Turbo Fire Challenge!!! Join Me



  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Guys I just started TurboFire and I feel so discouraged :( It was my first day. Fire 30. Seemed easy, but I could only do 15 minutes of it before my chest felt really tight and I had to stop or I wouldn't have been able to breath. What the?!?!?! I'm thinking maybe I have to work on my breathing? Eat more? I don't know but this better get better because I had the energy to finish the workout but just couldn't because of the tightness in my chest. Bummer :(

    It's ok to do just 15 minutes, then tomorrow do 16 minutes...push a few steps futher each day and work up to it. You'll still see results.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Did Fire 30 today and Sculpt. I know I need to do the Sculpt and Tone videos but I just don't feel like I'm working if I'm not doing cardio...warped thinking I know...I did burn 453 calories with both so that is a plus.
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Was gone for the weekend and totally missed working out to TF! Got home yesterday and was just too tired to workout, so this morning did yesterday's workout w/today's scheduled one. Fire 45 and HIIT 20. Totally dripping with sweat and exhausted after that. Boy, just 3 days w/out TF and I felt like I hadn't done it in weeks!! Getting back on track!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Was gone for the weekend and totally missed working out to TF! Got home yesterday and was just too tired to workout, so this morning did yesterday's workout w/today's scheduled one. Fire 45 and HIIT 20. Totally dripping with sweat and exhausted after that. Boy, just 3 days w/out TF and I felt like I hadn't done it in weeks!! Getting back on track!

    I did that over the weekend to make up for Saturday. It was tough but well worth it. Tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day but I may miss working out this weekend so I plan on doing HIIT 25.
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    I did that over the weekend to make up for Saturday. It was tough but well worth it. Tomorrow is supposed to be a rest day but I may miss working out this weekend so I plan on doing HIIT 25.

    Haven't gotten to HIIT 25 yet. HIIT 15 & 20 work me to death...LOL. We'll see how 25 goes when I get to it on the schedule. Good for you for the "make up" workout. :)
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    HIIT 25 today...it's awesome. I think I've become a HIITworkoutaholic...I crave them...hehe I think Chalene said that would happen!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Where's all my TF peeps? Did FIre 30 and Tone today...whoot! whoot!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    HIIT 15/CLX Burn it Off/Sculpt 30 yesterday. Today did Fire 55EZ and used weighted gloves. I actually didn't feel as tired towards the end of 55EZ like I usually do. I'm going to see how the arms feel tomorrow after using the weighted gloves. Maybe I shoulda started with Fire 30 with those??? Hmmmm....oh well....hindsight! :ohwell:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Where's all my TF peeps? Did FIre 30 and Tone today...whoot! whoot!

    I thought I posted but it's gone now. I'm still around, did fire 30 and 30 day shred today, got fire 45 pending for tomorrow. My MIL is visiting so I gotta work out in the master bedroom at 5:30am before work. Sorry hubby :devil:
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Didn't get to workout yesterday.tweeked my back so gave it a rest. Today is a bust too. My 4 year old was up at 5 this morning. If I don't workout before everyone gets up I can forget it. We are going to the park for some serious playtime so I'll get a small workout in then,
  • Hello! I am new to MFP, but have been doing Turbo Jam with the weighted hand gloves off and on for the past four years or so between pregnancies. I want to get Turbo Fire....but need to justify the purchase. WHY should I get it? How is it better/different from Turbo Jam? And can I join your group? I need the motivation! I have about 15 pounds to lose. My hubby and I each have about 15 pounds to lose and have agreed that when we reach our goal, we will book a cruise or other trip for March to celebrate our 10-year wedding anniversary!!!! Now that should motivate me, right? :happy:
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Hello! I am new to MFP, but have been doing Turbo Jam with the weighted hand gloves off and on for the past four years or so between pregnancies. I want to get Turbo Fire....but need to justify the purchase. WHY should I get it? How is it better/different from Turbo Jam? And can I join your group? I need the motivation! I have about 15 pounds to lose. My hubby and I each have about 15 pounds to lose and have agreed that when we reach our goal, we will book a cruise or other trip for March to celebrate our 10-year wedding anniversary!!!! Now that should motivate me, right? :happy:

    Well I can't answer how they are different because I didn't start with Turbo Jam but just wanted to say yes that should motivate you and be proud you've made it to 10 years, hardly anyone does that anymore. I do love TUrbo Fire, lost 9.25" and 4.7 lbs the first month. I have 10 more lbs to lose to get to goal.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hello! I am new to MFP, but have been doing Turbo Jam with the weighted hand gloves off and on for the past four years or so between pregnancies. I want to get Turbo Fire....but need to justify the purchase. WHY should I get it? How is it better/different from Turbo Jam? And can I join your group? I need the motivation! I have about 15 pounds to lose. My hubby and I each have about 15 pounds to lose and have agreed that when we reach our goal, we will book a cruise or other trip for March to celebrate our 10-year wedding anniversary!!!! Now that should motivate me, right? :happy:

    Congrats on your upcoming anniversary and commitment to exercise! I have only done a few turbo jam DVDs but would say that turbo fire kicks up the intensity a notch, especially with the inclusion of hiit and intense fire drills. Here is an article about the comparison, it includes a link to a YouTube video where Chalene explains the difference.


    Would lovebto see you join us!
  • Hello Everyone,

    I am still doing well and still motivated. I am on week 10 and still pushing. I have lost about 8 pounds and alot of inches. I am 4 % away from being at 20% body fat. I also found out that my scale was wrong and it was adding on 3 pounds . So happy to know that I was always 3 pounds lighter...whooo hooo:smile::smile:

    This has been a long journey but I love it. I think I will be starting another round of Insanity after this round. We shall see.
    I am just happy to see my group getting bigger and thank you to all the newbies that have joined. I hope you use this board as a resource and a motivating factor to keep you pushing play.

    Have a great day and keep pushing play.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Day 3 of the inferno. 961 calories gone!!


    So proud of you girl
  • Where's all my TF peeps? Did FIre 30 and Tone today...whoot! whoot!

    I thought I posted but it's gone now. I'm still around, did fire 30 and 30 day shred today, got fire 45 pending for tomorrow. My MIL is visiting so I gotta work out in the master bedroom at 5:30am before work. Sorry hubby :devil:

    2lbs to go...HEYYYYYYYYYY sounds good
  • Thanks for the link to that article! Now I just hope I can do Turbo Fire! I ordered it yesterday, so I hope I can hack it! Thanks for letting me join your group! I am looking forward to the support and motivation y'all offer each other! Are you doing the workout schedule included with Turbo Fire?
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Thanks for the link to that article! Now I just hope I can do Turbo Fire! I ordered it yesterday, so I hope I can hack it! Thanks for letting me join your group! I am looking forward to the support and motivation y'all offer each other! Are you doing the workout schedule included with Turbo Fire?

    The main thing is to remember you can modify it. I can't work as hard with my knees so I modify that but make sure I keep it high intensity with the arm moves so I keep my heart rate up. There are a couple of jumps I don't do during HIIT but I'll do jumping jacks instead or run in place as hard as I can to keep the intensity up.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Fire 45 today...415 calorie burn...yeah baby!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Fire 45EZ today. First time I did that one. I kept waiting for the "fire drill" but nothing. But that's a pretty good workout on it's own! Still sweating like crazy. Tomorrow is HIIT 25. It'll be the first time I'm doing that one too. Let's hope I make it thru!!!
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