

  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 860 Member
    I love EGGS! Now that I know how to hard "boil" 'em in the oven, it's so easy for me to always have a dozen or so on hand. :)

    :huh: 'splain this to me? How do you hard boil them in the oven?????? Inquiring minds~~~
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    Eggs are friendly and happy to be eaten...they just make your plate smile!


    Alright now you are just making me hungry! :smile:
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    I eat at least one a day!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Not sure if anyone said this but there is a difference between good and bad cholesterol and eggs are not the worst culprit for bad cholesterol!

    There is cholesterol in all kinds of foods so saying just one or the other needs to be cut, IMO, is ridiculous. Eat your eggs, cut out the yolks once in a while as that's where most of the cholesterol is and then have a whole egg when you feel like it. I go between the two as often as I want. I love scrambled egg whites with mozza cheese and I also love whole eggs over medium with hashbrown potatoes.
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    just had eggs for lunch, nom nom!
  • cinbol
    cinbol Posts: 27 Member
    I have 2 eggs with bacon every day for breakfast and will sometimes have eggs for dinner as well - Since November my cholesteral has gone from a total of 249 to 172 so no way you can tell me they are bad for you..... if it works in your eating program - go for it - I do LCHF by the way and that's working for me :-)
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    I love EGGS! Now that I know how to hard "boil" 'em in the oven, it's so easy for me to always have a dozen or so on hand. :)

    :huh: 'splain this to me? How do you hard boil them in the oven?????? Inquiring minds~~~

    LOL I haven't done this yet but I have heard about it. I guess you can't call them boiled technically but they come out like if boiled.
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    Eggs are a staple in my diet. I eat 3-4 eggs every morning, usually fried up with cheese, olives, or sweet peppers (sometimes all three at once!). I also throw bacon into the mix when it's available. Nobody should ever be afraid of the egg. It's like Nature's perfect nutrition jewel.
  • peversole54
    peversole54 Posts: 1 Member
    Past two weeks on certain days I've had 15 eggs, 12 eggs, 11 eggs, 14 eggs, and yesterday 14 again. Oh wow. I am still alive.
  • luckynky
    luckynky Posts: 123 Member
    Yep, I love eggs too. A few years back, when they were saying not to eat eggs because of the fat/cholesterol, I didn't believe them. The reason is because, if you look at nature, tons of animals eat eggs. Even many types of birds will raid other bird nests to eat them. If they were really that horrible for you, they wouldn't be so coveted.

    Now eggs are reported to be okay to eat and contain the healthy type of cholesterol- yay! The only thing I have to say is that it would be nice if consumers were more aware of the industry. Please try to purchase cage-free, natural eggs (even then there is some deceiving going on in the industry about what constitutes cage-free, but let's each do the best we can). :)
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,639 Member
    Eggs are friendly and happy to be eaten...they just make your plate smile!


    OMG! how many calories in that meal, it looks bloody delicious!!!!

    Is that a two or three egg omelette?
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    Eggs used to have a bad rap - just like how everything "low fat" was good for you...

    if your cholesterol is fine, you can eat them. 2 eggs a day is fine.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Eggs are awesome. Although for protein I prefer to reach for lean chicken or turkey.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Eggs are friendly and happy to be eaten...they just make your plate smile!


    OMG! how many calories in that meal, it looks bloody delicious!!!!

    Is that a two or three egg omelette?

    Three egg omelette that comes in about 790-800 cals with the toast.
  • MizzEngelChen
    MizzEngelChen Posts: 71 Member

    No, really, I don't know. Just keep to what you like and works for you. Everyone's got their opinion on what you should or shouldn't eat and how that THE way to go. Truth be told, people are different and if you're doing fine with eggs, then keep eating them.
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    I love my eggs... especially as a post work out supper!
  • Billsfansj
    Billsfansj Posts: 15 Member
    I'm another supporter of the love eggs faction
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    family of four at my house...
    and we go through about 3 dozen a week.
    love eggs...!!
  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    I quit basic dairy (milk/cheese/yogurt/ice cream etc. ) so I can
    sometimes eat 2 hard boiled eggs per day. I do try to get at
    least 1per day. Love them too.
  • whiteberry17
    whiteberry17 Posts: 124
    The rule is your not supposed to eat more than 8 eggs a week. All nutritionist and dietitians say that.