Starting weight for Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween..

AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I've had a lot of people who want to join in on the 20 pounds by Halloween..

Introduce yourself below.. List your struggles, and what you would like to accomplish.. List your starting weight, and what your end weight would be 20 pounds lighter.. And we start Now!!

Anyone feel free to join in at any time..


  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hello everyone. .My name is April.. I go by Apes & April Val.. I am 27 years old, from Fremont Indiana. I am happily married. and I am on the adventure of a life time, trying to lose weight. Ive struggled with my weight for years, but for once Im defeating it.

    Ive struggle with diets in the past. So I dont concider this a diet. Just trying to become healthier.. Still eating what I want.. But with reason.. :) I think before I eat. Which is something I havent done in the past. I often struggle with eating late at night. I need to stop getting up and going to the refrigerator because Im bored. I know I can get past that struggle.

    I would like to accomplish the 20 pound goal. Along with be able to begin to run without problems. Im sure it will take a little longer for me to be able to run. but its worth trying to start that goal. I would like to be able to walk 5 miles by October 31st..

    My starting weight is 291, (I havent done my weigh in yet today), My end weight would be around 271 pounds..

    Looking for ideas for the next challenge once this one is over.. Ideas are welcomed.. Its time to get with the program.. Maybe all the support will make us stride further..

    Weigh ins will be Between Friday morning & Sunday night. And if something happens that you miss the weigh in, just post it when you can.. Thanks for starting this mission with me!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    My starting weight for this challenge is 192. I'd LOVE to hit 172 by Halloween!! :)
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Hello all!

    My name is Emily and I have so many nicknames I think just going by the one my username is based off of is best (Kitsune). My weight has been a life long struggle. I played softball for many years and was able to maintain a healthy (er) weight because of all the extra exercise I did despite my bad eating habits. I got worse because I was tormented by everyone from my mother, to my live in boyfriend (at the time, it's over now) to people I didn't even know.

    I went through two years of depression and being an alcoholic. Once I stopped drinking and smoking I have been trying to figure out this weight loss thing for a while now because I've never had a positive self image and for once, I'd really like that. I got down to 191 twice but I've never been able to get into the 180's. I haven't been that light since I was 17. I'm a single working college student. I wake up at four to go to the gym, get into work by seven thirty and then school isn't over until nine thirty most nights. I'm crazy busy but I really want to make this work.

    My starting weight is 201 and I'd like my end weight to be 180. If I could do that then I'd feel good in a neat costume and when I got visit my parents for the holidays I won't have to hear about how much I've "grown" from my mom.

    Ideas for the next one... well Thanksgiving follows Halloween and that's going to be a tough one to manage. Maybe we could do something with that?
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Ayla, I'm 24 years old from Davis, CA. I'm making some changes in my life one of which is living a healthier life along with trying to lose weight.

    I'll be going to a family party on Halloween night. So I'd really like to accomplish 20lbs lost by then. Eventually I want to lose more. Being able to run is also one of my goals.

    My starting weight is 245.6, goal weight by October 31st is 225.6(or 225, that'd be awesome >.<)

    As for the next challenge we could do a new years one. 20lbs by January 1st! Start the new year 20lbs lighter or something along those lines.

    We can do it!!
  • I am around 160pds and would love to join this fun challenge! And by the end of it I hope people post cute pictures!! :)
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    hi, my name is liz, i am 220 and want to be 200 or halloween:laugh:
  • I'd definitely love to lose 20 lbs by Halloween! Get into a cute-n-nerdy costume and all that :D

    My name is Meghan (or Megh) and my starting weight is about 235 or so. I do my weekly weigh-in on Sundays so we'll see if I've gained or lost weight this week, heh. I work full time and I'll be starting a part-time job on Monday. I'm a little nervous about finding time to get to the gym for some exercise now that I'll be working 2 jobs, not going to lie. I've been on a Monday-Wednesday-Thursday exercise schedule but I'm going to have to start working out in smaller increments after job #2 and penciling some time in on the weekends.

    Regardless, let's do this!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I'm a little nervous about finding time to get to the gym for some exercise now that I'll be working 2 jobs, not going to lie.

    Hey Meghan, I'm in the same boat as you (sort of). I work from seven thirty to four thirty, then I have school until 9-9:30 at night. I make the sacrifice to wake up at four in the morning to get into the gym so don't stress too much! It's hard but it's definitely doable and with all the support from MFP and our new group it can definitely happen! Just don't even think it's impossible and you can make it work!!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Hi, I'm Stacy. *Hi, Stacy.* lol

    By the time I was in high school I weighed over 300 lbs. I was a fat baby, a fat child, a fat teen, and now a fat adult. There was never a time in my life when "fat" didn't accurately describe me. I used to have really bad self esteem issues up until 6 years ago when I started doing plus size modeling. I ended up really loving my body and loving my size and gained a lot of confidence. I still have a lot of confidence and am happy being me. :) Yes, there ARE fat and happy people in the world, we aren't a myth. lol At my highest weight (485 lbs) I was also at my most confident. It was also when I met the sweetest man in the world and have been in a very happy relationship with him for over 2 1/2 years.

    I've seen that the motivating factor to lose weight for most people on this site is because they don't like the way they look. Not so for me, I did and do like the way I look. So why am I losing weight? Two reasons.

    1) I'm losing weight because I want to buy cute clothes that fit me. I've had to shop in plus size stores since I was 12. I don't like it, the clothes that are my size are ugly, frumpy, granny clothes - lousy with sequins and gaudy colors.

    2) I'm 31 years old. I've lived the first 31 years of my life as a fat person and now want to experience life as a thin person. Life is about the journey. The experiences. So I want to experience life from the "other side" for the next 31+ years.

    My starting weight was 385 lbs. I've lost 44 lbs (as of this post) and my goal weight is 140 lbs. The total weight I will end up losing is 245 lbs. This journey will probably take me a couple of years, but slow is definitely the healthy way to go. :)

    I'm in this for the long haul. This is a lifestyle change, and not a diet. I've never really tried to lose weight before, so all of this is pretty new to me and have only been at this for a little under 4 months. I'm losing at about 10-13 lbs a month so far but know that will probably slow down a bit. But if it takes me one year or 3 years, I'll get there. :)

    My inspirations are David Smith who lost over 400 lbs through diet and exercise and is now a personal trainer, Susan Blech who lost 250 lbs, Jennette Fulda who lost over 200 lbs, and a ton of other people who have lost over 200 lbs though diet and exercise. :D

    Oh and I forgot - Starting weight as of this challenge is 241 lbs. Goal weight at the end of the challenge is 221 lbs.

    Sorry about the really long post... I guess getting all that out was kind of like therapy for me. lol
  • ljc1057
    ljc1057 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi. I'm Laurie. I've been weighing in on Mondays and was at 199.7 last Monday. I'm afraid I've gained a pound or two since then. I was out of town, not able to exercise, and didn't eat right. We'll see what this Monday brings. I would love to be 179 by Halloween. I started to type 180, but 179 sounds so much better :wink:

    Good luck all!
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    My name is Connie and I've been struggling with my weight for 19 years. I get almost to my goal weight and put it right back on. I'm tired of failures and I want to make it this time.

    Current weight: 174.4
    loosing 20 lbs would put me at 154.4
    4.4 away from my 1st goal weight in a long time

    I could really use the encouragement so feel free to add me.
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    hi im wanting to lose 20lbs. right now im 148 and if i lost by oct 31 id be 128 which is about where i want to be so girls add me and lets stay motivated together...
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Hey Meghan, I'm in the same boat as you (sort of). I work from seven thirty to four thirty, then I have school until 9-9:30 at night. I make the sacrifice to wake up at four in the morning to get into the gym so don't stress too much! It's hard but it's definitely doable and with all the support from MFP and our new group it can definitely happen! Just don't even think it's impossible and you can make it work!!

    My gym doesn't open quite that early! But it does stay open until 10, so the nights I work until 8 I should be able to get a decent workout in. I'm just hoping I'm not too exhausted by that point, egads!
  • Andi_Mo
    Andi_Mo Posts: 243
    I'm Andrea! My starting weight is 213.8 and I would love to weigh 190 by Halloween. Struggling right now. Lived in Europe for 7 years (Air Force Hubby) and now returning to States makes it hard to resist all the choices we have again. Good luck everyone! We can do this!
  • Juliana_nero
    Juliana_nero Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I'm Juliana. Just joined this week and I'm very excited about my new journey here!! :)
    Count me in on this challenge. I'm 206 and after this challenge (fingers crossed) I'd weigh in at 186!
    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!
  • I will join. I am also doing the 90 day challenge. 20 lbs. by Halloween would bring me to 135.8. I would love to be there by then!
  • Hey everyone. I just started MFP this past Monday. I want to join in on this challenge. I have struggled with my weight since I was in 6th grade. I am 45 yrs. old and I'm tired of being tired. My SW 256 last Monday. We are taking our kids to Orlando in October and would love to be 20lbs lighter before Halloween! It'll be hard work, but I'm ready!
  • Hi everyone. My name is Michelle. My husband is currently deployed and I would *love* to lose 20lbs by Halloween and keep it off. That seems to be my downfall. I can lose the weight relatively quickly but keeping it off is another story...
    Right now I'm 162ish after a week and a half of really bad food choices. Ugh! My ultimate goal is 145lbs so it's a little less than 20lbs but hey, if I lose 20lbs I won't complain :smile:
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    I would like to join. My name is Karin and I just joind MFP this past Tuesday.

    My biggest challenge is TIME. There is never enough of it! I wake up at 6:15 to get two kids out the door to school (with a lot of help from hubby). I get to work just before 9 and have to work until 6. Then it's a 30 minute drive to daycar to pick up my 7 year old. By the time we are in the house it is 6:45. Then dinner prep and the homework battles begin. By the time dinner is done and my 7 year old in is bed, then it is time to help my 13 year old with his homework. We usually finish that up about 9 or 9:30. By the time we send him off to bed, it is about 10:30, much too late to exercise. But then I like my quiet time and stay up until about 11:30, just in time to turn around and do it all again tomorrow. So, needless to say, TIME to exercise is slim to none.

    I did squeak in a walk Thursday evening after dinner, only because DD's teacher was out and did not assign homework. Then today I bought the 30 Day Shred and did that for the first time. Thought Jillian wanted to kill me!!!

    I want to lose 20lbs by Halloween!!! Actually, I'd be very happy to lose it by the beginning of October. Hopefully, my son will be back from his deployment by then and able to head home for some leave time. I would like to be down 20lbs before I see him again.

    I started this week at 228. Today I was 224.4. Twenty pounds from now would be 208/204 range, in which case I could have made my first mini goal, which is 10% of my starting body weight and would put me at 205.

    Looking forward to there being much less of me!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Hey Meghan, I'm in the same boat as you (sort of). I work from seven thirty to four thirty, then I have school until 9-9:30 at night. I make the sacrifice to wake up at four in the morning to get into the gym so don't stress too much! It's hard but it's definitely doable and with all the support from MFP and our new group it can definitely happen! Just don't even think it's impossible and you can make it work!!

    My gym doesn't open quite that early! But it does stay open until 10, so the nights I work until 8 I should be able to get a decent workout in. I'm just hoping I'm not too exhausted by that point, egads!

    Ah, yeah that's why I went with 24 hour fitness! They're open all the time, which makes up for a slight price hike *nodnod*

    Good luck though! I'm glad you're able to finagle your schedule!
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