taking short pauses or doing modifications) but after a day of rest, I'm at 100%. Keep on pushing. Good luck with school.
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    L3 D1 and it was INTENSE!! I had to take several breaks, but I loved the workout! L2 kicked my butt every day and did not get easier. I just think each level is "different." Two days ago my friend came over because he wanted to try the shred with me. I did L1 with him, and it was a made L3 that much more of a shocker! lol
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