I love bullies....


I used to be bullied as a kid. And it was by a bunch of project kids who lived down the street(We were real poor too just didn't live in the projects, thank God). We went to the same school. Anyways I was bullied from K to 3rd grade. (And by bullied I mean beat down and left for dead sometimes, at least it felt that way) But I got sick and tired of it. So one day in class I was called to the chalkboard and my seat squeaked like a fart when I got up. OMG , one of the boys who hated me the most started talking crap and then everyone was laughing and saying stuff. I felt like crying. The teacher was trying to get everyone settled and when I was done with the problem She called him to the chalkboard...There was lot of oooos and ohhhs and then instead of doing the problem he proceeded to draw a picture of me (which of course looked nothing like me) Everyone was laughing and yelling stuff, the teacher was trying to take the chalk away from him. And like in slow motion I got up went up to him and punched him as hard as I could in the stomach. Then when he lunged I punched him in the side of the head....I was so pissed off. He started crying and everyone turned on him because he was crying. Probably one of the most liberating moments of my life. Could I do that now? Of course not. But one of my children had a bully. Had. Yeah I had him deal with it starting out ignoring, that didn't help, then trying to talk about it, and unfortunately he had to kick the kids *kitten* to get him to stop.

What are your experiences with bullies?


  • Katrioustu
    Katrioustu Posts: 2,461 Member
    My most painful memory of being bullied was in sixth grade. We lined up to go to a different classroom. I can't remember what class we were going to. I just remember being in line in last name abc order. My last name made me last in line next to this guy who was known for being a bully.

    As we all walked toward the door to get out of the classroom, he grabbed me and slammed me into the chalk rail. I fell to the ground gasping for air, couldn't breathe. And he just laughed and left with the class. I remained there for probably at least 10-15mins until the teacher walked in looking for me cause I wasn't counted for in the other classroom.

    I ended up having black and blue ribs and walked with a limp for about a week. It was horrible and I think bullying is horrible.

    Thanks for your story, BigggMommma. It was very moving.
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    I remember in 11th grade I was being picked on by this one kid in my astronomy class. Everyday for the whole school year hed throw things at me, laugh at me, talk crap about me and I would let it pass. This happened for about 8 months. He then said something and I got up, he got up as well and was doing some karate I dont even know. I picked up a desk and threw it at him got on top of him and started to pound his face. Needless to say I was suspended from school for a week and he hasnt bothered me ever again. I come to find out that 3 years ago he got deported back to his country. Justice served.

    My thoughts... if youre getting bullied try not to let it bother you, if it does bother you make sure you take care of it and make sure they wont screw with you anymore!
    BIGGGMOMMMA Posts: 190
    My most painful memory of being bullied was in sixth grade. We lined up to go to a different classroom. I can't remember what class we were going to. I just remember being in line in last name abc order. My last name made me last in line next to this guy who was known for being a bully.

    As we all walked toward the door to get out of the classroom, he grabbed me and slammed me into the chalk rail. I fell to the ground gasping for air, couldn't breathe. And he just laughed and left with the class. I remained there for probably at least 10-15mins until the teacher walked in looking for me cause I wasn't counted for in the other classroom.

    I ended up having black and blue ribs and walked with a limp for about a week. It was horrible and I think bullying is horrible.

    Thanks for your story, BigggMommma. It was very moving.

    Thanks for sharing Kat :flowerforyou:
    BIGGGMOMMMA Posts: 190
    I remember in 11th grade I was being picked on by this one kid in my astronomy class. Everyday for the whole school year hed throw things at me, laugh at me, talk crap about me and I would let it pass. This happened for about 8 months. He then said something and I got up, he got up as well and was doing some karate I dont even know. I picked up a desk and threw it at him got on top of him and started to pound his face. Needless to say I was suspended from school for a week and he hasnt bothered me ever again. I come to find out that 3 years ago he got deported back to his country. Justice served.

    My thoughts... if youre getting bullied try not to let it bother you, if it does bother you make sure you take care of it and make sure they wont screw with you anymore!

    Good for you carbon2k!! :happy:
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I do not like bullies and will go out of my way to intercede when someone is being bullied. I have lots of stories, but would rather share one that involves my daughter. She has the same dislike for bullies as I do. When she was in HS, one of the nerds at school was being bullied by several members of a gang. He was afraid to walk home because they were looking for him. Holland walked him home, willing to face them herself than see the boy bullied.

    I wasn't happy about it when I found out, but I was proud of her. As it turned out, Holland played sports and was friends with many of the guys on the football team -- many of whom the bullies didn't want to cross by confronting Holland.
  • daisymae850
    daisymae850 Posts: 127 Member
    Just like the Road Dog I have many bullying stories but the worst ones go to my son.

    Four years ago I bought my first house, the all American dream....more like nightmare! For 3 years I watched as my son was shoved into a brick wall (busting out his 2 front adult teeth and almost breaking his nose), being pushed into a lake in January (we live in a suburb of Chicago, that water was like ice!), he was beat up in school, the way there, the way home and even in my front yard. ZI had finally had enough and voluntarily forclosed my home and gave it back to the bank to get my son the hell outta dodge.

    Fast forward 1 .5 years to about 2 months ago and he was being bullied in school again, this time it flowed over to facebook and I was done, they threatened his life and said they would take video of his murder and send it to me (actually wrote this on facebook!) I printed this out and brought it straight to the police and school princial, 1 kid was arrested and 6 others were suspended for their behavior. These were all 13-14 year old kids, its disgusting!

    I saw on yahoo about 3 weeks ago that a small town in Wisconsin is starting to Fine the parents of kids that are bullying others....I wish more towns would start this! Bet ya it wouldn't happen nearly as much!!
    BIGGGMOMMMA Posts: 190
    Just like the Road Dog I have many bullying stories but the worst ones go to my son.

    Four years ago I bought my first house, the all American dream....more like nightmare! For 3 years I watched as my son was shoved into a brick wall (busting out his 2 front adult teeth and almost breaking his nose), being pushed into a lake in January (we live in a suburb of Chicago, that water was like ice!), he was beat up in school, the way there, the way home and even in my front yard. ZI had finally had enough and voluntarily forclosed my home and gave it back to the bank to get my son the hell outta dodge.

    Fast forward 1 .5 years to about 2 months ago and he was being bullied in school again, this time it flowed over to facebook and I was done, they threatened his life and said they would take video of his murder and send it to me (actually wrote this on facebook!) I printed this out and brought it straight to the police and school princial, 1 kid was arrested and 6 others were suspended for their behavior. These were all 13-14 year old kids, its disgusting!

    I saw on yahoo about 3 weeks ago that a small town in Wisconsin is starting to Fine the parents of kids that are bullying others....I wish more towns would start this! Bet ya it wouldn't happen nearly as much!!

    I think that fining the parents is a good idea.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    What are your experiences with bullies?

    does somebody disagreeing with me on MFP count?
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    If you're talking about real bullying then yes, I was bullied as a kid for a number of years. I finally fought back in 7th grade and was left alone after that. If your kid is backed into a corner and the school doesn't do anything about it, then yes it is sometimes something a child has to do. I wouldn't encourage it, however, and I would do everything I could as a parent to deal with the school to force them to deal with the problem. My 7 year old takes MMA because I want her to eventually be able to defend herself. But with that comes the responsibility of knowing that you do not respond with violence to anything but violence.

    That said, knowing where this comes from, I'll also say that we do not, as adults, lash out and hit people with whom we have verbal disagreements. Being an *kitten* hat is not against the law. Hitting people is, and once you unleash violence on someone else you are very likely to get more than you bargain for in return. Again, self defense, yes. Violent response to a verbal "attack", no. It's part of living in society.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    I know it's not "PC", but I firmly believe that the ONLY way to effectively stop children who are bullys is through [child-mediated] violence. i.e.: Punch them square in the face, kick 'em in the balls, WHATEVER. I, like many people, was bullied several times during childhood. In 2nd grade for being "the new kid", in 3rd grade for being the 2nd grader who got moved up (NERD!!), in 6th grade because my now-BFF male friend (little boys only hit the girls they like, right?) started in on me, and finally, in 8th grade because I grew DDs in a summer (that's when the GIRLS started in).

    My parents tried all the "nice" ways too....talking to the kids, the parents, the teachers, principles, etc....nothing worked. Finally, exasperated, Dad said "You're bigger than they are....knock them out next time they touch you". I was 5'7" in 8th grade...and I really WAS bigger than most of the girls...and many of the guys...at that point. I followed through. Punched the most popular girl in the stomach so hard she vomited and got sent home by the school nurse. I got suspended for 3 days....and was never bullied again.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

    I used to be bullied as a kid. And it was by a bunch of project kids who lived down the street(We were real poor too just didn't live in the projects, thank God). We went to the same school. Anyways I was bullied from K to 3rd grade. (And by bullied I mean beat down and left for dead sometimes, at least it felt that way) But I got sick and tired of it. So one day in class I was called to the chalkboard and my seat squeaked like a fart when I got up. OMG , one of the boys who hated me the most started talking crap and then everyone was laughing and saying stuff. I felt like crying. The teacher was trying to get everyone settled and when I was done with the problem She called him to the chalkboard...There was lot of oooos and ohhhs and then instead of doing the problem he proceeded to draw a picture of me (which of course looked nothing like me) Everyone was laughing and yelling stuff, the teacher was trying to take the chalk away from him. And like in slow motion I got up went up to him and punched him as hard as I could in the stomach. Then when he lunged I punched him in the side of the head....I was so pissed off. He started crying and everyone turned on him because he was crying. Probably one of the most liberating moments of my life. Could I do that now? Of course not. But one of my children had a bully. Had. Yeah I had him deal with it starting out ignoring, that didn't help, then trying to talk about it, and unfortunately he had to kick the kids *kitten* to get him to stop.

    What are your experiences with bullies?

    You kicked some little kids butt? Great message you're sending. No truly, GREAT job done mama.

    ETA: Befor eyou say that you didn't kicked a child, you taught your child to beat up another kid. This is a child. You should be teaching the kid how to deal with things without violence. You are basically teaching your kid to become yet another wannabe thug and a bully. You are creating a bully. Good job.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    Could I do that now? Of course not. But one of my children had a bully. Had. Yeah I had him deal with it starting out ignoring, that didn't help, then trying to talk about it, and unfortunately he had to kick the kids *kitten* to get him to stop.

    What are your experiences with bullies?
    You kicked some little kids butt? Great message you're sending. No truly, GREAT job done mama.

  • Elicur
    Elicur Posts: 78 Member
    I was over weight for most of my childhood and was bullied from 2nd- 5th grade until I started homeschooling.
    The bullying left me with a pretty bad eating disorder and a broken spirit. I'm very distrusting of people at 22 and spend most of my days alone because of it.

    Taking it all in stride now, life is what it is!
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    ETA: Befor eyou say that you didn't kicked a child, you taught your child to beat up another kid. This is a child. You should be teaching the kid how to deal with things without violence. You are basically teaching your kid to become yet another wannabe thug and a bully. You are creating a bully. Good job.

    I disagree. She is teaching her kid that, some people, no matter what you do, just don't take polite hints. She, and her child, did everything "reasonable" to stop the bullying. The bullies will just get bigger, older, stronger...and the kid will remain a "victim".

    There's a reason that so many people carry guns in this world.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I was 5'10" 180 at the end of 6th grade...nobody messed with me growing up. A few verbal deals, but nothing physical.
  • daisymae850
    daisymae850 Posts: 127 Member

    I used to be bullied as a kid. And it was by a bunch of project kids who lived down the street(We were real poor too just didn't live in the projects, thank God). We went to the same school. Anyways I was bullied from K to 3rd grade. (And by bullied I mean beat down and left for dead sometimes, at least it felt that way) But I got sick and tired of it. So one day in class I was called to the chalkboard and my seat squeaked like a fart when I got up. OMG , one of the boys who hated me the most started talking crap and then everyone was laughing and saying stuff. I felt like crying. The teacher was trying to get everyone settled and when I was done with the problem She called him to the chalkboard...There was lot of oooos and ohhhs and then instead of doing the problem he proceeded to draw a picture of me (which of course looked nothing like me) Everyone was laughing and yelling stuff, the teacher was trying to take the chalk away from him. And like in slow motion I got up went up to him and punched him as hard as I could in the stomach. Then when he lunged I punched him in the side of the head....I was so pissed off. He started crying and everyone turned on him because he was crying. Probably one of the most liberating moments of my life. Could I do that now? Of course not. But one of my children had a bully. Had. Yeah I had him deal with it starting out ignoring, that didn't help, then trying to talk about it, and unfortunately he had to kick the kids *kitten* to get him to stop.

    What are your experiences with bullies?

    You kicked some little kids butt? Great message you're sending. No truly, GREAT job done mama.

    ETA: Befor eyou say that you didn't kicked a child, you taught your child to beat up another kid. This is a child. You should be teaching the kid how to deal with things without violence. You are basically teaching your kid to become yet another wannabe thug and a bully. You are creating a bully. Good job.

    Just out of curiousity, what do you think she should have done??? I finally put my son in karate to be able to do the same thing. When the school officials and the police do nothing and the other parents say "oh its just kids being kids", what other solution is there??? Just continue to let your kids get beat up? HELL NO
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    My experience with bullies is that they have a pretty crappy home life with parents who aren't doing a very good job with them, who are bullying or browbeating them on a regular basis, or otherwise allowing an older sibling to harm them in some way.

    Doesn't make what they do to smaller kids right in any way, but usually there's an underlying cause. How we deal with small children is different than dealing with older children.

    And I don't believe hitting someone for a verbal remark is justified in any case. That is what we teach our child.

    ETA: I was bullied. I was bullied well into high school. I only ever got physical once, and the girl hit me first. Did it affect me? Sure. Do I still believe violence is the answer? No. I believe in defense, but not taking the first strike.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    ETA: Befor eyou say that you didn't kicked a child, you taught your child to beat up another kid. This is a child. You should be teaching the kid how to deal with things without violence. You are basically teaching your kid to become yet another wannabe thug and a bully. You are creating a bully. Good job.

    I disagree. She is teaching her kid that, some people, no matter what you do, just don't take polite hints. She, and her child, did everything "reasonable" to stop the bullying. The bullies will just get bigger, older, stronger...and the kid will remain a "victim".

    There's a reason that so many people carry guns in this world.
    uh what?
    Firstly he's right.
    Secondly WHAT?

    I am not sure wht you are saying with the gun thing but it's more than mildly disturbing.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    ETA: Befor eyou say that you didn't kicked a child, you taught your child to beat up another kid. This is a child. You should be teaching the kid how to deal with things without violence. You are basically teaching your kid to become yet another wannabe thug and a bully. You are creating a bully. Good job.

    I disagree. She is teaching her kid that, some people, no matter what you do, just don't take polite hints. She, and her child, did everything "reasonable" to stop the bullying. The bullies will just get bigger, older, stronger...and the kid will remain a "victim".

    There's a reason that so many people carry guns in this world.

    LMAO such a cowardly excuse to teach your kid. Sure, give your kids guns and then when they endup killing somebody, explain to the judge how you were prepping them against bullies.

    The kid is how old? What? 5 years old or something?

    Every bully and their parents use the same lame excuse. "We're just trying to get him to be tough so others won't hit him". Well guess what, now YOUR kid is the bully.
    BIGGGMOMMMA Posts: 190

    I used to be bullied as a kid. And it was by a bunch of project kids who lived down the street(We were real poor too just didn't live in the projects, thank God). We went to the same school. Anyways I was bullied from K to 3rd grade. (And by bullied I mean beat down and left for dead sometimes, at least it felt that way) But I got sick and tired of it. So one day in class I was called to the chalkboard and my seat squeaked like a fart when I got up. OMG , one of the boys who hated me the most started talking crap and then everyone was laughing and saying stuff. I felt like crying. The teacher was trying to get everyone settled and when I was done with the problem She called him to the chalkboard...There was lot of oooos and ohhhs and then instead of doing the problem he proceeded to draw a picture of me (which of course looked nothing like me) Everyone was laughing and yelling stuff, the teacher was trying to take the chalk away from him. And like in slow motion I got up went up to him and punched him as hard as I could in the stomach. Then when he lunged I punched him in the side of the head....I was so pissed off. He started crying and everyone turned on him because he was crying. Probably one of the most liberating moments of my life. Could I do that now? Of course not. But one of my children had a bully. Had. Yeah I had him deal with it starting out ignoring, that didn't help, then trying to talk about it, and unfortunately he had to kick the kids *kitten* to get him to stop.

    What are your experiences with bullies?

    You kicked some little kids butt? Great message you're sending. No truly, GREAT job done mama.

    ETA: Befor eyou say that you didn't kicked a child, you taught your child to beat up another kid. This is a child. You should be teaching the kid how to deal with things without violence. You are basically teaching your kid to become yet another wannabe thug and a bully. You are creating a bully. Good job.

    No way. I taught my child to DEFEND HIMSELF. Which is different. I do not condone violence or bullying of any kind. The kid was suspended several times and I was sick and tired of telling my kid to tell someone, ignore them, try to avoid them, it was time to take care of business. My son has always been a big kid. The only reason he never fought back was because he knew I didn't raise him that way. He was always able to overpower the other boy if he wanted to, it was only when I gave him the green light did he do it. I don't regret my decision and will do it again with my other kids if I have to. My son gets straight A's and is a good kid. Now he is happier too because no one messes with him.
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