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Runners--What's Your Pace?



  • Brooke_MG
    Brooke_MG Posts: 1 Member
    What is your regular training pace per mile? 11:00-12:00
    What's your race pace? 10:30
    What do you consider a "fast" pace? 9:00
    What's your goal pace? 10:00 in training; 9:00 in a race.
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    My pace varies because I go by heart rate
    Base building pace is " 180 minus my age"
    And for racing
    I'm going to give a go with the MARCO pace calculator
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    When I run outside, my "I'm pushing it" pace is 8:30/mile. On a treadmill, my "I'm pushing it" pace is 9:00/mile. I'm always surprised by this because when I run outside, I feel so slow.

    Officially, I did a 10K a 6 weeks ago in just over 48 minutes. I finished a half marathon 3 weeks ago in 1:53, a time I was kinda disappointed in. I attribute that time to the hills in the course. I need to do more hill work. My first half was last September and I will do the race again this fall. The course has changed but that will show whether I have improved or not.
  • badgeratheart
    badgeratheart Posts: 91 Member
    I agree with those who have posted about runners being some of the most inclusive and encouraging people out there. I am a high school administrator. I have worked in 4 different high schools over the course of 18 years. At each school I have ever been at, including the one I attended as a student, the cross country team is always filled with a group of encouraging, welcoming kids. Often, they're kids whose only common interest is running. They invite everyone in and make their team work.

    My background is in special education. 11 years ago, I had a student on my caseload who was socially awkward, not a natural athlete, and a target for bullying in every way. The cross country team invited him in, cheered him on in every practice and race, and the students themselves decided to assign him a buddy at each meet who would be responsible to make sure that he made it through the course without getting lost, had someone to warm up with, and didn't leave any of his belongings behind. There was never a shortage of volunteers to be his buddy at any given meet. I always encourage our students to get involved in cross country. When I meet a student who is on the cross country team, I feel like I can assume that s/he is a pretty great kid.

    Running is such a great sport because it can be individual or team. You can choose the length of race and terrain that work best for you and always be working toward your own specific goal. You can run alone, with your dog, a friend, a stroller, or a group. You can choose to run for your own reasons or to support a charitable cause. You can be competitive or not. You can run at home or away. But runners of all ages, paces, shapes and experience--we have a spirit inside us.
  • jessicasloan91
    jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
    **What is your regular training pace per mile?

    I aim for 9 min miles, anything below 5/6 miles I hope for 8:45

    **What's your race pace?

    5K- 7:20
    10K- 8:00
    HM- 8:20
    Marathon- 9:00

    **What do you consider a "fast" pace?

    Anything under 8:00 p/m

    **What's your goal pace?

    The race paces above & hopefully to bring them down
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    Welp, I'm the slowest runner here. I'm doing C25k and my pace is like 18:06 on good days. I may not be fast, but I really like running. I consider anything 10 mins. and under to be a fast pace.
  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    What is your regular training pace per mile? 8:30 - 9:00

    What's your race pace? 8:00

    What do you consider a "fast" pace? Anything under 8, which is faster than my current pace.

    What's your goal pace? 10% faster each 3 months, shooting for ultimate goal of qualifying for Boston Marathon.

    Shooting for 48 min on my first 10k race this weekend.
  • Starzy696
    Starzy696 Posts: 133 Member
    What is your regular training pace per mile?
    What's your race pace?
    What do you consider a "fast" pace?
    What's your goal pace?

    Just curious to know the paces out there...

    What is your regular training pace per mile? Typically I shoot to run a 9 or 10 min mile while training

    What is your race pace? It really depends...on a 5K run, I try to do a 7 or 8 min mile. On a 10k run, I shoot for 8 - 9 mins. Longer ones 10 mins.

    What do you considered a "fast" pace? Right now, I am saying 7 min miles for me...but I think it depends on the person.

    What's your goal pace? Depends on the race...5K's I shoot for a 24 or 25 min race. 10K I shoot for a 48 or 49 min race...
  • glenette1
    glenette1 Posts: 140 Member
    I have been running for one year with most of my emphasis on gaining distance over speed. However, I usually do one faster 2 mile run per week mostly out of curiosity without pressure on myself.

    What is your regular training pace per mile? 11:30 - 12:30 (started at 14:00, stayed stuck at 13:00 FOREVER)
    What's your race pace? 10:00-11:00 avg
    What do you consider a "fast" pace? for ME personally, 9:00 (I can hit 8:00 bouts downhill, haha)
    What's your goal pace? 10:00 consistently
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    What is your regular training pace per mile? 8 - 8:30
    What's your race pace? 5K - 7:30, Half - 9:00
    What do you consider a "fast" pace? 5K - 6:00, Half - 7:30
    What's your goal pace? 5K - 6:30, Half - 8:00

    Ultimately, my goal is to run a full at around 8:30 pace. Also, I want to break 20 mins in a 5K which would be just under a 6:30 pace.
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    What is your regular training pace per mile? About 10:15
    What's your race pace? About 9:45
    What do you consider a "fast" pace? Between 7:00/8:00
    What's your goal pace? I would love to be somewhere around 9:00-9:30

    ^^ This is about where Im at.....how lazy was that just copying somebody elses!!!! :tongue:
  • k_lips
    k_lips Posts: 22
    I was a serious runner up until about a year ago when I sustained a severe broken ankle in an accident. just got back into running THIS week, and let me tell you, I am a long way from where I started:

    What is your regular training pace per mile?
    this week after starting up again: 3 miles @ 8:30 pace
    last year: up to 12 miles at anywhere from 7-8 min pace depending how hard I was trying to go

    What's your race pace?
    currently: N/A, it'll be AWHILE before I can get back into racing
    last year: ~5:45 (5k PR: 17:38)

    What do you consider a "fast" pace?
    for training, I think I would consider anyone who can run consistently at 8 min pace or less "fast"

    What's your goal pace?
    to get back to where I used to be (dream goal)
    to get back into racing and consistently improve my times (realistic goal)
  • Adforperu
    Adforperu Posts: 70 Member
    What is your regular training pace per mile? I usually run 3/4 miles a time at between 7.5/8 minute mile
    What's your race pace? My best 10k was 7.25 minute mile
    What do you consider a "fast" pace? Well I did a 5k in 6.7 minute mile
    What's your goal pace? Well I'm onto half marathons now, but I'm hoping for around just over 7.5 minute mile
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    What is your regular training pace per mile?
    What's your race pace?
    What do you consider a "fast" pace?
    What's your goal pace?

    Just curious to know the paces out there...

    When you ask this I think well for how far of a run 5K 10K or half or a full marathon?

    I aim for 7.5-8 minute mile for 8 miles, for shorter runs 4 miles I aim for 7.5 mile
    Only race ive done was a Half and I was shooting for a 8 min mile turned out to be 8:20 mile
    I consider for a Half or full anything under 7:30 a fast pace for a 5K I would consider anything under 7:00 a fast pace
    My goal is to be able to run half at a 7:30 pace
  • TheYoungys
    TheYoungys Posts: 44 Member
    I'm a bit different in that I mostly do trail/mountain/hill runs. My pace for the first 2/3 miles might be 15 (or more depending on steepness) and coming back it is much quicker so as long as I even out at under 12mm I am happy. For the flat, which I hate running, it depends on the trail but I usually do 8.5/9. I don't usually go by my pace as it is more about endurance for me.
  • kniedner
    kniedner Posts: 4
    I just started running in September. So, I'm still pretty slow, but I'm getting better.

    What is your regular training pace per mile? about 11:30-12:00
    What's your race pace? 10:30-11:00
    What do you consider a "fast" pace? anything under 10:00
    What's your goal pace? 10:00

    I've run a few races and managed to run my fastest 5K in 30:17 and that felt fast to me.